FAB & FIT 40's AND 50's #181

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  • Hi Buddies,

    Mike got a job offer today! It has been 13 months since he was laid off.
    Can you hear my sigh of relief, or perhaps the cheering?

    I'll check in later,
    Luv ya's
  • Sandy,
    Whoo hoo ! I hope it's an offer that Mike wants to accept, and that he can find satisfaction in his work. That's wonderful news for you both, I'm so happy!
  • morning ladies-- weigh in day for me-- I was down 3.2 and very happy--
  • BJ: Welcome to Onederland! Very happy for you!

    Sandancy: Wonderful! Very happy to hear about the offer.

    All: Hope all is well with everyone.

    I have to run but will stop back later on.
  • hello again

    I have spent all week, trying to recoup from the weekend/wedding. I'm at work right now so cannot write but I've printed out all that I missed and will write later or tonight.

    Oh, diet?? Nope, no dieting going on here. I am hoping that now that I'm feeling somewhat rested, I can concentrate on that.....you's guys are my inspiration because y'all doing so well.

    Miss you's ~

    Me <><
  • Hi Girls

    Zoe, I go thru being off program more times than I can remember but that won't stop me from coming here. So, hang in there. We're in this together. Hope we can see some pictures from the wedding. Do you like flex or core?

    Sandy, great news about Mike.

    BJ, 3.2 Way to go!

    Jen, I haven't done well with this challenge. I go for my colonoscopy this Tuesday. I guess I'll drop a few lbs.

    Just wanted to stop in to say hello.

    Have a nice weekend my friends
  • Good Saturday morning!
    Good Morning and hello again!

    The wedding was absolutely wonderful. Everything looked great, everything worked out the way it was supposed to and Jenna looked amazing! I can’t wait to get the photographers photos to post because they should be great. I have a few that family/friends took but most were a little dark but I’m posting a few.

    Jenna left the Sunday prior to the wedding. Her best friend and maid of honor, Tonja, flew out here to Texas that Friday and drove with her to Tampa. They left here on Sunday morning, stopping in Biloxi over night. There were a bunch of gifts from the bridal shower at Tonja’s house, so they needed to have a car to haul their haul back. Jimi worked through Wednesday (1/2 day) and flew out that afternoon. We left on Thursday. (me, Greg, Rylea and my son Christian) We all left Florida to come home on Sunday….we (Greg, Christian and I) flew and Jenna and Jimi drove. Oh, and Rylea, can’t forget Rylea…..she flew back with us.

    I’m trying to recuperate from the last few months ~ this wedding had me so crazy! I am a stress eater too and even though I tried to fool myself into thinking I could lose 20 lbs in the 6 weeks prior to the wedding, all I did was GAIN 4! So now that it’s over, I can relax and not feel like I’m desperate to loose. (although, I am) I didn’t diet this past week, just sorta got back into the “I’m home at last and everything's over” mode. I even had a fast food burger and fries today at lunch. UGH! I’m going to start my diet after the weekend. I know that’s silly to wait but some of the girls at work are starting a “diet group” after the weekend. Since I’m off on Monday’s, we’re starting on Tuesday. This is how it will work: We will all put up $5 and weigh in each Tuesday, starting next week. The following Tuesday, the person who lost the most weight in that particular week, will get HALF of the money (10 people, you get $25). The other half, ($25) goes into a pot. This goes on each week for 6 weeks. At the end of the 6th week, the winner of that week gets the $25 and the overall winner, whoever lost the most weight in the entire 6 weeks (based on percentage) gets the pot……$150! Now, if you win some of the weeks, that can be a bunch of bucks! I’m hoping to really cash in on this. Sounds to easy, huh? Well, let me tell you, we did this in the 6 weeks before the wedding and I thought, “wow, EZ cash, I’ll do great, lose 20 lbs, yadda, yadda, yadda”. Well, like Es, I’m an emotional eater…..a STRESS eater…..so instead of losing 20 lbs in those 6 weeks, I GAINED 3.8! So, with nothing to lose weight for, I just might do okay. I’m keeping my

    Thanks to all who complimented my frames. I love making them and make quite a few. Every time I give one or make one for someone, someone else sees it and then THEY want one. I don't mind.....that's how you build a business, right? I used to charge $20 but now I've been buying better frames that cost a little more so I charge $23-$25. (Dianne, you probably need that Yankee frame... ...) I don't have a website. I mean, I guess I really do have one, it's just not ready. paperscraps.com is me but it says "coming soon".....and not even pretty. I have to get my son to at least make it look a little better until I can get it done.

    Congrats to all the losers. I'm happy for all of you and hope to get some inspiration from y'all.

    Anway, that's it for now. I'm trying to get some laundry done, clean the master bedroom and kitchen. I've neglected it so bad and had gotten rid of my cleaning lady last year. I am SO sorry I did that.....I just might have to give her a call.

    I'm posting 3 photos: 1 of the new Mr. and Mrs. Jimi Prince, one of Jenna and Greg dancing to the father and daughter dance and one of Jenna dancing. Hopefully they will post clearly.

    Have a great Saturday and I will talk to you's guys later.

  • BJ,
    Congrats on the loss! You're doing great

    Good luck with the colonoscopy, it'll be good to get it behind you (no pun intended) and over with!

    The photos are great, and Jenna is gorgeous! I love her dress, very different. Glad all went well and you survived. Your weight loss "contest" sounds potentially lucrative! Good luck.

