LWL # 250 April 10 - 16

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  • Woohoo! Thread # 250! Some sort of milestone

    I had two perfectly clean eating weekend days which is...unusual for me. We won't talk about last week Since I'm lifting my heaviest for last week and this, I can call it a mini-bulk This week will be clean....This week will be clean.

    I was planning on painting my powder room this weekend, but never got to it. Still can't decide if it's worth the bother of stripping the wallpaper. Maybe I can convince ds to do some this week while he's on break. Haha. I did buy tiles for my laundry foom floor instead. I've hated it since we moved in. It's fake pergo that the previous owner put down quickly in a really bad "do it yourself" attempt to sell this house. We ripped it out of the kitchen and hall and put in hardwood, but I didn't want hardwood in the laundry. So that will be this week's project. I had to promise dh that is really is MY project since he's still wrapped up in taxes and pissed off at me because of my level of organization (none).

    Off to the gym. It's a weird week because half my clients are on vacation, so I'll have plenty of time for CARDIO and floor tiles

  • On the clean weekend! You're the one who's got my mojo! Give it back!

    Needless to say the weekend eating was a bit lame over in my neck of the woods - I'm blaming the sickness! I did lift both Saturday and Sunday I tried to get up early to squeeze in some weights this morning, but I woke up with a stupid headache. Never mind.

    I'm doing ok today - we are what we consistently do... in that case I'm 5/7 clean and 2/7 dirty! Sounds about right
  • Good job Mel, weekends are my toughest days to eat well and more importantly, record what I am eating. I did pretty good though, gave in to a polish sausage/cheese craving a little but nothing too drastic.

    Today is my first weights day of the week. I've been getting bored with the clock lunges, they've been feeling too easy, so today I switched them out for walking lunges with 8lb dumb-bells. I do 3 sets of weights Mon, Wed and Fri circuit training and added 12 lunges per leg, per set. Let's just say my glutes are letting me know they are alive and well right now! I also actually had wobbly leg syndrome for a bit!! First time in ages so I guess the lunges did their work today .

    I do love a challenge though so my goal is to work up to 15 lunges per leg, per set. Oh my glutes, my poooooooor glutes!
  • Way to go Monday
    PAT - One would think that Girl Scout Cookies would be more aware, I saw the low fat ones this year, why not high protein?? They could sell millions.

    RABBIT - Glad to hear that you are focused at this time of change for you. What color did you paint the eye?

    Good weekend, took Saturday off and did crafty things, didn't leave the house at all. Then Sunday, walked with my 2 pals for an hour, up and down and around town. It did feel good to be on real pavement and seeing the sites.

    Food has been excellant this past week, so I may have given myself a wake up call. I uppped breakfast to two eggs, canadian bacon, ww toast and lots of water. Upper body WO this morning after an hour of cardio really feels best on Mondays and Fridays, Mondays because I think it sets me up for success for the week and Fridays because it is a measure of accomplishment. I would say that my funk of March is over.

    DH did say he wants to go to his mom's on Saturday instead of Monday (here in Massachusetts we have the day off for Patriot's Day) and I am like, well I have two dresses to make, eggs to color, birthday presents to wrap, and church breakfast to prepare, but sure we can go on Saturday if we stop and get DD's new shoes on the way. Back to the original plan Monday.
  • Hello LWL,

    Last week was a super hectic week for me. I had a class which required unusual hours for me and a drive to and from the class in heavy traffic. I had to get up earlier than usual and with the time change, it wasn't pretty. Anyway, I only got to the gym twice last week. Also the class had lots of fattening treats available and I didn't partake. Ok I had some goldfish crackers (love those things) and fruit that was offered. They had all sorts of candies, cookies, donuts, pastries, etc. My food was pretty good for the most part.

