All Air Walkers/Gliders/Ellipticals/Treadmills/Regular Walkers #32

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  • Hi Everyone!

    I guess it's time for a new thread. Sorry I've been away so long but my illnesses have kept me from exercising and work has been so busy it's been difficult to post! Where has everyone gone?

    Nona-Way to go on starting your walks again. I'm glad your ankle is better. Believe me I know how it is when you can't exercise. I need to start and plan on getting back on my Orbitrek tomorrow. I'm feeling better now but I'm still tired and I think exercise will help with that! Thanks for hanging in here even when no one has been posting. I hope everyone else comes back soon! Keep up the great walks.

    I plan on doing my Orbitrek tomorrow for at least 10 minutes. I'm going to go back on the Spark program until I get back into the routine again! I hope to see some more posts on here soon! I'll check back tomorrow. Keep moving everyone!
  • Good Morning

    Thanks for starting up a new thread Rose. The other one was getting a bit long..... and I was lonely, I admit it! lol!

    Glad to hear your feeling better and are now on the mend. Take the exercising slow - you don't want to get sick again.

    I'm off on a walk and then will take the kids swimming. Have a great day.

    Lighter ~ Nona
  • Hi All

    I did pretty good this weekend... until Sunday nite anyway! ugh! It wasn't THAT bad - could have been worse! We had a great Fathers Day any-whoo.

    How was your guys' weekend? Whats up with everyone? Is everyone on vacation, holiday, etc? Check in when you can.

    Well, tomorrow a.m. I will go for my walk & then it's off to swim lessons for my boys. I'll check in after that.

    Bye 4 Now ~ Lighter ~ Nona
  • Can I join you guys.I walk outside,on a treadmill and on a air walker.I did the air walker for the first time in at least 6 months.Boy can I feel it in my butt.
    I am at 216 and I would like to get down to 150.
    Tonight I walked a half a mile and tomorrow I will walk more.
  • Hi Everyone!

    Nona-You are doing great! It's great to be back and yes I'm planning on taking it easy until I'm back to normal. Thanks for your dedication to this thread. I know it gets slow sometimes and kind of boring but I'm glad you have hung in there! Thanks!

    Michaela-I'm so glad you decided to join us! This is a great place to come to for support. I have an elliptical (orbitrek) that I love when I use it! What kind of air walker do you have? I had a Brenda DyGraf that I used so much it wore out! I'm hoping to get back on track soon and get rid of some of this weight. Post as often as you can. You can keep me and Nona company! Again a big welcome!

    So what happened to our other exercisers? Please check in and let us know how you are doing!
  • Hi everyone
    I have walked 1.26 miles today.I have the brenda degraf one too.
    So far today my eating has been great hopefully it stays that way.I would like to be down to 200 by august 1.I am at about 216 now.I am going to try not to weigh myself until july1.
    Have a great day.
  • Hi guys!

    Sorry it's been so long since I posted - it's been a hard couple of weeks and I haven't been too inspired to post. Basically I got a bad back and then sick so I couldn't exercise, and then I've been in a funk since then. I haven't done much exercise and felt pretty crappy. But I'm feeling better now, and have made some rather important decisions regarding my approach to weight loss, so should be okay now.

    Being back here is good, because you guys will inspire me to get back into it. So I'm making myself and you a promise to do SOMETHING today for 30 minutes. Knowing my day, it will probably be aerobics at home tonight.

    I'm so glad you guys are still here - thanks for keeping it going!

  • I walked another mile today.Tomorrow I hope to take my nephew out in the stroller and walk alot more.
    Have a great day.
  • Hi Everyone!

    Lynne-It's so great to hear from you! I'm sorry about your back and being sick. I've been out of the exercise circle for a while now due to sickness. But I plan on getting back in the groove so let's help each other get going again. Even if it's only 10 minutes that's better then nothing! I hope you'll be able to post more! Take care of your back.

    Michaela-Way to go on getting that walking in! You are doing a great job!

    Nona-Where are you? Check in when you can!

    I'm sorry to say that I didn't do any exercise last night but I plan on definitely doing some tonight. My apartment was just too hot and I was tired from a very early morning start so I ended up napping which threw my whole evening off. So tonight I'm exercising when I get home before I even sit down! We can do this!
  • Hi There :D
    I have been doing well on my walking. Even in this heat. It is sooo hot here - and it's getting hotter! I will have to start doing my tae-bo and kathy smith tapes in another week or so.

    I have been journaling everyday. I didn't do so well on Sunday/Monday. But at least I journaled! Other than that all is well.

    How is everyone else doing? Hope your feeling better Rose! Lynne, its great to see you posting; hope your feeling better soon!

    Take Care/Lighter ~ Nona
  • Hi
    I wore my pedometer to work and it said I walked 4 miles.I thought that I probably went a mile but was surprised to see that it was 4.So that is 6 just for today.
    miles this week-7.26
  • Hi Guys

    Went to my WW meeting this a.m. I lost I was soooo happy! Just had to share. I have 10.5 more pounds to go! yeah!

    Rose ~ How are you doing? Usually you check in a few times a day. Are you feeling better yet? How is the exercise/sparks going? Take it one day at a time.... Check in when you can.

    Michaela ~ Congrats on your walking! 4 miles - excellent

    Take it easy ~ Lighter ~~~ Nona
  • Congrats on you lose.

    So far this week I have walked 14 miles.

    keep up the good work.
  • Hi Everyone!

    Happy Friday!

    Well it's been one of those weeks. One of my fillings fell out of a tooth and half of my tooth with it. Thankfully there is no pain but it's the expense that's worrying me. The same day TOM paid a visit and I got a Jury Duty notice. Jeez! But on the bright side I did get my pedometer yesterday! It's the neatest thing. I wore it to work today to see how many steps I get in a day. I'll let you all know tomorrow.

    Michaela-You have a pedometer too right? Did you set your step length? If you did what do you have? I just want to compare to see if I'm close to others. I kow we're all different but I'm not sure if I did it right or not. I got the talking pedometer and it's really neat. Good job with the exercise by the way!

    Nona-I'm feeling much better! It was heck for a while but that part is over now. I plan on getting back on the Orbitrek tonight. Now that I have my pedometer I have some incentive! Congrats on the weight loss! It must be so exciting to be so close to your goal weight. Way to go!

    Lynne-How are you doing? Did you get back in the swing of things yet? Please check in when you can!

    I need to get to work but I'll try to check back later. If not today tomorrow. Have a great Friday everybody!
  • Rose I have my stride set at 1.5 feet.
    You would never amagine how far you really go in a day.Tuesday I went 4 miles at work and last night I went 2.That doesn't count the extra that I have been going when I am not at work.Actually the pedometer is what keeps me going,it makes me want to do more.