Weekend on the Beach!

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  • Wake up, wake up!

    I'm just heading out the door to go to a garage sale.

    I was supposed to go to a homeless action today, but I don't know if I have time... I've got to get it together for the baby shower tomorrow.

    It's so darned hot here again. I've decided that baking for the shower is out of the question, so I'll pick up some lovely baked goods at some bakeries here, and fool everyone.

    My hardwood floors are washed and oiled... they look lovely. While I was down on my hand and knees washing them yesterday, I found a little piece of a Christmas tree. What's even worse, we've had an artificial tree for the last two years.

    I'm sorry I've not caught up on everyones news from yesterday... I'll try to get back in later today if it's not too crazy busy around here...

    Enjoy your day, girls! (guys?)
  • It's hot here too, Ellis. Definitely do not bake!

    I am about to get into my gardening duds and go over to the Fairground to water the planters. I'd better do my own too as things will really dry out in this heat.

    John's funeral is at 11. Afterwards, I'll drop off my bean salad, make polite noises for a while and then go to visit Harry in The Falls. Thanks God for air-conditioned cars! I certainly hope to be home and into airy Indian cotton clothing by late afternoon! I may join The Girls in their pool or go down to our cottages for a swim, providing somebody is there - almost all the relatives will be in town this weekend for John's funeral. Somebody is bound to bring up the idea of a fun family reunion again - they can organize this one!

    I watched "Torch Song Trilogy" last night and thought of some of my friends. Has anyone seen it? Interesting. Now that Harry isn't here, I can watch whatever movie I want without somebody switching it to frassing Sports! I watched "The Accidental Tourist" the other night. Now that a convenience store is opening in the Village, I'll be able to get movies without driving to the next town. Life is good! Jeez! I might even get to see Harry Potter, Star Wars and The Ring before I'm too old to use the remote!

    What's happening on your stretch of sand - besides garage sales, of course!
  • Good morning. I don't really have plans yet this weekend except maybe a garage sale up the street hehe

    I watched Hostage last night with Bruse Willis, thought it was pretty good. I argued with DH about letting our 5yo watch it, glad I did as I wouldn't want him seeing all that violence. I've never heard of the Torch Song Trilogy but I have seen the Harry Potters and I like them.

    I need to go back and look at yesterdays posts, I am sure there are things I missed. Thanks to everyone for their well wishes in our ttc journey
  • Morning! It's gonna be a hot one here today....!
    Ellis: hope you find some good buys at the garage sale...how's the running going? And I'm with Ruth, buy them cookies! Who needs more blasted heat in these temps!

    Ruth: You always have such chock full days planned! I hope you can get back in your indian clothes quick today. I saw Trilogy years agao, Harry Feinstein just cracks me up although it was a bittersweet movie...Love Harry Potter (can't wait for the next book to come out..)

    Me: AUGH! I went batty yesterday. I stayed in hoping to determine if this rash is due to something outside..Well it's less itchy and hasn't spread..but I just can't stay in another day... So I'm having my coffee, with put on my sneaks and go for my AM walk. The girls can't keep up with me, so now I do 2 miles first, then come home and take them for the last mile or so....

    to all .........Have a great day !
  • Good morning, everyone! I only had to work for an hour last night and then I got to sleep for 6. Not bad at all. I've worked some more this morning and right now it looks like they won't need me again until later so I will be able to run out and try to donate blood. I'll check in later.
  • Good morning!

    Barb Hope you are able to get some sleep soon! Good for you for remaining OP even when you are so busy!!

    Ellis Hope the shower goes wonderfully tomorrow. Fabulous idea to buy rather than bake!

    Ruth Hurry home and get comfy!

    Morning Schatzi and FlMom!

    Me- Nothing on the agenda for today! A bit of grocery shopping and we may venture over to the in-laws so DD can go swimming. DH actually has a day off tomorrow, so we will get to enjoy a nice family day together. We need it!

    I need to go wake the baby to feed her. Gotta get some fat on her little bones!
  • Good Morning Chicks

    Its going to get hot this weekend( they say be tonight) after having 70's around for the month of June.Well!! I ready getting my water jugs in the refrig.along with the ice.

    Ellis-I promised my dh that I was going to bake him a cheesecake today. Yikes, what was I thinking. Oh Well!!I just can put the air=condioners on.Have a wonderful time at your dd baby shower.I don't think she'd mind that you didn't bake in this hot weather.

