Tae Bo - the greatest!

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  • Hello All,

    I am new here but just thought I'd let you all know how much I love my Tae BO videos - particularly the Cardio video that came out in 2003. I have about 50 lbs to lose and these videos really motivate you and make you feel like you can do it! Billy Blanks is an awesome example of what you can accomplish if you put your mind to it. He also stresses in his videos how it's ok to mess up and how we all have to start somewhere - isn't that the truth?

    Many blessings to all of you who are working so hard to achieve your goals

  • Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that by the end of this video (it's 43 minutes), I am drenched in sweat, my heart rate is in major cardio mode, and my face is beat red, but I feel great
  • I love tae bo too, I don't have the video you mentioned, but I have various tae bo stuff and in the past, I have lost alot of weight with them. They are alot of fun. I still have the first tae bo series that came out and still use them from time to time. Currently I have using the billy's bootcamp tapes and so far (and by so far I mean 6 days since I just got them ) I love them.. they are hard, but worth it and I am definitely drenched in sweat too and it makes me feel like I had a great workout. Well best of luck to you!
  • I love Tae Bo too!
    Hi fellow Tae Bo lovers! I am a faithful follower of Billy's after I watched him transform a non-athletic friend of mine into a lean, mean, muscle machine!
    I just recently moved up to the Advanced tape of the original series and my buns and thighs sure feel the burn with all of those squats!
  • I just started back on the Tae Bo workouts. They are great. I was drenched by the end of the 46 minute workout. What I like about him is that he is constantly pumping you up. I love the breathing exercises. With other workouts I've had, I'm almost out of breath. With Tae bo its so fun that before you know it, you're done.
  • How Much Space?
    How much space do you need to do the tae bo?

  • Quote: How much space do you need to do the tae bo?


    To be honest, I do tae bo in my "cozy" little room and it's not a problem. I'm talking approximately 3 feet by 7 feet of available space due to having so much furniture in my room. If I had more space, it would be better, but it is definitely doable and I still get a great workout. Hope that helped.
  • thinking about it...
    I have been thinking about tae bo, is it more cardio or more strength or is it a mix and which video would be the best to start with?
  • fikustrees......I'd say that it is a solid mixture, which is why you burn double the calories of just plain aerobics when doing Tae Bo. For example.....I burn 400 calories doing 45 minutes of aerobics.......I burn 850 calories doing 40 minutes of Tae Bo. I'll take the Tae Bo!

    The vidoe I do most is the cardio video and you can really feel your heart pumping, blood flowing - but I am also sore in muscles I didn't know were there!
  • Howdy!
    I am new on this thread but I love it already...TAEBO BELIEVERS!!!!! I am with you ALL THE WAY!!!!

    I have the 12 set and then got the Fatblaster, Cardio, Flex, And double DVD of strength, foundation, Power and Energy... I LOVE THEM. I dont have a large area to aork in either but it is large enough to perform the workouts!!

    I sweat like a nut. I have been stuck on Billy for more than 2 years and he is the best. I talk to the TV screen, I can count when I workout!! My form has improved tothe maximum and it feels great afterwards!!!

    OH! What a FEELING!!!!
  • Quote: I have been thinking about tae bo, is it more cardio or more strength or is it a mix and which video would be the best to start with?
    It's a mixture of both. Lots of cardio with strength moves. It teaches you balance and concentration. You work muscles you thought you NEVER had.
    I think it is best to start off with 'Taebo Basic' and the 'Instructional' if you are a beginner. The moves are quite controlled and it is best if they are done correctly. And boy, will you sweat!!!
  • Hi Ms Plavala!

    SO glad we have another Tae Bo lover

    Welcome, welcome!
  • Quote: Hi Ms Plavala!

    SO glad we have another Tae Bo lover

    Welcome, welcome!
    I can honestly say, I am obsessed with Taebo!! Not the sick obsessed that will get me in trouble but the energy of wanting more all the time!!!
  • I'm right there with ya! I am a bit addicted to one of his videos (the cardio video).........I have tried doing different ones and I just don't feel the same afterwards? Maybe I will be able to move to a different one after getting sick of this one (if that's possible)!
  • All right, you guys have inspired me. When I am done with Kathy Smith Project You I think I am going to try Taebo.