Teachers Successfully Losing Weight/back To School Edition

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  • Michele- how wonderful that you met your personal goal for the 5K walk.....and for such a good cause. Congrats to you- and what a great accomplishment!!!!!! Yeah, I have laundry to do too......oh well.

    Robyn- okie dokie......want me to plan your lunch???? You gotta tell me what you like to eat, hon!!!!!!!How about a grilled ham and cheese sandwich (make at home,nuke at work) use the WW or other lite bread, (1pt), 2 0z ham (2pts) and ff american (0)- total dammage, 4 pts, have a banana (2pts) and a V-8 (little can). Total lunch- 6 points. Or a cup of whole wheat spaghetti (3pts), 1/4cup spaghetti sauce- (1pt), parmesan cheese on top if you like.....(1pt) and some fruit (1-2pts). I LOVE my WW chilli- 4pts a serving...add the cheese for 2pts......enough ideas?????
    GIMME MORE TIME.....and seriously, let me know what you like. I just made a turkey meat loaf recipe that even my husband and son liked (rare occurance) that was 4 points a serving........
    Okie dokie.....the reason I came here is Dh announced that he wanted to go out for dinner, and for those of you on WW, check out www.dwlz.com. She has WW points for TONS of restaurants...the list is exhausting, and although she is not WW authorized, the points seem pretty realisitic to me. So I am picking out my dinner now.....and that is why I came back online.
    Gotta go ladies.......see ya and enjoy the rest of today!
  • Hey!
    Been a busy day. Grocery shopping. Yuck. Grading papers. Lesson plans.Yuck. Yuck. Weeding my flower bed....Yuck. Hm sounds like a yucky day. Actually except for venturing out to Walmart, it was pretty peaceful. Had to weed the flower beds so I could put my little scarecrow out there. Maybe I will go dig it out of the shed. Maybe maybe maybe.......
    Maybe we will actually take a walk after dinner. I didn't walk last night, but I did do a slight work out. I seem to feel as tired today as I did when I came home Friday afternoon.

    Hope you all have a great week.
  • Hi everyone,
    Hope you are having a wonderful day! My day got a little better after I worked out. I was in a depressed mood after leaving the car lot yesterday afternoon. We didn't get a new van, since they wanted too much for the van we liked. They did say that they would keep looking for a van for us though. So I guess that is a positive. We went to the boys football game last night for them to get beat 32 to 6. We came home and I went to bed, only to be woke up about 30 minutes later by my dh saying he had to run out for a little bit. That the boys were watching a movie in their room and was already in bed. So I had to wait up a little bit before going back to sleep to make sure they didn't do anything silly with their df gone. Then I really couldn't get back into my good sleeping pattern. So I did a lot of tossing and turning last night. Finally got up this morning at 9:45. I did get a half hour in on my excerise bike and did a 3 mile walking video. Did some laundry, straightened up the house and went to the grocery store for dinner ideas for me this week. Took the kids to the DQ to celebrate my one stepson getting a 100% on his spelling test on Friday. Since this is a major rare occurance we wanted to treat him. So I lived it up a little too and got a blizzard.
    Sorry not to get personal with you all right now. The kids are still here and their mom should be coming shortly to get them. I need to see if their clothes are all packed up. Talk to you all later.
  • Hi, all.
    I'm in the midst of transferring my junk to my new computer and getting used to it. At least 3 times, the damn thing almost went off the 4th floor balcony today... it took 3 hours for Audible and I to figure out how to get the computer to recognize previously purchased audio books. I'm still trying to burn the 2 of them to a CD for my classroom, because ... lord forfend we actually USE the technology in our classroom for something useful instead of just MS Office or Inspiration! :P That means I can't use the audio books on the computer at school unless they are burned to a CD: I can't hook my iPod or my iPaq to the machines. Any idea how many CDs a 7 hour audio book takes? I'm at 5 and counting!
    I'm also still really ticked at my teaching assistant. She's as bad as one of the children... or worse. I can give them instructions and usually get what I asked for withing certain limits. I can't even manage that with this woman. We were out in the community on Friday and one of my kids had 4 seizures... one he fell over, literally, but I caught him and got him on the floor okay... the school advised that I should have the store manager call 911, which I did... EMTs get there, and my TA LEAVES THE OTHER STUDENTS TO COME ASK ME ABOUT MONEY FOR THE VEGETABLES THEY WERE GOING TO BUY!!!!!! Good lord, she left the other kids alone, she sees I'm talking to the EMTs, and is babbling about money? Anybody with sense would have put the things back if you didn't have money for it, or just WAITED. She can't handle anything like a seizure or medical issue... the same kid had a nose bleed and she freaked over that too. This does not inspire me to leave her with a substitute in my classroom for the Jewish holidays, let me tell you! I'm afraid of what might happen when I'm gone.
    Gah. The computer upgrade has taken most of my time today, so I've been very good with eating... And I still need to find a place to go swimming down here.
    Things have slowed to nearly a stop with local response to Katrina, though, which is good... and things are smoothing out for the kids...
    Hope the rest of you had good and restful weekends: I need to go finish my sub plans.
  • Just a short hello. Mondays are usually very busy, today is no exception and we have a county wide 15 minute early dismissal (test of emergency systems). So things are more hectic than normal. I did sneak in my WATP tape....did that before work.