    Ruth-Stay cool, and try not to stress out with all that you have on your shoulders.Sending some : for you this weekend

    Fl-Mom-Have fun at the garages sales.

    Schatzi-have fun walking and good luck and I hope you find out what the rash is all about.

    Barb-Hoping you find your ZZZZZZ's

    Kiko-Have a fun weekend with your family

    Hugs BB
  • Good Morning, good morning......I know it's Saturday, but really.........I don't think I've ever been this high up on the posts. Anyway, Ellis, have fun at the garage sales--by the time you read this you'll probably be home with some wonderful treasures. If you find a couch, light brown leather sectional preferred, for really cheap, ahh, think of me. That's exactly what I want. Ruth---do you ever stop?----(I already know the answer to that...no!) I hope you get a chance to swim and wear Indian cotton. And I hope the funeral is a good one (nice sermon, kind and fun family, OP food, etc. and not tiresome.) Schatzi--hope your walk was great, and I think I missed to story on the rash--are you allergic suddenly to something? Hope it clears up. Kiko--enjoy the swimming and the family day! How do you grocery shop with two? One drives me batty by the end Barb and FL--have a great day! By the way, FL--your kids are ADORABLE!

    Me, I'm happy because the ticker is finally wrong by 1/2 lb. in the right direction! Can't quite figure out why, though, since I've been off Plan and not exercizing for two days........Since when is pizza, Chinese, and four starches in one day helpful?????? Maybe my body just needed something to throw it off for a couple of days? Anyway, I will be doing better with that, and am on the way out the door to the hilly trail. Have a great weekend, everyone, and I'll see you all later.
  • It's too damned hot! I spent two hours watering and pruning planters and feel like just loafing for the rest of the day.

    However, solid citizen that I am, I'm tiddled up in my navy silky suit, white blouse, handbag full of Kleenex and pearls and ready to go to the funeral. I am going to skip the funeral "feast" after I dump off my salad and come home to change and cool off a bit before I go the see Harry. I think I'll take Wild Princess Lucy with me this afternoon to sort of liven up the joint!

    Enjoy the weekend, chickies, and stop and smell the roses.
  • I'm back from donating blood. Hemoglobin was great even though I'd been having an extra TOM this week due to missing two birth control pills a week ago. I still have about a half an hour before I do the last bit of work for today and then I am done with work for the weekend (unless my coworker needs help tomorrow morning and then he'll page me if he does). I'm actually doing well on sleep. I didn't have to work all night like my friend did. She'll be able to get to bed as soon as I do my part.

    Tonight is the Roughriders game. Maybe I can take Brian to the pool today. He can use some extra practice and it should be another 96 degree day so it will be nice in the water.

    Kiko - Sounds like you have a nice weekend planned. Rest when you can. I seem to remember marathon nursing sessions. Actually when Brian was 6 weeks old we went to San Antonio for WorldCon and he was nursing every 2 hours for over an hour! That was some growth spurt he went through. It did take him some time to regain his birth weight.

    Ellis - I've been bringing crustless strawberry pie (made with SF jello and SF pudding) to events and people seem to love it! Brian even wants it instead of a birthday cake next month but I don't know if I'll be able to get decent strawberries then.

    Ruth - Sounds like a busy day for you as always. I know personally that I'm happiest when I am busy.

    fl_mom - My DH doesn't realize all the violence in certain movies either. He wanted to take him to the latest Star Wars but PG-13 is just too much for an almost 8 year old. We'll get it on DVD and let him watch it when he is older (or at least after we screen it first).

    Schatzi - Good luck with the rash. The last time I got into poison ivy I had to get a shot from my doctor as the antihistamine was just not enough. Most can be handled with Benadryl but some are stubborn.

    Beach Bum - We always keep water in the fridge. But then our lows have been in the mid 70s' lately.

    mamaeli - Sometimes when I eat off plan, it seems to help me break a plateau. Then sometimes I just gain a bunch! I haven't been able to exercise this week and have been losing quite a bit. I have been eating good though. Great about the weight loss though.
  • A quick hello! I'm at my mom's. Looks like the heat is on everywhere! Well I was just doin a quick drive by! Have a great day all!
  • Hello to all. Sounds like there are some fun weekend plans, some not-so-fun weekend plans, and quite a bit of "whatever" weekend plans.

