Tuesday A new Day

  • The long weekend is over.And so are all the extra temptations.Whether you did good or not so good today is a new day.So we start over again.It is a never ending process but the rewards at the end are worth it.Every once in a while I read an article that I keep called 100 reasons to lose 100#.But it applies to losing weight period.It reminds me of all the things I can not do because of my weight and shows me what I am missing.Little things like just crossing my legs or getting down on floor.All things I will be able to do when weight comes off.It will be like getting out of my own prison.How wonderful freedom is going to be.I may not do it this year and maybe not even next year.But I will do it.And your support will help me to achieve it.
    Gotta get ready for work.It was nice not having to get up at this yucky hour
    have a great day.I will check in later
  • Morning Eleni,

    I did see that ab doer thing in the store yesterday. But I got this one. Has it helped your husband?
    Well my scale is up. But I did take my measurements and I did lose 1 inch in my waist so that is good. I am on the road today.
    I have it all planned out. My husband cut up watermelon for me last night. We kept forgetting that we wanted to use it over the weekend. So I had him cut it up for me so I can snack on it. I have to eat lower pts I guess. Even though they work out to the calories I am supposed to have. I think I will stick to 25-27 from now on and not go over 27.

    I am personally glad that the weekend is over. Now I can get back to regular eating. But I will do my aerobics this morning. So I can't stay long. I have to be dropping megan off at my friends house by 8am. It is a long day today.

    I hope everyone else has a great day and gets back to plan. We can do this.


    WE look forward to hearing from you again.

  • Hi Ladies! It's me... I am here and read all the posts last night and caught up. I just waited until this morning to post. I hope everyone had a great week. I can't stay away from here for too long. But I am still thinking about not going to my group. I do have several options I am checking into. Either I am going to just weigh in and leave every week or I am going to start going to the doctor once a month to weigh. or twice a month. Anyways! Either way I am back here excess weigh and all!

    Thanks so much for all the emails, cards and FLOWERS!!! I can not believe you ladies are sending me flowers!!!! Thank you so much for all your love and support and friendship. They are the reason I have not given up yet.

    I am off to work right now but I will be back tonight! I hope everyone has a great day and me too Penny
  • Eleni
    Thank you. You put everything in perspective. Is there any way you could share the 100 reasons with us. That is probably to much to type. Maybe a reason a day. I think reading something like that over will keep us reminded of why were are doing it. Or maybe I could make up my own list. Thanks for all your support.

    Sherri, You go girl. You can do this I know you can. Doing the measuring thing helps so much. I did it not to long ago.

    Hi, so glad to hear from you. I'm glad you are hanging in there. I'm proud of you.

    Amy and Christian and all others. Hang in there, hi, and take one day at a time.

    I got into some clothes that I bought awhile back that were 2 sizes to small. Did it by accident(buying them that small). Then I thought I would try on a pair of jeans in my closet. Same size of my shorts that I have now, but couldn't get them near of being button. When I put them up against my shorts that I ware now, about 6 inches smaller. Same size but a huge difference in size.
    No wonder the American women has such a complex about her weight. I know it's not healthy, but how healthy is it to be a size 20 in one thing and a 26 in another, but the garments are actually saying they are the same size. No wonder our heads spin sometimes.

    Just something for you all to think about. especially when trying on new clothes.

  • Hello all!

    Well I ate my way through another weekend. It's like a sickness. I had my yearly physical. Since January, when I went to the drs for the flu...I've gained 8 lbs!


    I can't go to my meeting again tonight making this my 5th consecutive miss. Gee and I wonder why I can't lose. I go to night school and since it's a short summer session, we're making up last night's class tonight!

    I think I may go back to WW. The only reason being I can weigh in during the day. I wish I could find a lunchtime TOPS meeting near me!

    Oh well!

    Penny, glad to see you can't resist us!!!

    Talk to you soon!

  • Hello everyone!

    I hardly post here, but if I start maybe I will stay more focused. I am the one that gained a bunch in the challange, but I am headed in the right direction I had a loss at my TOPS meeting this morning.

    I got to play leader at my meeting, and I think I did pretty good. I found a program on "the keys to inspiration". I don't have any motivation so that is why I picked that program. I think it really helped me, and I was surprised that about 3 or 4 others really got into it and thought it was a really good meeting. I guess we will see next week if the scales think so too!

    I am going to stay positive and I hope to be back to post often.

    Have a good day everyone

  • Hey Laurie! You are like me.... You did great on the challenge and then gained all the weight at the end just like me. We can pull this out and pull it together. We are here for you! What is your email address? I will email you during the week if you can't make it here often! I hope we help motivate you. Everyone has sure movitated me! Penny
  • Hi Everyone,

    I started out the day great then gave into that inner voice and got candy bars today and that ruined my day. I was way over as a result of it.

    I am going to do better tomorrow and no more junk food for me this week. I have to do something. I am never going to have a loss this week that way.


    Welcome back it is good that you didn't leave us for good. We would all miss you.


    I am with you. I gained a lot for the challange this time and last time. I have to kick myself in the *** and stop eating so much. I don't understand why I can't or don't control my eating. I was doing so good and it didn't bother me to stay low in pts. now I can't even stay at the higher end. I have to change this and I am the only one that can. You can do this to. I know you can. Lift your head high and start over again. Starting over as many times as it takes is what is going to get us there to goal.


    You have to do what is good for you. If WW helped you and you lost then go back. That doesn't mean that you have to leave us because you don't go to your meetings for tops anymore though. Remember that. Sometimes I wish I could afford WW so I could go to.

    You will do good. Make up your mind and do what you have to do for you. You know what works for you.



    You deserve a round of applause for how great you did with the challange. That is great that you can fit into those pants. I know what you mean with the size issue of clothes. I have pants that are size 18 shorts and they still fit but the jeans long pants are way too big. Gives you a complex that is for sure. Just hang in there and don't look at the tag and wear what makes you feel good no matter what the tag says. You have come a long way and I am proud of you. Keep up the great work.


    Where are you I miss you.
