"Every-Day" 21-Day Challenge -- There's strength in numbers!!

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  • Running Challenge Day 8 complete as of 7:05 this morning.

    Yesterday evening I was determined to push myself and finally make my goal - to the end of the dirt road and back, no breaks. And I did it!!! I actually did more - stop watch said 17.5 min, so I thought heck, why don't I do 20 min... it was a killer, but a successful one! My pace was quite good too, I got to one end in 8.5 min, which is a minute better than I've been doing the past few days after all that hiking. 2 lenghts is about 3 km. I know 3 km in 17.5 min isn't that great, but hey, it's more than great for me.
    So now I have a new ongoing goal - to improve the time for one lenght of the road, and two new longer-term goals: to run to the end and back in less than 17.5 min AND to work myself up to 3 full lenghts.

    Anyhow, this morning I did 13.5 minutes as Day 8 of my challenge dictated.
  • Wow, everyone is just posting up a storm! I'm not sure where I am with my challenges - will have to check on that later.

    Apple, yes, yesterday was weigh-in. I was down 3 pounds, much of it salt and fat and water from my trip the previous week. If you stick to the beer challenge this time, you'll start melting and give me a run for my money. I wouldn't have lost at all if I hadn't left the corkscrew in the drawer...

    Red, Tribal Fusion is the source of all those annoying pop-ups that 3fc sends our way and which my pop-up blocker doesn't block. I think my record was 12 during one session. Very annoying, as they make the whole page blink and flicker when they arrive on the scene.
    The difference between spinning and a regular exercise bike? Well, to begin with, you sit on the spinning bike the same as a regular road bike. Instead of gears, there's a resistance knob you turn to make it harder or easier to pedal. No brakes (just full up on the knob to release the resistance), and no neutral gear, which means you can't "coast". Your legs keep moving as long as the wheel is turning, which is for the duration of the class. The instructor at the front tells you (well, shouts at you, actually) when to move to an easy seated climb, a tough seated climb, a long hill with several resistance increases, recovery... all with loud, pulsing, usually atrocious technomusic. The fun is that it's group rather than solitary suffering, someone else has devised the program, you're less likely to slack off or quit in front of witnesses, and you can burn off at least 500 calories in 45 minutes no sweat. (In my case, actually, buckets of sweat. But no metaphorical sweat at all.) An advantage is that if you spin all through the winter, when bike season rolls around your tush is already well broken in and you can hit the roads with no training build-up. A disadvantage is that since you can't coast, you can't just stand up and freewheel for a few seconds to rest your backside or adjust your shorts. Gotta keep on pedalling. And in an endurance class, which is almost all seated, the discomfort can be pretty dire. And no cycling shorts will make that any easier, at least not with my bony butt. (Now if I was sitting on my belly, I might have enough padding to nix the pain...) So now you know all about spinning, and will know better than to ask that kind of question again.

    Marble, I have my own theories on how you sprained your tuchus, but this is a family site, so I'll keep my suspicions to myself!

    CBETA, amazing - you're almost at the end of your challenges already! Good for you.

    Tay, did I miss something? I think Red congratulated you on a completed challenge - which challenge was it it? Or was our fearless leader wrong (gasp)?

    Fish you poor baby, take care of yourself! You work so hard, no wonder you get sick and can't shake it. But way to go on the weight loss. No cloud without a silver etc, right? Now where's that nasty massage therapist now that you're just skin and bones?

    Greetings to Curly, Jolly, Tia, and anyone else I've forgotten.
  • Sushi, we both posted at the same time. Great job on the running! I think your speed is pretty good, especially if you extrapolate and realize running 6 miles (10k) in an hour is a good steady recreational rate, which is 6 min per k or 18 for 3k. So you're already there! (Of course I'm basing this on my old race times. I was always towards the back of the pack, but averaged about 6min per km in 5 and 10k races. Much slower in the half and the marathon. MUCH slower.)
    I got my new orthotics today, and will try to start some gentle jogging with them. I'll be lucky if I can do ONE km right now, at any speed. It's addictive, isn't it!
  • Oops! I think I was wrong, carla, on Tay's challenge. I guess she just meant she had finished the DAY and I read it to mean the CHALLENGE, as in the ENTIRE challenge, though she did write "the day's..challenge." Oh, well, a bit of a preview of great things to come for Tay!
  • ok so I HAVE BEEN DOING MY CHALLENGES AND i have been in contact with our fearless leader.... we enjoyed a superbowl countdown together lol. Now i cant tell u what day i am on on my challenge I do know im a day behind tayja lol I am so sorry i havent been posting as much. I hopein the weeks to come my life can be a lil less hetic and i can have more time. I am going to a 80s party this weekend... I swear i dont party as much as it seems lol I just have become very popular latlley and no idea why as for weight loss ive gone down anouther 2 pounds yeehaw
  • slogging on....slogging on
    Good morning, everyone. It's Wednesday here. Things are moving along with the challenges. I have to go check the numbers but I have about a week left on the caffeine and crunches and another two or so on the journaling. I have a story I had better get mostly finished today but I am determined to get in a good workout as well. My right knee is hurting, which is throwing a bit of a monkey wrench into my running plans, but I can do other things I suppose. The lethargy of yesterday seems to have lifted a bit.

