Btb Members Chat~weeks 3 & 4 !!!!

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  • Hi everyone.

    Wendy, hope you are able to get back on track.... once we get started on the binging it is hard to stop again! But you can do it!! We are here to support you.

    I still have the head crud so am feeling as if I just want to sleep in my car at lunch hour... we will see.
  • Good morning!!!

    Wendy-here's your kick in the butt....POW!!! Sorry if it hurt. Just hang in there and stick with it. You can do it.

    Misti-hope you lose the head crud soon.

    Brandy-i'm jealous of your warm weather. it's still cold here and foggy as ****.

    Workout was great yesterday. Today is the same thing-walk for 40 mins on my lunch and when i get home, Ramp it Up and Walk it off. I love working out now because I love seeing results. Nothing motivates you more than a shrinking body!!! Good thing I brought a book with me today because I already finished my work and the boredom is slowly creeping in. I can't wait to go back to school so I'll at least have homeowrk to do.

    Have a good day ladies!!!

    By the way, are workout balls like little hand weights?? Because I keep picturing you guys working out with these huge, gigantic bouncy balls lol
  • Hello!
    Feeling good this morning.

    Wendy you will be out of the funk soon. I binged a little yesterday to Honey pissed me off I grabed a small mini snickers which became 4 or 5 then 3 totsie rolls I was enjoying everyone of them. I felt a little bad but got over it.
    Had dinner went to Boxing go I sweated so much he had me doing all sorts of combinations I thought I was going to pass out at the end Oops I need to edit my excerise from yesterday I forgot about boxing 4 more yeah baby...LOL Oh and at 11 I was starving and i have been dying for some pop-tarts but stayed away because I wouldn't be able to just eat one in the package I would need both I was like freak it Let me get it out of my system and I did and enjoyed it

    Will post later have to eat my grapes
  • Sorry I really haven't been posting much. I don't know why I haven't, either! I guess I really haven't had much to say.

    Diet and exercise have been going pretty well. Did some walking, aerobics, and calisthenics yesterday. Today I think I'll do walking and weights. Just keep walking, just keep walking, just keep walking walking.......
  • I had a serious binge last night. My bf works at night so I get bored. This is the first time in a long long time when I ate like this. I had everything from rice cakes to jerkey to pie (that he brought home for me!). I feel a little guilty, but I'm back with it today and will just workout harder!
  • HI girls. thanks for the support and the kick in the butt! I have to go for a case confrence against my ex-husband soon. Of course he will be fighting for visitation with Ryan and I will be fighting to keep him away as much as possible!! I really don't like the idea of a crack addict trying to look after a 2 year old. I'm 100% sure this is why I'm binging,the date hasn't been set yet but it will be within the next month or so and I have to come up with some info on drug testing and so on . All I want is for Ryan to be a safe place at all times with someone who is going to look after him properly and not sit in a corner and smoke up!
    Today is a new day and I am going to try and stay away from foodwish me luck!
    Have a great day ladies!
  • Hey ladies! It's been awhile...sorry!

    When is gave 3 going to start? I am way behind for this game, but do you know an estimate for when the 3rd game is going to start? Who won the last one???

    Great to see all of you again!
  • Wendy-

    Okay sweetie that is MAJOR stress. I am divorced and when I was sorting out all that stuff it was so incrediably stressfull, and I really didn't even know it till it was over. So just stick in there and keep your chin up, you ARE doing great. Remember you need all your strength and good health to fight this for Ryan, so eating healthy and exercising puts you at your BEST. Do it for Ryan, he needs Mommy at her best

    Last night we had a big dinner function and I was really worried about over indulging, but they served healthy food! Can you believe it? No carbs and low fat/cal. I was shocked. So even though I had the ice-cream dessert I still stayed at 2000 calories. Which is 500 more than my usual goal but it wasn't bad considering I started the day with 3 cookies

    Anyways, I of course hopped on the scale this morning and I *think* I might be down a pound. I won't count it till my Friday morning weigh in but I am keeping my fingers crossed and staying focused today and tomorrow on my eating. I am going to try and do 40 minutes of exercise here at my work gym on breaks as I am working a 12 hour day today and won't have time to go home and exercise.

    Have a good day all!
  • Wendy-Stay strong during your stressful time. I know you can do it. You need to hang in there for yourself and Ryan. If you need to blow off some steam, pop SI6 into your dvd/tape player and work out like you've never worked out before.

    Sassy-you are so lucky!!! Your company has a gym on-site??!!! Wish mine did!

    Lunchtime workout was a success. It was only walking but I sure did work up a sweat. It does help that its getting hot outside. Finally, spring has come to Atlanta!!!
  • Wendy-I'm sorry that you're experiencing the stress of a bad father. Both my sis, and my SIL have been thru much the same thing. (Thus, I babysit neice and nephew alot so sis can improve her life by getting a degree and then maybe buying sleazeball out of their lives.) At the moment, things are calm for both of them, but that has not always been the case. There is no magic phrase to make life instantly better, but know that you are not alone and if you need to vent you have all of us-and PM me if you need to vent and not post for anyone to read. You're in my thoughts and prayers.

    Well, it has been a lovely day but couldn't get my bike out. I tried, but have 2 flats, and need to empty out my truck before it'll fit to take it to get air. I took the kids to the bookstore after the gym. We had a ball. I love days when we're all in a happy state of mind. The gorgeous weather sure helps that!

    OK, Gotta get a bite to eat before I start teaching. Have a great afternoon.
  • Wendy sorry your going through this. You will be in my thoughts and prayers Hang in there
  • Thanks guys!! I'm doing a bit better today,I have 40 mins of exercise in and haven't binged so I think I can gat through the day I'm going to TRY and put Ryan down for a nap and do as Rosario says.......pop in the SI6 dvd! I really hope he will sleep for awhile ,I could use the exercise! lol!

    Keep smiling,

  • Hey girls.....okay, so now I know why I wasn't getting any post updates....we are on chat #3!! duh!! hehe.....I thought, hmmm, it must be pretty quiet around here. I still have to catch up on all the pages, but goodness you sure are dealing with alot and a loser of a ex-dh, I can't blame you for you're stress.....just do you're best for Ryan's sake.

    TOM is here for me, blech!!! Anyone want him? There is NO WAY I am weighing myself right now, 5 lb gain easy and what a way to act as a de-motivator!!! I'll pop by
  • Yep! He is a loser!!! To the extream! Not only is he a crack head but he steals all the time!!! I'm still trying to figure out how a person like me got involved with someone like him! And for almost 10 years! I must have been blind, deaf and stupid all at once! lol!!!! Not anymore though,I'm seeing things clearly, hearing alot of bad things about him and my years of stupidity went down the drain with the marriage! Hey my 3rd wedding anniversary is coming up on...Tuesday,I think I'm going to celebrate I'm hopeing it will be the last one!

    On a brighter note I'm at 5 points for exercise today!!! That's better...

  • Quote: By the way, are workout balls like little hand weights?? Because I keep picturing you guys working out with these huge, gigantic bouncy balls lol
    LOL I have thought about getting one of the huge ones but have no idea what to do with it and would probably kill myself trying!!

    Mine are about 4" in diameter and are 3 pounds each (set of 2). But I like them soooooo much better than the regular hand weights!

    Wendy, wow, no wonder you are battling the bingies with all you are going through! I am sorry for the mess you are in... know that I and all of us here care!!!