    Mouse - good to hear from you. I am not all that well versed in computers (just do not have the time to become so!), so am useless to help you with anything. Sounds as though your life might be settling down a bit.....guess that is good. Hope you find a pool!

    Pam- you busy lady. How is WW going??? Get a walk in?

    Kerry- sorry the van you wanted was so much$$. Gosh, vehicles are so pricey.....(ours are all older, and I know that sooner or later we will have to be on the market for something new also.....dread it!). Glad that your workout picked you up. Sounds as though you are headed for another great WI with all your excercise.
    Gotta go make beds.....vacuum.....fold wash. Can I get all this done???? Augh!!!!!!!!!
  • Hello to all you fine ladies,
    Hope everyone is having a great Monday! I finally got out of my bad mood last night when my dh and I had a heart to heart chat on the way to dinner. He didn't realize that he had said something to offend and hurt my feelings. So he worked extra hard last night to make me happy. I think we might have a date for next Saturday after I am done with my follow-up class for Science. My dh suggested that we go to the mall and get some new clothes and shoes for both of us. So I think I might get some dinner out of the deal too at Lonestar.
    Sounds like we are all going to be very busy this week.
    Robyn congrats on the weight loss. Way to go girl!! Remember that you want it to come off slow and easy that way it is less likely to come back on you and than some.
    Mouse, sorry to hear that you were having fits with your computer yesterday. But it will be worth it in the long run to have a new computer. Did you get the audio books burned to your cd's yesterday? Glad to hear that you are having a good rapport with your students. Now if you just could have a good rapport with your TA you would be all set. I wonder if Summer's TA and your TA are related somehow. I can't believe she left your students alone to ask about money during your emergency with your one student. Hope you can find a gym soon.
    Ginny that was so sweet of your dh to notice that you are getting smaller and to comment about it. I bet that you made feel awesome! So you were able to sneak in a walk too this morning. I did my walk and Jog video. Tonight is normally my night to go workout at Curves. But I am going with the afterschool program on a fieldtrip to a farm to go through a corn maze and pick pumpkins. So we will get back half an hour later than I normally work. So I think I am going to for a walk after I do some work at home this evening and beg my dh to go with me too. Hope your day isn't too crazy with the early dismissal.
    Sue, glad to hear from you. Sorry that you have been so busy and can't come visit us. But I believe that you will finally get the hang of your school and famiy schedule one of these days. Once you get that down pat than your eating and excersing well get better. Hope you can find the time to come here and go to your WW meetings for support.
    Michele sounds like you have a good plan set in place to get back on track. The first full month of being back in school can be a tough one. But knowing you I think you can be strong and get the job done. Hope your daughter is feeling better.
    Summer, hope all is going well with you. We sure do miss you. But understand that school and graduate class come first. Hoep you can drop in and visit us soon.
    Pam, sounds like you had a busy but productive weekend. So did you get your walk in after dinner last night? Where you able to keep your house clean over the weekend? We had the kids and they are at that age where it feels and looks like a tornado hit any room they are in.
    Well ladies, I better go and get my kids started on their Social Studies work. Than it will be time for snack, take the flag down, maybe play a quick game of Uno with them and than get ready to go home.
    Hope you all have a wonderful evening ladies!
    Take care,
  • Evening, all.
    I figured that I'd stop by and say hi to my virtual friends since I wasn't able to get home for the Jewish New Year. My district is very strict on only allowing 3 religious holidays a year, and with the hours we have (9-4), its impossible for me to get to my mom's house before the sun sets and the holiday begins. I thought about going to a shul locally for services, but most of them started the price for non-member tickets at $200 and up. If I have $200 to spare, I'm super sorry, but I'm going to see a show on Broadway in New York! Not a very religious attitude is it??
