Weigh In At Home 5/21-527

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  • Whew - tried this once and had a server failure. So let's try again!

    Hi everyone!

    Well, I had a good week overall this past week. Friday I beat the Sweet Factory demon. We did go out to dinner, so I did end up going over points, but not to badly. I really didn't track points over the week, but did ok at the wedding on Saturday and the potluck on Sunday. As a reward for my efforts, I'm able to post a three pound loss! And now to string together two good weeks. I have a few challenges this week, but nothing too tough. Today is Ana's third birthday so we may go out to eat, or may end up eating pizza at home - whatever she chooses. I'm eating really low points today (not too tough as I'm not feeling all that great) so I should be ok either way. Friday I'm having lunch with a friend - shouldn't be a problem. Saturday we're having Ana's party. I expect I'll be so busy running around and seeing to everything that I won't have much chance to do much harm. Except, of course, for the birthday cake. But, I really want two losses in a row so I'm going to behave.

    Have a great day everyone.

  • CECE:
    Thanks for the welcome! I've (TA-DA!!!) completed one day on WW at home.
    I got on the scale this am--YIKES!! 236 lbs. Goal will be 175 lbs. (I'm 5'10") I just have to take it one day at a time, right?Thanks again for inviting me to join and post on this thread. Hope you have a great day!
  • Way - It's good to see you here. We're usually a little more active than this. Congratulations on your first day on program. Yes, you do have to take it one day at a time. Shoot, sometimes I have to take it one hour at a time.

    Well, I ended up having chocolate cravings something fierce yesterday. That would have been ok, but we ended up going out to eat with Ana's godparents last night and I really wasn't careful. So I have a deficit to dig myself out of. But, I'm not going to stress about it. I'm back OP today and for the rest of the week.

    Pat - We haven't heard from you lately - hope all is well.

    Holly, Jennifa, Jan, Leslie - Where are you?

    Have a great day everyone.

  • Hi guys! I'm a big liar about coming right back to post last week -- I never got back online until today! So, here is my catching up:

    Cece - WAY TO GO!! A 3 pound loss, AND all those OP days (now turning into weeks) strung together! You are inspiring me to get my act together. Also, I was impressed with how you handled the buffet last week -- I would have thrown my hands up and chowed down ;-). You can do this -- you ARE doing this -- keep it up!

    Judy - How did the video filming trip go? Don't you feel like a jock taking a vacation with such a fitness theme about it?! Good job on handling the baby shower! You are so right about the "small victories." Each time I have a small victory it inspires me to keep going.

    Jennifer - I read your post about the snickers bars with complete understanding {{{{Jennifa}}}}. Those things happen, and the challenge is to move forward and not beat yourself up over it. I didn't want to actually admit this to you guys, but since you were so honest...I ate an ENTIRE box of Skinny Cows last night between 5 P.M. and 3 A.M. I set myself up by going to the grocery store, hungry, after a stressful day at work. The worst part -- I don't think my husband or son saw me eating any of them (binging AND hiding, ugh! Commit me now).

    Leslie - Hi! Somewhere along the line I missed your weight goal/progress/etc... --- how's it going?

    Way - Welcome! Congrats on taking the 1st step toward getting healthier :-D. I look forward to getting to know you.

    I go to WW tonight for a weigh-in, and I'm just going to grit my teeth and face the scale. I have to get a handle on my binge eating. I was doing so good, and now I let it all fall apart in the evenings. I am now re-focusing on another short-term goal for 4th of July weekend (wanting to look better in this cute tankini my girlfriend gave me), and then I have my 2 wk vacation beginning July 28th. I have to keep telling myself that it wasn't really that hard to lose the first 16 lbs once I dedicated myself to staying OP. It is very dangerous for me to have the now i'm dieting/now i'm not attitude. I've been thinking about quitting the meetings again, but in my heart I know I'm just looking for an excuse to quit weight loss altogether. But...I'M NOT A QUITTER!

    I'll post after weigh-in...Holly
  • Holly - Hang in there. Here's some hugs to help you:
    {{{{{]}}}}}. You know you're not going to quit because you've come so far already. You can do this. I completely understand binge eating. I too would have no problem putting away an entire box of Skinny Cows. (But what were you doing up at 3:00 am. Get some sleep girl!) You know those baby birthday cakes they sell at Jewel? That used to be my favorite binge. The whole thing. In one day. I'd plan for it when I knew I'd be home and John would be at work. So, I understand the hiding part too. You'll get a handle on it - one step at a time.

  • I lost .8!
    It's not quite a pound, but I am thrilled :-). I bought a fresh, new 12 week journal, and I am ready to be dedicated to my program again. Cece - I am especially inspired by your resolve to stay OP, and the weight loss you got in return! I may be going to Chicago to spend the night and see a show on June 22nd-23rd with two of my girlfriends, so my mini-goal is to see a nice loss by then by staying OP and exercising. This will be shortly followed by my 4th of July goal of looking and feeling better in my new (gasp) tankini.

