The "You!" Thread

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  • You--You're doing a good job. Keep it up.
  • You- You need to mind your own business about who I tell what. I have a right to talk to my father about what is going on in my life. Who do you think you are trying to censor me from expressing my feelings? I rarely do it, and I will decide when I need to talk!!!!!!

    The rest of You- Thank God you are here. I love you all and appreciate the fact that I have people to turn to.

    You~I don't know what you want me to say. If you have a particular answer in mind, why don't you just give it me, I'll repeat it, and we'll be done. M'kay?
    lol... oh yeah, I had to take this one out on loan... lol...

    You- You don't ever have to worry about me asking you to watch the boys. You were too busy watching the "princess" to watch them when my nephew died suddenly. I had to drive 2 hours to assist my sister and grieve ALONE... without my husband- just because my SIL doesn't like having other children around her little baby. "You know how funny your sister in law is about messing with "princess'" schedule" you told my husband when he told you the terrible news and asked you to watch the kids... Nevermind it was a terrible tragedy. I will NEVER get over that, and I won't be going to the wedding so you will not have to bother having my kids to watch. By the way, I know the reason you wouldn't help me is because "princess'" mom does not like me. I thought your other granchildren meant more to you than that.

    You and You- you both can &*(%$#@! *&^^%##@% I don't care how "perfect" you think you are, you are so transparent. I don't effing like you either, so we're even.
  • You! Twice now, you've seen me in the same Starbucks, Friday night at 9:00pm. Instead of rubbernecking, why not say hi and introduce yourself?
  • You~ Take your tricycle and shove it where the sun don't shine If you knew anything about MYson, you would realize he already has TWO trikes!! How about some child support instead buddy!
  • You- get a sense of humor. Your nasty personality is making the rest of us miserable. Thanks.

    You- Of COURSE he turned out to be married with a child and wasn't who he said he was and made you fall for him. You can get ANY guy you want, Your Royal Hotness, but you wouldn't know a nice guy if he bit you in the butt.
  • YOU!!!!!!!!!!! WTF quit it with the sexist "women" jokes...THEY ARE NOT FUNNY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and it hurts me when you "joke" about it to have been doing it fo so long and have known since day 1 that is bothers me...why do you insist on making the must really want to hurt me...if not THEN STOP!!!!
  • YOU!!! (Both of you jerks!!!) I have to sit across from you every friggin' day at work and put up with your CRAP! You act like your you know what does not stink and I cannot STAND that!!!!! What's even worse, one of you jerks claims to be a "Christian." From what I've witnessed, I don't think Jesus would be too thrilled with your behavior and how you treat people, especially me.
  • YOU-quit complaining about your blood sugar, dizziness, and achey feet. You're obese. Don't give excuses, losing weight is NOT impossible. I'm worried about your health and I love you. Stop feeling sorry for yourself and eat a salad instead of a big mac.

    YOU-your family needs you and you're letting them down. Give this crap up and tell your wife that you don't want a divorce. Your children love you, your wife loves you, and this is stupid. I know you love theory is more important than your family. You're losing them.

    YOU-I miss you. Call me.

    YOU-Give your mom a break! She interferes because she loves you. and your boyfriend is a royal a-hole. Lose him, he's a jerk and a bum. Don't stay with a man who disrespects your mother.
  • YOU- I love you and I am thrilled I am going to be an aunt in 4 months. However, it hurt me so badly that you called me up the DAY AFTER I MISCARRIED and said "guess what? I'm having a girl!" I am happy you are pregnant and healthy, but I need time.

    YOU- Yeah, I'm fat and you're fat. That does not mean I want to be roped into your self depricating fat jokes. Piss off!

    YOU - I am sad when you act prejudicial towards people. Just because that guy is middle eastern does not mean he's a terrorist. I am sad at myself for never having the courage to challenge you about this.

    and YOU - I love you and I love that you are doing this with me. You give me hope and support and are the greatest most wonderful man in the whole world.
  • You - I think I'm falling in love with you.
  • You - well done and keep going!

    You - chill out and figure out what you need to do and DO IT!

    You - I love you lots, but I wish you weren't such a grump sometimes!

    You - call the one you're meeting, NOT ME!
  • You- go get another job already .. quit sayin i will miss ya when you are gone ..cause frankly .. i won't!! but feel free to test that theory!

    You- everyone knows you are livin with ya boyfriend .. how stupid do you think everyone is?? fer chrissake jus live ya life .. we don't care nor will we ever!

    You- I miss ya tons .. come see me soon.. i need that smile and laughter in my life!

    all You Teachers- ha .. sorry for ya luck ..but glad for mine ... have a great year! *does the back to school happy dance*
  • You- have got to be the most inconsistent male I have ever met in my freakin' life.
  • Quote: You- have got to be the most inconsistent male I have ever met in my freakin' life.
    Hmm. I could have written this! hahaha
  • Phantastica! I LOL'ed when I saw your Shaun Cassidy album cover!! How great!!