LAWL & Friends - March 2005

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  • Good morning, chickies!

    Lots of rain here today - true sign that Spring is here - the azaleas will be in bloom in just a couple of weeks, truly a lovely time of year here.

    Weight up to 197 this AM - sure that it is the meds - I was POP yesterday and drank my water. . .

    Hello Nightlady! The chickies here are great - we all help each other through the tough times and share the good times!

    About the exercise - yes, LAWL doesn't really push exercise. Frankly, I think it's because you can lose weight without it (I think Star, our exercise expert, says weight loss is about 90% diet, 10% activity) - and also what seems to happen is that when someone starts to workout they gain muscle so the scale seems to go down slower, at least at first. And LAWL's success and program is based on the 2#/week loss - not really focused on inches lost and a better body composition - if that makes sense By that I mean, what we really all want is less fat and more muscle (and bone, too, as we get older).

    But, I'm with you - one of the things that attracted me to LAWL was the maintainence aspect - and that they included that with the program. I have lost TONS over my life, and never learned to keep it off. And that is the other thing I want to accomplish!

    How much further do you have to go? I think over 11 pounds is terrific!

    Sy - about the popcorn and hotdogs -Michelle was kind enough to send me an extra set of free to live cards that she had gotten from her center. I have not heard about them from my home center yet. They are cards with food options addressing different real life situations - like going to the movie theater, concerts, amusement parks, etc - with food suggestions and exchanges. Some of them we already know - like pizza (as a CC option), hamburger, grilled chicken sandwich. But others are like popcorn - half of a small bag with no added butter - is 2 starch and 1 fat. A hotdog(beef) is 1/2 P, 2 S, 2 Fat. . . Now, I am not sure what to do when it's two fats - do you not eat one the next day??? But, these are the first signs I've seen that LAWL recognizes life happens events! Coleslaw (1/2c)= 1S 1F. Not sure why it wouldn't be a veg too, but .. .

    Has anyone else gotten these yet??

    Also, Sy, about the blue plan - The thing I keep on seeing from the experts - on the self forum (thanks, Fiona) and the beachbody site - is that we really do have to eat to lose weight. Our natural inclination is that we need to drop food to lose weight, but, if we are working out regularly, our body gets used to the calorie drain. If we don't eat enough, our bodies think that they have to hold onto the extra fat as a reserve. When we eat enough, the body realizes that it really can access any extra fat and use it! Also, what size are you now (if you don't mind me asking?) Are you seeing that the sizes are going down even if the scale isn't budging? The same weight of muscle takes up less room than fat, so the scale may not be moving, but the tape measure will. (This is just info that I've seen alot over the past couple of weeks)

    My brother is supposed to come today to put in the new VCR/DVD. .

    Hugs to all,
  • Does anyone have a good Turkey Chili recipie that is on plan?

  • Hump Day...
    Morning Chicks.....

    Welcome Nightlady - Congrats on the loss! LAWL does not encourage working out here either. I think it is becuz when you gain muscle it weighs more than fat and therefore appears to slow the weight loss on the scale. Since they only go by pounds lost, they discourage gaining muscle weight. I think it is about time they need to alter their plan and become pro exercise. I mean on this thread alone, we have alot of 'fit chicks.' When you have to lie to the counslors about your exercise plan that's pretty sad

    Julie - I agree with everything you have learned lately (you are one quick study!). I have had several trainers tell me that weight loss depends on 90% of food intake and 10% exercising. I have to agree with them, since I work out fat or thin and know that if I don't cut the calories I don't lose an ounce no matter how much I work out.

    Sy - I like your new ticker! I'll bet you are looking really good. I give you credit for being able to cut back on the weights, especailly with summer coming and sleeveless tops. I hope it all works out for you, keep us posted.

    Speaking of summer, I will be going to Calif mid April for a girlfriends reunion. Since I am packing to move, I have to keep good track of where my clothes are; winter and most importantly summer. I'll have to take Spring/Summer things to CA. So I have been trying on bathing suits, shorts, etc. I'm pretty happy with how everything looks, I just need a tan very badly... It has also encouraged me to make the most out of my workouts..... BTW, it's 31 degrees here today.......

    Packing is going okay. I think I packed the pots and pans too early, but I hate to wait to pack stuff.......Plus this is how I have to divide it all up:
    1) Garage Sale
    2) Up North
    3) Apartment
    4) Goodwill
    5) Trash

    Well have to go and get some more Check back in afew.....
  • Bean soup was pretty good, not so hearty like the recipe title states. If i did it in the crock pot again i wouldn't add 3 qts. water, i'd add less. It looks better after adding the tomato paste and it sure made a lot. I'm going to be eating soup for a couple days and trying to find room in freezer to freeze some. I told my mom last night that i've had some stuff in freezer that i have to get rid of. For instance, i bought a freezer pack of pot-stickers before joining LAWL, and they are not on plan, and take a lot of room. Mom said cook them up and take to work, but then i'm going to have them too, i just know it. So throw away or give frozen pkg. to coworker to make for family? What would you do? I also have frozen deli meat, hotdogs...should i throw away?
  • Good morning chickies!

