Weight Loss and Chit Chat #193.

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  • JANE...Thank you for your kind compliment. You are a sweetheart! I got this new digital camera, and I'm still trying to figure it out. I thought I was going to just take it back, but I'm liking it more now.
  • Hey all,
    just got in from Tanner's band concert. Every year his band sounds better and better (thank gawd) Its torture to sit through sqeaky clarinets and off notes.
    Michelle, I like your new pic...what kind of camera is yours? We are going to be shopping soon for a new one.

    Jules, 2 lbs up,,,but with TOM its probably either you broke even or 1 down.

    Jane, catch up? what is that? I can't wait to get everything done so I can live a normal life...ha ha ,,,ok getting back on to the chair,,normal..me? ya right,,,that is not possible.
    I need to find time to read,,,Ive not yet finished the whole 3fc book,,,work is insane.

    Marti,,,headachy? weather change or TOM was what brought on headaches...being more in the mountains it causes barmetric pressures that cause brutal migraine like pain

    Sue,,,like you again Im off to bed...Im exhausted.

    Katie, sounds like you had a wonderful time...I wish we did more of that,,,being in Calgary we do have alot of things like that available, we just don't have the time. We promised we would do 3 rodeos...which means we really will get to see 2.

    Robin,,,so your friend there that went with the bad back and was sick,,,did she have to take care of kids too? And what made her think she should be going? A fear of her child have a problem and her not being there?

    well I really must get some sleep.,,,,big plan is to plant my flowers tomorrow. I like to stick lil ornaments in amongst my flowers...fairies and angels...frogs, and dragonflies. Saw 2 lil angles in a dollar store so picked them up.
    good night all
  • Hi there girls.

    Will do my best here. Not feeling up to par. TOM is just around the corner and I always feel crappy just before!

    Alex--When we lived up in the hills, we were the same...no curtains or anything. All you could see was a road down from our house and trees surrounding us everywhere. Miss that a lot. Would like to find a home outside of town.

    Sue--Been looking at the million dollar homes.....just beautiful. Then of coarse I realize how poor I really am and don't want to look anymore...how can I compare a million dollar home to a couple hundred dollar home??? Will be excited once we start looking.

    Angie--You should really put your photo up! You're beautiful! You have such gorgeous eyes!! Hope you didn't lose too much hearing going to the concert! I think your fairies and such in the flowers sounds magical. I want to come to your house and see!

    Jane--Did Neal get to go fishing??? Wish someone would send me off to relax....I know I'm looking tired! So which Dr. Phil book are you reading. I have one that was loaned out to me....and I have yet to really read it. I don't know if it's the same one you have.

    Katie--The jazz festival sound like a blast! We have some around here I just know it...just not exactly sure "where" around here. Somewhere in Oregon. I need to get myself one of those event planner things for Oregon...see what's going on each month of summer. I know I'm missing out on a lot. ***sigh***

    Robin--Glad you enjoyed yourself!! You'll have to post more about it when you feel more rested. I'm curious too as to how the friend did on the trip. Hope she didn't over do it.

    Michelle--Really like the new advatar! Is your hair cut or pulled back?? You're a very pretty woman!

    Cristi--For a lazy day for you, you sure did a lot! I love lillies. We have some tiger lillies in the front our house. When we first moved here, I didn't know what was growing, just knew it was too crowded so I started pulling. Decided to leave some and up came lillies! (probably should have left more)

    Hello to everyone else out there!! Well I'm feeling "blah" so I'm going to go to bed. You all have a great night and I'll chat w/you in the morning.
  • Morning! & Hi All (sorry I know I will miss some - I feel so spastic trying to get everything done then wonder why I am trying so hard LOL) THis is long folks but I will try to just do facts here...

    Angie-- who knows why she still went, she did say she spent a lot to go (for parents it was 185.) -- still I even had my MIL on call just in case I became last minute ill. I did send her off shopping to make her go away LOL (seriously I did)

    Marti--- Is your headache better?

    Jules-- no worries! it will come off, I always gain some but then a couple days later it just disappears (wish the rest would!) plus over my trip I gained 2 lbs and I didn't even get any fudge for that deal! ugh

    the trip..... We left at 5:30am. Had to watch educational videos (ugh snore) -- but it was fun. We all got together and got our dorky lime green caps with YES! our names on them good lord let's just stand out more LMAO