    I'm in the "whatever" category. So far I've loaded the dishwasher and folded laundry. Have exciting laundry ahead of me, and then my MIL is going to borrow her dad's truck and we're going to pick up a load of mulch for my flower beds. That beats the $55 delivery fee!

    We had chinese food last night. I got a beef/veggie dish with no rice, but I'm sure there was something not SBD friendly in it. Since I've been doing phase 1 for nearly 3 weeks now with no weight loss, I'm not sure I care that much. I mean, I care, but not enough to feel bad about having chinese food, especially since my preference would have been to have General Tso's chicken, rice, and an egg roll!

    Andy has a few papers to write and a test to take online this weekend for his MBA program. I'm going to attempt to do some cleaning/organizing, as we go on vacation next week and then my sister and niece will be visiting. They might want to actually sleep in the guest room, which means I have to put the laundry that has been piling up on it away. Pesky houseguests!

    Hope everyone has a good weekend!

  • Mornin BEACH BABES(do we hv any males on our beach Ellis?..If so no nude swimming ...

    Temp here today close to 100,hot,no rain nsite,wl probably hv 2get a 2nd job 2pay my water bill this month.

    Went shopping ystrdy and got new Hanes Sporties and a new belly button stud that looks like a jeweled flipflop,really cute...DH loved them both and ME (get it)

    RUTH....What time zone do u live n,,,by the time I get up U hv already done 2hrs of watering/pruning....I also love all Harry Potter movies,but my favorite is FINDING NEMO...so cute,,watched them all repeatidly...

    ELLIS....Such hidden treasures can b found while on our hands and knees,I usually only find dead bugs ....C if u can find some Blinds for those Drapless windows while garage saleing....

    FLMOM...Cute pict's of ur 2sons

    SCHATZI.....Girlfiend,do not forget ur sunblock....Wld hate for ur whole face to peel off from that rash of ur's..

    BARB.... Ur weightloss rocks...Good luck giving blood,they give mine back and say "u need it worse than us,bad iron levels ....

    KIKO.....Hv a nice family day tmrow ,DH and I cant seem to get 1 day off together lately to go fishin...

    MAMMAELI.....What diet plan r u on?...sounds like a winner for me(I ate Fritos last night )

    Hv to go and dye the old grays now ,then off 2work at 4:00......U ALL HAVE A GREAT BEACHIN WEEKEND.............GOFISHIN
  • Omg......it"s Hot!!!
  • Man, it's hot. I feel like I'm on frickin' fire. I just got off the treadmill. Did my 30 minute walk/run thing, and ran a total of 16 minutes. Despite the fact that it's 41C (105F).

    Soon2b, I hope you're doing okay, sweetie. Thinking of you and your Dad.

    Schatzi, you poor love! I hope that rash goes soon. Is it anything you're wearing? Or a cleanser? The heat?

    Fritos, GoFishin?! You know what I can't find anymore? BBQ cornchips by Frito. I used to eat a bag (large) of those a day in high school. (never gained an ounce, either!)

    Fl_Mom, did you find anything at the garage sale? I managed to restrain myself, and only came away with a box of books.

    Sarah, I can relate to your guest room dilemma. We had one of the main floor of our house for a few years, but it was constantly turning into a catch-all for everything imaginable. I've since turned it into a walk-in pantry, and the space is invaluable. (yeah, it's full of JUNK! LOL)

    Bamie, hugs for you and your mom!

    Barb, that strawberry pie sounds yummy! I'll have to try it!

    Ruth, I hope Lucy isn't causing too much havoc at the home.
    I think you should have taken BOTH of the girls to the funeral! To heck with that stuck-up woman!

    mamaeli, I looked all over for a light brown leather sectional for you, but there was none to be found.

    Beach bum, did you get the cake baked? You're fortunate to have air conditioning. Our house is just too big and old and leaky for air. Fortunately the treadmill is in the basement.

    Kiko, I'm sure your little love will fatten up nicely. Have a wonderful family day tomorrow!

    I bought some wicked little tarts (I accidentally tasted one) and cookies from The Three Tarts bakery. Tomorrow morning I'll pick up some of those nice little fresh fruit tarts and a few other things.
    Mom has ordered scones from Scone Witch (oh, lordy... they make the most WICKEDLY good scones!), and someone is bringing a lovely cake and some other baked goods.
    I bought my sister and her partner this fantastic backpack child carrier for the baby. We always used them for our kids... I carried them everywhere on my back... it was so convenient.