    I am staying away from the scale though because I don't think it will look nice but I also don't think it is a true reflection of my efforts. I think it may be water retention and that looks, feels and weighs like fat, but ISN'T so I'm not going to let it get me down, which it would if I see a number on the scale....then again, maybe I should just be brave. I used to chart my weight every day and I wouldn't mind the ups and plateaus at all because I knew they would be followed by a sudden drop...that is, IF I had been doing well on keeping the food and drink down to human levels AND exercising.

    Ok, I weighed myself and it was up from a couple days ago and I am rather annoyed, but I will NOT let it change my plans to notch a "GOOD" day!


    Speaking of exercising, I was thinking back some years and realizing how I used to do a LOT more moving around in a day. I'm going to try to do that now, instead of sitting around in my room so much.

    jolly -- I'm glad to hear a good report out of you! Great work! That certainly was a magnificent day, a masterpiece! And thanks for the explanation on the red dress pin. I looked it up on the Net and see the symbol. So many diseases are brought on by overweight, poor eating and exercising habits. I am glad you are aiming to (and I'm sure you will hit the mark!) to break this chain in your family. I think very little of it is actually genetic and I fear many people look to others in their families who have been ill and think, oh, what's the use?! I'm doomed anyway...you are NOT going to do that! Power to you!

    Sushi -- You too! Wow! Great on the running! It would be nice to be able to run outside. Here, it's just too unpleasant, concrete all around me, no way I'm going to go off and find a park, which would mean getting on a couple trains...I don't mind the treadmill though, especially not since I have my iPod nano. A lot of times I feel I don't want to listen to any music but if I do start listening to it it is sure to change my mood and I go for much longer. Now, with my knee hurting, I am trying to stop myself from doing too much and further aggravating it. I hope you don't develop any joint problems or the like. Good luck on meeting your next goals!

    carla -- Thanks for the spinning explanation. It sounds very tough, but fun. Yes, as you say, the group is what makes it fun and competitive...even though you're not going anywhere! As for the popups, I have never gotten a single one. What browser are you using? That may be the reason. I think Explorer is the lamest and the most dangerous too. I use Safari and it is very easy to block popups. Or you could try Opera or Mozilla. They can all be had for free just by downloading off their sites. And what is this?!?! Down 3 lbs! Wow! Where did that come from?! I mean, yeah, "salt, fact and water" !! that's what we're all looking to lose. Nothing to make light of! Interesting irony in the expression, no?

    freaky -- !! There you are! Good to see you and your smiling face avatar pic! Wow, groovy going with the newfound, or rather, increased, popularity. Kudos on the 2 lbs down but I'm sure it's your party spirit acting like a beacon of hope amongst the downtrodden that is the real reason for your flock of groupies! Yes, and even hanging out with the very senior crowd, an 80s party!, I thought you only hung with people your own age! Cool!

    marble -- Congrats on notching Day 4. 20 mins of ellip. doesn't sound like a warmup of anyone's to me! Don't pooh-pooh your efforts! I don't know what you did with your posterior muscles. The gluteus maximus is, like its name, huge! and we use it enough that I doubt you injured that. Don't even know if that's possible. I was reading a bit about butt injuries...strange topic, eh?...and I think it may be one of the underlying little ones that you could have strained, something about one of them and sciatic nerve. I'm sure it'll be better soon.

    tia -- I didn't think you were whining, just feeling a bit down and discouraged. Don't we all do that at times? Yes, that's the way I understood your challenge too, just writing it down, keeping track. Chin up and carry on!

