Doin' It The Old Fashioned Way #18

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  • Holly~ It is a Sportster 1200 custom that was the showroom modle that was all decked out. They didn't sell it so they offered it to him for about $1000 less than the tag. Also kicking in at no extra tax, tag everything out the door. He has never wanted a sportster and wants a Springer but even the used ones with no warrenty were about $4,000 plus more than this brand new harley chromed out with a great warrenty and Harley provides our insurance too. He says it is his learner bike and that he will give it to me in a year or two and get a springer or trade it in on one. I may keep it, it is a great color. I have to learn to how to change gears though......I am looking for a sissy bar now for our Maine tripp so I can ride on it with out holding on for dear life!
    He is loving it.

    Feeling good today....It's Friday. Need to drop 5 or 6 more lbs for vacation. I am sticking with it.

  • I just wanted to say hi! I just got fed up enough on Tuesday to start this journey once again on Wednesday. I am prown to kidney stones so I decided the only diet I could follow is one I custom made myself. So calorie counting it is. Walking will be my mode of excersice for now, until I get used to being active again. Just wanted to let you know I was lurking and I will come post now and then.
  • Hi everyone! Busy weekend I had!

    Friday I ended up walking 3 1/2 miles on the walkway, biking 5 miles with Jason, and doing 30 minutes of strength training. Saturday Jason and I went together and dd 3 3/4 miles on the walkway in 1/4 mile walking/jogging intervals. (Jog 1/4 mile using the distance markers on the trail, walking to finish a full mile, then repeating) Yesterday I had a 90 min. dance rehearsal.

    I am beat! This obviously was in addition to all of our everyday activities!
  • Whewey Aphil, that makes my 2.8 miles pale by comparison. But I'm still happy with it.
  • No...yours does NOT pale in comparison!!! When I was 211 pounds I started out with 10 minutes of exercise a day after having my son. It has taken years to get fit enough to do what I do now.
  • but how many more years do I have
    I am thinking about your 1/4 mile jog thing. I'd like to lose about 15 lbs before I start doing that to my knees. I've had some heel and knee pain over the years and I'm thrilled the feet are holding up to all this walking. The knees are complaining a tiny bit about all the rain here.
  • I would say one of the best things that you can do for healthier feet, knees, and chest for women exercisers, is to have apparel meant for what you are doing. If you walk, wear shoes made specifically for walking. If you jog, wear shoes specifically for running. The support in the shoes are different, because your stride and the impact on your feet hitting the ground is different for each exercise. In most shoe stores, it will say on the shoe box, or in a sporting goods store or onlinethe shoes are separated into sections by what they are for. (lifestyle-general wear, basketball, running, walking, etc.)

    For jogging I have to wear a GOOD sportsbra as well. I am larger chested, so I can't wear a simple lycra pullover sportsbra for $6.00 at Wal-Mart. Those are fine for an A or B cup, but you need something more supportive for C and above. (They do sell some decent ones at Wal-Mart, but you know what mean about the "cheap" ones.)
  • Yep, don't want to come home with a black eye
    I'm using a Birkenstock arch with the Reebock insert over it, for my walking shoe. I may have a new pair of running shoes in the closet. Thanks for the reminder.
  • Oh man, I am so behind, I am on page 8 and we are up to 12.
    To anybody new, hi, I have been posting here since March and the buddy system really helps me. The couple of weeks I wasn't online made a difference and I put 4 yucky lbs back on.
    I live in Savannah with DH, who is wkg here temporarily. I have a new step-granddaughter who we will see in Atlanta over the Fourth. She was born 4/6 and we were able to be there by the next day.
    I am a licenced Realtor in Kansas, also sold on Long Island, and I sell Mary Kay.
    Welcome y'all, and I look forward to getting to getting to know you. Y'all come back soon, y'hear?
  • HI all

    How is every one? I am fine....I take it one day at a time and and aim towards a life long change.

