Lose it By July 4th--4 weeks to go

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  • Yah it was nice I spend my day sitting in my office... haha but they see me sometimes! Well okay a little more then sometimes.

    I am just having my lunch - a baked potato with salsa... mmmmm it is good, I am going to have this more often!
  • So I ate horrible yesterday!! We are talking pasta, ice cream, slurpee, omg.. yah not a great day. But I ate! Which sounds so weird, but as of late I just haven't been able to. Today I had a BLT bagel (hmm, can anyone guess what the only place in the mall is thats open at 9am?), 1 strawberry and 1 chicken finger. We are going to a goodbye party at a restaurant tonight, so hopefully I can find something light and easy on the tummy.

    Rosario - I hope I can pass whatever I have along to you, I am hoping it's a stomach flu... but I've also been under some stress with a girl at work. She just won't listen to me, she's never respected me as her assistant manger though. Ahh people..

    Courtnie - thats pretty to get compliments from co-workers I bet you look a lot different.. how about some pictures maybe?

    Well ladies, I am off to this dinner thing! I promise tomorrow I'll be lessy whiney (altho I haven't even gotten myself started ).. BE good!! We are already into june, we gotta get working!!

  • since aimee got to whine, i guess i will too. i had a bad day eating yesterday too. my main meals were good, it's my snacking that get's a little out of hand. I really need t stop buying that junk. and it has already continued on to today. i ate a honey bun a little while ago. that thing has as much calories as a whole meal. if I'm good throughout the day then I should be okay with cals. All this week I have went over my calories. <sigh> when will i ever learn??

    aimee-maybe you should talk to your supervisor to straighten her out. if she doesn't show you any respect, it's okay to get help from someone above you.
  • Rosario - I've gone to my manager a few times, and she's not totally handling the situation. I'm not entirely sure what can happen other than firing her, however I wouldn't have hired her in the first place... so maybe there is something to her? I just don't understand how she can't talk to customers AND do stock at the same time. She's that type of people who complains about everyone all the time, and she's convinced I am "out to get her", and that "everything I tell her is wrong". My other employee's tell me all of this, and are tired of hearing it. I'm stopping here! heh. I could literally go on for days. How many calories do you eat in a day? And how's that exercise? I find I can eat more if I'm exercising 5-6 times a week. Also I once heard that if you brush your teeth right after eating that it reduces snacking.. maybe that might help a bit if snacking is the problem.

    Today I am GOING to eat a healthy breakfast, and I'm GOING to eat lunch, AND dinner, my scale says I'm up 2 pounds this morning. But I bet it's because of the weird meals I've been trying to eat lately. I am determined to solve that today though! Phew... wish me luck! Have a good day, I am off to work!

  • Quote: Courtnie - thats pretty to get compliments from co-workers I bet you look a lot different.. how about some pictures maybe?
    Yes I could maybe do that... haha, I will give it a try this weekend and see how brave I feel!

    Rosario and Aimee - don't worry if you have a bad day. We all have bad days, just remember that if you mess up one meal it doesn't mean your whole day is messed up. Just try harder And today is a new day. Good luck!
  • I ate pretty good today!! Oatmeal for breakfast with a banana, and a strawberry smoothie for lunch!

    Courtnie - I tend to do the worst at dinner, last night I had a ceasar salad, just a side order, but then I stole some fries from the bf. And you know the better the french fries, the worse they are for yah! heh. Pictures!!

    Rosario - how'd you do today??

  • I do the worst at dinner as well. I do so good all day and then dinner comes, haha
  • I don't know why dinner has to be so troublesome! MY dinner last night was alright, 3 chicken fingers (Courtnie, you know the ones!), and I had some pasta and low fat sauce. I'm DETERMINED today not to let stress get the best of me! (BTW - the girl I'm having a problem with called me the B word, and I have to deal with that today!) Today is going to be a GREAT stress-free day and then I'm gonna be skinny tomorrow heh..

    Rosario - I listened to you and contacted the district manager! She assured me I'll be called worse names, heh.. I can't help but laugh! I tell yah.. I am SO done with retail. Thanks for the advice!

  • Last night for dinner I had like a million pieces of sushi, tempura, and a martini! haha mmmmm
  • Hi everyone--

    Congrats to those who lost this week! I'm still maintaining...no loss for me this week. Tomorrow I head off to visit my family for 10 days, so I may not be on here much. My goal is to not gain weight like I usually do when I visit them!!
  • lovemygordie - I maintained as well... it's better than gaining tho Have fun with your family!

    Courtnie - I want some tempura, and maybe a teriyaki chicken bowl too please. heh..

    Rosario - I saw the preview for The Hills.. I'm like a giddy school-girl, I can't wait to see it! Have you seen it?

    Randee is MIA, anyone see her around?

    I am off to work, things are calming down.. yay Have a good day!

  • Hey girls, been a very busy week so I missed all the conversation. This week was one of those fat weeks. Everything I wore made me feel fat. Tom is coming up so I think I'm getting that bloated feeling. But we're doing a lot of walking for our breaks at work, so that is good. The weekend seems to be when I see a loss lately, so I lost a pound this morning and hopefully will see another loss tomorrow morning. Oh yeah, and I got my first pedicure ever. At least my feet look pretty. Edit: Turns out I really lost 3 pounds!
  • I am down 2.2 today! woooo! I took some pics, OMG HUGE difference... I might post them later if I am not too shy.
  • Courtnie - woohoo!! 2.2 is AMAZING!! When you drop weight, you REALLLY drop it, eh? Yes please pictures!! And if I'm the only one who wants to see, send them to me please

    super - I love pedicures, they are so relaxing! I reallly need to get one, my toes are looking a little rough.. possibly from having to wear sandals ALL winter (toe infection). When's your weigh in day? I always gain on weekends..

    Well the sun is out, so I'm thinking I should get out there while it lasts! Have a good one!

  • I weigh every morning, but I've noticed that my weight always stays the same, until the weekend when my body finally lets it go.