Back In Kindergarten #6

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  • Hey girls!!! Did ya think I dissapeared? I work long crazy days tues, wed, and thurs. But just checking in. I havnt been paying much attention to my calories the last couple days. Lots of stuff going on these days. My girls are leaving in a couple weeks for the whole summer. They go stay with there dad in Idaho. So I get all sad and stressed before they leave. Unfortunatly that isnt so good for the diet. Last summer when they were gone was actually the last time that I lost any good amount of weight. I lost almost 30 lbs. So hopefully this summer will be the same. Anyway, I hope your all doing well! I have to go make cupcakes for my daughters class tomorrow. I will catch up with everyone tomorrow.
  • howdy howdy
    hello everybody!! today was cheat day for me, so i had to have chicken fingers lol....that is my favorite food of all i worked extra hard in water aerobics tonight......i bought a new belt saturday and i was in the first notch, now im in the 2nd already......i can definitely feel everything toning up. i am going to start doing some yoga and pilates next week, kind of excited to try something new.
    good 2 c u idontwannabefat,
    jules, glad the hearing is over for your dd, hopefully she will heal quickly. cristina and kate, the quesadilla was good, it didnt have too much cheese on it, mostly salsa and chicken, and i didnt put any sour cream or guac on it, just the lettuce.
    talk to yall later,
  • I just wanted to say hello!

    I am doing really lousy on my eating this week. I had 2 slices of pizza last night and a meatball sub tonight at my fathers. I think I snuck 5 fries from a nephews kids - geez, need to get a grip!!

    I fell in the tub today - right on my back.....nude--> yikes. Anyway, I am sore tonight. I cleaned this morning and my mother came over to visit. She took Gaby from preschool home with her for the day.

    Feel so bad for your daughter Jules. I am glad the divorce thing is done and wishing her the best!!

    Katy - Thank you!! My sisters boyfriend wrote that - him and my dad had gotten close over the last year. They are going back to Eugene for college, I really like him - he has been such a huge help this last week. The paper is writing a longer article tomorrow or Sunday. I am not sure what that is about but they called my brother today asking questions about him and the service.It has been exhausting and some tension but we laugh about the stupidest things. I think we are all getting punchy from lack of sleep.

    Pray tomorrow for me!!! I was going to speak and I just want to do it with some grace and make my dad proud.

    Hi Michelle!! Hi Sunny!! Hi Bep!! Hi Ginny!! Hi June C!! Hi Deb!! Hi Cristi (thank you for the card)!! Hi Mari!! Hi Shawna!! Hi Kathy!!

    yikes,,,,,hope I didn't miss anyone!!
  • Hi SUSAN...Sorry to hear of your fall in the bathtub! You're really lucky you didn't hurt yourself worse. Just take it easy on yourself, and don't get to wrapped up in your eating right now, because you have way too much to worry about. I'll say a prayer for you that tomorrow goes smoothly and you get through the day just fine.
  • Hi everyone

    Susan, I hope that you didn't hurt yourself. I am so sorry about your fall.
    for you for your day today.

    Michelle you have tickets for A I on tour? Which ones are coming? That will be exciting.

    Cristi I am glad that you and Josh are doing alot together. What great kids you have. Oh and Oprah's diet guru says that herbal tea does count as water. As long as it is caffeine free. Hope that helps you with your water intake.

    Jules I hope that now the hearing is over and that all of you can move foreward. I am so glad that he got the bills and court costs. Don't you wish the DH had a few words of wisdom for the new girlfriend?

    Katy I hope that all went well at the Spring Sing. Love the name. I miss the concerts, as mine don't have them anymore.

    Hi to everyone else, sorry I can't write more but I am out of computer time. Hope to have more time tomorrow.

    Went to see the movie Over the Hedge tonight. It was pretty funny. (All about junk food.)

    Chat with you later

  • KATHY...For the AI tour, the top 10 will be there. My daughter and I are so excited to have floor level seats. Last year, we had row 3, and this year row 15. It's so neat to be up that close! Then my older daughter and I have floor level seats to the Tim & Faith concert this summer. I told my girls, this is it with concerts for me for another year, because it gets very expensive! I do love going though!
  • Michelle you have Tim and Faith tickets??? I am so envious. I absolutely love them. Do the Idols put on a good concert? That is nice that you get to go to 1 with both of your daughters. Now if the Dixie Chicks come your way ... don't get tickets because I just don't think that I could handle that either.
    You know I do wonder what happens to all the idols after the don't hear anything from Reuben or Fantasia or any of them.

