Weekly Thread for 100+ to go #3

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  • Hey y'all,

    We are a group trying to lose 100+ pounds. So pull up a computer chair and join us on our journey!

    Well, we are back up and running. Thanks 3fatchicks for a new awesome update and new server. You guys are great.

    As promised, a new thread for the week. Not much time to post, but will be back later!

  • Hello everybody, sorry I have been MIA since Thursday. Would you believe I ended up in the hospital Friday night (and I not as the nurse at work but as a patient). When I got up Friday I was having chest pain, back pain and my left arm hurt and was numb. Craig called my sister(physician) and finally convinced me to go. Of course I was admitted, put on a heart monitor, had multiple tests done and finally got to come home this evening. The doctor isn't really sure what was wrong but told me to follow up with my regular doctor. All the tests were OK so they don't think it was cardiac. I think I need my meds adjusted. Since I have lost alomost 25 pounds I think I am on to much blood pressure medicine. My blood pressure was really low in the hosptial. The doc there wants my regular MD to adjust the meds so I guess I will have to call tomorrow and make an appt. Anyway, I hope you all had a good weekend. I am going to sign off and go to bed early. I am really tired.
  • So glad that the tests were okay, but hope your doctor can determine what caused it. One of the things I'm looking forward to in losing weight is being able to get off some of my meds -- two meds for hypertension plus a high cholesterol med.

    Take it easy for awhile.

  • Yeash! I hate meds! I take 2 for my BP (and about a dozen other's for other things!) I actually took 3 for my BP for a long time. I've managed to drop one since losing weight, but apparently still need the other two! Glad it wasn't cardiac!

    The weekend has been mostly uneventful. I'll report back tomorrow with something to say maybe.
  • Hi Everyone,

    I was wondering if i might be able to join you all, i also have quite a ways to go and am just getting started (again). This looks like a great group and would like to join in!!!
  • Good Evening Everyone...

    Well, I have cleaned the last dish from our super bowl party, everyone is gone, the washer is running and the dishwasher swishing, so I thought I would check in with everyone.

    Paula.....I am so glad to hear that everything with you checked out OK. Maybe it is simply a med adjustment...I am sending good vibes your way that everything is indeed OK. I bet it did take some convincing to get you to go to the hospital. Us nurses, are the very last ones to admit that there might be a problem going on with us!

    Well, I think that I managed to survive the superbowl party with just a minimum of damage. Tried to fix some healthy stuff and stay away from the really bad stuff, so we will see. One of my husbands friends wife announced to everyone that she is on Weight Watchers, all 110# of her and I was just waiting for my husband to say something like well so is GeeChee...but he kept his mouth shut! I was quite surprised! Weigh in is tomorrow, so I will let you know how things are! TOM may cause a little bit of a gain, but I am keeping my fingers crossed! Sleep well everyone.......Later..GeeChee
  • Exercisebimbo....looks like we were posting at the same time! :Welcome: The more the merrier! Tell us a little about yourself and chime right in when ever you want!

    Ok, how about a topic for the week!

    One subject that I am slowly working on is creating a "no-fail" enviroment. Dr. Phil says in his book that because many of us "overeat becasue food is available and accessible, the best way to counter inappropriate, problematic eating is the changing your exposure and access to food by rearranging and managing your external enviroment." Do what are you doing to create this no fail enviroment?

    Ok, to be honest, I know that in the past, I have created an enviroment for failure. I have picked things up at the grocery store '"because I know my husband and kids like this....ice cream, cookies, nacho cheese......and that is a behavior that I am slowly working to change. Because, guess who usually ate the majority of those so called treats. So when I started WW I took an honest look at my pantry and took out all the "junk" stuff and took it to work to have the rest of the OR staff eat up. And they did. When I am tempted in the grocery store, I force myself to be honest and admit that if I tempted with this, I will not buy it. And I believe that this behavior is helping me in this weight loss journey. Leftovers from the super bowl are going to work tomorrow and the rest of the stuff that my husband would not eat, I threw away. So what are all of you doing to create this fail proof enviroment? Share any ideas that you have with the group, if you so feel like doing..

    Well, off to get dress and go to my meeting. Have a great day everyone!

  • Supportive, Yet Not So Supportive Family and Friends
    Hello chics!