    Apple -- Squeaky is still safe! Better a squeak than silence. I hope you'll be able to get that good workout in today. So, when does the no-beer challenge commence?

    Fish -- Very sorry to hear you've been sick. Bronchitis really knocks you out. I had a very bad case of it once. I was much more of an obsessive with the exercise then and I kept pushing myself and pushing myself at the gym. After doing heavy weight training I would run on the treadmill even though my lungs were hurting something awful. My fingernails were turning blue, that's how bad I was but I just was determined to push on, actually thinking I was probably just a bit tired. It wasn't until a friend forced me to go to the doctor and he said I was a hairline away from pneumonia. He insisted on a week's complete bed rest and tons of antibiotics. For years after that I would get asthma easily and I think I did not help my lungs much. Things are much, much better now. I hope you were not so far along. Lung ailments can be very strange things...like "walking pneumonia" they don't always appear to be as bad as they are. Though in your case, it sounds bad. Let's hope the weight stays off for you. It's not a nice way to lose, is it?

    CBETA -- Look at you go!! Only 1 more day on two of your challenges and 2 more on the other. Fabulous! You are so strong these days. I wish I could have some of your determination and success! I hope your ex notices the weight loss, but, remember, men are usually pretty much dorks when it comes to things like that. 20 lbs though, that should be good for something! Enjoy your dinner and celebration of citizenship! Congratulations to your ex!

  • Oh Red! Today is supposed to be day one of no beer. I came home from my hour & 15 min walk/jog (it was awesome...I wish I could do that everyday!!) and I was hungry AND thirsty...so I scoured the fridge for a beer but they're ALL GONE! So I had some yougurt... I used to run a 10 minute mile. Pretty slow, back of the pack but I've always been OK with that. On Sunday I ran 1 mile in 11:11. And I can't imagine putting back to back miles at that clip anytime soon. I got a running shoe/clothing catalog in the mail today. Maybe I'll set up a reward system with it.
    Carla, I'm going to cheat a little since I didn't weigh myself yesterday. I'll use Fridays weigh-in (2 pounds down) and weigh in again next Monday I guess I get 2 extra days that way but I have to synchronize somehow...
    Well, if I eat what I'm planning on tonight it will be a good day!
    Hope everything is well with the rest of you!
    Congrats on the 20 pounds. CB!
  • Hey Kids!

    I am sitting on my tuckis watching American Idol, and I realise that I have got to start posting again. I have been (and still am) off the wagon the past few days. My inability to get past day 1 on my early morning challenge has been really demoralizing. I am not ready to give up yet, though - I am going to give it one more shot - this getting up by 7am challenge... If I don't make it this time, then I'll consider revising to a more manageable challenge.

    I have been happily wallowing in food porn over the past couple of days and have managed to gain back a pound or two. I am going to complete my food porn wallow tonight and start fresh tomorrow. I have a marathon of interviews this weekend at a job fair - We will be staying overnight in a hotel, so I know it will be a challenge to make good choices, but I am committed to not sabatoging myself anymore. Breakfasts have continued to go well - I've been making good choices there, but my major problem lately has been overeating - I'm back in my old rut of eating until I can barely breathe. Somewhere in the last two days I checked my self control at the door. Now I just have to find it again. This is not a full-fledged tumble into rebellion, this is just a little backsliding on the straight and narrow path to health. I'm going to spend the rest of tonight reevaluating my progress and actions so far and figure out what's working and what's not so I can get back on track in the morning. Tomorrow is another day, as they say, and tomorrow will be a better day and the first of a nice long string of better days!

    Keep on Truckin!
  • Well, I discovered these forums on accident. It seems like a very positive and goal-oriented group of people frequent this site. Anyway, I had trouble figuring out where to start and I found the 21-Day Challenge. It's February 7th today, so assuming I can stick to it for the 21 days, that'll take me to the end of the month.

    I definitely have some pounds to lose, but at the same time, I'm in decent shape. I'm training for my second half-marathon and I'm up to 7 mile long runs. I'm very motivated when it comes to training, however, eating and losing the pounds is easier said than done. Strange, as it seems the common person would be much more motivated to simply eat healthier than run for a straight hour plus.

