Hard staying on track

  • Hi all...
    I have been on many diets (currently calorie counting) and have gained and lost may pounds. I am am a fast food junky . I eat out for lunch every day. I thought about eating in the office but I would not get a lunch hour then because the office manager would expect me to answer the phones and continue to do my job (even though it is my lunch hour).

    Anyway, I seem to do ok for a about 3 days and then I lose it. I did really good last Tuesday, Wedsday, Thursday; but then came Friday. I ate terribly on Friday, Saturday, Sunday and Monday. I did get back on track today; I ate well and even went to the mall and walked on my lunch hour.

    The problem is "Why can't I stay on track for very long". I've lost 2 pounds but, at this rate of getting off track, this could take forever. What is wrong with me and how can I be more commited?

    Any suggestions would be appreciated
  • Hi Abbyin... I'm sure your problem is one many of us share in common. I do suggest you stop eating out and start bringing a lunch; it is generally much more healthful and better tasting actually too! You can always leave the office and sit in your car and eat; better yet, eat and then jump out of the car and go walking!

    Have you seen the 21 Day Challenge thread here? That might be a fun way of motivation for you. I just joined it this morning so have completed Day 1! It's a fun way to stay motivated.... also some of the other challenge threads are great. It helps a LOT to have others encouraging you and to have goals set for yourself... and it is always nice when we can come back and report our successes, small though they may be, and have people who understand and will cheer us on and whom WE can relate to and encourage also!
