LWL # 256 May 22-28

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  • Where did May go?
    I was thinking about taking this week off from workout out, but spent 10 minutes lying in bed visualizing fat cells gathering and having a convention around my middle. So much for resting. 50 minutes of cardio done. I think I'll change to a full body workout this week, then go back to my regular split.


    We are all SPECTACULAR!

    Have a good one,

  • MEL - I have hit the motivation wall and what do I see when I log on, your brilliant post. Glad I came around. While I didn't do anything yesterday, that doesn't mean I need to write off the week. Can definately do an UBWO when DD goes to bed tonight.
  • Thanks Mel! I know I'm spectacular, even if I did skip the gym at lunch

    I have kickboxing all week and belt test on Saturday! It's scary because lots of people are testing on Saturday, however also not scary because I know I'm doing ok! Going to squeeze in a full body workout on Weds and perhaps Friday, not sure about tomorrow lunch, we'll see about the

    I'm making some headway with the "head stuff" of losing and some mini victories this weekend, but by no means a perfect weekend, just better than expected!

    Ok I guess I'd better work now!

    Have a SPECTACULAR day all!
  • Perfect food ... all week .... I'll come back a read that a few times

    I feel like doing an awesome legs day today.
  • Not much to say really. I had a good weekend for food and exercise. The weather has been awful - constant rain - so walks were short until today when I decided I was getting stir crazy and just had to have a decent walk even if I did get wet through. I managed 2 and a half hours but the rain got so heavy the dogs decided to head for home without me!

    Food was great and I'm happy with my new UB and LB workouts - I wish I could make them shorter and when I've finished my challenge 12 weeks I think I'll try and find a way to reduce them a bit. Boring really!

    My only newsworthy item is that I used a instant tan and turned in to an oompah loompah over night. My face and arms are tanned from walking in the sun and I wanted the rest of me to match. DH laughed. I will get revenge!
  • Hello LWL,

    China was awesome. It is almost a shame to be back Lots of walking, including hiking up the Great Wall. We were given a choice of quasi easy or hard and we chose hard. Some of those inclines were 60% or more. The hardest part was climbing down without falling on my face. I ate and ate and ate. I swore I gained 20 lbs but it looks like I lost 6 lbs. Lots of really good food. It is nothing like Chinese food that we have here. I also noticed that there weren't any overweight people in the more rural parts. Beijing had a few people that were probably slightly overweight. It is quite amazing. Their food is full of fats (oils especially), but they do a lot of exercise. One night, we had battered and deep fried ribs. I didn't eat them but imagine battering and deep frying a fatty meat?! On hot days, we indulged in ice cream. I noticed their sweets seem to be quasi healthy. Soybean ice cream, Soybean candy, Dried fruit as candy, etc. There were no desserts except maybe a slice of fruit after dinner.

    It is quite an awesome country, very beautiful but a bit rugged still. I am still jet lagged so hopefully my internal clock will start syncing.
  • Hi LWL,

    Nelie- good to see you are back! I'm glad to hear you had a good trip. Awesome that you lost 6 lbs.

    I went to power class today and did 1 hour of lifting. Yesterday I did 15 mins treadmill. Not much, but at least it is a start.

    Have a great day all,
  • Welcome Home Nelie
    NELIE - Laughing to see your post, I was wondering about you this morning. So glad to hear the trip went well. I hear you on the weight issues, I was about 122 when I came home. Mostly because the snacks were sweet potatoes, nothing on them and I had to walk to get one. Also, snacks were more labor intensive, like nuts that had to be shelled. I had no butter, mayonaise or ice cream while there. So I know what I have to do.
  • Hi Nelie! I'm glad you had a good time.
    I don't suppose that means it's OK to pig out like I do at Chinese buffets?

    Well, I did my awesome leg workout today. I feels wonderful. You know that thread of wndrAnne's about things that we shouldn't forget??? I used to lunge walk in the driveway all the time! I guess I forgot. But I did it today. It was great!
  • Quote: I was thinking about taking this week off from workout out, but spent 10 minutes lying in bed visualizing fat cells gathering and having a convention around my middle.

    I think I will keep this visualization in mind next time I feel like slacking off.

    Nelie – Welcome back! Glad you had a good trip. 60% incline, that sounds like one heck of a hike.