    I thank God for websites like this where I can find support and encouragement. Family and friends can be helpful or hurtful in these situations. This weekend, my husband decided the he wanted to host a Super Bowl party, which actually meant "honey, I want you to host a Super Bowl party." (All this despite the fact that we all had to go back to church and would not be able to watch the game.) Super Bowl party food, as you know, is not particularily healthy. I won't bother you with the list of serious fattening, artery clogging foods on the menu. Well, it was bad enough to have to prepare most of the food for the party, but I also had to watch him make four, yes, four cheesecakes! I am saying to myself, "now you know I love sweets, why are you doing this to me?" However, after everyone left, he told me that he was going to take the leftover cheesecake to school so I wouldn't have to be tempted. I appreciated the support in the end, but it would have been nice if he had just asked people over for a regular dinner instead of Super Bowl party food.

    Then I had this conversation with a friend about joining WW and wanting to eat the barbecued meatballs we had for the Super Bowl party. She felt the need to give me her take on how to lose weight. Basically she said she ate whatever she wanted, but watched her portion sizes in order to lose her 50 pounds of baby weight. I explained to her that WW encourages portion control and that we can basically eat what we want as long as we don't go over our daily points allowance. I told her that I just didn't see myself wasting points on six tiny meatballs (7 points - 250 calories and 19 fat grams), no matter how tasty they might be, when I could have a plate of food for 7 points. She went on and on about what worked for her and told me that I would eventually I give in and eat the foods that I really want. At some point, we must learn to make healthier choices, right? I made a healthy choice by eating a 7-point stir-fry instead all that other crap that would have cost me two days worth of points.

    Then there are the family members and friends who say things like, "Put that book and slider up; every time I see you, you are calculating!" With a 6.6 pound first week weight loss, I will keep right on counting!

    Can I just get some support, please!!
  • Melodious - You tell those "helpful" people to kiss your rapidly shrinking backside! I mean, who the heck are they to tell you how to eat! If WW is working, it is working. Simple enough for even them to understand. Congrats on your healthy choice - you did great!

    I will say this for your friends comment about the meatballs though...to some extent she's right that eventually you will eat what you want. I do it every once in a while. maybe once every two weeks or so, but the key is to go right back on track with the next meal...not the next day...the next MEAL. The meatballs were probably an easy avoid. For me, the problem is eating out...so every once in a while we do go off the program for a meal. This is NOT "giving in" and NOT a failure - it's all part of the plan. That's the beauty of flex points!

    Some people make me nuts! I can't say I've had too many "why don't you quit that" comments...but I've had the anti-carb people tell me I can't eat bread and lose and I've had tsk-tsks when I'd mention we went out to dinner somewhere. And I've lost 80 pounds! Why do people still think they know better than me what works for me?

    GeeChee: So...we "overeat because food is available and accessible..." and "the best way to counter inappropriate, problematic eating is the changing your exposure and access to food by rearranging and managing your external enviroment." Hmmm. Seems to me that food is ALWAYS going to be available and accessibe unless we move to a third-work country and we need to learn to NOT eat it just because it's there...But I suppose I do agree that the best way to keep from giving in to temptation is to avoid it. We still have fattening things in the house. My son is 10...I can't realistically expect him to eat salads and grilled chicken every meal. But if we have candy, I try to make sure it's one I'm not fond of, I'm a chocolate fiend...so he gets fruity candy. We keep light chips and fattening ones, we keep regular bread and lite bread. We keep lots of "substitute foods" in the house. Mayo is FF, splenda is next to the sugar bowl, I make muffins myself, rather than buy them. We have the points written down next to the nutrition info on all chips/snacks/instant foods. We buy light ice cream sandwiches and bars so the servings are pre-measured.

    Home is easy though. It's the food outside the house that's hard. I rarely eat out at the office. I go home for lunch or brown-bag it. If we have a social food situation I try very hard to be low points before and after and save all my flex points. I ALWAYS tend to overeat in those situations, so I try to prepare for it to limit the damage. We choose restaurants where we have some idea of what to get. We go to Subway instead of Sonic, etc...
    Eventually it all works out.

    exercisebimbo: We're glad to have you here!

    Well much to do and less time to do it! Hope you all have a happy, healthy OP day!
  • Just Keep it Up

    You just keep that book and slider at your beck and call - if nobody likes it, too bad. As long as you aren't making others do it, you can do whatever you want. There are probably some others who SHOULD be doing it and they just can't stand to see someone doing something to help themselves. If I got that kind of attitude, it would make me do it all the more.

