Tae Bo

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  • Just sharing something with you that Taz posted on another thread. Hope you like it as I did.

    Dance in the light

    You are alive and living, so act like it. Make things happen, learn, love, explore and experience. When a problem comes along, solve it. When an opportunity appears, jump right into it. When conditions change, adapt. When you encounter beauty, enjoy it. When you run into hardship, survive it. Indeed, these things are what life is all about.
    Fill every moment of today with positive, purposeful living. When the challenges come, take them in stride and use your considerable resources to move on past them. When the joyful moments arrive, savor them with all your being and the joys you experience will last a lifetime. When you encounter sadness, keep in mind how very much you truly care.
    Don't hide in the dark. Dance in the light! Say what you think. Follow the dreams that define who you are. Let the world know you are here. Feel the wind in your face. Let true joy infect your heart.
    Today is a day for being fully alive. Why in the world would you want to spend it any other way? Get up, get out and get busy filling this day with a richness of living that is your very own.
    -- Ralph Marston
  • Hello ladies!

    Well, I did my 30 minutes of Crunch Boot Camp again today. I'm kinda bummed. I guess I'm having a "fat" day. Some days you wake up and feel like you're making progress and looking good, and the next day you wake up and look in the mirror and say "Ew, gross", even though realistically, you know you look exactly the same as you did the day before. At least i do.

    Mooz: Sure. Posting stats sounds like a good idea. It's encouraging to see other peoples progress as well as your own. (hopefully )

    Looks like I'm the heavyweight in this group. Here's mine, having started February of last year. My highest weight was actually more than my start weight. I'm using my start weight here, cuz I don't really know my highest weight. Once I saw 249 on the scale, I wouldn't get on it again for over a year.


    I've been hovering in the 185-190 range for more than 6 months, and am starting to get discouraged again. I REALLY need to see something in the 170's soon, or drop a pants size, or SOMETHING! I guess all I can do is keep going. As somebody said on one of the other threads I post on.... losing slowly is better than gaining at any speed. I weigh in tomorrow, and don't have high hopes for a loss since last weekend was so bad, but think I'll probably get away with a maintain. I'm gonna kick it in to high gear cuz I want a loss next week dang it!!

    Anyhoo, hope everyone else is doing well. Talk at ya later,
  • Good Evening Ladies

    I'm too depressed to post my stats but i'll do it... 173..171..150..
    In the 4 months that I have been on Ww I have only lost 2 lbs. I know the problem, I'm on Ww, but I don't work the program. I'll do good for a few day, then i'll binge..I'm not journaling, or drinking my water. I have got to get on the program. Like someone said summer is just around the corner and I can't wear any of my shorts from last year. I have gained 18 lbs since Jan. 2001..

    Jen - Way to Go on exercising even when you didn't feel like it. Keep that up and the pounds will soon come off...

    Semo - I use to get Overtime, but since i've come downtown, i'm exempt,, but still working over.

    we'll I need to run, talk to you tomorrow
  • Good morning girls.
    The sun is shining and it is coming to the weekend and we have to be in control.

    Patty - don't be depressed about posting your stats as I am exactly the same as you so I shall do a wee blush here
    I have only lost 6 pounds since I started WW and it is because of exactly the same reasons that you stated!

    Semo, Lauri and Jen you girls have done brilliantly and really none of us have an awful lot to lose to reach to target weight.
    Jen - you have the most but you have already lost 56 pounds
    so we can all get past this last hurdle.

    Life is too short to be feeling miserable and overweight and depressed because we don't look and feel good in our clothes.
    So what do you say that from today on we make that extra effort to beat this once and for all. We have 12 weeks until July so lets go for it.

    Talk to you all later.

    Point of view
    Will you end up achieving what you set out to achieve? It all depends on your point of view.
    You can view fear as a reason to stop, and allow that fear to hold you back. Or you can see fear as a preparation for moving ahead, learn from what it has to teach, and go confidently forward.
    You can view each challenge as an excuse for failure, and fill your life with regrets. Or you can see each challenge as a pathway to success, and fill your life with achievement.
    You can look for who is to blame when things go wrong, and fill your thoughts with resentment. Or you can look for ways to make things right, and fill your moments with positive, effective action.
    Success, achievement, happiness and fulfillment all depend not so much on what's there, but rather on how you choose to view it and use it. You can choose to see the world in a way that will defeat you, or you can view it in a way that will empower you.
    What's your point of view? See the positive side of each situation, and you'll find yourself living on the positive side of life.
    -- Ralph Marston
  • Happy Friday Ladies! I did 20 minutes of weights last night then basic taebo this morning. Gosh my arms feel like mush, what a whimp am I! LOL

    Okay girls, it seems we have some down in the dumps going on around here and part of our daily exercise is to LIFT THE CORNERS OF THE MOUTH INTO A SMILE! I read/heard somewhere that 90% of weight loss is between the ears. We just have to get in the right mind set. So how about a little challenge to get us throught the weekend..... This is for today, Saturday and Sunday. Place your hand on the screen and repeat.... I will drink a min of 64 oz of water, I will make the best choices possible at each meal, and I will exercise in some fashion or form for a min of 20 minutes each day. Okay who's in? Oh and take your vitamins, I've been remembering to take mine for about a month and I can sure tell the difference.

