Week of August 13th Thread!!!

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  • Good Morning!!! Up early organizing K's keepsake box. It is getting pretty full with all her little "arts and crafts".
    Down 1 lb this week Finally motivated and want to lose 4 more before going to Disney in Sept.
    Hello to all!! Have a great Sunday!!!
  • Hi there! I had an slumber party for DDs 8th b-day. Up until midnight and up again at 7. Night before was up until 1130 getting step DS from work. I am SO TIRED! A package of Dove chocolate (for "goodie bags" why didnt I just buy 5 candies one for each bag and have them all leave with the kids?!) Duh!) is calling me all day for a pick-me-up since I am exhausted. No time to nap. I am not hungrey just tired but my body wants fat/caffeine/sugar for energy. I had an iced coffee but did little else besides keeping my eyes open. What else can I do besides drag around until bedtime?
  • Hi All! Just popping in to say hi, it's been a tiring weekend!
  • hey everyone i'm back.....didn't do so well eating and was having a dilly of a time with stupid internet services. freaking motel 6 has "DATAPORT" connections....for the love of Drew they're freaking phone lines. Had to dial up until friday afternoon and then i was too dang tired to do anything other than go to mystery dinner theater and come home.

    but i am home, and i have to go back on schedule tomorrow.

    Hubby got a call friday (even though he's "on leave" and on vacation grrr) saying that he'll be going to Afghanistan for 4 months instead of Iraq. He will leave in probably a month.

    but i'm back, tired, and wishin i didn't have to go to work tomorrow. I had a great time til thursday when I realized my vacation was about to be over. it's been 2 years since i took a full week off of work. I so hate my job *sighs* but unfortunately I gotta stay

    I missed you all though...i hope you all had a productive and positive week
  • Hello everyone! What a weekend! Food sucked, Man was I bad. I don't know what got into me! Can i not even make it one whole month without falling off Tomorrow is a fresh start, DH and I are suposed to get up early to work out in the morning, but I am up with a terrible tummy ache (gee i wonder why ) SO I don't know if I will make it in the morning.

    Well, I think it was Friday night that the lighting zapped my computer. Thankfully it just shot my modem. I bought a new one to day and will attempt to install it tomorrow. I'm on my laptop now. I had to take it over to moms to install the internet software, so I didn't have it up and going till today. I missed all of yall

    Well, Im off to bed. Gotta see if i can get some sleep TTYL
  • Buenos Tacos all!
    Nachos? Prolly not the best subject matter eh? I too have fallen of the wagon. TOM is trying to kill me I swear! Ba$tard. If I'm not geting migranes from PMS I'm going to bleed to death! This is the worst one I have had in a while. It happens to me sometimes. I'm ascared (kidding, I'm not entirely illiterate) of the scale, I don't dare until late this week at least! Finally made it out for a walk yest. and now I have a kink in my hip...karma- I hadn't done my walk since TUE! Tue was headache, so was Wed, the out with the in-laws thur, Fri was spent getting DS#1 ready and off to summer camp, Sat was out to my cousins in Apple Vally (FAR!), & Sun, well, I'm just an @$$. I am going to hoist my fat arse bvack up on that wagon TODAY! No more messin' around darn it! Something strange though, seriously, I am at that half way point and the journey still seems so long. Like, all I have to do is THAT ALL OVER AGAIN!!!
  • Dancing anyone?
    Hey all! Had a great weekend. Went to a 50th anniversary party for a couple I've known since infancy...had a BLAST! Had I known how much dancing we would be doing at the party, I wouldn't have worked out prior to going!! Oh well, burned more calories, right? I guess it made up for the piece of cake (SMALL). lol

    Hope everyone had a great weekend. Sounds like a few had some "craving issues"------it happens to all of us...don't beat yourself up for it. Learn the lesson and move on!

    [Thx, Stevi--now I'm craving Mexican food..........]

    RR ~ congrats on the loss!

    Holy ~ welcome back from vacation! Reality is a bit rough, isn't it? hang in there...

    That's all for now-----------I'll check in later!
  • Hi All!

    OK, I'm back on track today. I am NOT going to fall off the wagon this time. I'm not saying I won't be hanging onto the back for dear life sometimes, but I HAVE to stay on!

    I bought a big arse can of protein powder at BJ's yesterday. It's got 23 g. of protein per scoop, and you mix one scoop with 6-8 oz. of milk or water. It's not bad, but I haven't tried it in the blender yet, just in a shaker...didn't have time. It doesn't get super thick...hopefully it will get thicker with ice cubes in the blender.

    Stevi, question for ya'. Remember the "too much protein/not enough fiber" incident you had? I don't want that to happen here...there's no fiber in this stuff. Did you just make sure you ate something with a substantial amount of fiber, or did you take something??
    I think you and I are on the same Hag schedule, she just arrived here too. Biotch...

    Christi, Glad the computer didn't get fried! Forget the weekend and climb back on!

    Holy, Welcome back! Hope you had a nice vacation!

    Squishy, Hope you got a nap in and didn't succumb to the chocolate!

    RR, Congrats on the loss!

    Fit, good for you having a small piece!

    We had such an awesome weekend here. Saturday the department I work in had a picnic at this really nice picnic grove. They had lots of yummy food, a couple pools (kiddie & regular), a playground, all sorts of activities for the kids. The weather was absolutely perfect all weekend! It was actually a bit cool for the pool Saturday, all the little kids in the kiddie pool were shivering, except for Peter! He's such a water rat! Robby had a good time too, but he was shivering anyway! I'll try and post some pics tonight.

