Sugarbusters Weekly Support Board 5/30 - 6/5

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  • Good afternoon:

    I have had a good morning so far:

    BF: Legal cereal w/ blueberries and skim milk
    Snack: Protein bar
    Snack: 3 slices cantaloupe & boiled egg
    Water, water, water...

    Not much else to report today, yet!

    Country: Thos tomatoes don't sound too terribly illegal; they actually sound kinda yummy .

    Toni: Congrats on the 2.5#'s. Those situations are tough to handle, but will always arise. I may have told her that I had already eaten or that I wasn't hungry yet, and save it for later. BUT, it is water under the bridge, and time to move on. You will still do fine, if you are able to get right back on track.

    Jack-K: Glad you and the girls have a few legal days under your belt. Good for your dd, passing up on all that junk in the office. Working in the office is so tough, with stuff coming in all the time. You are like Heart; you both seem to retain an awful lot of water; glad the scale is going back down for you.

    Heart: It is frustrating to be around parents who don't discipline their children. Unfortunately there are a lot of them out there. How often do you tan? I got 3 years free when I re-joined my gym, but have such a paranoia about skin cancer that I haven't tanned once. I used to tan so much as a teenager, and even used the tanning booths a lot back then, but haven't in quite awhile. I suppose all the damage to my skin has already been done in those earlier years.

    Zane: We look forward to getting to know you as well.

    Thin: Glad the cardiologist didn't find anything more serious!! South Beach is Sugarbusters, after the first few weeks. So, you've got it all down already. I don't know how old your children are, but I just bought a Beachbody video for my girls called Tony and the Kids (for ages 5-10). It is a 30 minute exercise video that is goofy and fun, and they love it. Britt asks to do it is fun and gets them up moving. My kids are pretty good about eating veggies, but I guess disguising it always helps. Country has a good lasagne recipe, and I also add layers of fresh spinach into this recipe. Once it is cooked, the kids don't even realize it is in there. I do try to make healtier snack foods for my kids also. One of their favorites is: I take two whole grain graham crackers and spread a layer of lite or fat free whip cream on one and put them together like a sandwich and freeze them. They are kinda like an ice cream sandwich. I make a bunch at once and keep them in the freezer. I also take 100% fruit juice and make ice cubes or popsicles out of them. We also make healthy banana muffins and cookies to have on hand for desserts. There are so many recipes out there now for this way of eating.

    BOB: It seems like it is raining everywhere, but here. Tippy sounds so precious. My girls would love a small cuddle pup, but we already have two big dogs, and that is enough for now. The next dog we get will probably be a smaller breed. I used to have a Lhasa Apso, and I sometimes miss cuddling with him.

    Monet: Sorry to hear about your fish tank and the table. I still have not been able to find the lo-carb is probably a good thing though because I would probably overindulge. I sent you an e-mail.

    Ken: My DH is always amazed at how forthcoming women are, and is surprised at the conversations I get into with other women .

    Flannel: Check out the recipe board; you will find a lot of legal sweets that will help overcome your need for sugar. I think you should really try to eliminate all forms of sweeteners for a little while though to get rid of that sweet tooth, and very gradually re-introduce them in a healthy manner. You don't want to just replace the bad with the better; you want to try to cut back too. Good can do it!!!

    Fillise: thanks for the jammed my printer and I can't get the paper out . I will have to try to re-print it later.

    Well, have a fantastic OP day. I may try to check in later.

    Take care,
  • Good Afternoon.

    Heading home soon. Hope the rain holds off. I need to return some tables and chairs to people and can't do it in the rain.

    Dinner will be legal BBQ, I won't have a bun since I had 1/2 pc of bread at lunch. Don't know what else to put with it. I have potato salad, pasta salad and baked beans none of which are legal, so I need to find something else for me and DD.

    Monet & Julia,thanks for th einfo on capers. My sister had a recipe for salmon that called for them and she was not sure.

    Julia, not fun day cleaning toilets.

    Susan, thanks for the recipe.

    nat, I'm with you on the water today. I have spent the whole day in the potty. I guess tht is a good thing.

