Weight Loss & Chit Chat #142

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  • Jane - So sorry about the foundation news; but, you know, it's better to know now as opposed to later. Neal has pics and memories and this will be hard, but in the long run you two will be spending your retirement in YOUR own space, made especially for you! Now how many of us get to do that? Just remember to put the handle bars on the tub and a ramp up to the doorway for the walkers and you can stay there until the end of days (JK - really) - maybe not - we are certainly thinking of these considerations as we remodel our house....it's hard to find one level living in our neck of the woods.

    Marti - took the kids to Enchanted Forest to day and I smiled, remembering the photos you posted last year of your day there. My kids had so much fun! I went on the log ride, because my DD is finally tall enough and she wanted to - it is not my favorite thing to do and my eyes were closed for half the ride. I really do not like anything resembling a rollercoaster

    Welcome rebelrider (PSST - are you Andrea? I can't keep people straight anymore) I really like your avatar. I am so anti-Britney, and I like Avril's image of just being herself and not arranging her packaging around her sexuality. I liked the song "Complicated". I am very impressed with your progress and glad you posted it. I tipped the scales at 245 on the day my DD was born 10/31/01. My ticker just reflects what I weighed when I was able to really start losing, and that was when I weaned her in 03. I was visiting with my Grandma today and when she complimented me on my weight loss, I reallized that I do finally have all the baby pounds off. I felt so good! Yeah, I have another 30 of the "me "pounds to work on, but it just really sunk in that those baby pounds are really gone...YES!

    HI to everyone else! As mentioned, I took the kids to Salem today. The guys are working on the roof and we just felt a bit cooped up. The State Fair is going on, but I really OD'ed on the State fair as a child ( I grew up in Salem) and I just wasn't up for the crowds and all that junky food. So I took the kids to Enchanted Forest, then a short visit wiht my grandmother, then a little trip the the Children's Museum, then home. We are pretty tired!

    I am still a bit stressed about NOLA stuff. My step-dad still hasn't heard from his daughter or 4 grandkids. Did get confirmation that his mother, sister, brother and their families are OK. Mom and Sis are living in a camper somewhere north - Bro is in TN. I hope the rest of the family gets in touch soon. The kids were, presumably, living with their respective fathers, which is good 'cause then they are most likely safe. Lord knows where the daughter is. Not a responsible person in the best of times. Just say a little prayer if you think about it.... a very tough time.

    Ok - enough about me...How's it going with the rest of my JL pals?
  • Afternoon Ladies---

    Thought I'd pop in before getting ready for bed....haven't done much today. Got to talk to my DD in OKC this afternoon. She's sounding kinda homesick. She said "Mom, I thought you might come over since you had a long weekend...." I wish I could have but I would have had to leave early this morn and come back tomorrow afternoon and with gas the way it is, I just had to stay home.... I did toodle around outside for a bit just watering.

    They have started bringing people evacuted from NO into Amarillo this afternoon. They are flying them in and they are staying in the Civic Center. Amarillo is just about 55 miles from where I live. The Red Cross is having emergency training today and on Tuesday. I think I'll go in Tuesday and see what I can do to help.....even if it's just talking with people or helping with the children...We'll see. I think they are only bringing in 750 to 1000 people...alot for this area. I'm sure it's because the larger cities are filling up. Katy--I'll for sure be praying for your loved ones. Let us know when you find something out. That Enchanted Forest sounds really cool--I bet the kids loved it.

    Jane, I think dove season is a little later in the year for us. In December, Pheasant season is really big around here and hunters come in from all over the US. I used to really be nervous the first few days of the season when the kids were little---I wouldn't let them go outside---hunters are walking the fields and I was always nervous about accidents. My mother can really fix smoked pheasant well. I guess since I grew up with 3 brothers and my dad always hunting, we just got used to it.

    Well, I hope everyone is doing okay and enjoying their weekend. I hope to get my house cleaned up tomorrow and get ready for the school week.

    Love to all and prayers to those hurting from Katrina---
  • Hello gals--

    I've had SUCH a busy day! I decided that I was going to finally clear out one of the sheds and put it all in the bigger one so we can use that for a workout room or what ever we decide. Sheesh...talk about back breaking! All that lifting and squatting and shoving. Only got half of it done. It's getting there.

    James came home Saturday evening. And he didn't have to go to work until 6:30 Sunday. So that was very nice. And he's pinned to a job right now to where he'll be coming home once he's done!! VERY happy w/that!