    We get to Mack City and had our sack lunch. I was the only mom who let the kids go by the water to skip rocks (I had 8 in my group and we were the biggest group -- note I also had the BEST kids, they were great!) Then we go across the bridge and to the Ferry. Being the good mom I am, I went up top and rode with the kids (omg way too cold!). Got to the Isle and on the carriage ride. We received our list of places of MUST SEE's for the kids (like 30 and you had to photo the kids there as proof). They were so tired of taking photos so by pix 15 I had them doing hysterical poses (can't wait for the teacher response on those! but it was more fun that way). I did send Robin O. off on her own to shop as I got tired of all of her complaining! So it was the kids & I. I got looks from some parents at some of the fun & silly things we did but you know what? Too bad, we had a really fun time together and that is the point and good memories as well! 2 of the kids apparently set their souven. down & lost them

    After we got on the ferry to go back to the city - 1 girl got sick & her mom had to drive 5 hrs to come get her. She sent her sick (fever 104) thinking tylenol would fix her for the trip! What are these people thinking???? Anyhow the dinner buffet was horrid. The parents from the other school were nasty & rude (how sad!). Got to the hotel in the Soo (we missed the observation deck as we had to wait for this mother to show). I made everyone shower first thinking they would all pass out. I was right! I got out & the lights & tv were on & everyone was passedout! wow quiet time at last

    Morning buffet was nasty (all fried breads & sugars). Got to the Soo Locks and going through the channels was really cool! We got held up as a Canadian freighter had custom issues so now we were late to go to the museum. We had 20 minutes to hit the museum. Now this museum is a freighter holding historical edmund fitzgerald memorabilia. Most parents hit that spot -- we went past it but the cool place I took them for the run of the boat? Up to the top in the Captains deck! They loved it. After that we hit the buffet for lunch (I think we had the previous nights left overs) and the drive home. The weather was perfect! Until we got in. It was like walking under a downspout when you got off the bus, no one was spared a drenching LOL. I know there is info missed here. I need to write a report of it for my scrapbook and plast it on my website too oh! I got 2 thank you's from 2 of the boys that were in my group -- totally made my day! Apparently I was/am a cool mom
  • ANGIE...Thank you for your kind compliment. My camera is a Nicon, and it's so small and cute.

    MARTI...Thank you also for your compliment. My hair is pulled back, and I can't wait to get it trimmed and some blonde highlights in it next month.
  • Good Morning!

    Robin--Sounds like you had a terrific time and that the kids really enjoyed themselves. How very sweet that two of the boys wrote you a note! The kids in your group were lucky! I would have wanted to be in your group.

    Michelle--Is that your new camera?? I would love to get a new one. Mine seems so outdated and huge! I would like to have a pocket sized one!! Post us an update on your hair when you get it done.

    hello to everyone else....where are you?

    Ok..I have to run to town before work so I'll catch up w/you all later! (after work)

  • Good afternoon, ladies,

    Michelle - aww, thank you so much for the kind words. You're a sweetie, too. About the cameras, the thing I love best about digital ones is that I don't have to take and develop too many shots of the same thing just to make sure I "got" it, you know? Yep, you're loving it already, I can tell.

    Angie - hey, I mailed the book I'd said I would. When you get to the Cheeto fingerprints towards the back of the book, remember that I wasn't OP yet when I was reading it, lol. I've got some figurines around some of my flowers outside, too. An angel in a swing, with her legs crossed, holding a cherub is my fave. The things you mentioned sound so magical, just like you.

    Marti - nope, he didn't go fishing, but I did make him rest. For all the good it did - the man's right back at it today. Too bad you aren't looking for a home around here. You could get a very nice one for $125,000. here, although in the swanky neighborhoods, the run as high as $275,000. Too rich for me, lol! The book I'm reading now (with NO Cheetoes, lol) is Dr. Phil's 7 Keys to Weight Loss. Every chapter is like a mini lecture from him, and I haven't felt this positive about weight loss for quite awhile. I'm just hoping the feeling stays with me.

    Robin - wow, you and the kids were so busy. You know, they'll remember that trip for the rest of their lives.

    Well, I got the house cleaned, and boy am I glad I did. My SIL Sarah called and said she was nearby, and would it be ok to stop in. She isn't the type of person who would care if the house was messy, but still, I'm glad it wasn't.

    Well, I'm off here to go brush Molly. She's shedding so bad. Chloe, the beagle, runs from me when I have the doggy brush, and Molly loves it. Dogs are like kids, I guess, each personality is different.

    See ya on the flip side,
  • I invited the guy (Gavin) from Walmart's frozen foods wife to join us. (that's if he even remembered about it, lol) He's such a sweetheart, and I was buying some of those sugar free popscicles yesterday, and he was saying his wife is wanting to lose, and I told him about our group. I didn't even think to ask what her name was, but Gavin's wife.... if you're reading this, you came to the right place! You're welcome to read about us, and jump in at any time, ok?
  • Jane--Boy....the price of homes are so different in other states. I remember when I was in Illinois. The town we were in had the most adorable homes for cheap.....here....we're lucky to find a home that is worth having under $200,000. We can't or won't go any higher than that. So who knows what we'll find.

