June 25 progress

  • Hey everyone. Well, this week I didn't lose a single pound. Don't worry though i'm not even near getting discouraged. I have gone this far and there ain't no way i'm stopping now.

    This week I'm exercising a whole lot more to maybe move the scale next Tuesday. Instead of getting discouraged I have chosen to work out my problems; conclude what the problem may be and correct it and work harder.

    So, to all ya'll sweet ones that get discouraged. Don't let it get you down. Weight loss is a journey and there are going to be a few bumps in the road. No single road will be perfect. All of us will be faced with bumbs in the road. Instead of stopping or turning around at a bump figure out a way around it and continue your road to success.

  • Christina -- GOOD FOR YOU!! I am also having some bumps right now and the scale is stuck UP a couple of pounds, (I know it's not fat!) but I will persevere too!
  • I just love reading your posts Christina. Your positive attitude is so contagious.(sp)
    I'm in the same boat this week, no loss but I'm still plugging away.
    Thanks for the pick me up.
    Here's to getting over those little bumps!