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  • Ut oh
    Petra, I sure HOPE I can have kidney beans on Phase I. I'm not real confident that I have these RULES figured out, but the Phase I food lists has beans and legumes listed (kidney beans included) and suggests 1/3 - 1/2 cup servings to start.

    The very sleeve edge of my new WVU sweatshirt (hanging on my open closet door) was just barely covering my clock and I thought it was 0930 instead of 0830 and popped out of bed like I'd over slept. I hate that feeling. Well, it WAS 0830. And I work afternoons, so I can get up what ever time I want. But I had that rush rush rush feeling. I hate that! Yesterday I ran out of time and had to scoop up my lunch and take it with me because I'd been cleaning, cooking, counting nuts, LOL. I even ended up picking tomatoes while in full uniform. I bet that looked weird to passing motorists. LOL. So, I'll take this extra hour as a hint to get more stuff done today.

    Here's to a wonderful hump day and a warm hello to all the PIC Chick (DIVAS) I will check in from work.
  • GDay Partners !!

    Hope everyone's Wednesday is starting off well.... we are half way to the weekend. YEAH !!

    Day 3 of the challenge and things are going well. Eating has been under control and I have been getting in a walk each morning.

    Hotcup - great job on your first day on the beach... sounds like it was a succesful one !

    Petra - I am not much of a cake person, so I would have been a bit disappointed too.

    Curly - thanks for the recipes. I will have to add them into my recipe book.

    Angel Eyes - from your posts it looks like you got a real spring in your step... good for you !! Thanks for the encouragement on my walking. Getting up early is fairly easy for me, I am definately a morning person.

    Mom & Lisa - hope all is well with you !

    Have a spooktacular Wednesday !!
  • Howdy All,
    Just a quick note to tell you I haven't fallen off the face of the earth. My boss on vacation and I am working more than week..what is up with that. LOL Went to the dentist this morning again. If it is not broke don't fix it. I am in more pain now that I have been going than the years I have been avoiding.

    Turtle: great on the water and feeling better too!!

    TEB: great on the walking. I have been finding it hard to exercise. We are less busier than we were. no swimming but we do have the homework. I have my gym clothes and I am going today!!!

    Petra: Low carb brownies. hmmmmm. not sure about that. I made real ones over the weekend and only had 1! I was proud. That is what I like about WW..I can eat what I want as long as I account for it.

    Curly: I like eggs and so does M...she wanted omelets the last 2 morning and today she had pancakes. I asked her if she was important..she said Mom, Mrs. Rice said for us to eat breakfast..it is very important for learning. LOL

    Angel: M and call it the big hill by our house. IT is very steep but we make it up. LOL sometimes we end up walking the bikes up. Not because I can't ..she can't. I will hate it when winter gets here. I won't be able to ride my bike much.

    Well folks..I need to get back to work!!
    Talk to you soon!
  • I'm having a really easy day today but I'm sure I'll pay for it tomorrow. Did some of my Internal Medicine Module which was a thrill. (note the sarcasm in my voice).

    My friend called to tell me he got tickets for the Eagles game on Friday night and ask me if I wanted to go. How cool is that? I know it is still preseason but I have never been to a live professional football game. I'm pretty excited.

    I'm also trying to get my dog proof furniture picked out. You can put any fabric on it so I'm having trouble finding something I like and can afford. I think they now know enough about my taste and what I am looking for to send me some samples that are in my price range so hopefully I'll have something picked out soon. I'd like to have a new sofa by Christmas so people can actually sit down in my living room, LOL.

    Should go to power yoga tonight although I'm really not in the mood for some reason. I'll try to drag myself anyway. Have a good day everyone.
  • Hi all.....

    Petra.....Poweryoga eh? sounds good. I'm sure you'll feel better once you get there and start the class. Half the battle sometimes is the effort we put in to getting there!! I dragged myself to the gym for a 30 min walk on the treadmill. It seems 2 days ago, while using some of the weight machines I pulled (stretched) my inside thigh muscle. What a painfull experience. I whince everytime I step.

    Lisa.......Hope your tooth is feeling better soon. Nothing worse than a sore tooth. I have some really ancient fillings and I'm finding that they are now starting to crack and break off. Not good!

