#164 Bale of Turtles basking in the sun

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  • Happy Friday all!

    Well it is dreary and rainy here today but my mom is coming in for a visit and I am very excited about that... We both like to shop at the same places and enjoy each others company so it should be a good weekend. Sun is supposed to come out at some point and that will make it even better

    I have been trying to get all of the chores done thru out the week so that Sunday after she leaves I don't have so much to do to get ready for the next week but with all of the rain and everything I think yard work is in my future for Sunday... and I was kind of hoping for a bike ride but you never know... I might be able to fit both in

    Our tomatoes are really starting to turn red and our cantaloupes are coming on strong... we even have a couple of watermelons this year... DH and I get so excited and go out and check on it... last year we did not get any watermelons at all so this is very exciting for us. Next year we are going to expand the garden and make it ever bigger... I really want to try and go organic and try my hand at composting but the urban compost tumblers are a bit pricey so we will have to see...

    Judy: It sounds like you had a great time! I am so happy for you... I think about having grandkids some day and will be ready when God decides to send them my way... Have a great weekend with the rest of the family. By the way, great job on your eating while you were away!

    Well that is about all for now... Have a great weekend everyone!
  • Happy Friday Turtles:

    Just a quick "hello" to everyone & have a great OP weekend.

    I am on holidays for a week and will be trying to stay on track for the most part, but I know I will have some treats (drinks) and such.

    Will check in when I can, so take care. Bye for now.

  • JUst a quick fly by. I'm trying to get the house cleaned up and then hubby called and asked if we could go out and help his sister clean her house today too. I don't know if I have the energy for all that. She hasn't been feeling very good lately but I'm not sure if I can get all that accomplished today or not.

    Check back this evening or tomorrow.

    Hey Susan..thanks for the TOM food suggestions. I'll have to try the swiss miss one.

  • Hi Turtles,
    I love this site! Everybody have a wonderful weekend. I'm off to cut the lawn and hose down some chairs for our BBQ. I'll chime in when I can.
  • Hi Turtles. I'm sorry I don't have time to catch up, but I wanted you to know I'm still here. Still at the same weight, just very very busy!

    Keep turtlin' on, everyone!
  • Princess: I'm glad I'm not the only one who feels that way (re the super hungry feeling before losing weight.) Never had the south beach wraps. Are they frozen?

    Chrily: Planning is good. The chart is a good idea. If you keep a planner, I would go so far as to put the exercise for the current week on there. Think of it in terms of WHEN you go, and that you WILL stick to it, not IF. Don't give yourself a way out by presuming it may not happen. If your DD had to lose weight to protect her life (which happened to a friend's brother), then there would be no IF and no MAYBE -- it *would* happen. The same should be true for you. Losing weight and working out are very good for your long term health. You don't have to be a gym rat, but you need to exercise regularly, for the physical and mental health benefits. Trust me, as one who knows, that it becomes a habit and it gets easier, and your body even starts to want it. And it's something you never regret doing, something that is always worthwhile. (If I'm being too pushy, feel free to tell me so -- but I think sometimes we need to be pushed.) As an aside, a great, low-point chocolate treat is a single serving of No Pudge Brownies (microwaveable), with a < 1 point serving of fat free cool whip. If you keep the cool whip under 1 point, you can have it for 2 points. It's one of my favorites. You can find the mix in the baking aisle.

    Judy -- sounds like you're having a blast. Enjoy yourself!

    Hey there, bandit, mousie! Come back again soon!

    Well, ladies, I am downright aggravated. I was starving all week but *gained* almost 2 pounds. That goes completely against all of my WW experiencing since the beginning. I've been thinking over the last week, and I have actually been better than normal, and worked out harder, so the only thing I can think of is that it's muscle (I've been lifting more weights, and doing a new routine where I rotate machines and don't wait between reps.) It doesn't seem possible that it's 2 pounds of fat, since my clothes are looser, if anything, and I'm so freaking hungry and I haven't been eating extra... ARGH! But I have decided that this is either a fluke or muscle, and I'm just going to see what happens next week. I'm still bone-deep hungry, so I'm hoping I'll lose some weight next week. It's gotten pretty bad -- I looked at my healthy, 5 pt Kung Pao chicken (which I made, good except that I overcooked the chicken), and nearly went across the street to McD's for a chicken sandwhich, a tiny bit of mayo and a small fry (a splurge at 11 points.) I made myself eat the lunch I'd packed by reminding myself that I was going out to dinner tonight (a big salad with dressing on the side) and that I would most likely be eating some treats at my social group's event tonight, but it was still TOUGH! ARGH!
  • Ariana...I have been having hunger pains lately too...but I think mine's is from TOM. It's here and its vicious this time. Darn stuff.