    Did my errands in town and thought I would pop on in here real quick to see how you are all doing. Needed toilet paper....nothing like having NO toilet paper in the house!!

    Tomorrow I get off work early to go see Jhanai's last band recital. Well the last ones the parents get to see...they'll still play for other schools. That'll be fun. I like being able to go see her perform, then go home instead of work like I use to!! Fantastic hours.

    I should probably pack a lunch and get ready for work now.

    But before I forget::

    ****Gavin's Wife....hope you make it here! We'd love to have you join us!!****

    Ok, off I go ladies!
  • Hello ladies!

    MARTI...hope you headache is better. It is fun looking at homes isn't it? V and I spent a day a while back looking at open houses (new homes) and I love how they fix them up, get lots of ideas.

    ROBIN...glad you had some good kids and sounds like you guys had a wonderful, fun time!

    JULES...glad to hear DD is doing well. Thought of you this morning while at It Figures when I was doing the elliptical...man that is a killer on your legs.

    JANE & MARTI...I believe it is you two who have the gazelle...what is the difference between that and the elliptical? Are they almost about the same? I have been wanting to get one for our exercise room but until we get rid of Josh's second set of weights we have no room. But I am liking the elliptical at IF so guess that will do for now.

    JANE...did you ever finish your porch and landscaping? Can't remember...

    MICHELLE...glad you mentioned the brand of camera...was going to ask you about it. We are looking in to getting one sometime soon possibly. Don't share as many pictures anymore so maybe not. But there are so many different ones. Went looking one day and I couldn't decide so didn't get one, DH wasn't with me or I would have let him pick one, lol. And again...nice avatar!

    MARYKATE...hope you are having a great day.

    Hi to everyone else

    Just taking it easy today. Josh is packing his stuff and I had only 1 load of laundry then he threw his clothes in there for me to do, lol. We take him to the airport Friday morning, throws me off my It Figures schedule so just going tomorrow and making Friday my free day. Anyway...UPS just delivered my package which is my bathroom rugs. Now as soon as I get the valance and curtain the bath will be done! Loving the green and cream colors in there. Anyway...

    Take care and have a wonderful day!
  • MARTI...it is funny what you can get in the midwest at the price of something on the west coast, especially CA! California is expensive to say the least. But you guys will have fun looking! Hope you find the right house pretty fast. Have fun watching Jhanai's band recital!

    GAVIN'S WIFE...ditto what Marti said! Hope you find us.

    Chat with ya's later...
  • Hi everyone

    Just popping in really quickly, as I had so much to read.

    Marti it is amazing how the prices of houses differ everywhere. A house here 800 sq ft is about $100,000 and anything modest is about 185,000. A real nice one is $400,000 to 600,000. But the highest house market in Alberta right about now (besides up North) is where Angie lives. Calgary is the happening city.

    Must run for a minute, I will be right back.

    Michelle and Marti I love your Avatars. Both of you look absolutely beautiful.

  • Just a quick one to say I'm going to get all my errands done tomorrow before I check in here. Not sure if I mentioned the dinner party I'm having Saturday night for my cousin from KY, or not, but need some special things for that. Plus, I need to do all my regular running.

    Hope you all have a great evening, and an even better Thursday.
  • CRISTINA & KATHY...Thank you both for your kind compliments. I do not like my picture taken, but I though I should put one on here to see a face with a post. PLEASE could both of you also put a picture on here too???

    JANE...You're such a busy lady! Hope you have a fun party you're planning for! Please put a picture on here of you also...please please please!
  • I have to say I sure miss hispeed internet.

    I am at my parents for supper and I have taken over the computer. They have hi speed. Now I will go home to super slow and be all frustrated.

    Cristina to you as I know how the next few days will be sad ones for you,

    Marti how exciting to be looking for a house. How was the band recital? Give her a big from me and tell her she was the best in the band.

    Michelle you will have to give me lessons on how to put my picture up for my Avatar.

    Angie how are you doing? I want to come and see your yard, It sounds great. I would ask the mean boss for a raise. He isn't respecting your domestic genius. Hope you get everything done.

    Jane how many guests are you expecting for dinner? oh yeah did I tell you that I was planning on coming? I sure do wish! You'll just have to let me know all the little details.

    Hi to Sue, Alex and Robin, I guess I had better get home and get a little guy into bed.

    Tomorrow is swimming lessons and I was having a minor complication. DH is working out of town, DS is working, SS is working and I am not getting into a bathing suit, I had to talk Grandma into going swimming. Wow Cole is sure swimming with alot of family.

    Chat with you all later.