    I went garage sale-ing this morning and got a fantastic deal. I picked up this gorgeous 18" large flat link gold chain, (stamped 10kt from Italy) for only $1.00 !!! I almost died. Since I used to work in a jewlery store, this chain would probably sell for close to $400.00 !!! I'm soooo excited. I might even be wearing it right now!!! Afterwards I met hubby for lunch and had a really great tasting ham deli bun from Subway. The lady before me was ordering a huge 12" steak sub with extra cheese and then topped it with 3 kinds of salad dressing!!! I'm sure it was well over 900 calories!!! Anyways, it made me proud of myself that I stuck to my guns and had my 240 calorie deli bun. Oh...yeah....she also had 2 of the macadamia choc chip cookies. Those are definetly a no no.
  • meal planner
    i found this meal planner on a site its designed for SB but looks like it will work for whatever plan u are doing
  • SCORE!!!! Angel-eyes SCORES!!!
    She shoots... she scores! How cool is that? A $400.00 chain for a buck? Some days you step in it, some days you don't. I'm tickled pink for you. Ever see a pink turtle?

    Lisa: Sorry about the dentist dilemma. I hope you get that all sorted out.

    Petra: Have fun at the Eagles game. I thought you were going to say Eagles
    concert at first.

    Gotta jet... pc is shutting down. Dang stupid, work computer!
  • Hi Ladies. I took the day off from work again so that I could spend some time with my sis. She is going back to Idaho tomorrow. I took my oldest to orientation at her school so she could get her schedule. School starts for dd and ds on Monday. I should be exercising but I am not sure if I want to. The baby is awake and she is going through seperation anxiety so it makes it difficult.

    Petra - You will have so much fun at the game. I have never been to a football game but dh and I used to go to see the Sacramento Kings (basketball) alot before the baby was born and it is way different then watching on TV.

    Hotcup - You are doing very well. Go Turtle Go!!! You should also try sliced tomato with cheese sprinkled on top nuked until the cheese melts. Yum!! I also sautee zucchini and mushrooms all the time.

    Curly - The recipes sound great! I am going to make the oatmeal squares as soon as I get to the store for filling.

    Lisa - Sorry to hear about your tooth. I hate tooth pain.

    Angel - Is'nt it funny when we start watching what everyone else eats. Sometimes I want to ask people "Do you know how bad that is for you?" I don't think the would appreciate it though.

    Tea - I sounds like you are doing great! Keep it up.

    I have to go watch a movie with my kids. TTYL
  • *****OMG****

    i just made the yogurt smoothie ... i added some sugar free jello powder for flavor.... IT was HEAVEN!!!!!!!

    its phase 1 turtle and it was soooooooooooooo good... just like a milkshake!!!!!!!!
  • I went to power yoga like a good girl. Power yoga is kind of cross between aerobics and yoga in case you were wondering. I also took the boys for a 30 minute walk today. We are having gorgeous weather this week. Not too hot, not too humid.

    One of my favorite smoothies is 1 cup yogurt, 1/2 cup milk, 2 tbsp vanilla whey protein powder, 1/2 tsp crystal light lemonade mix. I actually substitute kefir for the yogurt and milk but you get the idea. It is great and has very few carbs and 40 grams of protein. You should try it south beachers.

    Angel-that is so cool, getting that chain. I have something similar in my house. I bought this piece of furniture at a used furniture store because I thought it was cool for $375. I'm pretty sure it is worth about $5000. It appears to be genuine mission furniture with dovetail joints, solid oak, it is a huge chest, weighs a ton. I didn't know anything about antiques when I bought it though.
  • i love antiques.. my bed is from the 1700's, when i was @ 17 a guy was headin to the dump with it.. it musta had 20 layers of paint on it.. i remember workin all summer to get the paint off of it.. and ive had it ever since.. its cast iron
  • That is cool curlylocks. It's funny how people don't realize what they are throwing away sometimes away. Speaking of having to throw things away. I have to get rid of the rug in my bedroom thanks to two dogs I know. This is going to be quite a project because it is under my king size sleigh bed. I'm going to have to recruit someone to come help me this weekend. I've been trying to jiggle it out and it is just too much for me to do alone.

    I'm having my lemon kefir smoothie this morning, yummmmm. I think it was like 11 carbs and 32 grams of protein. Not bad.
  • Mornin'
    Afraid to post this, as I'm SURE it's got to be a fluke... but I'm down five pounds! That CAN'T be right, can it? Is that normal with South Beach? Five pounds in three days? I guess I'm just freaked out because I've never had dieting success before. This is new to me. My morning has already got away from me and I've got lunch and supper to fix and pack yet. Eek! I guess I might need to start going to bed earlier and getting up sooner. I'll check back in and write from work. Take care PIC's
  • Turtle-that is awesome! I think you are supposed to lose between 8-14 in your first 2 weeks on South Beach so that is good. It's always mostly water those first few days anyway but weight is weight.
  • Turtle - I forgot yesterday when I posted but you can only have peanuts or peanut butter in a day. If you have the peanut butter cup thingy don't have nuts for a snack okay. It has to be one or the other. Congrats on the weight!!