    I hope things will go well in my classroom tomorrow: I left everything organized. I'm trying really hard to get my TA to understand that there are things that need to be done and I can't do it all on my own, plus she needs to anticipate... but ASK when she anticipates. She finally finished a project I gave her when school started... and then labeled the binders I keep stuff to photocopy in... I didn't say a word about the labels even though what she labeled them with is not what is in the binder. It makes sense to her... Like, the one binder is labeled "Shopping Mall Math", but that isn't all that is in there or even most of what is in there. Its a binder full of functional math word-problems. But, like I said, she did something on her own and I didn't say a word! Of course, that was after she took a double-lunch break for an hour and 10 minutes! So she was only able to get some of the copying done because she has hall duty too. She keeps praising me too, like telling me how organized I am (I made sure my plan book was super organized so the substitute could find the notes I left, class rosters, etc).
    Ginny: I hope you survived the craziness of Monday. I think about you when I have bus duty (EVERY morning and EVERY afternoon!!!). I bet you're not all that computer illiterate... you aren't scared to death of it, right??
    Kerry: Yes! And its a total success! I had to pull tricks out of my bag today till it was nearly bottomless with my ED kiddo... even some mild cursing (not my style, but I'll use it if it gets through to them). He finally got settled, and we sat down with the audio CD and 3 worksheets I did on the computer: One character sheet with spots for description and role/job, one setting sheet, and one summary sheet. The summary he gave me for the first chapter was totally awesome. He is very into the story, so it was worth the fuss on the phone with Audible yesterday and the 6 CDs it took to burn the book. He's never used a screen reader or a audiobooks before, and he really wants to learn how to use the stuff because he recognizes that it will make his life easier. I can't wait till I can get him typing on his own, but we don't have word-prediction yet, and the school is using Word 2000, which odesn't have the accessibility features of Word 2003. His spelling is atrocious. I am amazed everytime I work with him about how much he grasps, and can't understand how ANYBODY could have thought he was mentally ******ed.
    I'm going to try and go to the gym I want to join tomorrow since I'm "off" for the Jewish Holiday. I can't go home, and I can't go to shul, so I will do some important to me stuff... like finding a place to swim!!!!
  • Hi, everyone!

    Sounds like everyone is so busy already this week. Someone last week asked about antibiotics and hair....I believe that any medication (and pregancy hormones) change the composition of your hair. It's like a fossil record of what's been in your body. Of course, it has to be hair that's growing out during the medication-taking and for some time after. Supposedly, if you take certain drugs (cocaine) it can be detected for up to 10 years in your hair (even if it's been cut). So yes, it can affect how perms (esp.) take and dye.

    Kerry: Sorry about the van. I feel your pain and I know decent vans cost. I finally broke down a couple of years ago and got a Jetta (I had been driving an SUV that I loved). DH now drives SUV, since I get off school on snowy days and I've become accustomed to a small and environmentally responsible car.

    Mouse: Hope your holidays is uplifting and you find a place to swim.

    Ginny: Can I have some of your energy? You sound like a very positive, energetic person. I need that for my housecleaning....DH is going on a golf weekend this week and asked me if I was going to clean since he deep cleaned two weeks ago. I guess he thinks that I do not have anything better to do since he'll be away. It's DD's homecoming and DS is coming home for fall break (4 days) so I'll have plenty to keep me busy. DD just came into my office to ask for a chore list....she needs cash for her Japanese dinner plans, football game, and haunted hike with friends Friday. I see housecleaning in her future!

