Teachers Successfully Losing Weight/back To School Edition

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  • Home at last, home at last,

    Good afternoon ladies,

    Decent day today. Went on a hike with the other science teachers and representatives for a family donating land to the school and community as a "sanctuary" in their family's name. It runs along a small river and part of it floods a lot in the spring, but we'll take what we can get.

    DH is home now & lighting the grill for a weekly Laura's lean burger night. I'm making coleslaw with low-fat dressing for a change. I was going to make guilt-free potato salad but decided to go for some spicy Buffalo fries. (I'll skip the wheat bun so I can have some.) My daughter will eat them better than tater salad.

    It's beautiful in mid/southern Ohio today. I'm going to go outside in a few. Talk to everyone later tonight.

  • Noooo, truly, I was not making fun of you, Pam! (Don't remember my question or comment....but I know that I was not poking at you! I'm having a horrible time trying to find stuff to eat...meaning NEW stuff....I'm in a rut...)

    Gotta run.... 5th grade science homeworker needs my help!
    what a week...and it is only Wednesday!
    take care all....hope to get back...
  • Loooooooong day.....tired bus driver......never got to WW this am, she got weepy about leaving to go back to school, so I stayed home with her. I went after work, to the 6 pm meeting, gained 0.2# (good considering I had had a ton of iced tea this afternoon). Now just want to get some sleep......hopefully Fidgie will not bite my toes again....she did that last nite as I was trying to fall asleep and again at 4 am......ah the joys? of kitten hood. Sorry not to get personal.....see ya!
  • Morning Ladies,
    Hope you are having a great Thursday. For some reason, I am very tired this week. I don't know if it is because of the change in seasons or what. But I just feel like I am not getting enough sleep no matter what time I go to bed.
    I had fun afterschool last night on the playground with three of the 5th grade girls and another staff member. We played on the jungle gym, slide, swings and the tetter totters. I felt fine last night, but this morning I feel a little sore for some reason.
    I hope that this evening is still nice out and then I can go for walk outside for a change. I am going to go workout at Curves this evening to get my second day in.
    I am looking forward to go shopping on Saturday for clothes that fit for a change. But it is going to feel werid going to the smaller sizes and trying them on. I will still probably reach for the sizes that I currently wear. Does anyone else have this problem when they go clothes shopping?
    What is everyone's big plans for the coming weekend? I have class on Saturday from 8:30 until 3:30 and than it is off to the mall and dinner with my dh. Football games on Friday and Sunday. Plus trying to get some walking time in there too.
    Well I need to go and get my kids started on their work for the day. Talk to you all later.
    Have a wonderful day!
  • Hey!
    Was having an ok day til I came home and read a horrible note in my son's agenda from his teacher. She is a piece of work if you ask me. Just from the two times I've met her. So, I have to schedule a teacher conference with her. I am planning on asking her to meet with me tomorrow afternoon. I know it's Friday, but the tone of her note pissed me off. If this meeting is so urgent and she said schedule it at my convenience, then I will meet with her tomorrow..........
    Let me tell you about a small victory I had yesterday. We had a baby shower for a teacher in my grade level. Well, it was quite a spread, cake, cookies, candy chips, soda etc. I had already decided that I was NOT going to indulge, because I am really trying to be good. So, all I ate was ONE potato chip. Just one.........Yes, I only ate one. Which my hubby found hard to believe because I do love potato chips. So, anyway, these teachers were giving me the hardest time because I wasn't eating cake. Oh, you are just trying to show off, oh are you just trying to make us look bad? Trying to prove you have will power of steel? One piece of cake isn't going to hurt you.....So, I just said no thanks. But, you know, a lot of these same people have been very snotty to me since I've lost weight. I thought geez, if somone was trying to quit drinking, or smoking would those same people throw a beer in their face or give them a cigarette? It just made me mad.
    Believe me, I could have licked that cake it looked so good my mouth was watering big time.

    Hope you all have a great Friday tomorrow. Wish me luck with my parent conference.
  • Hi, everyone,

    It's Thursday and I'm not exhaused. Maybe it's because I went to bed at 8:00 Tuesday and 9:00 last night!

