LAWL Losers and Friends May

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    You all have been busy today and almost everyone has good news!! SUPER!
    I hate to see Heather go (Heather, if you are reading, I think all of the girls have spoken for everyone here! Weight loss is so hard and you are doing so well--don't give up!)

    Szn--CONGRATS!! I am honestly jealous! and happy for you

    Have a great weekend everyone!
  • Milca YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I hope things close well!

    Dairy, wanna come do my carpets?
  • HI all--finally home and soaking wet (which around here is a good thing right now!). Had our end of school cookout while drizzling rain, then the walk-a thon fundraiser in the RAIN--the kids loved--moms, not so much.

    Glad to see all the losers and new clothes--so exciting. Milca--I am just thrilled you've found a house--CONGRATS. HeatherCP--we need you! In-laws are here so I will be in and out. They are both on maintenance so it's pretty easy to stay OP while they are here.

    I will eventually catch up--everyone have a great day--IT'S FRIDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Hey Dairy--I saw the Bolthouse carrot juice at Walmart this morning--2 sizes--and it was in the produce section.
  • Lori:
    Hey Lori! Thank you Girl!

    Girl, Thank You! Is good that your in laws are in maintenance so is not that hard for you, hope that all of you have a great time!
  • Milca- Congrats What town did you decide on?
    Heathercp- I am sad for you, I hope all the kind words and support here makes you change your mind. Maybe you just need a short break and then you will feel like getting back down to business. I felt that way back in Feb. and took a week off.

    I have a house full of food right now, my daughters first communion is tomorrow. I need some strong willpower this weekend. I did not loose anything this week so I do not want gain this weekend, if I stay the same I will be happy. Hopefully a loss next week, I am due.

  • Heather,
    Hope you come back to the site to see all the good advice everyone has left for you. I just started the LAWL program 2 weeks ago and before I went into the center for a consultation, I came to this site. Heather your many post motivated me to start the program. Please stick with us here. I think you owe it to yourself. Hope you re think your decision and stay with us on the plan

  • Lisa:
    Here is a lot of on your way and : I wish that all of you have a great time!

    Thanks!!We are moving to Plainfield, remember Lakewood Falls, that's where we are going to move! Is a really nice community very pretty and also they have a school inside the community and they have Sebastian's (DS) program, so I think that God made our way to get there! YIPEEE!!!
  • Hooray Milca-that is wonderful!

  • That's great Milca, you will be not too far from me, maybe we could meet up sometime. Thanks for the willlpower dust, I will need it
  • Milca--I am so happy for you and your family. That's great to have a community school and classes for Sebastian--what a relief for you!
  • Hey fellow chicks!

    Last night I tried one of McDonald's new salads. I hadn't been there in forever, but now I can recommend the Asian salad. If you have to eat while you're out, it's not a bad choice. You might want to try your own dressing though because their low fat ginger-sesame is 90 calories. (More than half the calories of the salad itself - even with the packet of almonds they give you on the side.) Anyway, they are having a promotion. If you get one of the salads AND a bottle of water, they give you an exercise DVD.

    There are four dvds available: core, aerobic, strength and yoga. I got the yoga dvd, but haven't watched it yet. I'm afraid that the instructor is going to be Ronald himself. Now get that mental picture out of your mind. ;-)

    Anyway, they do seem to be making a real effort these days to lose their Supersize Me image. Aren't we all?! ;-)

    Hugs to all of you!
  • Goodbye again :(
    Hey All,

    I'm not going to be dieting again, so I guess you won't be hearing from me. I just can't stay on a diet. Any comments or suggestions are welcome. Congratulations to all you losers.

  • Jackie, please don't give up! Even if LAWL isn't the program for you. Think about all the reasons you began a weight loss program. Write them down and stick them everywhere! You took the first step towards a healthier you - now keep stepping!
  • Dear Jackie-

    My heart broke when I read your post! So fatalistic!!! You deserve the best for yourself and to be the happy and healthy person you imagine in your head!!
    When you put in your signature that your daughter and her family live a healthy lifestyle - you can too, honey!!! YOU are in control of what goes in your mouth - and there are days, WEEKS and months even when all of us on here think we CANNOT do this anymore! We didn't get this way overnight - and there are no quick fixes. At least a healthy eating plan (if not LAWL then something else) will enable you to live a healthy, long life to be around for those around you!!

    Regardless of what you decide, please keep venting here - we're all ready to listen!
