~*30 pounds by SEPT 30th Challenge*~

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  • Weekly WI
    Well on Sunday when I weighed in I was down a pound!
    That's good for me since I haven't moved a thing in the past 2 weeks.
    In fact when I weighed this AM I was down another .5 pounds, but I'm going to save that for this weeks weigh in, in case I need it. Have to get back on board with the exercising again and am going to increase my fiber to see if that helps.
    Talk with you all next week.
  • Hello Ladies
    Haven't checked in for a while now but happy to report that iam down to 151 and feeling great . Hope you all losing weight and happy. Good luck ladies
  • I'm a late joiner; but I'm up for the challenge! I am 177.8 now & my WI's are on Mondays! My goals are to:
    1.) Journal
    2.) follow flex plan
    3.) drink 64 oz water
    4.) exercise, exercise, exercise...the more I do it the more I love IT!!!!!
  • Whooooooo!
    Got on the scale this morning and it said I have lost 1lb!! Whooo!! I'll save that for WI on sunday....hopefully I will still have it...I have a party to go to tomorrow night and there will be alot of alcohol there....damn! Sabatoge!!
  • Welp, I haven't been checking in but I've been working on the challenge. I've lost 11 pounds so far.
  • Great job to all you losers out there!! Woo Hooo. I was donn 4.6 this week for a total of 8 for the challenge! I also broke the 25# mark since I started WW! So I went and got my nails done! (patting self on the back)
  • I weighed in at 237.2 today.

  • Wow...good for you....
    Celery!! 11lbs! That's awesome!! Keep up the great work!
    Mamabear... congrats to you too on your 8lbs loss so far!! That's great!

    Unfortunately, I am still stuck at 152. No loss once again this week. Seems like I am stuck between 150 and 154. And something always comes up during the weekend and I fall off track. I am still walking 4 miles around 3x a week and drinking 64oz of water a day, but nothing is seeming to work to get me over this hump. I really haven't been eating any junk....I don't know what I am doing wrong (well...I do drink alot of budlight, so I know that is a huge part of the problem). But with the way I eat and the amount of sweat that comes off of me when I walk in the evening...I should be losing weight even if I am drinking at least 1 day a week! Does anyone have any suggestions? Help! I haven't lost a single lb for this challenge yet!! I am still working off my 4lb gain (2lbs to go!).
  • Hey everyon!

    Well my WI was this morning! And I am proud to report that I lost 3.8lbs......My hard work paid off! I am really happy!
    I followed all of my goals...H2O, journal, exercise and I followed flex plan!!!!!!!

    NOw it paid off!

    Congratulations to all you Losers out there!!!!!!!
    Christie: what are you doing eating wise! Sometimes we need to trick our bodies to eat more calories to get out of starvation mode! Say if you are eating 1500 cal. a day up it too 1700. Then your body says hey I don't need to hold on to all these calories because your feeding me!
    Just a suggestion I dunno what your eating plan is..maybe I can be of more help once I know!!!!
  • Hey everyone I have been MIA because I not only way cracked and screwed up on raw foods, I actually cracked and have been eatting non vegan foods too..no meat though..but cheese and breads I know arnt vegan..

    atleast I think the crust had egg in it..maybe it was vegan I dunno..but I know the cheese wasnt..

    anyways I realized I was really spinning myself in a werid cycle with the raw foods ..I am taking a step back now and having a breath..

    I have ordered the nutrisystem vegatarian package just to make myself eat 3 meals a day and stop the almost starving/binging thing I had accidently started doing..

    NOT that I am downing raw foods or anyting, its a wonderful beautiful thing, but I think for someone like me who had a ED (eatting disorder) during my teen years..it was a bit triggering for me..It made me have to think about food too much, control it too much, and I got wrapped up into this vicious cycle with it untill I finally cracked and just went on a wild binge..and thats not good..thats not what I want..
    I cant swear I wanna eat over priced freeze dried over processed nutrisystem food either..lol but I figure just the making a habit for a month of eatting 3 meals a day and 2 snacks or what not..just getting back to making myself do that and I will..when I pay for overpriced stuff I sure as **** do use it..LOL
    then maybe I think I might look into ediets..see if they have reasonable vegan or almost vegan diets at reasonable amounts of calories..
    this is kinda lame but I need it planned for me which is one of the reasons I picked nutrisystem..if I ..myself start picking what I am going to eat..it just never goes good..lol my mind goes ga ga with it..I need that *diet plan to follow* and that was something new I learned about myself..and I have never seen myself as a follower..always a lil proud to be independent and stuff..but when it comes to this I have to admit..doing it my way dosnt work..lol
    cuz my way gets a lil crazy