    Yesterday my mom had my dad's side of the family over. We don't get to see them often, but they're great fun. Peter had a great time playing with his cousins. One is just a few months older than him, the other two are 9 & 10.

    DH bought a "sports jumper", one of those bouncer things, KWIM? Peter LOVES it! He didn't tell me he bought it....like we needed to spend that money?....but he figured it would be an outlet for Peter's nuttiness. Robby's not too keen on it yet, but I'm sure he will be.

    Have a great day all!
  • Good morning! I am trying to start the day out right, healthy breakfast and managed to lift a few pounds, but my heart just was not in it today, so I threw in the towel on the workout.

    Well, I managed to get rid of the last of the baby stuff I was holding on to, except the few items that I loved so much to see my boys in...just had to keep a few for sentimental reasons. Anyway, I hope that I don't regret getting rid of them now, my DH does not do the "snip-snip" until the end of Sept....Wish me luck!

    Well, I have an appointment due any minute, will check back in later.
  • Good morning everyone. Wow, what a night

    Gee thanks Stevi for mentioning mexican food. Thats what I ate lastnight. All night, my stomach felt like it was ripping to shredds. This morning, the sharp pains were gone, but now my stomach feels like someone punched me over and over. I thought it was the food, but I just found out my SIL did the same thing, and I don't know what she ate.

    I want so bad to get back on track today. There is a bag of cookies in the kitchen that I gotta stay away from. I don't want to throw them out, my DD should be able to have a cookie ever now and then. She shouldn't have to be deprived just cause mommy cant seem to controle her appetiete.

    TOM should get here next monday. maybe this weekend was just the start of the "week before" That week is always worse that the week of for me.

    Have you everthought about it... You get one week of blotting, pimples, mood swings, and appetiet, and then a week of bleeding. SO that means were only actually "normal" 2 weeks out of the month.

    Lauren I'm gonna try!!!!

    Holy, I happy you got to go on vaca, I need one badly

    Squishy, If you can stay away from that chocolate, maybe I can stay away from those cookies.

    RR, Way to go, sounds like someone is doing a good job :clap:

    Fit, You deserve a pat on the back way to go!!

    naillady I know its so hard to let go of those little outfits
  • Got it for ya' Christie!
  • I just wanted to check in since I did not get a chance to finish my earlier post before I had to run.

    RR~congrats on the loss, what a great way to start (or end) the week! what do you use for a keepsake box? I am having such a difficult time finding something to keep all of my boys favorite projects in.

    Squishy~good luck catching up on sleep, I know how tiring sleepovers can be!

    Fit~Dancing! Sounds like so much fun!!

    Holy~nice to "meet" you!

    Lauren~Sounds like a very nice weekend! Love the jumper things!! They are great for kids to get rid of some of that energy they hoard. I always loved them too, not sure what the weight capacity is, but do not think that I would dare to jump in one now!

    Stevie~Mexican.....sounds like dinner tonight! yum! So sorry that TOM is being such a Biotch! It is just not fair!

    Christie~(from last thread)I agree, the $$ from driving was great and we did get to see so much of this beautiful country. I never made it to Maine or North Dakota (my DH did when he was working with his trainer), but we got to see all of the other continental states. We were not as fortunate as you guys, being able to get home every night, we would go out for a few weeks and take a week off. Sometimes it was tough, but we enjoyed what we did, while we did it. DH stayed OTR for about a year after I stopped working (I was 4mos pregnant and needed to give it up) he would get home once a week and that was just too hard. Now he works for Estes Express, (they are a great company with wonderful people) and is home each night~Thank goodness!

    Hope everyone has a wonderful day! Back to work for me now.
    Chat later
  • Morning ladies
    Well lets see i have been doing good very positive latley but i did break down sat you see me and my husband were walking out of the store and a car honking and the male driver and woman passenger were waving at me like they knew me so i waved ( i deal with 3000 clients and dont remember sometimes) anyways as they got closer the female yelled out damn girl you got FAT,,,,, OMG i was pissed hurt all of the above i cant belive that happened my husband said nothing on the car ride home we drove in silence i had to fight back the tears anyways he say's to me ya know she probably thought you were someone else cause she looked like a tweeker.... i said i guess but inside boy that hurt, i just let it roll down my back and still watched what i ate im not gonna let that hold me down i've come this far and i have a mountain(weight) in front of me to conquer, i WILL do this
    soryy for venting
  • MIchelle, you vent away! On a positive note, I noticed that DH did not agree with that rude person, but tried to make you feel better!

    Darcy, weight limit on the bouncer is 250lbs.! that was one of the first things I asked DH!
  • Goddess ~ Bless your heart! I know it's easier to say this than it is to be on the receiving end, BUT--you need to completely ignore what some idiot "tweeker" (I had to look it up on google...) says! You are doing an incredible job of taking care of yourself. You need to be giving yourself a pat on the back...

    I'm so sorry that happened. I can't imagine the pain you're feeling, but you came to the right place to vent! We are all in this together and we are your support group. I'll say a little prayer throughout the day for you.

    YOU ARE AN INCREDIBLE CREATION! Keep saying that to yourself.

    Remember, too----"what goes around, comes around"... rest assured, she'll get it.