    Heart, Hope today is going good for you.

    have a great evening.
  • Woo hoo finally get a chance at the computer. Went waaaaayyyyyy out of town with a friend so she could get her breast exam. We stopped for lunch but I did well with a patty melt on rye and a small salad. Not the greatest but pretty good. Thanks so much Pancho, Jack-K and Monet for the good advice on getting out of a tight spot with unwanted food. Its these little tricks that help you stay legal. Tomorrow I'm eating out again but this time at Ryan's, which is easy to stay legal. Guess I need to finish up here....
  • HEART: A little bit of splenda with the fruit might be just the trick! You can't find agave? Do you want me to mail you some? I can find it at several places here... Another thing to try would be frozen concentrated apple juice. Just a bit as a sweetner would work well. I have also used Polaner all fruit mixed in yogurt and that tastes as good as the Dannon with sugar to me! I saw the low carb potatoes at WalMart the other night. They come in a yellow bag, which is kind of small. I wrote the company and asked if they could tell me the GI of the potatoes, but have not gotten word yet. I probably won't....

    PANCHO: Got the email and will be looking for it! Thanks so much! That kids exercise video sounds like fun! What a great way to get the kids moving!

    TONI: Oh! I love Ryans, but always over eat! Haven't been there in ages....

    JACK: You are a better woman than I am...that potato salad would be history! Its definitely a temptation for me!

    MONET & SUSAN..seems like we've been planning a SPA MONET WEEKEND for a few years now and they have never materialized....While I wouldn't need time off, I WOULD NEED $$$$ to buy a ticket and since I've not had a complete paycheck in a LONG TIME, a trip won't be happening for a while...BUT....SUSAN.... you're right about the good deals....we now have AIR TRAN landing and taking off here in SARASOTA so I know I can get a good deal when the time comes!

    SUSAN....DANG IT GIRLFRIEND....YOU'VE GONE AND DONE IT AGAIN!!! You KNOW how I love FRESH MARKET PIMENTO CHEESE!!!!! I do have one of those in Tampa though so I won't hold this one against you for too long!

    JACKIE.... Sorry about the's still gloomy here, but not raining was storming when I got up this morning and it continued until around noon. Supposed to start up again tonight and go through tomorrow...THEN...they say we will get back to our rainy season agenda....late afternoon storms that happen when the heat of the day is still around so it's good and steamy when the rain stops! UGH!!! Gotta love HURRICANE SEASON!!

    TONI...CONGRATS ON THE LOSS!!! CAN HAVE a cuddle pup and BIG DOGS too!!! Come on...get the Girls a cuddle pup! TIPPY is a REAL MEXICAN JUMPING BEAN...My friend who gave her to me has an Aunt who lives in MEXICO and she raises Chihuahua's....they brought her back UNDECLARED of course I could get her to bring you one the next time they go???? you mean to tell me that MERIDAN doesn't have a HEALTH FOOD STORE???? IF..that's the case, girl you could open one and be set for life!

    JULIA....your casserole sounds good, I just might have to try it....

    THIN...take her up on her offer...just going to HARRY'S would be worth the trip! (MONET...ADD HARRY'S TO MY LIST OF TO GO PLACES IN HOTLANTA!!!!)

    ANN...Some of the protein bars fill my need for sweets...I'm not much of a sweets eater, and would rather have a HUNK OF GOOD EXTRA SHARP CHEESE!!!!

    I better and get outta here! Gotta figure something to fix for supper!

  • I just tried a new recipe and it was delicious! I hope it was a legal as I think it was. It was a chicken black bean chili with barley. Craig and Rachel both loved it! The only problem that I saw was that it called for a can of corn, but it makes a BIG pot, so I figured it wouldn't be that bad. Next time I may go with one of those half size cans or something. Unfortunately Sean is spending the night with a friend and I doubt he is anywhere near sb legal or low fat! Maybe he will try it tomorrow when he gets home. We'll see if he feels adventurous!
    I spent some time at the seafood counter at wal-mart tonight looking around and the attendant was very helpful. I told her I was "shopping" for ideas but I'm going out of town, so I'll be back in next week to really try some new stuff. Turns out she is watching her cholesterol, is diabetic and is also allergic to gluten. We stood there and compared nutrition labels on all kinds of fish and shrimp and she was just the nicest person. She had a lot if neat ideas and suggestions too. I will have to look for her when I get back! Well, I'm off to take a hot bath then maybe we will curl up and watch a movie. The kids watched Shrek again yesterday, so maybe tonight will be Shrek 2. See ya'll tomorrow!
  • I forgot one question...where do you get whole grain graham crackers?
  • Hello all. I'm thru with the dishes from supper. I'm stuffed. Stuck to plan although I had seconds on the squash and butterpeas. I know I didn't need the extra peas(starch), but darn they were sooo good. I sweated buckets at my workout this evening so maybe that will counteract it,lol. I now have had 3 OP days under my belt. BUT I was just informed that my family reunion is Sunday. There almost always is nothing legal there. So I'm asking that you guys send me lots of vibes that I will not overeat and start a binge that day. I'm telling myself, starting now, that I will endulge in 1 plate and 1 dessert and not be a total pig. I have got to learn how to occasionally eat off plan WITHOUT gorging and staying off plan. This will be a test for me that I intend to pass. Yea, I know I shouldn't eat anything illegal, but baby steps please.