  • Hi you all !! Wow,,it has taken me several days to get back here,,it wouldn't take my pass word, which I knew was right,,so the last time I was here I was Blondie88,,now I am Jeanne88,, ha ha,,had to do everything to get back,,,it about made me craxy !!!!

    My week-end was a good relaxing one,,,stayed on program very well for a week-end ,,thats my hardest time,,,as I am sure it is for most of us,,,

    You are right people all have their own thoughts on how we should diet or as I prefer to say change our lives,,,the one reason that the points work for me is it does let me make my own choices,,,,bad or good,,,but within the point range,,,we have no fast food where I live (60 plus miles away) so we don't get it very often,,,when we do go I love Mcdonalds and so I count my points up for what ever it is I am going to have,,,not a real good choice but happens so little and I enjoy it so to me it is worth it,,,,I know I have to live in the real world also,,,I hate it when someone tries to tell me how to do the program that isn't even on the program,,,ha ha,,,,oh well,,be true to ones self !!!!!

    I am so glad to be back and able to post,,,thanks for being here so many of us need the support and want to give it back,,,,have a wonderful day,,,Jeanne
  • HI Ya'll
    Hi everyone.Welcome to the new posters and to any who just read our posts. I had a good weekend even though we had a supper bowl party also, I made ff bean dip , with doritoes lite, and ff ranch dip with ruffles lite, and a friend of ours made chicken quesadillas, low fat, he just used roasted chicken, onions, bell pepper, ff corn tortillas, and ff sour cream, they were yummmy!!!!!!!! and I loved that he called and asked what I could have and found a way to make them. They were about 5 pnts. each.
    Now on the other hand my 2 skinny sisters had to comment on how much I was eating and that I didn't look like I had lost any weight, I just smiled and said I can have all this and my DH told them that he could tell I had lost weight and that I was what was important. So sweet of him!!!! Anyways I did stay on program and still have 7 flex points left lol lol.
    Everyone is doing so good this week, nurse, it will be fine I'm sure, they have had to change my bp med 4 times since I was 312 lbs. so good job and take care.
    On to the question how do I change my environment? Well I live with 7 other people who are skinny or will not diet, so I buy me stuff and them stuff, although if they run out, mine is fair game, so mine doesn't always last all week lol. And it is my job to cook so sometimes they don't even know they are eating low fat or sugar free lol.
    Well my weigh in is tomorrow so we will see if I over did it at the party.

    raynette aka boxerdawg
  • Welcome to the thread exercisebimbo!

    Melodious1 - listen to Lilion! She said it perfect! People in my life sometimes give me a hard time about counting points, but it's worth it because while some give me a hard time, I'm noticiing others that are stopping and thinking before they put something in their mouth so I'm helping others to try to get healthy also.

    Paula - glad to hear that the tests were ok!

    Rayette - it sounds like you have a keeper as far as husbands go! Good luck on your weigh in tomorrow!!

    GeeCheeGirl118 - what am I doing to create this fail proof enviroment? Work is no problem - it's when I'm at home that I run into issues so...
    • I've put all of the "bad" foods on the bottom two shelves of my pantry.
    • As soon as I come home from the grocery store I package up items into one serving bags. (Examples: Almonds, Grapes, Animal Crackers)
    • Instead of buying a gallon of ice cream I buy the single serving cups. The type I get are 2 points per cup. It's more expensive, but it's worth it.
    • I only allow food in the kitchen/dining room. (I used to eat in front of the TV...bad!)
    • And every can item, boxed item or bagged item in my kitchen has the points value written on the outside. That will sometimes make me pause before I think about eating it.
  • hi all! i had bad news this week and ate my way through it. help!
  • Good Morning!!!!
    Saskebabe we ware all here for ya darlin .............what do you need??? Its hard to stay on track during stressfull times......just pick yourself up and dust yourself off and try again this week..........

    Lilion..................Thanks for the nice welcome!!!!

    GeeChee..............I guess we were posting at the same time!!! I was trying to do my posting last night..........but they must have been working on the server as it was very slow..........so i gave up..............i will post my no fail thoughts tonight as i need to get ready for work...............tonight is my first weigh in (second meeting).

    I am nervous and excited about tonight ............i have worked SO hard and done ALL the right things and i could still not lose or even gain.........i am on so much darn prednisone for my breathing right now it could do me in come weigh in.....................but i do get that this is only the beginning on the journey and that it will all catch up in the end if i keep on doing the right things................so please keep me in your positive thoughts today!!! I will post again late tonight!!