    Some things my be out of my control, but my eating habits are definately in my control.

  • Holly - Congratulations on your loss. Any movement down is to be celebrated! I know that you'll rededicate yourself wholeheartedly. I'm glad I could be of some help. Wish I could inspire myself right now.

    I did ok up until I got home yesterday. I didn't have a blow out or anything (actually I had a wonderful 1 point per cup creamy broccoli soup) but I picked and nibbled my way over points. I'm trying to keep it together today, but it's a struggle. But I'll keep trying, that's for sure.

    Hope everyone has a great day.

  • HATE my scale

    I don't know if it was my stress setback, but I weighed in at 203 on Monday. TOM is so
    out of whack that I can't tell if it's water weight or not. I'm wondering if this is the right
    time for me to be trying to lose weight. I am annoyed to the point of eating everything
    in sight. I know it's negative. But here I am posting. I KNOW some of you have been through
    this so if you have anything helpful to say, I'd appreciate it.

    The good news is I got a bicycle to ride around on. It's a very cool one, too, and I can't
    wait to ride it! I am also buying a push mower so I can get some extra exercise at least once
    a week.

    Is this a plan? I don't know. The thought of counting points today is just not going to happen.

    But tomorrow is another day.

  • {{{Jennifer}}}- DON'T GIVE UP!!!! I completely understand your feelings -- I've been there many times before -- so trust me when I say that giving up on your goal to lose weight will not make things any better. There are a lot of things in life that we have absolutely no control over, and it is easy to fall back into the comfortable habit of consoling ourselves with food (or celebrating with food, for that matter). It's is definately easier to eat without thought than it is to count pts or be careful of portion size, or make healthy food choices. HOWEVER, 6 months from now how would you feel if you quit today? "Most unhappiness is caused by giving up what we want most for what we want at the moment." I love that quote (read it on the web, but don't know the author). Look for the opportunities for small victories -- walk past the donuts at work, pass on a piece of cake, don't have seconds, drink all your water, take a 10 min. walk, wait 15 min before eating something that will take you over pts -- and celebrate those victories...build on those victories!

    I about had myself convinced to quit this week, and Cece's comments made me take a second look at why I wanted to quit. I know that nothing is off limits with WW, but I also know that there is a give and take. You can eat a piece of cake, but eating the whole cake just won't fit in the program ;-). I realized that I was mourning not being able to *use* food as a comfortable crutch. I also realized that the pain of being overweight outweighs the good feelings I get from eating out of control. I feel good as long as I'm slogging around the house in giant sweat pants; I feel lousy as soon as I want to dress up and go out and nothing fits or looks good. (stepping off of soap box ;-) )

    {{{Cece}}} You really helped me. Thank you. That picking and nibbling can be a killer! I sometimes notice that I've been doing it without even thinking! A cup of hot tea, or a pot of flavored, decaf coffee at night sometimes helps me stop picking. Our leader suggested putting a cup of ice water in the fridge, and every time you open the fridge you have to take a sip. If the water disappears, you're looking for something, but it probably isn't food! (boredom, etc...)

    As for victories: I went to McDonalds and then the show today with a friend and our sons. I had a garden salad at McD's, and I smuggled microwave smart pop popcorn into the show. It felt great! I fought that twinge that was telling me to eat whatever I wanted and start over on WW tomorrow, and it made me feel empowered! We saw Shrek -- great movie. The kids loved it :-).

    Talk to you soon...Holly
  • Thanks Lyontamer!
    Wow, it's great to know that other people have the same frustrations you do! Thanks for helping. You
    really hit the nail on the head. I did use food and I do use food to vent emotions. I need to stop that! And
    the reason why (you got this too) is because it IS comforting but only when you're slobbing around.
    The minute I get dressed for work I get upset. What a vicious cycle.

    Thanks for helping me break it. I was going to say "try and break it" but I remembered Yoda's quote
    "There is no try."

    Hope everybody has a great OP day.

  • Hi everyone.

    Jennifa - I'm sending you {{{hugs}}} to help you hang in there. Holly said everything beautifully and I don't have much to add. A couple of things particularly resonated with me. One was mourning using food as a comfortable crutch. If I'm feeling bad and I use food to make myself feel better, but I'm OP so I can't use the food, then I have to deal with feeling bad. That's really hard and sometimes we'll win the struggle and sometimes we won't. When we don't, all we can do is pick ourselves up and start again. The other thing Holly said that hit home is nothing being off limits. I have to constantly remind myself is that it's not that I can't have the candy, the cake, the whatever (because nothing and no one is stopping me from eating whatever I want and the WW police won't come and throw me in jail) it's that I CHOOSE not do eat the candy, the cake, the whatever. That gives me a real sense of control and helps ease the "mourning" for lost food. So if counting points seems beyond what you can deal with, do whatever you can to regain a sense of control, be it writing down everything you eat (even if you don't track points), drinking 8 glasses of water, whatever part of the program you can accomplish. Pat yourself on the back for the positives you have accomplished: getting that bike to ride around on, planning on getting the push mower. And don't let the stupid scale throw you - it's probably all water weight anyway. After all you can gain that much weight from a few Snickers.

