Hump Day Chat - May 3

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  • Morning, gals! I finally found time to get the Exercise Queen posted. If you of you lovely moderators could sticky the May Exercise thread and unsticky the April one, I would greatly appreciate it!

    Yesterday started great with the wonderful walk back from the car dealer (offset by the $551 I paid to get the brakes fixed) but it got really busy after that. We had an outage and I ended up working over 10 hours straight on it. Good thing I was working from home. Eating wasn't perfect and I didn't end up making the meatloaf I had planned since it takes too long to cook but I did have another meal that was faster that I could make.

    Hopefully today will go smoother. I have my gym stuff and really want to take advantage of the fact that I have nothing planned in the evenings this week to get to the gym as much as I can. Brian and his Dad built some stuff out of PVC so he can practice his leg lifts for gymnastics so maybe we can exercise together in the evening too. It is a lot more fun to exercise together.
  • Morning all!
    Waking up is no where near my forte. After reading about all your full coffee cups, I may have to follow suit. This morning is really off to a slow start - and having to work the evening shift doesn't lend itself to much productivity during the day. I suppose I should go for a walk or something healthy. (hahhaa I had to put the carrot it makes me laff)

    Btw, MsCrockett - what math is it? I tutored math for 4years and would be willing to help you if you'd like.

    And I'm glad to see how many of you are making progress! Good Job!
  • Barb ~~your wish Is my command
    Threads Stickied and unsticked
  • Hey, everybody!
    I have been so busy!
    So, it's final. We've decided to go on the road this fall & DH may leave a little sooner. We found a very affordable camper that we like & that's pretty much pushed us over the edge to go (that & DH's paycheck from his new job - ouch!).
    I have no clue how much I weigh right now . . I haven't been to the gym in over a week. I'm going tonight & I'll find out.
    Yesterday, one of DH's friends, who usually has nothing nice to say to anyone, said to me, "You're starting to look the way you used to look." I'll take it! That's as good of a compliment than he's ever given anyone!
    DH is turning 30 on the 1st & I'm throwing a huge Surprise Birthday BBQ for him in our backyard on the 3rd. It's pretty exciting but I'm trying to figure out ways to cut costs. Between this party & our vacation to Colorado later this month, I'm super worried about financial meltdown. I hope I don't have to cancel the trip!
    I'll be back tomorrow. Luv ya'll!
  • Hey girlies! Just finished my lunch. Mmmmmmm. Fake burger and mushrooms with hummus.

    So we had our first sand volleyball match last night. It was far too easy. I still got a workout because running around in sand isn't easy, but it was over quickly. Only 45 minutes, and it was rally scoring (Barb, you should know what that means!) I kept making a huge mound with the sand so I would be taller. It was fun. HOWEVER, the mosquitos were out like crazy and for whatever reason, none of us thought of that. DH literally has over 20 bites. I only have one that I know of, and I felt the little do it too. You know it's going to be a good one when you actually go OW and smack at it.

    Hope everyone is doing well. Still have not given in to the scale. Have a tempting situation tonight but I will behave myself. Going to a bar with DH and my friend Abdul to catch up on gossip, rumor, and blatent inuendo. No drinkies for me. I can't drink pop either though, or I'll be wired all night, so water it is.

    Going to work out at the Y again tonight. Going to try to run again but we'll see how my hips hold up. My friends who work there weren't surprised that my hips hurt from running 3 miles when I hadn't run in a month. We'll see what happens.

    Hope you all are well. Talk soon!

  • Weezle - I certainly do know what rally scoring is! LOL I just assumed I should teach the kids to score they way I learned (I'm 43 so you know it was the old scoring) and they all knew rally scoring if they had played before. Oh, well, I'll know from now on that the schools have switched. I wish I had a group to play volleyball with like I used to 10 or so years ago but I probably wouldn't have time anyway.
  • Mmmmmmmmmmm, I added some bbq shrimp to my day.

    Is it just me? Or do other people forget how good some healthy foods can be when you're not dieting? I love stuff like grilled chicken/broccoli stir fry, bbq shrimp and turkey bacon.....but somehow I forget about these things when I'm not dieting, but they honestly are sooo good!!!!
  • Lottie Dahlink I am lovin the Avatar...Is that you with that FAB hair and glasses!~ love it!

    Barb/Wezzie: another volleyball lover here.. I would def play with you both! Cept bein like 5 foot you dont want me at the net... I played on a league bout 10 years ago...and then in the winter we would play "wallyball" in a racquet ball court.. Weezie you would be proud of me, I broke my pinky playin wallyball - it went to a complete angle, and I told my friend to just PULL it and Put it back where it was suppose to be... I continued playin,, it swelled... I was like WHAT DID I DOOOOOOOOO (hehheh) today left pinky is still crooked and I can't straighten it all the way... a "battle wound" that makes me smile!

    Danielle: how absolutely toooooooo exxxciting!!!! That's something I want to do is get/rent a "winneabago" and hit the road.. Stephanie who posts here is from colorado .. I have lots of family there and so love that state!!

    U ROCK IT GIRL with yer exercise stats

    Okay.... I'm gonna pick up fresh asparagus and give this roasting thing a go... when you roast what temp??? Fer how long?

    Crocky: U Schmaht !!! Way to go on scoring that A!

    Soon: Tell Old Navy Schatzi says you deserve a long weekend

    BB: You're doing supah dahlink! keep us informed on this ankle weight thing

    :chipper: read the contract. and see if there's something to help ya with that crappy Alltell company!
  • haha yes that's me about 20 lbs ago. My hair is different now, though similar, instead of my roots being red I have bright red highlights in my bangs and the throughout my hair (it's short) but thanks
  • Schatzi - I'm not quite 5' 3". How about we just make the net lower
  • Hey chickiedoodles - just a quick pop in to say I'm down another 2 pounds I'm loving the phase 1 weight loss.

    I'm off to exercise - I'm pretty sure I have to meet the PTr at 5 - I'll peck back in later!
  • I just made the zucchini pizza (in a pan instead of the oven) and it was delicious!
  • Schatzi: I roast it in my toaster oven at 400 for about 25 min. In a regular oven I'd probably try the same setting and just watch the time. I like it right before it gets charred. Probably 20 min or so in a regular oven? Very yummy!!
  • Hi chicks

    I'm back from exercising.

    Hey I've got to tell you all the recipe for the chocolate milkshake is saving my mornings! I always had to choke down the mini quiche things but when I was poking around the recipe archives I found that and I was super happy with the results! I put the scoop of protein powder in to pump up the volume a little.

    My organic cows have been out to pasture for about two weeks and their milk production has really kicked up. I'm going to have to make extra yougurt just to keep up.

    Have a good night chicks!