    Getting on to my point, my 21-day challenge will be OATMEAL. I would like to eat oatmeal (1 cup oats, 2 cups water) for breakfast with a glass of Orange Juice every morning, followed by another bowl of oatmeal with a handful of raisins for lunch. That may seem like a lot of oatmeal (and it is), but it's relatively low in calories and very filling. Also, with the OJ and raisins, I'm getting some fruit in my diet. My dinner will vary from night to night, but it'll be healthy both in nutrition and proportion. I'm vegetarian, so a sample dinner might be a soy burger on whole wheat bread with cooked or fresh vegetables and soy yogurt or a fruit. The oatmeal is just a sure way to keep me on track during the day. The reason I like to leave dinner open is that it's more common to have evening "food" gatherings with friends for dinner rather than breakfast or lunch for me.

    I know I have a late start, but I still think this will motivate me. I look forward to hearing about anything similar that has worked for anyone else.
  • Didn't complete any challenges today. I have to start over on the journal. And I will start at day 10 with the other two tomorrow.
  • Quote: Well, I discovered these forums on accident. It seems like a very positive and goal-oriented group of people frequent this site. Anyway, I had trouble figuring out where to start and I found the 21-Day Challenge. It's February 7th today, so assuming I can stick to it for the 21 days, that'll take me to the end of the month.

    I definitely have some pounds to lose, but at the same time, I'm in decent shape. I'm training for my second half-marathon and I'm up to 7 mile long runs. I'm very motivated when it comes to training, however, eating and losing the pounds is easier said than done. Strange, as it seems the common person would be much more motivated to simply eat healthier than run for a straight hour plus.

    Getting on to my point, my 21-day challenge will be OATMEAL. I would like to eat oatmeal (1 cup oats, 2 cups water) for breakfast with a glass of Orange Juice every morning, followed by another bowl of oatmeal with a handful of raisins for lunch. That may seem like a lot of oatmeal (and it is), but it's relatively low in calories and very filling. Also, with the OJ and raisins, I'm getting some fruit in my diet. My dinner will vary from night to night, but it'll be healthy both in nutrition and proportion. I'm vegetarian, so a sample dinner might be a soy burger on whole wheat bread with cooked or fresh vegetables and soy yogurt or a fruit. The oatmeal is just a sure way to keep me on track during the day. The reason I like to leave dinner open is that it's more common to have evening "food" gatherings with friends for dinner rather than breakfast or lunch for me.

    I know I have a late start, but I still think this will motivate me. I look forward to hearing about anything similar that has worked for anyone else.
    Hi, and welcome.
    What part of Columbus are you from. I lived there and went to OSU 5 years ago before moving out to CA. My parents still live there....
    Congratulations on starting out on this journey.
    Also, you should go back to the first post in this thread and read about the rules, so you can name the level for you challenge, i.e. how many pause days you anticipate needing.
    It is challenging, but it's mind over matter if you are determined you will successed. Good luck.
  • one more for the road!!
    Hi guys, Today was a very bad day, or a good one, depending on whether today marked a turning point in my getting out of the enormous debt I am in and/or whether I can go all out in search of work. I will not go into detail, just leave it be said that it was an emotionally draining day. I was headed to the gym...but never made it...I was lucky to get anything done today but I did NOT go off my challenges and I just did the crunches here in my tiny hovel. We gotta be strong. That's the only way...the ONLY way!

    thirty -- Glad to have you aboard. My trusted assistant, CBETA, has already instructed you on going to the first post to check out the rules. There are some other "rules" we have that I have yet to post there. One, is that we are a, at least outwardly, nonsectarian thread, though passing references to one's goddess of choice are OK. And, yes, we take nominations. Vegetarians are allowed to preach though. Also, we have a rule on what we call "food porn." This is a ban on going on and on in detail about any sort of garbage you've been indulging in, such as the usually sugar, rich, simple-carb laden things or fast-"food," or crunchy calorie-laden things that come in bags...anything that really does not belong on a diet and the kind of thing that often acts as triggers for people to start bingeing. Telling us about your luscious veggies and soy burgers is OK! The reason for this rule is because we are an action-oriented thread. If you are here you better be on the wagon, or about to go on the wagon, or just fallen off and nursing your wounds before you jump on again. No, really, though some of us are not doing food-related challenges, and wouldn't at all be bothered by having a wallow in all sorts of goodies, there are those who would be sorely tempted by even the mention of such. I do not want this to ever become a misery-loves-company kind of place. Oh, we have our share of misery here....just wait till you hear me!...but the goal is always to get back up and try again, and again, and again. My motto, NEVER GIVE UP!