    Kerry: Have fun shopping. I can't 'weight' until I'm a complete size smaller. It's coming off slowly but steady. I have hidden it well for years because I have such a small frame. Even my old doctors didn't think I was that bad off until the blood pressure started to skyrocket and then my petite little mom (size 6/8) being diagnosed with Type II diabetes recently. But when you have gained 60% of your old body weight....that's not good. I never dieted....I lived a fairly low-stress life. Then I started teaching and that's when the poundage poured on. Oh, enough already. Have a great time...get's something that you would never have thought about buying before the weight loss (for that matter, go into stores you usually wouldn't go into either).

    Ginny: Hope your rested and kitties left you alone last night. There's nothing worse than trying to work when you're beat.

    Pam: Good luck with the conference. I've been there with DS (DD was always an "angel" in school). I had one 6th grade teacher tell me she thought I needed to get him tested for ADD because he was too "active" in english class. His doc said she was just making excuses for being a boring teacher; there was nothing ADD about my kid and she probably wanted him medicated so she wouldn't have to deal with him and other inquisitive kids like him. I've learned to stand my ground nicely....I prepare a list of questions to ask the teacher before a go in so I do not sound like one of those parents who thinks it's always the teacher's fault...little Jonny is perfect. I took DS with me also, so he could defend himself/or admit to his problem. Then I ask him what he thinks the problem is. Then I ask him how can he, the teacher, and I do to help him get back on track. I'm on a role...your comments brought some old memories back. Sorry,,,,,,anywhose,,,,,,,,good luck!

    Talk to ya later everyone else!
  • Evening Ladies,
    Hope everyone had a wonderful day today! I had a great day until I had to do recess duty. Then the bottom fall out of my day. The one teacher that I have duty with was absent today and had a sub. The sub is an old lady who really doesn't have her heart in subbing, just a warm body in the room babysitting basically. She left me alone on the playground for about 10 minutes out of our 30 minute duty without telling me that she was taking a student into the office. In the meantime, I had a student throwing rocks at the slide and the people who were around it. I tried to get him to stop and go into the office to chill out a little bit. Then at the end of recess, I had one of my students and a 4th grader get into it and knock over a trash can. I asked that they please stop running after each other and pick up the trash. They first refused to do it and I told them that I was going to take them to the office. They refused to go to the office, so they went and picked up the trash. They got done with that and I walked them both to the restroom to wash their hands I walked the one up to his classroom and talked to his teacher. Then was finally able to walk back to my classroom and try to start my afternoon. I get back to my room 15 minutes late and my kids were already lost for the day. So I gave them some free time to relax my nerves before we went on to our afternoon work. Made it through the afternoon with my kids, go to the office and check my mailbox. In there was a note from my principal. I signed up for a refresher course in the Alternate Assessment testing on Nov. 4th in the next county over from our's. Well the one lady in my district decided to ask the presenter to come to our district and give her talk to just our group. I thought that she had set it up for Sept. 28th. and I told her that I couldn't take that day off since I was going to take the 29th off for my two doctor's appointments and I didn't feel comfortable leaving my kids alone for two days straight. So I thought that was it. So in my mailbox this note says that I am not to reimbursed for any expenses I encounter on the 4th of Nov. when I go to this meeting, since it was offered on 10-05-05 at our county office and I refused to attend. Since I was already pissed about my afternoon, I choice to write my boss a note before I went into to talk to him. I just politely explained that I had not heard about the meeting happening yesterday and if I had I would have attended. As for an expenses that I would encounter I planned on paying for myself. I mean the meeting is free, it is only 30 minutes from my house and I drink a weight loss shake at lunchtime so I won't be charging them for mileage and lunch. So I am interested to see what the outcome of this whole deal is going to shake out. I went to Curves and blew off my steam this evening. So I feel so much better now, just needed to vent a little. Plus that TOM hit this evening so hopfully I will feel better the next couple of days. Thanks for listening to my rant.
    Ginny, hope you were able to get some rest. Sorry you had a gain but atleast you went and didn't skip your wi. Hope your day on Friday goes smooth and you sail right into the weekend without a problem.
    Pam, sorry you had a crappy day today with your son's teacher. I hope that your confernce goes well tomorrow. I will be thinking about you tomorrow. I hope all goes well with you. Way to go about your willpower yesterday at the babyshower! You go girl! Keep up the good work!
    Tammy, I plan on getting nice clothes that I normally won't think about. I use to feel that I had to wear two shirts, just to hide my fat rolls. But now I am down to just wearing one shirt. I also plan on going into Victoria Secret's and trying on some stuff there since I can finally wear their stuff. So what are your plans for the coming weekend?
    Hello to Robyn, Summer, Mouse, and Michele! Hope all is going well for you. Opps I forgot to say hi to Sue.
    Have a great evening!
  • All I can say it TGIF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Let the weekend begin!
  • Hi!
    Kerry- sorry your day was such a mess.......it all seemed to go in the tank for you once mid day hit.....today's Friday!!!!!! and hopefully better!!!! Enjoy shopping!!! Try on those smaller sizes......maybe a new color for you....try to break out of the mold of what you were wearing. You have been working so hard at this weight loss thing and deserve something bright and new and in a SMALLER SIZE. (gee, am I emphatic enough?)