    I don't think you're pushy at all. I could probably come up with 101 excuses for not exercising but none of them would hold any water to why I don't get up and exercise. I did get to the gym this week..once. I did take a small walk...once. And I took a bike ride with the family....once. I like being outside and walking or riding is fun esp. when my hubby joins in. Lately its just a pain in the butt to get anything really done. My sister will call and ask if I want to go to the gym but hubby has been working late all week so the gym is hit and miss. I know I do feel better when I exercise. I do take anti-depressants and when I exercise...overall, I feel better, less overwhelmed and less aggrevated by little things. We'r going camping today so I think we'll be able to get a hike in tomorrow. I'm looking forward to that.

    Okay...one question. Where do you get NO PUDGE brownies? I've never heard of them. They sound yummy, of course anything that has brownie in its name, has my vote!

    Gotta go. It's 10:30 am here and I haven't done a darn thing. MY daughter went to the county fair last night and didn't get home until 12:30 this morning. I'm tired....

  • Hi all...

    I am having the hardest time staying on plan. I was going to re-start the Wendie plan today because this past week was so bad, but then I didn't even do well today. I had only 4 pts left this afternoon, with dinner still to go. Sooo I guess I'm going to do the regular flex pts this week and start Wendie next week. I'm over 9pts right now. And I'm still hungry. UGH!

    Thanks to everyone for your kind words and prayers. The funeral was SO hard (not that any funeral is particularly easy) and so emotional. I had to laugh, though...my cousin had a sly sense of humor...at the end of the funeral we all went outside and whole bunch of doves were released. On the way home, I stopped at a rest stop to go to the bathroom, and happened to catch a glimpse in the mirror of the back of my shirt...bird poop all over it! LOL!

    Hope everyone else is doing well today!
  • Happy Monday
    Ariana: No they are in the refidge section at your grocery store... they are almost like the oscar meyer lunchable type thing so you may find them in that area of your store... I found them in one of those center isle refridg things that our super walmart has... kind of by the cheese and lunch meats.

    Had a great weekend! Got to go shopping with my mom we had a really nice time... took a mini bike ride on Sunday with my son and as always we had a good time.

    Have to run but will check back later on!
  • Hi just had to check on my turtle friends. We went on a short family camping trip this weekend and I had to work yesterday. I did great camping until hubby bought a bag of Snicker minis. Why does he do that???? I just don't know how to let him know without making him feel bad or make him feel defensive, that I just don't want that stuff around me.

    Last night my sister and I went to the gym. I got in 15 min on the elliptical and 25 on the treadmill and 20 min of weights. Bigger than my usual workout anymore but IT FELT SOOO GOOD! We haven't done weights for a long time.

  • Morning all!

    Chris: is there anyway that you could ask him to bring along a bag of "friendly" snacks and a bag of what ever he will enjoy also? It might take the sting out of it a bit if you just say that although they look really good they are just too many points but something with a few less points would be great! Not sure if that was much help or not...

    All: Well it is a beautiful day here in Indy... a really pretty summer day, too bad I am stuck at work but I am ever grateful that I have a job and paycheck so I will just look out my window a lot . I could go out for a walk around the building I guess ... funny how after I stopped smoking I just don't go out side as much while I am at work unless I have to run errands on my lunch break ... oh well.

    Our garden is doing so well... I will be canning up tomatoes this weekend... love to use those in soups and such over the winter. Our first watermelon that we were so excited about went bad on the vine and we found it yesterday... very sad since we were so excited about it being our first one and all... but that is the way it goes I guess...

    I have been getting my walking in after work just about everyday... I was trying to think about some winter sports to try and stay active even in the cold weather but most of them require straping something on your feet and after my fall off the bike I am a bit shy about hurting myself again so I am trying to think of something else... we don't get a ton of snow here but we do get some really cold weather and ice storms a few times a year... anyone have any thoughts or what do you do to get in exercise over the cold winter months?

    Have to run but best wishes for a great day!
  • Last night I went for a walk with my sister and came home to find that hubby bought stuff from the Schwan's guy...he got more ice cream and some ice cream sandwiches. UGGHHH! We already have cartons and cartons of the stuff. I'm not much of an ice cream fan so it doesn't make much difference to me, but for the rest of the family...not so good.

    My weight is going back down, slow but sure. TOM is on its way out the door and I'm getting back to normal. I am having such a rotten time with my allergies lately. Sneezing and my throat itches all the time.