    Meridian only has 2 health food stores and they suck. I wish I did have the money to open my own. There are several items that I would order first like agave and macadamia nut oil.

    Nat- I tan twice a week. And yes I shouldn't but it's so hard here in the South not to have a tan in the Summer. I wish I could afford the new spray tans, but they're pricey to keep it going(at least $25 every 7-10 days). I'm glad that my kids have light olive complexions and look good year round like their Daddy. Makes me sick,lol.
  • Dinner tonight turned out pretty good. I pressure cooked a pork shoulder picnic roast with water, and made rice and collards to go with it. Yum! It was a good southern meal. I trimmed as much fat off the pork as I could and it was not at all greasy. Of course, the whole grain rice (I used Bhutanese red rice) was not authentic, but it was still good! Laura and I went to Home Depot and picked out paint. We got a minty green. Its very nice, and bright. I had to get primer too, because the color she has in there now is almost gold. I think this is going to look better.

    BOB: Maybe Susan and I should head down to Sarasota for a weekend. I am still working on Tom. His dividend check came for Publix so I may be able to talk him into a weekend away! It's not enough to cover even a long weekend, but its enough to put a smile on his face! Don't worry...Harry's is on the list! The DeKalb Farmer's Market and Super H Mart are too!

    THIN: They may have whole grain graham crackers at Harry's, or a Health Food Store. I can almost guarantee you won't find them at Walmart! The most important part of finding good fish is finding fresh stuff. I am not sure how good Walmart's fish is, but don't let it put you off if its not great. OK? I will look for the whole grain graham crackers next time I am at Harry's. If you have an Ingles near you, look in their cracker section for Carr's Whole Wheat crackers. They taste like grahams, but are round. They are not terribly cheap, but they are delicious! Also, Ingles has Ak Mak crackers. They are 100% whole wheat, light and crisp. If you can find them, I think you will like them. We love them for cheese, and soups.
  • Good evening ya'll
    What a day. I cooked some major goodies for the family today but have basically stayed away from them. I did have a big bite of dump cake. It's so hard sometimes to cook and not be tempted. But the meatloaf was really good and I filled up on that. The good news is I'm at my mom's and stayed out of the chips! We found a new whole wheat bread that has almonds in it. Totally delicious and legal. We used it to make tomato and onion sandwiches for lunch. I haven't been totally legal but I'm trying. And I'm walking or doing something everyday so far this week. I wonder if what mama had done is similiar to what you have done to your back. She can't tell a big difference yet. They told her it might take a few days.

    Heart...when you use pork and beans to make the baked beans you can drain them before you add your flavorings to them. It helps a lot. I agree with you about being able to eat off plan and then get back on track. I'm not there yet but I'm working on it...LOL Praying you have a fantastic time and then get right back with the program.

    Flannel...I try to satisfy my sweet tooth with a cup of coffee with Splenda. If that doesn't work I have a bite of my sugar free candy bar. I keep it in the freezer so I'm not tempted to eat too much too often. is your shoulder doing?

    Monet...I'm so jealous.. I LOVE collards.

    Susan, Poncho, Toni, Zanesgrammy, Julia, Thin.......((Everybody))

    We are staying over at mom's tonight because Tator got stung by a hornet yesterday and his little hand still looks like a baseball. He's going to the Dr. in the morning. Poor little fella was in a pretty good deal of pain but the pain seems much better now. I'll try to get on here tomorrow. If not I'll see ya'll when I get back to the house.