    anyways so thats why I havnt been around
    scale is still stuck..probabbly from the binges..
    but I am still at 164

    the heat wave has finally broke, I am going to start walking again and that should help too
  • Oh and I also upped my goal weight for right now..I had it set at 124, I moved it to 134, actually any where in between there would be good and I will just be happy to see anything under 140 again..lol

    but I did move it up..less pressure..I am really on this non stress kick now..lol
  • Hi everyone, I'm still stuck at 176. I don't know how you guys do it losing 3-4 pounds in a week more than once. I've never been able to do that whether on Weight Watchers or South Beach. I do it when I'm carrying water, but after that, that's it. Do you all exercise a lot? I keep thinking that's my problem, plus being older and menopausal with a slow metabolism. Thyroid has always been okay in the past too. Just gets frustrating with losing only 1-2 pounds a month with everyone else losing 2-4 a week. Normally take in no more than 1500 calories a day either, sometimes less.
    DH is having surgery Wednesday so I'm just going to try to eat healthy and not perseverate on it till I can get him home again.
    Am willing to listen to any advice anyone wants to give me.
    Thanks to you all! Keep cool (cause I think it's hot across the country!) and keep on doing what you're doing till you meet your goals.
  • Quote: Christie: what are you doing eating wise! Sometimes we need to trick our bodies to eat more calories to get out of starvation mode! Say if you are eating 1500 cal. a day up it too 1700. Then your body says hey I don't need to hold on to all these calories because your feeding me!
    Just a suggestion I dunno what your eating plan is..maybe I can be of more help once I know!!!!
    Well...I haven't really been following a "diet" to say. I've just been trying to stay away from the carbs and fatty stuff. I'm staying away from processed foods as well and trying to only eat food in the freshest form possible. I eat alot of fruits & vegetables and when I'm picking out meat, I try to stay w/in the 90%-97% lean category.
    I logged into fitday today and tracked what I have eaten this morning....it's starting to make a little more sense now!! I've really been eating the wrong things!! This morning I had 1 slice of organic multigrain toast w/a piece of cheese melted on it and sliced up hard boiled egg on top. Then I had a meal replacement shake w/fresh banana & strawberry mixed w/8oz of 1% milk(I work at a dietary supplement company and can take stuff for free)...the shake has 17g of protein in it and it's really low on carbs, fat, & sugar.
    But I'm already at 1200 calories for the day!! WOW!! and I've been thinking that I've been eating really healthy!! It's only 9am and I'm already up to 1200!! I am astonished!
    I'm not too sure how to really use fitday yet...I still have to explore around...I guess I really just have to sit down and figure out an eating plan for myself....
    Does anyone have any input or anything that could maybe help me?
  • I started the challenge on July 2 and am happy to say I am down 9 pounds.
  • Grandma, I'm soon-to-be grandma myself and am post-menopausal. When I started trying to lose weight, it seemed hopeless. I could barely make it around the Curves circuit the recommended 2 times and I was so sore and wretched the next day I could only drag myself there twice a week. This was in the beginning of June. But I kept at it. Learning that my sister, who was always much heavier than me, lost nearly fifty pounds propelled me into action!

    I am able to go to Curves every day of the week now and I easily go around the circuit 3 or 4 times each day (with the staff's permission.) I eat a very low number of calories a day- I just don't lose weight on the recommended diet plans. I am getting older and older people don't need as much food, is my opinion.

    I am back on my mountain bike. I never EVER thought that would happen.

    So keep plugging away. Things will get better. It all kind of fits together. The less you eat the easier it is to exercise and the more you exercise the more weight you lose and the less you weigh the less you need to eat, etc etc. Just keep the ball rolling and all the pieces will work together. A post menopausal body is a sluggish critter but not hopeless.
