LAWL Losers and Friends May

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  • Since we sometimes talk about bad food we ate that was good, I have to report something I did today that was SO GOOD all the way around. Our 99cent store had 4 orange bell peppers for 99 cents. I bought 12 and roasted them with lite salt and pam in the oven. Smack those was good. I also got tons of green peppers...they were 5 or 6/99cents. I got like 30 peppers for $6, so I spent an hour or more processing them for the freezer. I also made a canneloni for the freezer, spaghetti sauce with homemade turkey itlaian sausage to freeze, pepper puree with ital. sausage for a ziti dishlater, made lasagna for tonight, and processed some strawberries. I fried up a bunch of sausage for Dh that I got 99 cents/lb (walmart brand, it was in date and at the 99centstore). I crumbled it for his grit bowls in the morning. I feel so accomplished and I actually got the kitchen cleaned. I love that 99cent store. They have such amazing deals on sara lee bread that is fresh for 99cents. Anyway, enough bragging on my deals. I am just happy to have a freezer full of quick fix meals. I have been feeling very lazy latelytoward food prep.
  • Repo, I guess my thing is :don't I need to resolve the issue causing the dream? Or do you think it is something other than a psychological issue that I am not dealing with during the day? I can't imagine what is bothering me so much to have bad dreams every night. They are gettin gless memorable I think. A few have woken me up, but now they are less intense at least.
  • DF - could you please come over to my house and cook for me?? pleeaaasseeee
  • I like going to the 99 cent store, but I don't wnat to have to go every week plus they are so sketchy on inventory. If I find a deal on produce or something, I will buy all I can use plus buy tons to process if it is freezable. They had strawberries (the big lb carton) for 99 cents and they were actually good so I got a ton of them and frozen them for smoothies. DH says "it disturbs me that the produce from the 99cent store is better than the grocery store." I don't know if it is so cheap b/c of being so close to Mexico or what, b/c it mostly has Mexico stickers. Anyway, the bell peppers that are colored are over $2 each at the reg store, but they were 25 cents today so you know I was throwing stuff in the cart
  • Holy cow Dairy, you are on fire!! I wish I had your .99 cent store! And your ambition! I'm not sure about the dreams. If they all have the same theme, then maybe there is some sort of message trying to come through, but if they are just random subjects, then maybe your brain is going into overdrive while you are sleeping.
  • It may be fear about getting pg again. As much as I want to, I realize it is a big thing to undertake and my vitamin and nutrient stores are not what they once were. Also, I have a huge fear of anything bad happening to me b/c of DS. I lost my mom kind of young and I would hate for him to experience that. It it true what my sister said...mothers get some serious survival in order to look after their young. My mother had serious cancer when she was pg with me but prayed to please live long enough to see my into adulthood. Two weeks after I moved into college she had a different type of cancer (and that is what eventually took her). My desire to live is SO much greater than when I didn't have him (and I wasn't NOT wanting to live, but I didn't have that animalistic desire to survive either).
  • Quote: It may be fear about getting pg again. As much as I want to, I realize it is a big thing to undertake and my vitamin and nutrient stores are not what they once were. Also, I have a huge fear of anything bad happening to me b/c of Eli. I lost my mom kind of young and I would hate for him to experience that. It it true what my sister said...mothers get some serious survival in order to look after their young. My mother had serious cancer when she was pg with me but prayed to please live long enough to see my into adulthood. Two weeks after I moved into college she had a different type of cancer (and that is what eventually took her). My desire to live is SO much greater than when I didn't have him (and I wasn't NOT wanting to live, but I didn't have that animalistic desire to survive either).

    Wow - how well I understand the will to live for your kids now - I second everything you just wrote!!!
  • Dairy- I was reading about dreams the other day and it said something about people discharging the negative energy within them or from an outside source (jealousy, envyness, etc) either through actions that are not like their regular self or through dreams! Pray so God will take away those fears from you and the energy around you to lighten up... It helps me when I lit a candle and asked for a loved one that passed away to watch over me! It has always helped me to let go... Ask for Virgim Mary for protection for you, dh, Eli and the future baby... I will keep you in my prayers too...
  • Dairy:
    I understand that feeling that you have about not be there when your kids grow up, I have the same fear too, I agree with you a 100%, My kids are my life!
  • Frustrated!!!
    I am so frustrated! I have been on LAWL for 2 months. All together I have lost a little over 20 lb. Now I seem to be stuck at 213! I've done TO and it just won't get any lower. What can I do?
  • Heather
    STOP!!! before you take another step. I second everyone comments about your leaving. I messed up in the last 4-5 days but I'm not giving up. You have done better than I can even dream of, so if you don't like what you've already done, please pass it to me. I'll take it. To have loss 34 pounds is fantastic. I don't know what you think you have been doing girlfriend. You have learned some good habits just incorporate them into your daily life the rest of your life. We go off track sometimes but we just get up, dust ourselves off and get back on track. This coming week, it's mostly liquid or very light eating for me because of what I did with the bbq. HANG IN THERE AND BE TRUE TO YOURSELF.
  • Dairy – I can totally relate to the fear of not being around to watch my son grow up. I think most mothers do. I also fear that if I would die today, would my son remember me? Ever since I lost my mom this has been a constant fear. My mom was such a strong figure in my life. I don’t think I would be the person I am today had I not had her growing up and just I want to make that kind of impact on my son.

    Side note, I’m not pg this month. I finally got it yesterday.
  • Hey Ladies,

    You have been very busy on here today. It has taken me a while to catch up on all the reading. Just want to say congrats to all the losers over the weekend. I did Take Off for the first time and lost 4 pounds this weekend. I love this program. I have been on it for 17 days and I am already down 11 pounds. This board has probably been the biggest help. When I feel like I am going to cheat, I log on and read the threads. You ladies are awesome.
    To the ladies talking about Tom Criuse- your right he has gone crazy

    If you can't eat everything,I would not force it down. Maybe you are coming down with a bug. Hopefully it will pass in a day or two
  • Hey Everyone! Congrats to all who have lost this week!

    I had an early WI today, but that's ok because I'm thinking of moving WI to noon rather than 5 pm anyway, just easier.

    Anyway, down to 173! WOOOHOOO! its about time it started moving again.
  • Hey Chickies!~
    Finally got my sorry butt out of bed, and thought I'd pop in here. Wow, what a lot of PG thoughts going around. So glad I don't have to worry about that anymore - I was miserable when I was PG with DD, and when they finally decided to do a C section, I told them then and there to tie everything up while they were in there, that I wasn't doing THAT again! Poor DH. I didn't even talk to him about it. The Dr. looked at him and he just nodded and said do it. I think he was thinking better me than him!

    Hi Gwen, and Welcome. Don't worry too much about your plateau... we all have them and it takes some time for your insides to catch up with your weight loss! Maybe try mixing up your foods a little bit, and see if that helps.