    The agenda today is finishing up the house a bit and then taking some materials to my sister's house and cutting out squares to make some quilts with. Then we can sell them on ebay again...it's pretty fun and kind of a nice way to relax and keep my hands busy so I'm not using them to put food in my mouth.

    Have a great day and I'll check back when I run out of things to avoid doing around here.
  • Paige,
    Whatever you ate , forgive yourself and move on. Don't forget that you had an extraordinary circumstance with your dear cousin's death. You can do this, just one baby step at a time.

    So glad you got outside to exercise with bike ride, etc. The weather has finally broken here as well and it's beautiful out.

    I hear you saying you don't exercise much and then you talked about three types in one week. Yay! Remember to give yourself credit for the positive things you do. As far as fattening snacks, I'd just be upfront with my dh and let him know that I'm working really hard on losing weight. The snacks are fine for him and I wouldn't want to restrict those, but please don't offer me any because they are hard to resist and I'm working hard to do the right thing for myself. You are losing weight, so good for you!

    Tough weekend for me. My dear son and dil and grandson and granddaughter were in for four days. Unfortunately they had come from a previous trip where they all arrived very tired. The kids are darling, but they both got sick while they were here, so all our plans went out the window. I know it's important to be flexible and we were, but egads--they've done this too many times now. It's time for the parents to be smart and anticipate what might happen. Thanks for letting me vent. I'm working on washing all blankets, sheets, comforters, etc. to get the germs out of the house and I'm hoping the little tykes feel better soon.

    Today will be a better eating day for me. You all take care and be well.
  • Chrily: Then you just have to make a priority. How about this: will you get your day planner RIGHT NOW and schedule 3 workout appointments for yourself THIS WEEK? And then schedule 3 more for NEXT WEEK and just focus on the now. One day at a time. Schedule time for yourself. Do it regularly. If at all possible, do it on the same days, or after the same thing (i.e. work.) Make plans to succeed at exercise. Do it now. If you wait, it's easier to make excuses. AND give yourself credit for your successes. If you exercised 3x in one week, that's great!

    Re Hiking: A compromise might be to bring a light treat you enjoy, and then to have one or two mini snickers, if you can handle just having one or two. If not, stick to a light, tasty snack, and something like fruit or an all-bran bar for fullness. (All bran bars don't taste great, but they are very filling.)

    No Pudge brownies come from a mix, found in the cake/cookie mix section of grocery stores. I buy mine at Fry's, which is also called Kroger's in other parts of the country.

    Princess: I know how that feels, sitting inside on a nice day. Here in AZ, my idea of a nice day is a grey, rainy day. It's too hot here, too sunny -- I'm used to that, but it makes the rain, fresh, new, exciting. It's all about perspective, I guess. As far as indoor sports -- do you belong to a gym? In AZ, winter is the time we get to workout outside! The exact opposite of Indy.

    Paige: I agree with the others. Let it go. Guilt is useless. Focus on doing good *now*. Also, you might try splitting up your meals -- i.e. I eat my "Breakfast" fruit serving two hours after breakfast, my "Lunch" fruit serving two hours after lunch, etc. Eating every few hours makes it easier to not become ravenous.

    Judy: Sorry you had such a hard time. We are always here for venting, right?

    As for me, work is stressful (sigh) but it didn't keep me here so late that I couldn't work out. I worked out last night and I will tonight as well. I weighed myself last night (a little early) out of curiosity after last week's nonsensical gain, and I was 2.5 pounds down -- we'll see what it is tonight on my official weigh in night. Wish me luck. Other than that, very little is new. See you ladies soon...
  • I have been doing really well today. I'm starting to get the cravings urge so I figured if I got on here, it would keep my fingers busy. I'm baking a cake while I'm typing this. It's one I got off another thread using just a cake mix and a can of diet pop. One person said one cupcake was only 1 pt but someone else computed it and it came out to be 4 pts. Either way, if it turns out good I can freeze them and use them for an occasional snack. I'll let ya know how they taste.

    I think I might go for a walk tonight or I might get stuck shoveling rock. We are putting in a couple trees and some bushes and landscaping. The rock showed up today so I'm guessing hubby will want to be ambitious (which means I will have to too). Also have to take Tiana to get some shoes for school and her make up. I told her she could wear it in Jr. High. I'm going to make sure she doesn't get these horrid colors I see on other girls.

    Gonna go. The grocery store ads are in the paper today and I need to see what kind of deals they have going so I can stockpile the usual family fare.
