~*~*~*Lifetime of Independence Challenge*~*~*~

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  • Good Morning! Just wanted to say hello, and sorry I have been MIA. Things have been a bit topsy-turvy here..but what's new-right??

    Food and water have been good for me lately. I haven't done good with the exercise, though. I need to get back into the swing of that ASAP. I still haven't bought a scale. I am loving it! I am feeling so much better not weighing in. It is helping me tremendously. One would think that being scale-less would just allow binge eating and all that..or maybe even poorer food choices, but it has taken a lot of stress off of me. I am just trying to pay attention to my clothes and how they fit, and how I feel. Pretty liberating!! I am trying to eat more whole foods that are unprocessed, lots of veggies, and I haven't had any red meat in a while. I'm eating chicken and fish too..and dried beans. I am still following WW points, and just kind of experimenting here. I'll keep you all updated!

    I will come back later for comments - my kids are calling me!! Hope you all have a blessed day!!!
  • Hello I'm new here and I'm excited. I'm working on my eating. I just don't want to be smaller but I also want to be healthier, which is going to take some strong discipline.Have a great day.
  • Monday, Monday
    I'm feeling a bit overwhelmed with some negative feelings tonight, so I won't bring you all down. Just wanted you all to know that I am here. Haven't been paying attention to what I am eating but I can tell you what I ate today...for the most part!

    B-fast: Cottage cheese & peaches, coffee & creamer (2 cups)
    Lunch: White rice stir fry leftover with a tiny bit of chicken & some broccolli
    Supper: 1 small Jamocha shake and a small order of Jalapeno Bites (Arby's)
    Snacks today...UGH! choc. chunk p/b cookie at my sisters, 2 sugar cookies & milk with DD tonight, 4-5 Macadamia Nuts.

    Water: Not enough! Probably only about 20 oz. so far! I'll be drinking about 20 more before bed!

    Exercise: None unless you count skimming the pool for about 10 minutes!!!

    That's about it chickies. Wish I had more to report (that is positive anyway)...but I don't!

    Yvette...Welcome to the group! I hope you find some inspiration here (from others and later me!) We have lots of threads for you to check out...recipes, inspirational messages, etc. Your goal sounds very doable!

    Lisa...Been thinking of you chickie! Sounds like you needed to make some changes in your diet...IM me! Glad the "no weigh in thing" is working well for you!

    Elisha...Did you get your exercise in tonight? Just checking up on you chickie! Glad things are going well for you!

    Joy...Let me know how the 2 miles went with leslie...and the weigh in! You make it sound so exciting!!! Did you get a time set for chat? I'll try to be around for it! Let me know!

    MsRD...What did you buy when you went antiquing??? We haven't done that in ages! I love to go through antique shops and fairs!

    That's it for now...Hugs to all!
  • Well ..today DID NOT go as planned. No WATP - out for survival lunch & had way too much to eat (chicken souvlaki & rice & potato & pitas & tatziki & an appitizer & terramisu sp? for dessert). Didn't have any dinner but had a piece of apple pie & veggie chips.... Can't wait (weight) until the new challenge for next month... Maybe a new month will inspire me to follow through. I'm afraid I don't have much that's "positive" to say either.

    I'm wondering if we should pick Saturday or maybe July 4th for our chat... hopefully everybody will be available then. I've take a vacation day for the 4th (our holiday is the 1st of July for Canada Day) to make a real long long-weekend. Maybe we could figure out who is on what time zone and figure out a time / date then??? Any suggestions...

    Gotta go to bed (it's 10:30).... I don't think I've kept up my focus this month either. Being continually tired - I'm sure - is not making for positive results. I was up another three pounds this morning. That's eight pounds in the last week... not sure what's up with that.... could be water weight - or a result of my edema as the weather is getting warmer now? Can't possibly be fat ... then again ...

    Gotta go
    Night Night
  • Morning chicks!

    Yes, Julie, I did exercise last night, though not on the bike. Steve and I went for a walk, about 4 miles, though I'm not sure exactly because I haven't converted my pedometer miles yet (I'll do that in a few minutes). Calories were a little high yesterday (I haven't added them up yet, but I know they were high), but not excessively so. Water wasn't enough. And to top it all off, I've got another UTI. Bleh. And my new insurance doesn't kick in until Friday. Maybe it will go away by then.

