Thinking about cheating on this plan?

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  • Some of you may remember the survey we ran last year, to get statistics on various diets and how happy you are with them. Overall, we heard from around 10,000 dieters that followed South Beach, Atkins, Weight Watchers, Jenny Craig, LAWL, Curves, and eDiets. Among other things, we included questions about your cheating habits. We thought you might be interested in the results, in case it helps you stay on plan.

    We quizzed both current and former South Beach Diet followers to see how their cheating habits affected their success and ability to stick to the plan. What we learned is that most people (75%) do cheat every now and then. Of that 75%, about 2/3 only cheated on rare occasions, such as holidays. The other third cheated a little more often, but still not on a regular basis. These numbers were about the same in both groups, former and current South Beachers.

    The way they differed, though, was in counting how many people cheated regularly. Surprisingly, only 2% of successful South Beachers cheated regularly. On the other hand, 12% of the former South Beachers cheated regularly and were not able to stick to the plan long enough to reach their goals.

    Based on the comments provided by the group, those that allowed themselves to cheat more often found it more difficult to stay on plan as their diets progressed. In a nutshell, it was harder to decide which cupcake or potato chip would be the last one.

    Are you a cheater? We all do it, every now and then. We're human. But when you choose a diet plan that has specific lists of foods to choose from, like South Beach, then you need to stick to those lists if you want to be successful. If you don't like living off of food lists, there are a lot of other diets to choose from, which are equally as effective as South Beach. They're all good It's all about your personal tastes and what you can live with.

    If you are posting in this forum, and have chosen South Beach, then we assume you have chosen to stick to the approved food lists. After all, that's what the South Beach Diet is. If you do slip up, it's ok. Pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and get back on plan. If it affected your weight loss, consider it a lesson learned, but don't complain about it. If it didn't affect your weight loss, consider yourself lucky, but don't get too relaxed or it may bite you hard later!

    Do you have any tips to share that help you control your urge to cheat? If so, please post them here to help others.
  • Altoids cinnamon breath strips, water, and procrastination! I'm just starting the SBD, but I've been on WW in the past a few times, as well as dieting on my own. The Altoids strips don't have sugar in them, and they pack a POWERFUL cinnamon taste (my 17 month old adores them, even though they are kinda hot!). If you are just hankering for a little something, I find that they really ease the craving by giving you a lot of lingering flavor. There are other brands, of course, but the Altoids brand has the most potent taste that I've come across.

    I also find that a lot of times when I THINK I'm hungry, I'm really thirsty. So if I drink a glass or two of water, that will a. fill me up; b. relieve any low-grade thirst I'm mistaking for hunger; and c. slow me down so I'm not diving into a snack on a whim. Which leads to the last thing: procrastination.

    If I decide I feel like a nibble (or so), unless I'm really hungry, I'll say "I'll go get a snack after I finish this chapter/song/email/etc." Usually by the time I finish whatever I was doing, I've forgotten I was going to go get a snack! If I'm hungry enough to be reminded, then I'm usually truly hungry, not just craving, so then I'll go get something.
  • Suzanne - Thank you so much for this post; it is indeed very timely.

    My tips - first of all, yes, we all slip up. The key for me is to address it right away. Before it happened how was I feeling - bored, lonely, angry, deprived, left out? I then come up with a plan to address that particular emotion the next time it comes up. The key for me is working on 'feeling my feelings' vs. eating them.

    I try not to look for excuses to go off plan...if I allowed myself to go off plan for every special occasion or holiday then I'd be making up special occasions

    At social gatherings where food seems to be a big deal I really try to focus on the people there and not the food. Yesterday we had DBF's company picnic where the food was definitely NOT OP...I involved myself in conversation and DBF and I even managed to slip away for a long walk without being missed too much ;o)

    There are certain times of the day when my urge to cheat is very strong, usually around 3pm. I try to get my healthy snack in by 2:30 and then I schedule myself as 'busy' for 2 hours after that. Right now my exercise is scheduled from 3 to 5 pm...which really seems to be working out well for me.

    Planning ahead is very helpful also. On the weekend I usually spend a few hours preparing some items that can be portioned and frozen or refrigerated for quick meals when I'm busy during the week.