    Must run

  • KATHY...I LOVE Tim & Faith and I'm so excited that I can't hardly wait! Yes, the Idols do put on a very good concert, and it's well worth the money!
  • Good morning ladies,
    Sorry I've been MIA but been super busy. Been working till past 9 some nights and then try to get my ride in. Been doing good, those 2 pounds that slipped up on me are back gone again, for good this time I hope. Well the road work has begun on our highway. The road commission said and even put it in the newspaper that they would NOT begin destruction/construction on our road until after the Memorial Day holiday. But guess what? Yup, they started it this past Wed. they already have the road all torn up, just one side right now. The cars have to wait to go thru on one lane, so we get a bunch at a time. Then a short lull, which we use to restock then another onslaught of cars. IT's crazy. Also, because of all the customers coming here, our road is like in the middle of the construction, but they don't have a flag man out at our corner, so when the people leave they don't know which way the traffic will be coming from.. and some have pulled out only to be facing a whole line of cars.. mind you there is only one lane. Anyway it's a mess, and its stressing but we'll get thru it..

    Susan, I'm so sorry to hear about all you're going thru. You have been thru so much already this year. Your speech will be fine I am sure. Hope you didn't hurt yourself in the tubfall.. You're lucky you didn't hit you head and knock yourself out,. being nude and all, wake up looking into the eyes of a gorgeous paramedic...oh never mind... Just remember to take time for you. How are the girls taking the passing of their grandpa, were they close to him? Hugs to you and your family.

    Someone said Oprah's trainer said you can count tea, unless its got caffiene.
    Tea or flavored water, as long as its a liquid it counts. So long as you don't have sugar and milk in it.. also, caffiene acts as a diuritc, it is one of the main ingredients in most of the diet pills, it also revs you up.. I can't drink it myself so I have to stay away from all that stuff. But he should know that.

    Can't do individuals, been scanning the posts when I get a chance but didn't take notes so don't remember what was said. But hello to everyone, hope you are all having a good week. It is finally warming up around here in Michigan. Up to the 70's now.

    I have a little bunny and a few squirrels hopping around my yard in front of my desk window... they are so cute and fun to watch. Ok well I need to get moving. Have to go in early and restock and rearrange. Had people in after closing yesterday, after they sit and wait at the highway just to get here I can't not let them shop.

    Have a good one,
  • Hello everyone!

    Susan...Maybe after this crazy time, you should go for a little bit of a massage! I hope you are feeling better from your fall.

    Jules...I am sorry your DD is having such a tough time.

    Hello to all the rest of you!

    Day before yesterday, my caloric intake ended up being far too low for the day...1100 cals total. UGH! It left me feeling REALLY crappy yesterday. I was sooooo tired and felt a little drugged. So, I upped my calories to 1400 and didn't exercise. I felt quite a bit better by the evening. I seriously try not to go below 1200.

    What are everyone's Memorial Day weekend plans?
  • GINNY...Sorry you have to always be SO busy! You need to slow down a little for yourself. I count my green tea towards my water intake, but I do get the decaffinated.

    BEP...I was having a hard time certain days to get my calorie intake in, but now I've been having a hard time keeping it from not going over. Never can just be a happy medium.

    Well I'm happy to say that I did my WATP today and when I weighed in today for the week, I'm down 3 pounds. Hope everyone has a great Friday!
  • Hello Ladies and a Happy Friday...

    KATY...sorry I didn't see your post yesterday I too like the name of the Spring Sing, cute. Hope you guys had a nice time. I always loved going to the things the kids put on at school, so much fun. I actually miss having little ones. Hope you enjoy your weekend and WTG on the 2 pounds!

    SUSAN...I know you will be fine with your speech. And what a nice boyfriend your sis has, definitely sounds like a keeper. Wish I could have read what was written. Sorry you fell in the tub too. You be careful girly. hard as it was for DD at least like she said she has closure now. And now she can get on with her life and try to not think about him. Such an idiot to bring his girlfriend. Hugs to her

    GINNY...try not to run yourself ragged. I know sometimes when we get busy we tend to let ourselves go, or I do anyway. And I tend to put others before myself. But sounds like you are doing well and still biking so that's good. WTG on your loss also! special plans for the weekend. Most likely will do yard work and maybe bbq on Sunday. Memorial weekend has never really been a *big* to do for us.

    MICHELLE...good for you for getting the WATP done! WTG And WTG on the loss! I am envious too! I would love to see Faith & Tim! Haven't been to a concert in ages and it would be nice to go to one.

    KATHY...that looked like a cute movie, glad you guys enjoyed it. Are your kids out of school now?