    Love you guys!
  • Woops my picture didn't come out right!

    Hi girls.
    Semo I am up for the challenge and if it helps me get through the weekend then it will have served its purpose. It is nearly 5pm
    here so most of Friday is over for me but I have actually done well so far.
    Will call later.
  • Good Morning Ladies

    Count me in.... I'm am going to take this 1 day at a time, but I am ready to do something about this weight. I actually bought two bottles of vitamins last night one for home & one for work.
    The weather is starting to get nice here, today is the our opener first home game (baseball) & believe it or not, I"m not looking forward to going. I don't want to be seen in shorts, & I just love our Texas Rangers... so I have to get in shape...

    we'll I need to run... I'm at work, I"ve already drank 32 oz...
  • [IMG]www.dietriot.com/images/dog.gif[/IMG]
  • Sorry about that but my picture is not coming out for some reason.
  • Hello!!

    I must be getting old or something . A couple of weeks ago it was my back, and this morning my knee is tweaked. It's not bad though, so it should be OK by tomorrow. I just did some sit-ups, push-ups, and some curls with my weights. Not much of a work out, but it's something. If my knee is OK later, I'll probably pop in one of my videos. I'm on a roll again and I don't want to blow it.

    Had my weigh in today. IT'S A MIRACLE!! My new stats:


    WHEW!! I really needed to see that. I feel like all the work is paying off, so I can stay motivated.

    As for SEMO's challange, I can only swear to 20 minutes AT LEAST 5 days a week. I usually go six, but some days are just TOO hectic to fit it in.

    I'll pop in later. My son will be home any minute, and I told him I'd have his new game installed on the computer when he gets home.
  • Good morning ladies

    It is a lovely morning here in Ireland and I WILL stay in control this weekend.

    Jen - Well done on the weight loss - just think if we could all lose 1 or 2 pounds every week we would all be at least a stone lighter by the summer. Now isn't that a lovely thought. We WILL do it.

    Semo - thanks for the challenge for the weekend - it is just what we all need as, at least for me anyway, the weekends are where I stumble and it will be interesting to see if it makes any difference to the weight-in on Tuesday night. I will go buy some multi-vitamins today.

    Patty - you WILL look good in those shorts.

    Lauri - Hope you are keeping well. You must be so fed up looking at computers by the time you get home after doing all that overtime.

    [COLOR=purple][SIZE=4]The way to get what you want is to be very clear and confident about exactly what it is. When you have a vague idea about what you'd maybe like to accomplish, then the best you can hope for is to maybe move in the same general direction that you sort of think you want to go. What good is that? Not much. Instead of being tentative and vague, be confident and clear.
    It is amazing how much power and strength you can give to your efforts just by making it clear what results you intend to accomplish. You can literally feel that power the moment you confidently and positively state your intentions.
    So go ahead and do it. State your intentions and feel the power. "I will sign up five new customers this week." "I will clean out the filing cabinet." "I will get a managerial position in the advertising industry." Stay away from "I'll try" or "I might" or "I'd like to." Those are far too conditional.
    Challenge yourself to achieve the best you can imagine. Say "I will." Say it and mean it. Then get up, feel the power, and make it happen. You deserve the best and you're fully capable of it when you state your intentions with clarity and confidence.
    -- Ralph Marston
  • good morning ladies!!! mooz, you are killing me!!! (this means making me laugh my head off LOL!) I love your pictures and everything!
    I am working a little bit today. I love after hours and weekends because the phones are not ringing and it's quiet. (I'm a receptionist at a ob-gyn practice with 8 providers, for those who don't know)
    Anywho, it's supposed to be about 70 degrees out today, so I will not be there too long today! Gotta ride my bike ya know!!!
    I have not been good at all with exercising during the week due to my insane hours lately.
    This is my PMS week so I do not weigh at this time. (do you blame me? LOL)
    You all have a good day, and I will write later or Sunday morning!
  • Good Morning All. Just popping in for a second. I'm working today and it's hectic. The weather is beautiful here and I hope the rain will hold off for awhile.
    Very upset this morning. I installed a new printer (the big type that holds 4 different types of paper) on Wednesday afternoon and on Thursday the darn thing quit. I have been on the phone with the company that makes it and our Corp office with no results. The bad part is that I still have my old printer and they will not let me re-install it. (It involves network to the corp office) So I'm entering invoices in the blind. Once we get a new printer I'll be runing paperwork forever.
    Mooz, your posting is right on the mark. I Will...I will...I will.

    But for now, I will get back to work. Have a great day.