    Love and hugs,
  • Hi guys! I don't have any time for replies this week. Our trip to Upper Canada Village was awesome...except I was daunted by a looming headache all day and kept popping a motrin every 3-4 hours. But I guess the huge dose of sun and warm weather all at once (it was a beautiful day...blazing sun and in the 80's!!) blasting on my head all day helped my headache progress past the motrin. So, on the bus ride home I sat across the aisle from my DD and her best friend, and in front of the most obnoxious boy ever created by God. It was like sitting in front of a monkey. So, by the time I got home, my headache was bad, then my DH went out to mow the lawn and it sounded like he was mowing my head!! I swear my head felt like my skull was cracking in half. All I could do was go to bed, close the blinds and windows and put my head under the covers and pray for darkness and silence. It was horrible.

    Anyhow...yesterday I was fine and had to go grocery shopping and Girl Scout shopping for our camping trip today. The weather calls for near 80 and totally sunny all weekend. I'm so excited. So, I asked the woman in charge of the encampment about tents and she said that I'm not allowed to sleep in the same tent as the a creepy Michael Jackson kind of thing. I was planning on bunking with the girls because I thought they'd be scared, but wasn't looking forward to it AT ALL. At my DD's sleepover, they all were farting so much I went through half a can of Glade! They're so gross when they want to be. So, I have my pup tent up and airing out in my backyard for my little private escape pod from the stinky girls and now I can leave my half can of Glade home. And I got a bunch of plastic boondagle stuff so I can do my boondagle demo tomorrow for all the troops. We'll be doing star gazing tonight with a professional star gazing person (I guess that would be called an astronomer, right? ) And we'll be going to the Nature Center hiking and swimming in the not-so-long-ago frozen river. Heck, I'm bringing my bathing suit and if it's hot enough, I'll jump in. I don't know what the exact water temp is, but I usually don't venture in it till July sometime. I also have s'mores stuff, and lots of fruit and carrot sticks...but I'll be mostly not dieting this weekend. It'll just be too hard. One mom is sendign along rice krispy treats...between that and the s'mores, I'm history. Oh, and then there'll be the big bonfire and singing kum bayah (sp) and all that good stuff. We made some really nice situpons at our last meeting out of flowery cotton camo material with leftover batting/stuffing from our pillow and quilt projects we've done all year. It'll be so much fun, I just can't wait. Oh, and most importantly, I bought myself a big, denim floppy hat to wear around. I'll look like the geek of the universe, but hopefully I'll avoid another migraine.

    Anyhow...I've just been scanning the board and wanted to leave FLANNEL a little tip or two. First of all, welcome to the boards!! I'm usually much more active, but June is one of those months for me ... Second of all...I'd do what most everyone here is telling you. Go COLD TURKEY with the sweets. I was once a sugar holic and made a pie every weekend, ate ice cream almost every single day. No meal was prepared without some sort of white potato or rice product. The only way to get over it is to just STOP and go one day at a meal at a snack at a time. Trust me, if you have, say, some baked chicken with a nice big green salad with hard boiled eggs and all the fixins for dinner and wash it down with some ice water, you will feel the difference after just one meal! If I eat a meal with the 'bad' stuff, I feel stuffed and uncomfortable...if I have a meal like I just said, salad and chicken...I feel replenished and satisfied. You will, too. Check out our menus for ideas on what to have. I'll list mine after this post to give you an idea. As for a quick sugar fix...AFTER you go cold turkey for a week...I like the sugar free Russel Stover candy. It's VERY good and yo ucannot tell it's sugar free. BUT, it gives me really bad gas I don't know why. So, I have it sparingly for a treat. I also have SF pudding...even though it's not completely legal with the starches, but it's better than something illegal like a candy bar or ice cream. And it really does the trick iwth some whipped cream in a can. But at any rate...try really hard to get over the sugar thing. Reason being is that if you love your sugary things, then that may be just the thing you need to cut out that is making you not happy with your weight! Everyone has something that they know that is keeping them 'fluffy'...the trick is finding that something and with you (and me!!), it sounds like sugar is your culprit. DON'T let it control you or keep you from being the way you want to be. Overcome it. Do you smoke or have you ever smoked and had to quit? It's almost as bad...but YOU CAN DO IT!! And we'll be here to help you all the way. One thing that REALLY REALLY helps is to keep a journal of everything you eat. Everything. Even gum! If you don't want to have to write it down in you're journal, then you shouldn't be eating it and you'll be swayed to NOT eat it. At first, I used this forum as a place to make my food journal. Not only was it helping me to keep track of what I was eating, but it was passed by the 'professionals' on the board here and they would tell me if I was eating too much grains or 'starchy carbs' or if I should be incorporating more veggies and more water, etc. We're here to help!! This is an awesome group to hold your hand through the tough spots. I hope you give it a try!!

