The Promised December Exercise Thread

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  • Hello Everyone!

    I've been a slacker this week. Only 60 minutes of aquaFit and 25 minute walk. Thats 85 minutes for me to add

    Wyellen : I based my numbers on 3.5 weeks since dec started on a wednesday. As it is, I will be lucky to reach my goal *L*

    Personal Total - 85 minutes up to dec 3

    300+ group total - 446 minutes
  • Leanne -- Welcome and great exercise so far!!!

    Brenda -- I know it's less movement for you, but you're still doing it! And when you're able, you'll be even more ready to kick fitness in the... So good for you!!

    The 300+ exer-total is 446 minutes + [your time] -- bring em on! Let's get to 1000 minutes fast!!
  • Thanks

    300+ total so far = 361 + 85 minutes my time= 446 min total!
  • Brenda Tell me about AquaFit. What is it? Where did you learn about it. Is is something you can do on your own, or do you have to do it as a class? I've done water aerobics of some type for many many years, but always in a class setting. Now that my schedule does not allow for me to do an organized class I'm looking for something I can do on my own. Tell me about it.
  • Hi Barb

    AquaFit is basically water areobics. I do it in a class setting although it is available 6 days per week at different times here so scheduling it in sometimes is quite easy. They have classes morning and evening too. They also have water running and water walking here as well and even though that is mainly class setting as well, you could do that any time. Running is basically you wear a suspension belt and do it in deep water. you "run" for 1 minute and "walk slower" for one minute. Sometimes we set up different exercises like "water cross country skiing", pushups ( pulling yourself up on the side of the pool) and other things in each corner. That is something that you can do on your own as well. I know at my department store up the road, they sell water dumbells. These would be good when you are trying to do aquafit on your own time. They are basically pieces of pool noodles in the shape of dumbells and they help with resistance.

  • Hi

    I would like to join in too if possible and would like to commit to 400 minutes walking for December.
  • dec 4th..skipped doing anything 1-3...did a tiny 30 minutes..which is the most ive done in years..none stop...was doing 15-20 minutes in 5 minute blocks through out the day...feel so tired and sweaty and gross from the 30 minutes...yet oh so good ..gonna try to do at least 300( on a gazelle <3 ) for december..hopeing to get to 500 though

    300+ total so far = 446 + 30 minutes my itty bitty time= 476 min total
  • I'm getting started. i'm up and on the way to the health club to start my first segment of my 400 minutes.
  • Hey, we're moving!!! Welcome, Carol!! Glad you joined us!

    swallowed -- so glad to hear you did it! and those itty-bitty minutes add up, remember, for you and for all of us. Be careful not to OVERDO it, but really enjoy that good feeling!

    Barb -- bet you rocked the health club!

    I walked for 33 minutes yesterday, so...
    300+ exer-total so far = 476 + 33 minutes = 509 min total

    Let's keep moving!
  • OK, I haven't actually been as active as I had planned, but I did get in one day.

    509 + 35 = 544 Total
  • Greetings chickies!
    Well, here is my goal for December exercise:

    I pledge to complete 400 minute of purposeful exercise this month.

    To catch up to date:

    12/1/05 45 min. at home

    12/2/05 20 min. at home Lets move it!!!!

    12/3/05 30 min. at home

    12/4/05 30 min. at home

    total= 120 min. 280 min. to goal
  • I finally exercised today. It was only 25 mins but it is a start! I gotta kick it in gear if I am going to meet my Dec goal!

    544 + 25 min=569 Total
  • 569 + 60 minutes = 629 minutes!!
  • Ok I haven't updated since the beginning of December
    1st-3o minutes walking
    2nd-30 minutes walking
    3rd-60 minutes walking(we went to a parade so got lots of walking in) and 15 minutes exercise ball
    4th-15 minutes exercise ball

    My total is 150 minutes so I will add my minutes to the 629.

    629+150=779 minutes
  • Wow -- look at these numbers! Great job everyone!!

    Shadie -- I'm going to add your numbers to the totals too.

    300+ exer-total 779 minutes + 120 minutes from Shadiepurple = 899 minutes!

    Come on, let's get to 1000! (which is over 16 hours total)...