Back In Kindergarten #1

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    I feel like I am back in kindergarten in many ways.... personal, sometimes at work and now with the weight loss. I have done so many things wrong over the years.....emotional eating, pills for weight loss, eating the wrong things, failed diets, etc.
    Now it's time to start fresh, kinda like back in kindergarten ~Jules

    Please join us in our journey, pull up a chair and get comfy!
  • *sigh* ok, I will be the first to post. You guys are so slow! Stop playing out in the mud pies!! haha
    You know I never knew how to spell Kindergarten til this group. I always spelled it Kindergarden.
    Are we spelling it right? lol
    Maybe we should make it pre school?? lol
  • Okay, if you insist Susan. But I don't know how comfy I can get, just so tired. I think I could use a margarita too! Or maybe two! I think today is a twofer day! Anyway, per your is my last post:

    I'm Baaaaaaaack...did ya miss me?! Bet you thought I got lost in wally world! Nope...been here since 12 or 12:30 (except for the brief trip to mail a letter) trying to catch up on posts and pm's. You ladies are keeping me busy with all the reading.

    Anyway...went to WW and got that out of the way. Didn't do the exercise because I had other things to take care of and that is the last thing that is on my mind. Didn't do it yesterday either but took my free day for that. Poor DH doesn't know it yet, but he will be joining me for a three mile walk this evening. Will hit IF tomorrow and Friday. As long as I get my three days in it doesn't matter what three days it is., took a card to my neighbor to thank him because May is National Military Appreciation Month. He is home on leave from the reserves but leaving Sat., heading back to Iraq. So we had a little conversation and I thanked him for serving our country. Then off to take a little gift to another neighbor and had a little chat with her and got to hold her 2 week old baby. The reason for the visit and gift...her new bundle of joy Ashley Tate. Oh man, she is adorable and makes me want another! She let me hold her and I didn't want to let her go. Of course I had to give her doggie, Sammy some attention too!

    ELLEN...loved the friendship poem and DITTO what Susan said! We love you and you DO brighten our day! are my inspiration! You have certainly come a long way and I so admire you for that. I just don't think I could ever do it. There's a lady at IF that has lost over 100 pounds and I just am in awe of her and you. If it were me, I think I would have given up but you ladies keep going. Talk about strong! And I loved your poem too! I printed them both out. Actually, three, Jules too!

    JULES...what the heck is the jack and pill diet? Don't think I have ever heard of that. And loved your poem also! And it is so true!

    KATY...oh my gosh thank you so much for sharing those! Made my day! LOL When we open gifts I have to say that we have decorated/dressed Ernie Dog! The things we do to our pets.

    GINNY...yeppers-DS is having to drive DH's truck and DH is driving Josh's truck-no one drives my car but me! LOL Well, sometimes DH. But he doesn't like it because he is 6 ft. 4 and has a hard time getting in and out of it. When DS took his car in last, they told him they were afraid that it was on it's last leg. Didn't think it would last much longer. Can't find anything wrong with it either, said it's just old. It will run fine and then just die. After it sits for a while it will start up, go a little ways and then die. Anyway, I hate water! But I know I have to drink and I know I need to drink it so here lately I have been forcing myself to. Andjust when I think I am liking makes me want to throw up. But...I set 4 16.9 oz. bottles on the counter every morning and that is what I aim for every day. The funny thing, I am drinking more, 5-6 bottles and I never thought I would. And talking about weather...ours is screwy. One day it is 82 (yesterday), today it is 70 something, tomorrow it is supposed to be 60 something. It has been this way for the last 2 or three weeks now. Sorry you asthma is acting up, and WTG on the bike riding. 30 mns. is absolutely better than nothing at all!

    MICHELLE...(((((HUGS))))) to you. So sorry to hear about your grandma and grandpa. And I do know how hard it is to be so far away from family.

    Okay, I hope I didn't miss anyone and think I got caught up, until tonight anyway, lol! You ladies are keeping me on my toes! Gonna go post on the challenge thread because I started that and have every intention of finishing-it's about me, no one else. Then going to get rid of that fat pig eating donuts!

    See ya ladies later!

    Okay, forgot to mention about Military Appreciation Month...I put out a mini flag that has a yellow ribbon on it, along with an americana wreath I made, put two bows on the garage lights and something else, can't remember in honor of all the men and women who serve our country. Also, plan on thanking every person I see who is military and am wearing my Support the Troops.

    Also want to say to JULES and ELLEN...that I don't want to see either of you go. We moved to a new thread to get a fresh, new start and that is what we need to do. We have got to get past this ordeal and move on regardless of how hard it is. We are all friends here and I don't want to see anyone else go. It's already happened once. So PLEASE before no one is left lets move on TOGETHER!
  • Here I am!

    A new day .....

    DS is home sick w/ 101 fever. Last night DH took him to urgent care while I was at the board meeting, which was pretty good for nothing except getting the kids to bed very late. They waited for an absurdly long time to get a negative rapid strep test. I could have told them that would happen. He was fever-less last night, just had a sore throat. Now today he has the fever and if we were at the doc's office right now, it would be positive. We went ahead and put in a 48 hour throat culture and I'm going to keep him home until we get the results.

    Upshot - Mommy didn't get to go out for her favorite beer last night (Black Lab Stout at the Lucky Lab Pub in my neighborhood) Waaaa - it's all about me!

    Crossing my fingers hoping DD doesn't get sick.....

    FWIW - this isn't a playground and I for one feel people can play with whomever they want. I tell my kids all the time you can have lots of best friends - you don't have to stick to one. Jules - I appreciate you starting this discussion group as I am all for and in frequent need of fresh beginnings.
  • lol

    I thought you wrote "lets move in together" Cristi - I almost blew my water across the screen. I like you all but really don't wanna bunk with any of you.