    Okay...I have to go spray my tent with more Lysol. It's been in the barn all winter and it's pretty musty. And I have laundry to do so we can have our shorts and bathing suits clean. At least all my summer clothes are big on my this summer instead of too small like usual!! I was walking yesterday and my size 14's were sliding down my butt!! I'm still in the 160's (like about 161), but it's the inches that count in the end, I think!!

    Okay...have a great weekend everyone...I'll talk individual replies next week!!

    Wish me luck with my girl scouts!! Kris
  • menu:


    BF: Three sausage links, half a grapefruit, six or so strawberries and one slice of 7grain, coffee, coffee...

    Lunch: 2 hamrolls (deli ham slices, rolled up with cheese and black olive slices and browned in olive oil), cantaloupe slices and water

    Dinner: Pork chops and salad (romaine, red peppers, tomatoes, cukes, etc) with Thousand Island dressing (which is named for the area I live in, did you was created in the Thousand Islands Inn about a hundred years ago or so in Clayton...where Viggo's mom lives)

    Snacks were triscuits and cheese or an apple


    BF: 4 bacon slices, scrambled eggs and strawberries

    Lunch: Tilapia breaded in wwflour and eggs adn some sort of fruit (probably cantaloupe)

    Dinner: I'll be at camp and will be officially off plan for the weekend. Will probably involve s'mores and rice krispie treats And maybe a peanut butter and jelly sandwich with white bread and illegal jelly and pb. I'll be back on the wagon on Monday

    Have a nice weekend!! Kris
  • hey, i got a question.. is V8 considered a good thing to drink for sugar addicts? I have about 4 or 5 of these every week and was wondering WHY i like them. Doesn't it seem like an unusual think to like? at least for someone who drowns herself in sugar?

    one other question. I'm having a tough time getting used to this board. I know it's silly if you already used to it but I have looked around for other boards that deal with the same thing but I haven't had much luck. Can anybody point me towards one? I hope that's not a problem

  • Good afternoon,

    Today we are supposed to have little or no rain so I am keeping my finger-crossed. This morning, Jess woke up coughing non-stop for a while so she woke up before 7am. I sent her to watch a little of her fav PBS shows while I took a little more Finally get myself up at 8am to make her some breakfast and then went back to lay down for another half hour. After breakfast, Jess and I went out to pull some weeds. Gosh, the weeds grew so much after the last 4 days rain. Darn weeds! I really can't keep up with them. Dh and I managed to put in some more daylilies that I have bought since last week but didn't manage to put in into the ground because of the rain. Still have more to do tomorrow. I really have a big yard...too big really

    Menu for today :

    Breakfast : Spinach, mushrooms and sausage omelette, 1 ww waffle and 1 cup of

    Snack : Few pieces of watermelon (not legal in SB)

    Lunch : Spaghetti (semolina) and meatballs and mixed green salad with
    tomatoes, cucumbers and onions.

    Snack : Plain yogurt with some fresh fruits mixed in. Will be sweetened with 1
    tsp of Agave.

    Dinner : Leftover spaghetti..which I will stir-fry it with some chicken and
    lots of veggies like nappa cabbage, bell-peppers, onions and mushrooms.

    Few hours before bedtime : 1 cup of soymilk.

    Some replies :

    FILLISE : Thanks for the baked beans recipe. I saved it on file so I can make it next time when I am not so lazy

    HEART : I found the LC potatoes in Publix next to the rest of the white potatoes. I don't remember if I ever make a pork stew before but I will probably make it like how I make my beef stew. Onions, celery, carrots, pork cubes, thyme, fresh parlsey, 2 to 3 bay leaves, 1 cup of white wine (red wine will work too), chicken stock, salt and pepper, lots of chopped garlic, mushrooms (I put in half an hour to 1 hr before the stew is done), and maybe even some green peas after I turn the heat off. Some people put some chopped tomatoes as well. It really depends what you like. I also make an asian version of stew which I used for braising ribs. It is not totally legal as it contains a little Hoisin and oyster sauce. I don't use a lot of it so I don't worry too much about it considering the amount I use for the big pot of ribs I made. You can also make your pork stew mexican style with mexican spices. As Monet suggested, plain yogurt with fresh fruits are pretty good. I eat them all the time. I cut up some fresh strawberries, grapes, blueberries and mandarin orange slices (whatever fruits you have) and add my plain fat free yogurt in with 1 to 1.5 tsp of Agave. Mix them together and enjoy. Splenda will work too. I make a big batch for Jess and dh as well. The fresh fruits are really yummy and refreshing.