    Pam: I could use a little of your energy, too. You go with that garden! DH only "lets" me weed, he doesn't like me messing with his plants. He was an assistant grounds keeper at a tiny golf course in college. He's a professional don't ya know.

    Robyn: Crazy chem woman here. How are you? I hope you're eating a variety this week. I'm in a rut myself. I tried to make slow cooker chicken noodle soup tonight. It was okay, but I was fantasizing that it would taste like Panera's. I think I figured out what to do next time, if there is a next time. Chemistry kids finished artificial vs. natural sweetener lab today. AP environmental kids will "operate" on owl pellets tomorrow and Wed., and chem kids will end week with a water testing lab (for hardness). Busy, busy, busy, but they are so good when they're working on labs, it's worth the extra work.

    Michele: Hi, I'm new here. I just kind of jumped in one day and now the other ladies can't get rid of me. I teach HS chemistry and APES (AP Environmental Science) in Ohio. Have a good week.

    Nighty, night,
  • Evening Ladies,
    My fieldtrip to the pumpkin farm was fun. We had a snack of donuts and apple cider. Than we went through a corn maze and got to take a hayride out to a pumpkin patch and picked a pumpkin. It was cute watching the kids try to find the perfect pumpkin. One little guy in kindergarten wanted this huge pumpkin that was the size of him just about. Let him get and had to have one of the parents carry it for him.
    Well I better go and get my dh up and moving. I asked him if he would go for a walk with me about 15 minutes ago and he has yet to budge from the couch. Guess I have to go pry him off the couch and shove him out the door. LOL Talk to you all later.
  • Hi Y'all:
    Hope you are having a wonderful Tuesday! I got my day off to having to rush to work since I was taking my good old time this morning at home. I was 15 minutes late leaving my house this morning. I had to park in the lower level of our parking lot and hike up the little hill. I was tired by the time I got to my classroom. LOL
    Mouse, I hope you enjoy your holiday too! Have a great time checking out the new gym. I hope that it is what you are looking for. Sounds like other than your incompentant (sorry about spelling) TA, you are making great progress with your students. Keep up the great work!
    Tammy, sounds like you had a great time over the weekend making homemade ketchup. Where does your inlaws live at? I guess the good thing about not getting a new van is that we don't have a higher van payment right now. I will just keep paying on my current van and get it lowered even more and than hopefully trade it in for a new model.
    Ginny is your day going a little bit better for you today? Did you get a walk squeezed in?
    Well I need to go and grade some papers while my kids are out of the room for Art. Talk to you all later. Hopefully I will have a loss to report tonight after my TOPS meeting tonight. Keep your fingers crossed.
    Have a great day!
  • Hi, ladies,

    Just a quickie for now. Great day....APES kids dissected an owl pellet and will reform the skeletons of the rodents/birds tomorrow. They will then key out what the animals were that the owl ate and finally make a food web.

    My freshmen are still pretty sweet and compliant...they're scared of me still. As Martha says, "It's a good thing."

    Kerry: My in-laws live on the Clermont/Brown County line in Bethel (not the Bethel Twp. close to Dayton). It is about 1 mile from the Brown Co. line & about 40 min. from downtown Cinci. DH and I actually grew up there about 2 miles apart, but didn't date until he was out of college (he's 3 years older than I). I was buds with his younger brother....we had our own little group of party animals.

    I'll probably get back on later when I have more time to chat and get personal.