    We had the 3rd annual "Animal House" celebration Saturday. I went to town w/some friends and watched the parade. They had a food fight in the middle of the street! It was fun to watch. Anyone watch Animal House w/John Belushi? (did I spell his name right?? doesn't look right) They had a HUGE toga party someone made the "Deathmobile" and drove that through. Lots of fun. Since the parade in the movie was filmed in Cottage Grove, they finally decided to make it a yearly gathering. Pretty big thing for a small town.

    Well ladies...it's getting late and I need to get some sleep. Since I've written so much already, I will do some individuals tomorrow morning. You all take care and I'll chat w/you in the morning!
  • Hi ladies,

    Andrea - wouldn't the water weight come right back off with whatever you actually lost? If you like corn and stuff like that, I'd like to recommend WW, where you can eat anything, only in limited portions. I really enjoy eating the same foods as the rest of my family. Just a thought. Something tells me you probably like Rilo Kiley, too, since you like Avril. I love her song I Have Never.... the music is so good that I had my Katie record it on a CD for me.

    Katy - sounds like you had a great weekend. Is the Enchanted Forest the place Susan posted pics of awhile back? Really did seem enchanted to me!

    Beth - my MIL used to fix game, but don't think she fixed pheasant. I never could eat game at all, being a city girl. Now I'm living at Green Acres, but still get my meat at the grocery, lol. Neal used to hunt a little before we were married, but I told him I'd never think of marrying a hunter, so he never went again. If he misses it, he doesn't complain. Smart man, right? lol

    Marti - I remember most of the Animal House movie, lol. It was pretty wild for the time back when it was first popular. <chanting> Toga, toga, toga, lol! Will you have heat and a/c in the shed for your workout room? How'd things go at the gym? I haven't been to the Y since I hurt my knee, which is no excuse since it was better after about 3 days, lol. I'm thinking that since I'm in such a big house, I ought to just bring the gazelle back in.

    Didn't do much today. We had tacos, lol, not very American. Neal found a bunch of Fern's stuff that was in Rubbermaid boxes under the stairwell, in the closet, and we've been sorting through all that. ah-choo!

    No news, so I'm outta here..... see ya' later, chickas.
  • Good morning ladies!

    Katy-Yes, my name is Andrea. It is hard keeping new names straight! Sounds like you had fun at Enchanted Forest! Also, congratulations on losing the baby weight...it feels great to have someone notice all the efforts!

    Actually everyone is doing great on weightloss! Great job!!!

    Marti- Sounds like the "Animal House" celebration was a lot of fun. I will have to rent the movie sometime...

    Jane- Yeah, the water weight does come off. I stepped on the scale last night and I'm up a pound probably from the water weight. My rings and waistband feel a little snug, too. Most the times I don't really eat (or miss eating) corn. It's not one of my favorites. There were no other healthy choices at the cook-out other than grilled burgers...so I just chose the corn over chips, potato salad, Smores, and cake. My all-time favorite veggie is green beans! I discussed WW with my husband and he just isnt too interested...needs a little more strictness. So, it just makes it tons easier to do the same plan! But thanks for the suggestion! Actually, I did join several years ago. I would use all my points and eat junk and loads of starches...so I didn't lose much! LOL. I do like a lot of their recipes and use them sometimes.

    Another day back at work. I really enjoyed having a long weekend. I ordered some Denise Austin tapes and hoping they will come in the mail today so that I can get started on a more structured routine. Right now I've been just doing 20-30 mins on the Gazelle, some Tae Bo, and then ab work on a stability ball and free weights to tone my arms.

    Have a great day!
  • Good morning~

    Just checking in with a quick Hi!

    Have a good one ladies!
  • Hi Ladies,
    I'm sorry I haven't been around much lately. I have been getting ready to be around even less. Wed. morning I am catching a train to Nova Scotia to spend some time with my 86-year old mother who has cancer. (I will get to Amherst, NS at 1 Thursday afternoon.) I got a one-way ticket because I am unsure how long I will be away. I know that I won't have much computer time. I plan to try to check in when the library is open but their hours are very limited. I hope everyone here is well. I will try to get better acquainted after I come home.

    Judy A.
  • Hold it, hold it! It looks like we need to go on over to Weight Loss & Chit Chat # 143.

    See you there!