    Yesterday, I went on a 3 mile hike. It was fun but the first part of the hike consists of climbing up 400 ft in elevation in about 1/4 mile. Not only that but there were other various points of climbing up and down. Part of the climb down was treacherous in that you had to walk down slanted rock faces. I'm not always so sure of my footing but I'm getting better. Overall, it was hard and my legs are complaining today
  • Kickboxing, rockclimbing! I am a sedentary glump!
    The magic recipe for me seems to be Ilene's custard idea. I put enough steel cut oats in the crock for DH to have a heapin' helpin' and then later in the morning I whizzed mine with egg whites and nuked it. I like it just like that and no tummy growling later. Thanks folks!
    Yesterday was back and biceps and I'm going to do legs today. I'm also going to surf around for a five day split. I need to put something in between three days of upper body.
  • Susan,

    I'm also struggling with my food, breakfast in particular. I bought some protein powder and I've started making protein shakes. Suprisingly, my BF likes protein shakes a lot. I also want to incorporate more oatmeal into my diet. I made oatmeal pancakes this weekend. My bf liked them but he said they tasted like cottage cheese. For some reason, I don't taste cottage cheese when I eat them.

    As far as rock climbing, its more like rock falling Actually I did have one iffy moment where I stepped on a rock that teetered forward threatening to throw me off which would've dumped me a few feet down. I caught it and teetered it back and found a safe spot to step down amidst all the sharp rocks. I was quite amazed that my balance has improved incredibly.
  • I'm turning over a new leaf this week with food... *sigh* I need to be more accountable yet again!!

    I only had time to do a half hour of legs today, life is getting in the way...

    Susan -- Glad your tummy is not growling anymore ...
  • Morning LWL. I had a so-so weekend. We went to a brunch yesterday, and while I ate a lot of fruit, I also partook of some of the other offererings. There were no really awful sugary-sweet things, but some there were certainly higher calorie than I should have eaten.

    I feel 100% better than last week, and am looking foward to a good week of exercise. It's amazing what getting enough sleep can do for you.
  • Hi LWL,

    Off into another week ! last week was very hectic, and hopefully this week is better. I went with DD to the optometrist and her eyes were only a little worse!!!! I am so glad for that, she has -9.5 in one eye and -7.5 in the other, so I am very glad that this has stabilised. Now for her to decide if she wants new glasses or wants to try contact lenses ( she is 11 and will attend secondary school after the summer holidays)

    I did not work out in the weekend, unless gardening counts...I weeded and mowed the grass. Today I went to power class, and I plan to go again wednesday. i am making some progrewss... I can see muscles in my legs (unfortunately partially below lumpy fat deposits). And I upped the weights a bit. Not bad, all in all.

    Susan - I painted the eye black. I had not thought of using another color!

    Have a great day all,
  • Cruising through. Hullo, everyone!

    Mel, I understand your interest in my tiles now! They are still there and are under a piano. The piano is wedged in position (thanks, Ilene and all). And to move the piano to take off the tiles would involve blocking either the back door or the cooker. It will happen but not during these school holidays. Good luck with yours!
  • Nelie- Where are you doing all this hiking? It wounds wonderful. I'm always looking for new places to go within a 2-3 hour drive. Have you been to Cahocton?

  • I didn’t get to the gym at all over the weekend and went to a diner with friends for late breakfast yesterday. I got a spinach/mozzarella/avocado omelet with salsa, I ate both pieces of toast and most of the potatoes that came with it. Oh, and two cups of coffee with real sugar and cream. Needless to say I was feeling a little like a rock afterwards, and I only ate half the omelet. I ate the other half for dinner with some black beans I nuked up. Other than a few strawberries and an orange that one diner meal was all the food I ate yesterday and I still felt like I overate. It just boggles my mind when I think that I used to eat like that all the time.

    Back on track today, eating clean and plenty of water to flush away all the water I retained from the sodium-filled restaurant food (I’ve “gained” 4 lbs since Friday), and I’m headed to they gym for some cardio on the elliptical and arms/chest/upper back lifting. I never thought I would go for the split work out thing, but I’m really starting to like it. Hope ya’ll are having a good start to your week.
  • Nelie ... my shake just keeps getting bigger. It took me almost two hours to sip away at it today. More fruit, protein powder, egg whites, psyllium ... it was almost two litres. Maybe I was already full from my steel cut oats with protein in
  • Mel, this weekend was at Sugarloaf mountain - www.sugarloafmd.com whichl is south of Frederick, MD. Last weekend was at Patapsco State park which is south west of Baltimore. I actually bought a book last year that is called "50 hikes in Maryland". There are also websites that advertise hikes such as gorp but I really like the book for general guidance on where to go. The only downside is the maps and directions aren't always 100% correct so you have to improvise or find another map.