  • Hey everyone!
    These have been some busy days. Seems like we have meetings everyday. We are taking a diversity class which takes up every other planning period. Also, there are IEP meetings, afterschool meetings, and I start a practicum next Tuesday. Geez.......I am having to miss a countywide Math Leadership meeting because of the practicum. However, that could be a good thing..................I find them to be a total waste of time myself.
    I have been doing great with the WW plan. I have not gone over my points once. Ok, so I have only been doing it for a few days, but, so far so good. I really like the online program. There is arecipe builder program on there. I put in a recipe and then it will tell me the points, so I don't have to guess. Also, if I don't like the points, I can modify the recipe so that I can get it to be where I need it to be....I guess I am really excited about it right now. My friend acts like she is kind of pissed about it. She is like well I think you need to slow down on this weight loss thing. Well, it has been dagonne slow. I mean, I lost the thirty pounds by the time school was out and then lost and gained back the same pounds for the remainder of summer.
    Actually I should have changed my ticker. As of last Saturday I was back up to 178. We had been eating out more and it really does jump back on if you aren't careful.

    Tammy: It was me who asked about the hair color and antibiotics. It defintely did a number on my hair, however, I have remedied that and it looks fine. I did go quite red for one day. Yuck......Sounds like you have an interesting class. I never did take chemistry in high school or college. I am more of a biology girl.

    Kerry: Hope you have a great date! Sounds like fun. It's great when the hubby tries to suck up to right a wrong isn't it? Especially fun when you get shopping out of the deal. Although, I hate to take my husband clothes shopping he stands there and looks bored and I feel like I need to hurry.
    My house.........Back to an F4. Looks like a tornado hit it. I lost my motivation about mid Saturday, and said screw it. Oh well.

    Mouse: I'm sorry you can't make it home for the holiday. Do you all get personal days at all? We get five per year, but we have to pay a sub for half a day out of our pay if we use them. Have you gotten your computer straightened out yet? I changed my computer last year after it crashed. I just realized a few days ago, that I hadn't saved some stories I had written to floppy disks, and I am hoping.........That my mother has them on her computer.

    Ginny: How's everything? I think I am going to stick to toast for breakfast. My lunch is ending up right around seven points, and my breakfast is about three. However, I have to throw those three points in for that Pepsi......However, happy to report that today I only drank 3/4 instead of a whole one. Withdrawal.......I have three points left not including activity points, but I think I am going to eat a sugar free jello instead......
    I have walked everyday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It feels really good to get back to it....The weather is perfect.

    Robyn: Were you poking fun at me for asking about lunch points Missy??????????? Hope everything is going ok for you.

    WHERE IS SUMMER??????????SUE?

    Have a great day tomorrow.....
  • Evening Ladies,
    I went to TOPS and gained 3/4 of a pound. But I think that has something to do with it being that time of the month is very near. So I guess just have to work really hard at getting it down for next week.
    Well I have to go and get ready for school tomorrow. I need to get my lunch and dinner ready for tomorow, lay out my clothes and get my workout clothes ready for after work and my trip to the gym. Talk to you all later.
  • Good morning!
    No time to get personal this am........sorry.
    Yesterday was hectic- Dd had the appt with the urologist, and I was totally prepared to hear that he wanted to perform surgery on her. He is giving her one more try.....wants to see her in a year, and see if she can go infection free for the year. His comment that was her kidneys were normal- bladder emptied well (as seen on the sonogram we had 2 weeks ago) and because she did not spike a fever when she had the urinary infection (fever indicates that the infection went to her kidneys, which it did not) then he wants to wait this out. If she gets another infection- then surgery. But he is willing to wait......(I love this doctor!)- and I do know him to be a kind and caring man (he annually goes overseas for a month and practices in 3rd world , what is it called, Doctors without borders or something like that?).
    Anyway...a good day.
    Dd came home - she has no classes......goes back later today.
    WW today......got my tape in this am........see ya later!!!!!
  • Afternoon Ladies,
    Hope you all had a wonderful day at school! My day was great! I got most of my Science lesson plan taught for the follow-up class I have to go to on Saturday the 8th.
    My kids did a really good job once I modified it a little bit.
    Ginny, hope your weight in goes well today. My WI went okay last night even though I gained 3/4 of a pound. Glad that your daughter's appointment went so well. Sounds like the doctor is very understanding and not surgery happy.
    Pam glad that your WW is going so well. I am sorry that your one friend is giving you a hard time about your weight loss. Let it roll off your back. Keep up the great work!
    Well I better go and get my kids working on their Social Studies. Than it will be time to get ready to send them out the door.
    Have a wonderful evening.
    Talk to you all later,