A good night sleep and breakfast!

  • On Friday, I did a little traveling out of the state and just came back from Lake Tahoe to L.A. Sure it was fun, bit it completely challenged me to exercise my control and eating habits. Then again, I see how one must not take scientific research too lightly. On this trip, I noticed how breakfast is one of the most important meals of the day. I didn't have my usual low-fat moderate-calorie breakfast which usually fills me up 'til lunch. Because of this, I was hungry the whole day and ate everytime we stopped at a gas station. The worst thing is that for dinner, I had a bag of pork rinds, a snickers, nutri-grain bar, and a bag of gummy bears! I'm not going to mortify myself for doing this but my hunger was uncontrollable. Add to that, I remained awake the whole night and munched it away. So, it is true that one must get a good amount of sleep and never to skip breakfast if one wants to succeed on the weight-loss trip. It's all true!