    Steve's bed is so uncomfortable. I can't sleep, and even when I do I toss and turn all night, and my body hurts in the morning. Like right now... grrr. I'm not a happy chick this morning. I can't wait until we get our house.

    Anyway, I'm just rambling now. Have a great day, chicks.
  • Hey, I just thought I'd update real quick. I didn't get in much exercise this past weekend. Saturday was the yardsale and early Sunday morning, on of me and my fiancee's good friends got in a car wreck and died. So this weekend and so far this week has been kind of a blur. It's hard to believe stuff like this happens to someone so young, he was only 21 and has a beautiful 2 yr old baby girl, that will never kno her father. It's just been so hard to comprehend why this happens. welp, later chicks.
  • Hello!

    Yes....I am still here! DH is gone for the week, so I had all sorts of projects planned.....but forgot how tired I was when I get home from work. (sigh) And having this unbelievably hot weather isn't helping much......don't really want to be outside doing what I should be doing (please let it rain tonight)

    Food and water have been excellent.....am keeping the calories down and even made it thru last evening without a snack. ( Of course, that was because I was scheduled for a blood draw this AM, and had to do a 12-hour fast.) I have been doing an easy 1-mile with Leslie....and probably should bump it up to 2 miles this week.

    Joy.....Try journalling your food, it sure is working for me! July 4 may not be a good day for a chat.....here in the States, it is quite a holiday and lotsa folks aren't home.

    Elisha.....Yuck....packing and moving is such a terrible job! Of course, you could look at the plus side of all the lifting and toting......definitely a workout!

    Lisa.....Glad you are making the 'no scale' thing work for you! Pretty soon, you will be seeing how your clothes don't fit and planning a shopping trip for smaller sizes!

    Yvette....Welcome! I just know you are going to love this group......they have been so inspiring and supportive to me! We all want to become healthier.....what diet/method are you using?

    Julie.....Yes, I had a wonderful day antiquing.....the dealers were all in such a happy talkative mood, so that makes it a little more 'educational'. I bought a Jadite bud vase....and some Fisher Price 'little people' to go in the toys for the grandkids.

    Jessica.....Please accept my condolences on the death of your friend.A sudden death, especially in one so young, is difficult to understand. Perhaps, when we get to the 'other side', all will be made clear.Until then, we must trust in God's unconditional love for us and pray 'thy will be done'.
  • Tuesday Eve
    Well chickies...I think I may be heading in the right direction with all of this back pain. I spoke with a PT today at a place where I am going to get started soon. I called them about the original appt being so far out and they called me back and said "We will eval you and get you started sooner!" I'm so glad of that. And this seems to be just what I think I need to take care of my back. Their treatment style is holistic and looks at all aspects before jumping right in and starting to manipulate! So, I'm hopeful. Unfortunately, DH and I are in a disagreement about my plans for the hiking trip. I have several options here and I am wondering what you all think (since you give the best and most honest words of encouragement of anyone I know!)

    Option 1. Cancel my trip and go camping with DH & DD for the week (he said he would be disappointed in that because it took him so long to get used to the idea of us taking seperate vacations and now he is looking forward to spending the week with just DD!!!)

    Option 2. Go on the trip, see how I feel and don't hike if it's going to be too aggravating.

    Option 3. Get started with this PT, my back is better by mid July and I really start to work out and get going so I can hike all the mountains!

    Option 4. Wait and see!! Of course, time is ticking away and if I cancel, I may lose all of my $ (around $300.00) but they also may find someone who can replace me and would refund my $.

    OK...so food today was a bit better than yesterday.

    B-fast Cottage cheese & peaches, coffee (2 cups)
    Lunch, Noodles & Asparagus (on the run)
    No PM Snack but had 2 glasses of lemonade (fully loaded with sugar) this afternoon with the residents
    Supper: Grilled chicken on salad, iced tea

    Water: About 36 oz but have been drinking iced tea.

    Exercise: None!