    Have to run, have a great day!
  • oh, and btw, Es, I had a colonoscopy about 4 yrs ago. My dr suggested it because colon cancer in in my family. My mom had it and today, is fine and her dad, my grandfather died from it (he never went to the DR when he had problems) so I had one and all was well. It's no big deal.....the worst part is the day BEFORE......good luck. I know you'll get through it fine and yes, that day before will cause you to lose a few pounds
  • Es,
    good luck today, I'll be thinking of you.

    I did not get the HR position that I applied for. An applicant who had previous HR experience was chosen instead, which makes sense. While no one likes rejection, I'm okay with the decision.

    have a great day!
  • Jen: Boy you are handling that really well... what a strong person you are! Not to mention you have a great attitude!

    Zoe: I have fallen off the wagon so many times over the years I think my behind has become used to it I have faith that you will climb back on and be back on track in no time.

    E's: I will be thinking of you today and saying a prayer for it to be speedy, un-eventful, and with a clean bill of health at the end.

    Sandy: How is it going? Did Mike take the job?

    BJ: How are you doing? What is new in your neck of the woods?

    As far as the Labor Day challenge, I am not going to meet my goal, heck, I don't even think I am going to come close. My weight loss is just crawling right now but I am back to trying the Wendy Plan in hopes of getting my body to restart so we will see. I am working out and walking and staying within my points allowance but I have stalled so I need to tweek something.

    Have a happy day all!

    Have to run!

  • Hi all!

    I am so glad the wedding was a success. The pictures are beautiful. CONGRATS!!!!!

    I am so happy that Mike got an offer. Must have been a rough year.

    I'll be praying for you. My sister just had one and she came out great.
    Brittany says she will be thinking of you too.

    I am so sorry you didn't get the position.
    I am so sorry your friend is leaving. E-mails are great. At least you can keep in touch. Hope you enjoyed your visit with Kathy. How is she doing?

    Congrats on the loss.

    I have to eat a bit of funnel cake when they are offered cause it isn't often at all. Good luck on the challenge. I lost a total of about 5. Short but I will chug along. How about a Thanksgiving challenge next?

    Sounds like Willy had a great birthday. Yankees!!!!!!!!! Yay!!!!!!

    Brittany got her Wisdon teeth out. It was rough for her for about 5 days but then she tends to be on the baby side. I know it was sore. Poor thing.
    We will have 2 games a week most weeks since both boys are in the band. One goes to middle and the other high school. Brandon's team is traveling to Birmingham this Friday. There are like 20 high schools in our area and they have to travel? Don't get it. I told him I will go to all home games and the first game whether it is away or not. Da*m.
    Can't wait though.

    Love y'all,
  • Happy Hump Day All
    Well it is still gloomy here but it could be worse... I am hoping for a nice labor day weekend weather wise but we will just have to wait and see.

    Terri: A Thanksgiving Challenge would be great! Your 5+ lbs is great for the labor day challenge, congrats!

    I have to run but I sure hope everyone has a happy day!
  • Happy Friday!
    Well I just wanted to stop by and see how everyone was doing... not much new here really just looking forward to a three day weekend.

    I have to run but have an awesome weekend all!

  • Good mornin' my buddies:

    Zoe - the pictures are beautiful and your daughter looked like she was having a ball! How was the baby at the wedding? I'm glad it went so well and hope you had a great time too.

    Sandy - Great news about the job for Mike! YAY!!! I know you and he both must be feeling such relief. Did he start yet? Does he like it?

    Es - How did your test go? I haven't had one done yet and I know I'm supposed to, but I'm just so bad with drinking disgusting liquids, lol - don't know if I can do it. Well, glad its over for you, amiga.

    Jen - Sorry about the HR position - I did the exact same thing back in March. An opening in HR became available and I decided I needed a change and went for it. But like with you, someone with HR experience got the job. She's doing really poorly at it though and having a hard time with the President's Assistant who's been trying to fill a position and doesn't feel the HR person knows what she's doing - so much for experience. But it certainly doesn't hurt to try so to you for going for it.

    BJ - congrats on your loss good job!

    Terri - Awww, I feel bad for Britts and hope she's feeling better.

    Princess - Funnel cakes? Is that the same as zeppolies? Dough bread with powdered sugar? YUM! Don't feel so bad, I think you're doing great.

    Well, for the LD challenge I lost a total of 7.5 - not 10, but that's okay. Now I want to lose at least another 7.5 for the wedding for a total of 15 lbs. I have exactly 3 months from today to do it - wish me luck.

    Well, the shower plans are well underway and as of yesterday is exactly 1 month away. The invitations went out and I've gotten quite a bit of replies already and the bridal registries are buzzing, so things are looking good. Alana made me laugh because she looked at one of the registries and said "mom, someone just bought me a bathroom", lol. Someone had gotten all the towels, rug, shower curtains, etc.

    I haven't found a dress yet, but I still feel I have time. I want to see something and go, wow, that's the one. I've looked at so many, but nothing has hit me between the eyes, lol. It will come.

    Well, its raining here in NY and has been for the past week - darn Ernesto! But thank God Steven, who lives in Florida, is not getting hit badly - he said it has weakend considerably and they just have some heavy rains. Yesterday was his 32nd Birthday - holy, moly, he's old! lololol

    Well, guys hope everyone has a great holiday weekend - I took Tuesday (Es' favorite day, lol) off too, so I have a 4 day weekend. Darren & Lizette are supposed to be having a barbecue tomorrow, but I don't know......we'll see.

    Enjoy everyone,