    Pam- well, congrats on the nerves and will power of steel- resisting all that junk. My MIL can be like that.....hey, you know what so what if you are making everyone else (who is pigging out!) look like wimps! Your scale will go down......you deserve this......you are worth it......go for it! Stay empowered!!

    Tammy- my Dm is also Type II diabetic- and that is one of my driving forces to get this darned fat off my body. Oh, she is "under control" but takes a million pills a day.......gee if I can avoid that by losing weight it would be wonderful. I do the same thing as you- go into conferences (and doctors visits too) complete with a list of what I want to ask. (gee, they must LOVE me). Are you taking meds for bp?? (mine did the same thing.....went thru the roof).

    Okie, dokie.....guess I'd better go. At WW, I storyboarded.......wrote what my goal is......I want to be 150 or less by 1/1/06. (10.6# loss). That would put me at goal for WW .....yes I know that the holidays are coming...but I have to do this......and think I can. (anyone else think I can ?)
    SO I am trying hard......got my kick box tape in this am....and have been good with my eating yesterday and today.
    Guess I'd better go freeze the parsley I picked....... see ya!!!!!!
    Happy Friday!!!!!
  • Hey TGIF!
    Hope everyone had a good day today. It sort of seemed to drag for me.
    But, it is over. I am happy to say that I did really well with my ww points this week. I only went over by two points once. I actually have some points to blow tonight, as we are going out to eat. SOMEWHERE...............
    As for the conference. She couldn't meet me today. So, we had a phone conference. We are having a regular conference on October 20th. Here is what happened. Yesterday my son took this thing out of his bookbag called an air pac. I didn't even realize there was one in there. I guess it is inflatable and it is supposed to make things easier on your lower back. Anyway, he took it out of his backpack and and was hitting himself on the head with it. (Yes, it's stupid, but he's nine) anyway, he said it feels like a balloon. So, she took it. Then she told him to give him her agenda. The agenda was in his bookbag. He slung the bookbag off his shoulder. This thing is HEAVY. It landed in front of her foot. So, she said were you trying to hit me with your bookbag? He said I wasn't trying to hit you. She said DON'T SAY ANOTHER WORD, The note, implied that he threw his bookbag at her. Well, he may be capable of many things, but that isn't one of them. So, she was very nice on the phone. She said he has a low A average, is an auditory learner, and would rather discuss things than put them on paper. But, that he is TOO SMART, and should have a higher average. She also said that it has been her experience that fourth graders tend to become slackers. I have noticed that this year. He has become Mr. Forgetful. Anyway, I guess everything is ok, and I am going to send a checklist for her to check off everyday, and do some sort of reward system at home for him bringing his stuff home everyday etc..... I was shocked by the tone of her note. Maybe she was just in a bad mood. I don't know, she was very nice today.

    Ok, gonna get off here, and get ready to feast.

    Talk to you all later.