    Anyway, thanks for cut and pasting. It is about us and who we are

    Katy- sorry about you daughter , is that waht ds means. I think so. 101 is scary - hope she is ok soon. Hey , meet me for a Margarita
  • Hi Cristi and Susan - you posted while I was posting

    Well said Cristi---don't know if I'll make it back up to the challenge....since the sickies started around here I haven't been tracking my food, so I am going to have to change gears I think. I put the Sonoma Diet book on hold at the library has a bunch of foods in it that I like, so maybe it is a fresh start for me.

    Susan- I've been enjoying reading about your successes...I know I read them before, but it' s great to read them again. You have overcome a great deal and you strive for the same things I am striving for - As my mom says " Air in all the tires!" The tires are mental, physical, social and spiritual.....and they all gotta have some air baby!
  • DS - dear son
    DD - dear daughter
    DH - dear ( or damn) husband depending on the day. DH can also stand something else unprintable but gets muttered under my breath occasionally usually when I am cleaning up the aforementioned's messes.

  • SUSAN...aaahhhh, your message box is full again! Man you are popular! Hey, love you too and all you ladies but...wouldn't want to live with you either! But...I'll take Gaby off your hands, been wanting a little one of my own and she is a cutie!

    Same goes for Miss Leigh too Katy! While in WW this morning kept running into (not literally) this woman and her little girl, so cute. She had this GREAT big smile and had a cookie (they give the kids one in the bakery) in hand and gave me a pinky wave, so cute!

    KATY...very well said and I totally agree! Sorry to hear about DS and hope he gets to feeling better. Not fun being sick and I hope DD doesn't get it. Sorry you didn't get to go to your favorite pub, I could use a beer right now and I don't drink beer!

    Anyway, didn't get my avatar changed but will come back later to do it. V just walked through the door and we have things to do. So I will see you ladies later.
  • Katy- thank you. I am sorry about your son Cross fingers it is just a 24 hour thing and Leigh doesn't catch it. I like that tire thing. I haven't been in church in so long. I should do that. It would help the girls too. I wanted Gaby raised in church, the other 2 weren't so much maybe that is the problem with us now?
    Cristi - lol We can have margarita's and go go back to our own homes. I like beer if it is real cold and with chips and salsa....have fun with Vince I deleted the mail box and Gaby is all mine! She is so fun , I will share her though.
  • cut & pasted from the previous thread after it was closed
    From Michelle

    hope everyone decides to stay here! Like I said, I don't know everything that is going on, but I love to talk with all of you; you're all very nice ladies! Susan, thank you for explaining all of that to me. You really have been through a lot, and you really are an inspiration to me! I did not know that you were a star, but then, I watch channel 8 news only. You're doing so good with yourself and getting your life on track and I think you're WONDERFUL! I hope all of you cheer up and keep posting. Have a great day!!!
  • oh, good
    Now I get to respond to Michelle lol

    We really need a party Michelle and a group HUG
    I love KGW too. I like Tracey Barry. It was a Paul Linnman story back in 2000. It was a slow news week, who knows.
    Hey, I have the video if you want to see it?? lol jk .
    Hey, Oregonians have to stick together, wonderful to have you here! Thanks.
  • Ellen,
    I don't think you mean Michelle?
    The "its all about me " pharse ( I think that is what you are meaning, if I am wrong ignore me - lol ) means. That we need to care for ourselves first. That if we aren't caring for ourselves first, it really isnt a healthy thing. Does that make sense? I don't know.
    I am sorry this has caused you so much hurt. I would sit at your side and be with you through it if I could .
    We are starting fresh here. The other thread was special to all of us. I know that pain.
    We have to take steps moving forward, we have too. I can't be stuck on Monday. Not worth it.

  • I swear this will be my last post for today! Swear. Just was thinking of this poem, and I love it! It carried me through 2 years of depression back in 2000. I am only sharing it because strength really needs to come from ourselves. I feel so sappy today *sigh*. Just if it helps anyone else by reading it - like it did me.

    Here Comes the Dawn

    After awhile you learn the subtle difference

    Between holding a hand and chaining a soul,

    And you learn that love doesn't mean leaning

    And company doesn't mean security

    And you begin to understand that kisses aren't contracts

    And presents aren't promises,

    And you begin to accept your defeats

    With your head held high and your eyes open

    With the grace of a woman, not the grief of a child.

    You learn to build your roads on today,

    Because tomorrow's ground is too uncertain for plans,

    And futures have a way of falling down in midflight.

    After awhile you learn that even sunshine burns

    If you get too much.

    So you plant your own garden and decorate your own soul,

    Instead of waiting for someone else to bring you flowers.

    And you learn that you really can endure,

    That you really are strong

    That you really do have worth

    And you learn and learn...and you learn

    With every goodbye - you learn.
  • ok, I lie - lol

    I am leaving for the day from work. I just noticed that there is a lot of views to this thread. Please post and say hi! We would love to have you here. Very harmless women ( and I think we allow men, right Cristi?) I think we do. I am looking for a maintenance , any mm out there? jk.
    dang- gotta go......just bumping those other chickies
  • Hi Susan ~ Thank you for the message for the new home. I am very upset right now by what Ellen said. I do not even know how I started something that upset her so bad! I'm trying to find what I did or didn't say to make her so upset, because she's saying it's my fault for all of this happening for her to leave. I'm new to this site and to your group, and I don't feel comfortable here now, because I truly do not know what I did. I am sorry if I offended anyone here, but I honestly couldn't find what I had said.