    I didn’t get to the gym on Saturday because my day got off to a bit of a late start and I decided it would be my mission for the day to shop for some new work clothes and vacation clothes and a swimsuit. 6 hours and countless stores later I found a tankini that will do, and on sale at that! I ended up going to a major department store, which I generally avoid because of the prices, but Target, Ross and Old Navy were just not yielding anything that came even close to fitting properly. I ended up getting a size 12 bottom and 16 top. I will be the first to admit that women's clothing sizes don’t make any sense to me, and it doesn’t help when your size is changing. On my first trip to the dressing room at Old Navy only one of the 6 items I brought in fit, the rest were way too big. Don’t get me wrong, it’s a good thing but it’s also a bit maddening. Anyway, lots of money and time spent but now I feel like I can get up and get dressed in the morning without wanting to cry because nothing fits.

    I’m feeling like this week is off to a better start, my appetite hasn’t really rebounded from being sick but I guess I’ll just roll with that while it lasts. Yesterday I went back to the gym for the first time in about a week and a half and boy did it feel good. Did some upper body lifting and went to relaxation yoga. I’ll be going for intermediate yoga tonight but unfortunately I don’t think I’ll be seeing to much of the gym till after my vacation. Jason is leaving for China on Thursday so I’ll be spending my Tues night with him and on Wed his mother will be here and we’ll take her out for a belated mother’s day dinner. After that I’m the only person around to take care of the dog so it looks like I’ll be doing mostly at home workouts, but I’ve got my stability ball, FitTV and a dog that needs walking so it should be OK.

    Scale told me 169.4 this AM! First time I’ve weighed in the 160s since I quit competitive swimming. Of course I am always wary when the scale gives me good news, but I plan on being extra good since I have a vacation coming up in just 2 weeks. I’m so excited!

    Hope ya’ll are off to a good start this week.
  • Gosh, we could use some of the rain the rest of you are having. They've predicted sunshine all week for us. I'm not complaining, mind, but everything is soooo dry. Big brown patches in my lawn, and we're having to water all the new flowers, etc.

    Had a good full body workout tonight. I'm trying for cardio tomorrow (biking) before I have to go give a quarterly report to the City Council. Luckily I don't sit anywhere near them, so if I'm a little fragrant it won't matter. Wed night I have a meeting, so I'll try to get in some cardio at noon, and back to weights and cardio on Thurs. That's the plan.

    I bought lots of fruits and veg at the grocery yesterday, so eating should be no problem. Had a nice stir-fry tonight with chicken, onion, mushrooms, zucchini, orange pepper, asparagus and celery all over some brown rice. Yum.
  • The rain has finally stopped - not sure for how long though! I got in a 3 hour walk with the dogs and we are all a lot happier for it.

    UPWO day for me followed by 20 mins stretching. I love those stretches they seem to iron out all the little aches and pains I get in my joints and muscles.

    SusanB - My neighbours would think I'd gone mad if I tried lunge walking down the drive - but they think I'm mad anyway, so I might try it

    Shananigans - Well done for getting in to the 160s!

    Pat - Your stirfry sounds gorgeous. My DH loves veg but doesn't like stirfry so we don't have it very often.

    Nelie - It sounds like it was the perfect holiday - have a great time AND lose 6lbs!!!
  • Sarah ... my neighbours already know. I try pull ups on the garden trellis walk, run, jog, skip down the road ...
  • Yoga felt sooooo good last night. I have this problem when I sweat and my palms get slick and they don’t stick to my sticky mat so well. I kept sliding forward during my downward dogs, and it’s hard enough to do that with one of your legs up in the air without feeling like you could slide into a face plant at any moment. I wonder if I put some board wax on my mat if that would help?

    Pat, my bf made stir fry last night too, with tofu, broccoli, onion, asparagus and carrots over rice in peanut sauce. I love coming home from the gym to the smell of cooking. I thought it was delicious but the bf didn’t like it so much. He is always overly critical of his own cooking, personally I think it’s a ploy to get him out of doing it more often.

    I got up early and ran some errands done this morning, took some pants in to get hemmed and dropped my car off to get washed. The weather is gorgeous today, felt so good to get up and have some energy to get stuff done. Love that sunshine

    I found an Indian market near my house, I plan to stop there on my way home to pick up spices so I can try out a new Chana Masala recipe tonight. Maybe I’ll even get some naan for dipping if they have it…mmmm.
  • Yum! I love Chana Masala - one of DH's best recipes. We've given up trying to bake our own naans and buy them now. We aren't vegetarian but we definitely prefer vegetarian curries.

    Susanb - I tried the drive lunges and no one notices I might try skipping down the road next... If you don't hear from me for a while then it'll be because the men in white coats have come to take me away.