    OK, enough of that. Now over to you. Living on "zen lane" you surely must know that there are no "accidents!" You were sent to us, for sure! And I think it must be the oatmeal link! I have the stuff every morning, organic steelcut, slow-cooking stuff, sometimes mixed with 7-Grain cereal, and raisins and cranberries, made with soymilk and topped with wheat germ and some nonfat milk. I'm a vegetarian too, but not vegan. I'll have some dairy and eggs, though not much. Are you vegan?

    Good luck on your running. I like to run too, was once thinking of marathons myself, but always get knee or foot problems. I guess if "common people" would rather eat well than run like a nut then that makes you....well.....an uncommon sort!!! You and I also have about the same weight goals and ways to go. I'm a little lighter and want to go a little lighter than you do. I am only just over 5 ft though. You sound tall and you certainly don't look like you have ANY weight to lose from your picture. Love the eyebrow piercings. Ouch! Well, good luck, and, oh, there is no "too late" on this challenge. We're all at different points and some of us start over and over till we get it right. I make a new thread when I personally start a new challenge but everything just carries over and carries on. Hope to hear lots from you! Good luck!

    CBETA -- You are a doll! Welcoming our new member, pointing her to the rules and helping me out! Thanks!

    tia -- Back on the wagon with you, girl! No excuses! Up and at 'em!

    Apple -- So, I take it, today WAS the first day of the no-beer challenge?! But, you really had planned to have one after that awesome workout, right? But, really, way to go!! Running like an antelope! Keep it up! Oh, that reminds me, I had a running dream the other night. It felt great, kind of, you know, the ones where you're fast and running is effortless? Well, in this dream I was in the woods in Germany with some clueless Brit looking for racehorses, when I look down and I see bear footprints (now, I've never seen a bear pawprint, but I knew what they were in my dream!) I said, uh-oh, bear! and he says, nah....and then we both see this bear in the woods and I ran and just kept running. I was SOOOO fast! It was incredible! I don't know what happened to the Brit.....

    chai -- sitting on your "tuckis" is it? "happily"....did I read that right?!?!?! happily?!??! wallowing in food porn?!?! NO way. I refuse to believe it! You know, I think I am just going to have to ban any sort of pleasurable words associated with food porn...no more of this happy stuff, you know! It's going to have to be...I suffered through the smut...I beat myself with a piece of hardcore porn...I gagged and nearly -ed choking down some filth....ok?!

    Hmmm...eating till you can barely breathe...I know the feeling...I think I did it a couple nights ago.

    Well, I see you are nevertheless repenting for your evil ways....10 Hail Marys and an Our Father for good measure...!! Good luck, chai!

  • yesterday was day 18 for me

    calories= 1265
    exercise= 30 min walking in the am
    30 min walking in the pm

    everyone is doing soooo great!!!! really pushing it!!!! way to go
  • Good morning everyone, and welcome to the newest member. I just had to come online quick and get my morning fix before heading off to the gym. It feels good to be able to work out first thing, instead of having to head to work. And, let's face it, the extra half hour of sleep was way nice.

    Here's to a great day for everyone. This is day 5 of both of my challenges, and I predict an AWESOME day. Take care all.

    p.s. - Red, I love your comment on "suffering through the smut!" Got my first laugh of the day
  • Quote:
    Tayja -- Well, kiddo, you did it!!!! You chugged your way to your first complete round of 21!!! WAY TO GO!!! With new habits and new discipline you're sure to get that midriff you want this year for sure!! Hang in there! I am like you with the inflexibility. So tight! But I do try to stretch a bit more these days. Usually, if I'm pressed for time, it's going to be the thing that goes, right? I hope you can gain some momentum nearing your birthday too. I'm sure you can if you just keep at it and gradually increase what you're doing. And thanks for the kick in the butt to freaky. I gave her one too. She was out partying after the Super Bowl and had an absolute blast! Oh, I wish I had been there in Detroit with her.

    thank you !!! apparently some where i messed up my smilies cause according to them yesturday was 18 but sure enough my challenge ended yesturday

    go me

    ok so i will be back to post my new challenges after i get home from work/school... and to try and catch up with everyone i been pretty much slacking and justchecking in lately... have a wonderful successful day everyone