    Jessica...I'm so sorry about your friend. That is just awful. I can not relate as I have had no one in my life (with the exception of grandparents and elderly residents) die, so I can imagine the hurt and sadness you must feel. We just never know, do we? I'm proud of you for checking in with us! Thank you!

    MsRD...Surely we will get a repreive from this heat, eh? AT least the lake makes it seem cooler! Sounds like you got some nice finds. We are taking the residents to the Flea Market tomorrow morning. Should be interesting!

    Elisha...hope yo uget some sleep tonight, girl! Nothing like a bed that "doesn't fit"! Gald you got your exercise in...whatever it was! Do a mile or so for me, ok?

    Hugs tot he rest of you! I need to get going. Have lots to do tonight to get ready for camping...end of month at work...calendars...you get the idea!
  • Hi! Good evening everybody!!

    Joy - I would love to chat with you guys! The 4th is out for me, because I am going to be on vacation then, but I am usually very flexible! Hope you are well.

    MsRD - WTG girl with the good eating! I am proud of you! Yay!!

    Jessica - I am sorry to hear of your loss...that is just awful. (((HUG))) for you.

    Julie - I will have to think on what I belive you should do. Well, if you wouldn't get your money back, you could still go and see how you feel, and if you couldn't hike, then you could still relax and be on "vacation". But, if you thought you could get a refund, then you should just drive/fly down here to GA and stay with me!!!! LOL..I don't think Dwayne would approve that one, do you??

    Elisha- I know how you feel about uncomfortable beds. We just bought a camper, and DH and I have our own "bedroom" in it. Well, this mattress with our bed in the camper is like basically a piece of cloth over bumpy springs! DH is a big guy, and when he lies down..he sinks in pretty badly. It is just terrible! And, we have a 2 week camping trip coming up, and I am probably going to be so tired the entire time, due to this mattress!! Grrrr..can't wait until we can afford a new one. Anyway..sorry to tell you my life story!! LOL!!!!!

    Well, food today was pretty good. I did have some cookies..you know those vanilla creme ones that you can get that are Wal-Mart brand? Well, I had like 3 or 4 of those. They were sooo good. I do think I had it in my calorie budget for the week, though. Got my water in! I haven't had a diet Coke or anything other than milk or water for 2 weeks now. It was hard to de-tox! Ohmigosh..it was rough. But now, it's just water for me, and I want to keep it that way! My doc told me to drink 75 oz. per day. I am getting pretty close to that.

    Well..off to bed for me!! Night, all!!!!
  • P.s.
    WELCOME YVETTE!!! Hope you will just jump right in and join us!
  • Humpff ... God only knows what I clicked and poof there was my post.... gone. Here goes again...

    Hello everybody Welcome Yvette

    {{Jessica}} So sorry for your loss... it is a shame to lose such a young life in such a tragic fashion. I am thinking of you.

    Lisa - sounds like you've got everything under control. You're allowed to have cookies, just account for them and then "enjoy". Maybe I should follow your lead and trash my scale... maybe that would work for me ... nothing else seems to be getting me motivated lately......

    Julie - it's good to hear your getting some help with your pain. I'm afraid I'm a hopeless optimist. I know you have really been looking forward to the hiking trip and I think you should plan to go, work on getting better and if at the last moment you can't make it then just go for the camping part or do something else. What does the PT say about it?

    Elisha - Isn't life so much easier with a full night's sleep in your "own" bed. Way to go with keeping up the exercise away from home.

    MsRD - Way to go girl - you just keep hangin in there with the exercising and healthy eating! I might just have to tag along on your shirt sleeves.

    I think I'll just say I'll be on the chat at 5pm (pacific time) on Sunday, July 3rd and see who shows up. I think that may be the best time - would be 8pm eastern time...

    Exercise today - 15 minute walk this morning at coffee and an hour of lawn mowing after dinner.

    Food - granola & nf yoghurt, 3 werthers, baby carrots, pastrami & jarlsberg on calebrese bunwich, apple, small bag of popcorn, speghetti with turkey meat balls, coleslaw, 2 glasses of wine and a piece of carmel apple pie (left overs from Sunday dinner still)

    Well it's 9:54 and lots left to do.

