
  • can anyone tell me around how much a lap-band surgery cost.
    just an average cost.
  • Here in Washington state it averages $12,000.00 .
  • I wanna say that at my surgeons information seminar (he does and talks about both) that they were fairly the same cost... about 24,000. Of course it's different for each dr, and hospital. b/c of that cost over 1/2 of it went directly to the hospital, and you know they charge for each and every little thing. You could try calling a surgeon in your area that does the proccedure and ask them... they should be able to give you a ball park figure to start with.
    Good luck,
  • I'm in North Orange County, CA it's $23,000-24,000 for lapband and gastric bypass is $20,300.
  • One over night stay in a hospital here for the band was $33,000. Thats not including the surgeon and my deductable.
  • wow arent these hospital stay expensive
  • At the hospital I used, the cash price (including the overnight hospital stay) for a lap band is $10,000. This is in Arizona.