    I drink LOTS of water and green tea. I have a 1 liter bottle of water with me at all times, and I'll finish 4, if not 5, of them in a day. I've found that when I keep myself hydrated that I am not nibbling so much throughout the day. (Yes, I've been guilty of being a nibbler...sigh.)

    Finally, I have my bottle of Mr. Clean that sits on the counter at all times. I can be so well prepared for the day and think nothing will stop me...but there are always those times when a sudden urge to binge on xxxx just hits me. We all know that food can talk to us As soon as the food starts talking to me it gets dumped in the trash and sprayed with Mr. Clean. That may sound drastic and probably even wasteful...but in my eyes xxxx is better off in the garbage can than it is on my arse!!
  • Quote: If you are posting in this forum, and have chosen South Beach, then we assume you have chosen to stick to the approved food lists. After all, that's what the South Beach Diet is. If you do slip up, it's ok. Pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and get back on plan. If it affected your weight loss, consider it a lesson learned, but don't complain about it. If it didn't affect your weight loss, consider yourself lucky, but don't get too relaxed or it may bite you hard later!
    Hear, hear!! Great post, Suzanne... thank you!
  • OUCH! That stung after my slip ups this weekend. But, it is a good thing to point out.

    The things that help me get through the day are:

    my sugar free gum
    staying on schedule
    planning ahead

    All of which I failed miserably with this weekend. I can only go forward and today I have been good. I did manage to make it to the gym this weekend and have every plan to go tonight. So, it is back OP for me today!
  • Hi

    Great question???????????????

    I cheat now & than but for salty foods & snacks only. My doctor told me thats from going to lower carbs,and that was natural.Being on Phase 2 if I do have a sweet treat its in moderation,[bite size] I'm lucky as far as sweet treats don't borther me any more as I lost the taste for them ever starting Phase 1.on the South Beach Diet.

    Hugs BB
  • great post
  • Wow!! This really made me think!! Thanks so very much!!!

    I did cheat some while i was on vacation, but got right back on the beach and feel all the better for it!!!
    What I try to do...
    If I want to snack I try to bring my dog Sammie for a walk first...
    I try to eat vegies first...if I am hungry after I take Sammie for a walk
    I too try to drink water first! Sometimes that helps!!
    If I am planning on cheating (like when I went on vacation) I plan it out first. Then I know what and why I am making a choice to eat something and thereby often decide not to eat it after all!!
    And the biggest help of all is I try to always have plenty of things available that I can eat without cheating and put foods I want to avoid at times on the top that I don't look at them every day..

    I am definately going to get some cinnamon altoid strips as I love anything cinnamon flavored..thanks!!
  • Remembering how I feel when I cheat keeps me on the straight and narrow. For years I prayed that God would make me feel physically sick when I ate things that hurt my health. He's answered my prayers now that I've given up sugar! The way it feels to eat sugar after being off it is horrible!

    When worst comes to worst, I imagine how the food tastes and let myself luxuriate in it, then I think about how I would feel afterward, physically and emotionally. That usually does it for me.

    Suzanne, thanks SO much for this fantastic post! I think it deserves a sticky...
  • Thank you so much for that kick in the butt! I have thought about it all day and you are so right. Sb is what it is, if it isnt for me then i need to find something else. My health and wellnes Dr recommended it to me to get my weight and blood chemistry under control in Feb. I truely needed this post to help me get my motivation back and to renew my determination. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!
    And thanks to all of you for the tips you had to control those annoying urges!!
  • I started phase one (for the first time) six days ago; and I have so much less energy than I normally do. I'm sticking to the list, and getting in at least 30 minutes of exercise a day. Is this drain of energy just from not eating breads and fruit or am I doing something wrong?
  • Mud, yes the first week on SB is a bit trying. You will feel tired, cranky, headachy,constipated, and did I say tired? After the first week, you should experience a break through.. I know I felt boundless energy, and clear as a tack mentally!!! Drink lots of water, get yer greens in, eat yer beans... and most of us refrained from exercize the first week or thru Phase 1....hannnnng in thar BABALOOUIE!
  • Mud, Schatzi is right. The first week can be a real energy drain. Most people elect NOT to exercise that week until their body has adjusted.
  • Great article.. and timely
  • i just started south beach after being a ww for like four years and stalling after loosing half of my weight( i love ww i just got unmotivated)! thanks for the great board