    Today makes my 2 year mark since the day I started my weight loss!
    Down, being at 148.2 now, 64.6lbs and only have 23.2 lbs to go!
    It really feels great that I have done this and kept it off. I think I have only had one pit fall which was back in July-September of last year with a big move. I gained but then lost 8lbs. I hope to see my goal weight soon and to maintain for the rest of my life Now that we have a Harley I need to look good in my chaps!

    Aphil, You are doing great!! I need a little help. I seem to be stuck again here at 148? I have had a few minor nibbles during dinner time but am sticking to my same eating habbits. I have really been eating even cleaner this week and last trying to drop a few more lbs for my tripp to Maine in 2 weeks. My time is so limited even on weekends it seems like the day comes and goes and I run out of time. I am still using my elliptical for 20-35 minutes 2-4 times a week and I am able to go all the way up to the top resistance "10". I also am doing Pilates 1-3 times a week and am still doing laps here at work out side as fast as I can walk for 15-30 minutes like 3-4 times a week. I have had to skip a day here and there lately becouse of time! I hate that....but sometimes I have to make that choice. I go for weeks puting the workout 1 st and sometimes I have to just decide to spend that hour playing a game with my DH or if I have a after work appointment and get home too late then have to cook? I feel good about what I am eating and do work out at least 3 times and more often 4-5 times a week. How can I get over this platue? I would love to do weights and mix it up but I do only have 40min-1 hour a day and in that is late evening hours to work with. Last week I took one day and since we were in the pool did spurts of fast laps and rested inbetween. And this weekend for the first time in a long while I got on my treadmill and did something I have been hearing about were you run as fast as you can for 30 seconds then rest for a few minutes than run again. So I did that like 4 times in a row. It got my heart rate up. They said this is equaly to an hour regular work out but you have to give it all you have for that 30 seconds. Anyone heard of this?? They did all these studies and they compared it to an hour mid range work out and said it was equal in physical results and health wise? I feel like it is a struggle now to see 1/2 in a month go! I need to get an even cleaner diet and some how change or up my work outs I think??

    Hope you are all doing well....

  • Hi guys!

    I had an excellent weekend. Clean eating and stayed pretty busy. I did eat over my normal calories, but it was all good for me food. I am trying not to obsess over it, but it is really not working.

    amoses - I have hit a few plateaus during my weight loss. I added green tea to my routine, 2 cups at 2pm everyday and I think it helped boost my metabolism. Also, I make sure I get at least 20 grams of fiber every day. Each time I hit a hard spot I try to find articles on boosting my metabolism or jumpstarting a diet. I have learned quite a few good tricks that way. Also, strength training can really help. Even if it is only 20 minutes a couple times a week. Good luck!
  • Sherpamelissa, nice to meet you. What's the simplest way to start some strength training? Anybody? We do have some weights - maybe 3 lb. DH walks with them.

    Amie, congratulations on this milestone. where will I be in a year? 2?
  • amie-why don't you pm me with your diet the past few days-all your meals and snacks, etc. and maybe I can review it and see where a change or two could help.

    I think it isn't so much what you are doing as far as exercising, but the intensity you are doing it at. If you have been doing the same setting on your eliptical, adjust it so that it is a little harder, or maybe go on it a little faster paced. If you are doing the same Pilates video, get a more advanced on that is about the same length/time. You can work out HARDER, without taking more time.
  • Lisi-the best way, and the easiest would be to start with a beginner level total body strength training video that uses hand weights like what you have. Here are a few titles:

    ~Getting In Shape With Weights For Dummies
    ~Firm Up Fast Walk-Leslie Sansone
    ~Walk The Walk Firm-Leslie Sansone (Christian)
    ~XtraLite Beginners Tone Up-Denise Austin (older title, can find on vhs at Ebay or
  • hi lisi, I met with a trainer at the gym and she helped me add strength training to my fitness plan. I really, really hated strength training. I much prefer the cardio. I am learning to enjoy the weights, though. I see a much bigger difference now that I do both.