    Until tomorrow, goodnight
  • Blah, only 1 more day for the challenge, and i still need to get 4 more miles in. I can do it. I just need to get motivated enough no move. I did do 15 mins of Yourself!fitness today. So maybe 30 mins Youself!fitness and W&JATP's tomorrow. I'm cuttin' it close. And tomorrow is weigh-in, wish me luck, the stress eating has been kicking in lately.

    Thanks for the thoughts and prayers, they are highly needed!
  • Howdy chicks!

    I would have posted earlier, but 3FC wouldn't let me on!

    Anyway, food has been ok recently, but not great. I've got another urinary tract infection, so I'm drinking cranberry juice like there's no tomorrow, so calories are pretty high. But the doc gave me some drugs, and I'm already feeling better. No exercise last night, and no time for exercise tonight, and I'm way tired anyway. It's my grandparents' 60th anniversary, so we're going over there for dinner. Lunch will be light though, so aside from the cranberry juice calories will be ok.

    I'm superbusy at work this week, and I'm trying to help Steve get ready to move, and I'm just plain tired!

    And my cat is gone. When I got home last night she was outside on the deck in the rain, crying to be let in (Mom and Dad deny responsibility for letting her out, even though they were the only ones there), and when I opened the door to let her in the dog bolted across the room and chased her over the edge of the deck (on the second story, I might add) and into the woods behind our house. I called her for almost 45 minutes and she still didn't come back. Granted, this is the cat with the broken leg, so it could have taken her a while to hobble back to the house, but she still wasn't home this morning. I'm worried about her. Stupid dog!

    Anyway, I need to get busy again. Have a great day, chicks.
  • Wednesday PM
    I'm just exhausted tonight. I sure hope this heat lets up soon! I'm working a short day tomorrow then we are heading out for 4 days of camping. I always feel refocused after some time away! So, I will make this short, so I can get done what needs to be done!

    Food today was not great but not really bad as I didn't have breakfast which allowed me a few more calories at lunch! So I had an Olive Burger, a few fries and a chocolate shake!!!! Supper was spaghetti, 1 piece of garlic bread and green beans...not totally unhealthy!

    My exercise today was all the walking I did at work, unloading/loading, transferring residents on and off the bus for the Flea Market! I'm sure I worked a few calories there. I didn't work as hard as I usually do, because I just didn't want to take that risk, but I did work hard! I can feel it in my back tonight! And my heel is aching! I think I am going to go sit down for a few minutes and rest!

    Water was good...but being out in that heat will dehydrate you in a heartbeat!

    I did manage to get an appt scheduled for next Wednesday with a PT at the Sports Med clinic. At least I can get started!

    Also...another option now is that my sister invited me to come out there for the week (vs. going on teh hiking trip!)...so now let's just add more decisions to this already overloaded brain!!!! ARGH!!!!!!!!!

    That's it. My brain is not up for comments and I'm going to go lie down!

    Hugs to all!
  • Hello!

    Just a quick check-in.....this week has been soooo busy with DH gone! I have been doing some spackling repair in the bathroom and hope to have it painted by the time he gets home. Last night, I came home, hopped on the lawn tractor and mowed the grass.....took me 2 hours! Tonight is inventory at work, so it will be a loong day.....and Friday is AR statement day, so I have to be in early. A 3-day weekend is much needed!

    Julie.....Glad you have an appointment with PT for your back. See how the evaluation goes before you make any decisions. If you go hiking, and can't really hike, is there a base camp you could stay at? What kind of accomodations......ie mattress?.....don't want to aggravate it more by sleeping on the ground in a tent.

    Joy.....We are having company on Sunday, so don't know about getting into chat. If they have gone home by 8pm, I'll be there!

    Elisha......I hope you have found your kitty......poor thing was probably hiding and scared. Our cat fell off the deck (2nd story also) a couple weeks ago, and came right in when I called.....and was so scared he hid in the basement for 2 hours! (he was ok)

    Jessica......only 4 more miles! You can do it.....go go go go go go go go......

    If I hurry, I can get a mile in this AM before work.

    Have a great, safe weekend!