    Holly - I'm glad I could help you re-examine your journey and decide to stick with it. You've returned the favor as your post to Jennifa really has me pumped up now. That's a couple of great victories you had at McD's and the movies. Fighting those twinges and winning makes us so much stronger.

    Judy - Hope you had (are having, if you're still there) a great time at the taping.

    After falling down the slippery slope the last couple of days, I've picked myself up, dusted myself off, and moved on. My success for the day is fighting the urge to blow it off for another day and go get Chinese food. Instead I had a yummy low point Vegetarian Chili (Holly - it's the President's Choice brand at Jewel - if you like Chili, try it). I have the rest of my day planned out and should do just fine. I had a nice walk to the train station this morning, which helped as well.

    Here's to friendship and support and the strength it brings to us!

    Have a great day everyone.

  • Carla – Wahooo! Great result. Happy (belated) birthday to Ana – wow, she’s getting to be a big girl! Sorry to hear about the chocolate. I’m trying something new this week that my leader suggested – I bought a roll of Hershey’s Tastetations (sp?) in the chocolate flavor. They are hard candies and I think 3 of them are a point. This week is PMS (bad today) so I’ll let you know how they work.

    Way – Hi and welcome. One day at a time- even one meal at a time!

    Holly {{{{{{{{HUGS}}}}}}} to you. Do you have any idea what set off the binge? And yes, what were you doing up at 3:00 am? Congratulations on the loss. Good for you for getting the new 12 week journal and your new found dedication. We can do this as long as we don’t quit! Way to go on your victory over McD’s. I always lf microwave popcorn into the movies – it really helps.

    Jennifa – I can’t give you any better advise than you’ve already gotten. If you quit, the weight has won. I refuse to let that happen. Here are some {{{{{{{HUGS}}}}}}} – you will get there!

    I’m pretty swamped at work so this check-in will be pretty quick. My weigh in last Sat was disappointing, I was up 0.4 – of course, a couple of my friends there reminded me how little that was. In any case, Tony and I had a nice dinner on Sat for our anniversary – I didn’t count points but I didn’t go nuts. The trip was fantastic. Great friends (and I had a real heart to heart with two friends who struggle with weight issues as I do), great filming sessions and 2 good workouts on Mon and one fabulous workout (with Christi) on Tuesday. I figure I’m probably about even on points – earned vs. eaten and I’m back to tracking points today. The sneak peek on the scale was promising this morning – back down to my lowest since I started meetings (my weight 3 or so weeks ago) so my goal is to make sure I don’t mess that up – tough with PMS and work pressure but I am determined.

  • Judy - Welcome home! Glad to hear you had a terrific time at the taping. Sorry to hear about the gain on Saturday, but glad to hear your sneak peek was good. You know you can beat that stupid PMS monster. I'm sending positive vibes your way. Belated happy anniversary wishes to you and Tony.

  • Fighting the night-time munchies :-Z
    Hi guys :-) I made it through a work luncheon consisting of chinese food (one of my favorites). This was a big hurdle for me. I lost the first 15 by being fairly rigid -- especially at lunchtime. I brought sandwiches made with staytrim bread (2 slices for 1 pt), or had Subway, and basically stayed away from potlucks and restaurant lunches. (OK - I stayed away from restaurants period!) The bad part is that I didn't really practice making WW work for me when out to eat, or by eating a lot of pts at lunch, and then having a scaled back dinner (my usual routine was to eat too many pts at lunch and then quit WW by dinner ;-) ). So... I spent a few min coming up with a plan of what I was going to eat and how many pts it would be, and then relaxed and enjoyed the good food. There was a homemade lemon cake, and I had one bite for a taste. I had an egg beater omelet for dinner which was easy, filling and low pt.

    Now I'm struggling with wanting to snack on anything and everything, but I want to save my 2 pts for a pudding before bed. I'm not hungry, just wanting to eat :-P. I made a pot of decaf hazelnut coffee, and I'm hoping it hits the spot.

    I feel more in control just logging on and writing this :-). Talk to you all soon...Holly
  • All,

    Thank you so much for all your help. Things have been really stressful but the quarter ends in 2 weeks, so
    it WILL get better!

    Judy, Cece, Lyontamer, you have saved me from being fatter than I was! You are the best. Your replies
    moved me to tears. Thanks so much. I am so glad I came to this board, and I'm even gladder that you
    all are achieving your goals, bit by bit. (by byte and bite!)

    I have good news, I rode my bike to school today. It was so fun, I can't wait to ride again. Turns out
    this is a good plan for me. My body feels like it's waking up and saying hey - this is fun!

    Must dash, but best wishes to you all,