    SHAWNA...trying something new is always good. I've never done pilates...maybe I should try. I'm doing good with the exercise and walking but thinking I need to work a LOT harder on the eating.

    Hi to everyone else

    Not so busy day today for me. Woke up with a horrible headache so didn't make it to It Figures-so that's two free days for me this week. Not even going to bother with walking because I do three mile walks on the weekend. And with It Figures being closed Monday and DH being home I will be walking Monday morning also. I swear the more I exercise the worse my body feels. I feel energized but my feet hurt and my legs feel sore for some reason. It's not the shoes, just got new ones a couple of weeks ago and they are GREAT! Anyway...ended up at the mall and found a lamp for the bedroom, got some new hand towels and wash cloths for the towel rack (just for looks, not to be used) and found some botanical looking plates for the bath also. Just need to do the border in the bath and get two rugs and it will be done. Oh, and a valance. Then came home cleaned a little and doing laundry now. That's about it.

    Take care ladies and have a great Memorial weekend!
  • howdy
    michelle, wtg on the weight loss!!! and omg i would die to see tim and faith in concert......absolutely love them!!
    ya know im not sure how many calories im getting in a day.....i just eat all healthy stuff all day, i have 6 mini meals a day, then im never completely starving or stuffed....... most of the time my snacks are some kind of protein or fiber, have any of you tried the luna bars? they have a new, chocolate peppermint stick i is it good. also, i picked up a box of triscuits, with rosemary and olive oil, they are yummy and filling. especially when i get the tom munchies.......
    i have started to notice how much easier it is to bend my knees while im playing volleyball, which lets me get to more balls then i used too.....who knows what its going to be like when im back in shape like i was in college when i played......i can hardly wait!!
    i tried level 8 on the elliptical today, and made it for 8 minutes non stop. started out at 3, then worked my way up to 8. im sure my legs and butt will be feeling it tomorrow ....
    tried on an old pair of pants for work this morning and they fit woohoo......there was another pair right beside them so i tried them on also, i can get them buttoned and zipped but they are just a little too tight, so hopefully in the next couple weeks i will be in those also.
    well thats it for me for tonight i need to get in the tub and shave these hairy legs of mine .....
  • I am just checking in for a minute. Heading to my fathers for cleaning and packig up stuff - plus he has 3 storages - lol. I swear,I am only working til Monday - I need to rest that day.
    My speech was fine, I didn't cry or anything. It was nice to hear people speak of him that have known him 25/35 years. Some I remember as a child coming out to the farm house I grew up uncle (from my mothers side) showed up, I thought that was so sweet.
    Anyway, it was a beautiful service. My brother and his wife did a great job in pulling everything together. We spent dinner at their house last night. She sells this Cookie Le jewelry and gave us girls some....I picked out a pretty necklace.
    Anyway, I better go. Hello to everyone......and dang Ginny!! I didn't think of a handsome medic finding me nude.....of course he would have had to do*sigh* I soooooo need a date!!

    Thank you all for your kind words.....and thank you Jules for the card, it came in the mail yesterday .....and Mikes mother called again and was so sweet....
    I will send you a copy of the obit Cristi.....

    chat later.......
  • Hi ladies...

    SUSAN...thank you! That was sweet of you. Glad to hear the celebration of your dads life went well. I know that sounds weird but I think it sounds better than funeral and that really is what it is about...celebrating his life. Never heard of Cookie Le jewelry but what a great pick me up for you! your new avatar! I'm assuming it is you...very nice! I love all your avatars. I really need to find some new ones. I too thought about putting a pic of me but not sure yet, kind of scary.

    Nothing much going on here. Did some yard work and then it got too hot to be outdoors. Just me and DD home right now and I am getting ready to start dinner, not sure why...don't know if anyone is coming home to eat. Well, actually they are...V is working late, Jason is working 'til 8:30 and Josh went fishing at the lake with the recruiter. I told DD this and she said "What? He went to the lake to recruit?" LOL Silly girl...No they didn't. He's stayed in touch with the recruiter, his name is Blake. His family went to the lake for the weekend and invited Josh to come fishing for the day. At least he gets to do something this weekend. He's getting kind of ansty and definitely missing his buddies. I know next week will go by way too fast and I will be sad when he leaves. Anyway...

    Hi to everyone

    Going to go feed the dog, throw some clothes in the dryer and start dinner. There's a movie on HBO that I want to watch later and then I will get some reading done. Still reading Marley and Me and it is cute. Finally getting somewhere with the book though.

    Take care ladies and have a great Memorial Day Weekend!