  • Good Saturday Morning to you all,
    Well we made it through another work week. One week closer to summer vacation. LOL Yesterday wasn't too bad. Much better than Thursday go around at school. My principal talked to me about the note I sent to him about my meeting on Nov. 4th. He said that he was just passing the message from my special ed. supervisor and that he my principal didn't see anything wrong with the way I was taking care of the alternate assessment refresher course. So I am glad that is all straightened out. Had to bring a ton of school work home with me. But after my week I had if I get to it I get to it tomorrow if not I will just tackle it on Monday.
    This morning I already put in my 4 mile Super Challenge walk. Since I have class at 8:30 until 3:30, needed something to wake me and give me an energy boost. Then when I am done with class , it is off to the mall with my dh. Look out world, here comes Kerry shopping in a smaller size. I think I am going to be brave and try and get a different style going for myself.
    Robyn, hope your WI goes well for you today! How was school this week?
    Mouse, how did you like the gym you tried out the other day? Is it a possiblity? Hope you enjoyed your holiday!
    Michele, are you slowly getting back into a routine that balances work, family and Michele's personal needs like diet and excerise? I hope things are going great for you!
    Sue, how is the moving classroom going for you? Going to go bowling any this weekend?
    Summer, where are you? I hope all is well with you and your family. Plus that the Nimrod has stayed away from you and not harmed you anymore.
    Ginny, I have faith you honey that you can be 150 or less by Jan.1st. You are so dedicated to making your life healthier that you can do it! Do you want me to think of a goal weight I would like to be by Jan.1st and we work together to get there? Would that help you?
    Tammy, hope you were able to get some sleep the other night since you were so well rested. Sounds like you are really enjoying your classes so far this year. Any big plans for the weekend?
    Pam, glad that your phone call went okay with your son's teacher. I bet you were thinking it was a lot worse. Sounds like you were able to work together to come with a pretty good plan to help him not to be so forgotful. Sounds like you might be one of the ones to reach her goal weight by Jan. 1st. Keep up the great work!
    Well I must go and get ready for school. Talk to you all later.
    Have a wonderful day!
  • Here I am for a quick run by again. I skimmed the posts but that is about it. I have a busy day planned. First I need to run my DD into my DM's as I have my monthly breakfast with the girls this morning. I will then take my DD to her bowling league(my DS went to his Dad's this weekend but my DD didn't want to go). My DH is in Chicago on business. After bowling we are going shopping for something for my DD to wear for her school pictures this week. I am hoping they have some cool weather clothes out by now as the last time we went they didn't have much in that department yet. Sunday we have mass in the morning and our couples bowling league at 6:00 but I am hoping to actually stay home and relax inbetween!

    My rolling room is actually not bad. It REALLY helps that I have great students this year. I actually have a system now and a place for everything, so I am able to find something when I need it. I just tell myself it is great exercise having to push that loaded cart from one side of the school to the other each period!

    I actually made it to WI this week. Unfortunately I just had time to WI and couldn't stay for the meeting but at least I did that. I actually lost 3 3/4 lbs from my last WI! That is pretty amazing since I haven't been tracking nor measuring at all. Must be all that cart pushing!

    Someone (I think Pam) mentioned how people try to tempt you with food. That was a good point about the booze or cigaretts. No one would ever do that. I get so much crap when I refuse something it is unbelievable! Just because I have reached my goal weight doesn't mean I can have a free for all. I don't want to go back!

    Robyn you were asking about low point lunches. For a quicky, Lean Cuisine has some good froozen meals. You may need to add a salad or some carrot sticks to bulk it up though. I also try to cook extra of whatever dinner I am making. Then I divide it up into containers to take to work. WW has a lot of good cookbooks that have lunch ideas also. Just make sure you look at them before you buy because some have stuff with hard to find ingredients or just things that you wouldn't eat on a regular basis. I like the Simple Goodness book but I'm not sure you can get it anymore. I have tons of cookbooks so if you let me know what recipe you would like, I could probably find it for you.

  • Hey!
    It really is the weekend isn't it? Yipppeeeee. I dread next week, because I have sooooooooo many things going on, but this too shall pass.
    I am happy to report that I have lost three pounds my first week on weight watchers. Although, I wasn't doing too much watching what I was eating last night....Oh well, today is a new day. My ds had a friend sleepover last night. I am exhausted. Ha! This boy is sooooooo full of energy. I think he has my dog scared too. She is hiding in my room. She is a pretty tolerant, laid back gal, but I think he is a little much for her. His dog likes to wrestle. I tried to explain to him that our dog isn't used to that. I think she was about ready to snap at him last night, so I just called her over to me and told them to go upstairs and play. Then, this morning, I was making blueberry muffins for my son cause they are his favorite, and I just can't do them on the weekdays. This little boy doesn't like blueberries. I said Ok, well what do you like? Everything he mentioned we didn't have. So, I popped two waffles in the toaster and he ate those. My son is not a morning person, and this boy is. He is as cute as he can be, but man oh man, if I could bottle his energy...........

