~*~Week of January 8th~*~

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  • How'd everyone do last week? First week of the new year, everyone's all well behaved...or at least making an effort to be! I logged everything I ate Mon-Fri on a spreadsheet at work. Tried to keep an accurate total of calories. I didn't do as bad as I thought I would, except for one day that I felt the need to stop at Mc D's and use my coupon for B1G1 breakfast sandwich. Did you know there's 560 calories in a sausage, egg and cheese Mc Griddle?! I almost fell off my chair...after cursing myself for eating both...which I totally didn't need, but just stuffed down because I was starving! Aside from that day, I stayed under 2000 cals a day...which I'm guessing is an accomplishment for me, just thinking about the crap I usually eat.

    I know I have to start excerising too, but I cannot even think about going outside to walk or anything...it's too darn cold! Maybe if I can manage to lose 10 lbs. or so in the next month or two, I'll muster up the energy to walk. I can start with small steps though. I only work on the second floor of my building, so I can try walking up and down the stairs. In the nicer weather, I can walk around the complex at lunch, it's a huge office park. I'm sure it's probably at least a 1/2 mile to go around my building and the building next to mine, which are attached by a courtyard that you can't cut through!

    One thing I did to help keep me in control is stock one of my big drawers with food. I bought a pack of those tiny cans of tuna at BJ's, some granola bars, and cans of Progresso soups, so that I can healthy stuff to eat during the day, and hopefully not be tempted by all the food that is usually around after meetings.

    What are you doing to keep in control?
  • I was not doing good until Sat. Morn. Around 3 O'clock in the morning I strarted throwing up and it lasted for about 24 hours. I do feel a lot better. I will even update my ticker later on.

    Well this is my last week of easy- breathing. Next week classes start. 17 or 18 weeks of pure h*ll then Graduation. (wow)
  • I did alright this past week. Not great, but alright. It's hard getting back on the wagon after the holidays. I went to the gym M,T,W,F. I wasn't great with my diet....that's where I didn't do so well. I did start eating breakfast every morning though. Just a serving of instant oatmeal and a 8oz cup of OJ with calcium. That's huge for me....I have never eaten in the mornings.
    Okay....here's my stats.
    256 - 206 - 135
  • oh, and I made this....it's really cute!
  • Last week was not my best week. I had plans to start my new diet, but I kept putting it off until the next day and the next.On the bright side, this is a new day!I will get off of my butt and get some muscles moving! For the past few years I have been waiting on a magic diet fairy to come and take my pounds away! Wake up!!!!!! It's not going to happen!!!! Only I have the power to change my body into a powerhouse!

    I hope that you all have a great week!
  • Hello Everyone,

    Just time for a quickie, there's a little boy tugging on my arm wanting me to play trains!

    It sounds like everyone is off to a good start here. I've gone back to not having as many carbs. It sure is hard.

    OK, I'll have to check back later!
  • Hey y'all ... Good to see that everyone is doing well ... I am so proud of myself !! I have actually stuck to my plan this week and have been doing great !! Like Lauren said, now the trick is to throw in some exercise (such a dirty little word )

    Hope everyone is enjoying their weekend !!
  • Lisa - Glad that you are feeling better !!
  • Well the good news is I lost the 5 lbs I gained back plus 2 for a total of 7 lbs lost...the bad news is it was because I was sick all weekend. I haven't had AF for over 2 years cause I was preggers then on the shot. Now I'm back on the pill and this is my first visit and I thought I was feeling crappy from that. But my mom also had a stomach thing and I think I caught it from her. I am feeling a little better now but still not 100%. Hopefully after tomorrow it will get better.

    My plan for the year is to really watch what I eat and get moving. I can take the man for walks when it's nice out. I also have exercises that I can do while he naps. ...once I feel better, that is. I hope you all have a great night!!
  • Oh to be sick, and have a "visit", how "wonderful" (note the sarcasm).

    I don't think that I did to bad today I had around 1100 calories, of course I didn't really feel like eating. Oh well. I am going to try and get back to the gym tommorrow. I need to do something. I think that if I can go M, W, & F and work out in the pool, along with healthier choices that would be great.

    Kellie, wouldn't that be great if their were to be a fairy to take it all away. I guess that we are our own person to do that. Oh well.

    Time for bed if I am going to wake up early for the gym.
  • Good Morning...Well..I feel like He$$ today..K screached every hour or so during the night..I dont know if it was dreaming but she would fall back asleep right away..I feel like the bus just hit me...Oh well...
    I packed the lunch the healthy way with fruit and all..I am just glad we never have time to find machines or go down to eat which makes it easier at work..Hmmmmmm..maybe I could lock the pantry and charge for entry????
    Have a great one all...
  • Good Morning Everyone,

    Please keep me in your prayers today...I'm having my amnio this afternoon. I am very nervous. I've already spilled 1/2 a bottle of juice (one of the BIG bottles!) I need another shower. Apple juice is a *little* sticky.

    OK, girls, remember, it's one day at a time. Make it through today and worry about tomorrow, tomorrow!
  • Karen, everything will be FINE!! Deep breaths!!

    RR, good for you! I thought of you when I bought the big pack of the little cans of tuna at BJ's! Do you still, or are you back to, eating tuna everyday?

    Lisa, Is 1100 cals enough?? That sounds kind of low. Hope you got up for the gym!

    Molly, Hurray on the loss!! Hope you're feeling better soon! AF is a great reason to get PG as far as I'm concerned!! NO...NOT happening here anytime soon!!
  • Hi everyone! Long time, no talk!
    Hi everyone,

    I've been around for awhile, just not near a computer for a bit. I was out of work pretty much for the past two weeks with bronchitis.

    It sounds like everyone is doing well. It's so hard to get back into the swing of things, especially after being sick and being away for the holidays.

    I'm going to start doing what other people mention - by keeping a food and exercise journal and faithfully sticking to it. I think that will make me accountable for my actions.

    I'm going to the gym for the first time in 2 weeks - I feel so out of shape, that thing kicked my butt and there was no way I was working out until I felt much, much better.

    Take care everyone. You are in my thoughts and prayers.

  • Good luck!

    Btw, good luck on your amnio today! I hope it goes well.