    PANCHO : Hope you are having a good day today. I love chatting with women, it is so much fun because we always talk about issues at heart unlike with men. Cars, computers, business, hi-tech stuff, movies, games

    JACK : Capers are awesome. I usually put some in my baked fish. They add more punch to the dish. I also make an italian pasta dish called, "Pasta Putasnesca" which is absolutely yummy and the recipe calls for capers which makes the dish more yummy. Jess loves them. I was lazy yesterday so didn't manage to clean my toilets, hopefully today. How fun

    TONI : I love Ryan too but haven't been there for ages. Dh and I used to go there when we first got married. We were buffet king and queen back then but now we de-throne Great choices are doing great!

    BOB : How's the weather there? The sun is trying to come out here...what a relief

    THIN : Chicken and black beans sounds yummy. Don't forget to post the recipe at the recipe board. I am constantly looking to try new recipes. If you are starting out on fish, tilapia is definitely a good choice plus it is easy to find. My fav is "Basa fish" which is not so easy to find. So far, I have seen it at Publix (frozen section only) and one time at a farmer's market I used to frequent. Basa is very light, mild, flaky and tender and it will taste good anyway you cook it. I love fish and have to eat it at least twice a week. Next favourite is shrimps. You are better off buying them frozen instead of the ones that you saw on the fresh seafood area. They thawed the shrimps to sell anyway. One of the food network expert said that unless you live close to the sea, frozen seafood is the next best thing as they freezed it right after they caught them. I have some recipes for fish whenever you are ready to try them.

    COUNTRY : Great job on resisting the food temptations yesterday. How's Tator doing? I have some wasp, yellow jackets etc live around our house and I am trying to avoid them as much as I can. Dh us trying hard to not let them make nests on our house like underneath the roof etc.

    TECH : I had fun ready your post today. have some busy schedule ahead of you but sounds very fun. You are better off not sleeping with the What happened to good manners??? ROTFLOL!!!

    Oh, I must share this with all of you. I am so proud of this little girl of mine. Yesterday we had our quiet time and she was in a room making noises here and there. She told me that she was going to tidy up her room and I thought to myself...yea right but praised her She was in and out of her room, putting things away for over an hour. Then she finally came in and said she was ready for me to see the surprise. I went to her room and I saw her bed (big full size bed) was made up, the clothes on the floor that I haven't folded yet but she folded them for me and put them into their respective drawers, she arranged her clothes in the drawers soooo nicely, picked up the toys on the floors etc. Boyyy....her room looks amazing!! When we both cleaned her room together, it didn't look this neat either. I was soo impressed that I was lost for words. My little messy girl did such a great job to please me!!! Yes, she was so happy to see my expression and how pleased I was. She kept asking me the whole day if I was pleased with her cleaning the room. I kept praising her as I see how important my comments especially my praises are to her. I know this cleaning spree was not an everyday thing for her but every effort she tries (especially by herself without me is so wonderful. I do encourage her to clean her room on a regular basis but I do not expect her to clean her room as well as she did yesterday. That moment yesterday was priceless and very teary for me. I had to make sure I showed daddy her drawers this morning. Dh was very impressed as well. Thinking of Jess always make me teary, she has enriched my life so much she had no idea

    Got to go take a little rest while Jess has her "quiet" time. Will check in later.

  • TMM : You can try "Sweetalk Plus" which has a much older layout which I love. It is a great board but the people there are not as close as they are on this board. "Trolls" often come to stir up things there but overall it is not a bad board.It does have an easier and simpler format, if that is what you are looking for. Btw, what is the hardest thing for you to get used far as the format on this board? Maybe we can help you simplify it if we know of a way. You can access Sweetalk plus from Best wishes