    Stuff to do.....
    Talk to you later.
  • Is it JUNE yet???

    Perhaps I just have to be thankful for Saturdays and Sundays, huh?! Wowwww.... What a week!
    ...and it wasn't even THAT wacky! Just SOOO busy! I am in the process of conferencing with all of my kiddos' families... Did 3 after school yesterday.... this is after my dear friend began vomitting shortly after lunch and needed to go home and they couldn't get a sub SO I took her class so that she could leave. Now, I am NOT afraid of kiddos. I am NOT afraid of having a room packed with 1st graders.... BUT.... jammed packed room of kiddos requires a bit of animation, drama, and zing! It exhausted me! Sub showed up 15 minutes prior to the very end of our day. But atleast I didn't have to take them out to the buses by myself! Returned to my classroom to pop a piece of gum into my mouth, grab my water bottle and begin talking for another 1.5 hours to parents. Yipeee skipeee!

    So this morning, in the pitch black, in the pourrrrring rain, I pulled this lard butt out of bed and headed to my WI. It is coming off.
    And I have to be honest. This week was FARRRR from stellar with both my effort AND my intake. (Altho I did NOT eat horribly!). So, yes, I did my storyboard.... and I truly KNOW what I need to do! NEXT week folks... I'm gonna reach my mini goal! It is SO easy to be SO determined sitting behind this keyboard on a Saturday morning prior to my REAL life waking up around me, without the weekday demands pulling my hair out one strand at a time!
    :: The reality of my busy life makes me nuts! HOWEVER, chins in the air, fist over head in Scarlett O'Hara fashion... "THIS is the week!" (Didn't you hear this speech from me last Saturday morning?!)

    Yes, Gin, I KNOW that you will reach your goal by the new year! I believe in you!

    Sue, thanks for the info about the cookbooks and the offer for recipies! I'm going to buy the new chicken WW cookbook if they ever get any more back in stock! (I've heard it has recipies for duck.... I'm sure those pages will get lots of use at my house! Quack, quack! NOT!) Congratulations on your WI!
    Pam, Congratulations on your WI! Keep working your plan, girlie! Watch out for Mr.Morning and his energy!
    Too bad it isn't like a cold...."catching"! LOL
    Kerry, you are so smart to "kill the exercise" before the day even gets rolling! You and your dedication are inspiring! Keep up the great work!

    I'm sorry if I've forgotten anyone.... I'm seriously considering going back to bed.... this rain...and my early morning run in it has given me very heavy eyelids....and BASEBALL IS CANCELLED for the day! whoooooohoooooo.... Everyone else is bummed...I'm estatic! (Great mom, huh?!)

    Take care...type to you all soon!

  • Good Morning!
    Robyn: You are doing so good!!!!!!!!!!! You inspire me. I managed to get a whole lot of nothing done yesterday. Not one thing, but listen to kids play and be lazy. Oh well..... It has been raining for the past few days. Makes you sleepy. Ok, I did manage to go to the grocery store. That's always fun. I had a house full of kids yesteray. I think six plus my oldest and his girlfriend. I have yet to write a single lesson plan for this week. I suppose I shall do that at some point today.

    Have any of you ever heard of the Halleluyah ( I have spelled that three different ways. I don't know how to spell it....) Diet? My neighbor across the street started it on September 7th. Anyway, she is down twenty nine pounds. I knew she was doing it, but I haven't seen her in like forever, and I ran into her in the grocery store she looks amazing. I could not eat like that for the rest of my life. She is not eating meat. She can only eat, whole grains, brown rice, veggies, no sugar, white cheeses like swiss, and mozzerella, pure butter. She said she loves it. She is mad because she wants to lose quicker. I was like my goodness, you've lost thirty pounds almost in a month. That is pretty darn quick.

    I did great yesterday with my points. I was actually under my target points by six points. Don't know how I did that.......

    Have a relaxing day...............