Fiery Friday Menu, June 24, 2005

  • Breakfast: Oatmeal made with skim and 1/2 cup oatmeal cooked in

    Lunch: Farina made with skim, smart balance, and splenda

    Snack: 1 cup FF Dean's cottage and 8 oz Del Monte Fruit Naturals pineapple drained

    Dinner: Salad with FF honey dijon. Broiled Steak/Pork Chop/Salmon at restaurant. Baked potato with FF sour cream and some type of veggie with smart balance. I'll pass on the fabulous poppyseed dressing and the flaky garlic rolls. Harumpf.

    Snack: Popcorn! Yeah!
  • b: puffed wheat, banana, milk
    s: nectarine
    l: LO Mexican Bow Ties, apple, milk
    d: Farmer's Breakfast, some veggie, milk

    s: popcorn

  • 6 egg whites, 2 eggs, an apple, a chicken sandwich, strawberries and wheat pasta n salad
  • Breakfast: 1/2 c. lf cottage cheese/strawberries, decaf w/light cream

    Lunch: LO mexican rotini casserole
    cold sweet green grapes!

    Snack: red apple, sf/ff yogurt

    Dinner: probably chicken breast sauteed w/teriyaki sauce and frozen asian veggies.

    Snack: popcorn??

  • B: Fiber One cereal, skim milk, a couple of almonds, cinnamon and a banana (1 pt for the almonds)
    L: LO cheeseburger with tomatoes on a cornmeal pancake "bun" which I choose to call cornmeal flatbread - and a McD side salad with lf dressing (1 pt for dressing)
    D: Macaroni Grill mediterranean shrimp (looks like maybe 1 pt for lf dressing)

    3 pts for the day

    X: Nothing! Resting for tomorrow's long run.
  • Good Luck, Terry. It's gonna be hot! We might go to Taste of Chicago on Monday for White Sox Day.
  • good luck, terry! we're with you every step of the way rooting for you.

    l--cracker barrel grilled catfish, turnip greens, pinto beans, onion, salsa, and cornbread muffins (pts for the muffins), ketchup
    s--fruit salad/granola
    d--layered salad, vickie's cheese crackers.
  • Sandra, what did you think of the crackers. I'm not in love with them but they make a nice vehicle to scoop up dip when you aren't in the mood for veggies.