    Welcome, nightlady! Hope we will see you over in the Exercise Yard thread as well - it's becoming a hopping place! My center doesn't actively discourage exercising that I know of, but I'm just getting started with a fitness plan so it hasn't come up with my counselors yet.

    Well, it only took me two days to shake that mystery pound, this morning I'm back to my low weight, so off to WI I go today! : Sometimes I think I should really WI anyway when I gain, sort of a "face your fears" thing, but I can't quite make myself do it yet. Hopefully I won't have any more "gaining" moments for a while.

    Which reminds many here are going to have to deal with an Easter dinner this weekend? We're going to my in-laws, and I figure there's probably going to be all the traditional stuff - ham and potatoes and pie, and corn masquerading as a vegetable. (Or worse, maybe my SIL will be making her world-famous manicotti!) Very few OP things, basically! I'll have to find out for sure what's on the menu and hopefully come up with some kind of plan of attack...suggestions welcome!

  • Michele -
    How long has the stuff been in the freezer? Personally I would probably just toss it.
  • Fiona- I have the Easter Food Challenge too. Dinner is at my (apron) moms. This is the menu: Ham, mashed potatoes, italian sausage, rolls, baked beans, mac&chs,green bean cassorole, broccli, cauliflower, deviled eggs, fruit salad, cake and ice cream. It's not all my mom's doing, people are bringing stuff. I got out of that part becuz we will be moving. So I just said "Geez, that's alot of starches and fats"
    So I'm waiting for some ideas too.....Oh and can't forget the easter
  • Fiona-My center had a handout with recipes for some traditional Easter meal items, including ham with glaze (protein, condiment) and twice baked potatoes. I think I’m just going to practice portion control, but I’m having ham and potatoes…then again, I’m cooking dinner myself, so I have a lot more control over the menu. I'm worried about easter candy...I'm a sucker for Starburst Jelly no one is getting those in the easter basket, won't be able to control myself.

    Sy-I agree with Julie that you really might need the extra calories, but if you are comfortable where you are than that’s great! That’s really the most important thing is to be comfortable in your own skin 

    Star-Glad to hear you are making progress on the packing….it’s been years for me and that’s one of the things that keeps me buying a new house, the very thought of the moving process. I’m actually kind of looking forward to spring and spring clothes…I used to always prefer winter (more clothes to cover me and lots of black-for that slimming effect…yeah right), but feeling much better…though I will need a whole new wardrobe…was wearing 18-20W last spring/summer and now in a lose 14 or snug 12. Love the new sizes and style options, but it’s going to be a lot of money to replace whole closet…but what fun 

    Julie-Hang in there and maybe you should put your program on hold until you finish medication. The little gains can be emotionally draining even when your head knows you have been OP, but the scale isn’t cooperating.

    Michele-I usually don’t have to worry about throwing away food with my junk food junkie husband and 16 year old boy, but giving it away sounds a good option.

    Welcome Nightlady!!!

    I have been pretty good about plan except for several cocktails Monday night causing a gain Tuesday morning, but back down this morning. Dinner Friday night was disappointing…I tried to do the right thing and get grilled salmon and veggies instead of my favorite shrimp/scallop dish with Italian bread crumb and lemon butter sauce with a side of fettuccine alfredo…and guess what….the salmon wasn’t done…YUCK. So, I wound up with salad, bread and dessert….nice carb heavy dinner and was still kind of hungry since I didn’t have much protein, so I had my LA Lite when I got home.

    My center always asks about my exercise plan, I think it’s because I’m on the red plan and if I’m not exercising around 5 hours a week then I’m not going to lose and could potentially gain.

    I’m still hoping to hit new numbers this week and get into the 170s…my easter goal was 175, but I know I’m not going to make that, but still really hoping for 179….even if it’s 179.8, I’ll take it 

    Take care,
  • About Easter - I'm going to Mom's - Ham, corn pudding (my sister's specialty), salad (me, of course), and I'm sure there will be other starch goodies. I am going to try to do what I did at Thanksgiving - leave lots of white space on the plate, drink lots of water, and pick the ONE desert I really want.

    I picked up the handout at the center yesterday, but left it in my car. I was hoping to see some some Passover stuff (not that I'm observant, but just curious) - I wonder how kosher Jewish people handle the starch/bread stuff? But Passover isn't until April, so maybe there will be another handout.

    Jen - I did put the plan on hold for three weeks - I'm hoping I don't put on a pound a day in water weight - Now, why didn't you send that salmon back to the kitchen???? I LOVE Easter candy - esp black jelly beans. . . And peanut butter eggs. Maybe I'll buy a pack and bring them on Sunday so I can share the wealth.

    Michelle - I cooked up a pound of beans last night (you inspired me) and then thought about some italian turkey sausage I have in the freezer - which I think is at least 6 mo old - I chuckled when I saw Star's response - I really should toss it - I'm sure it's freezer burned at this point. . . BUT - if your stuff isn't too old, is there a church soup kitchen or something in your area - with the holidays this week, they may really like some extra stuff.

    Star - it sounds like you are doing great with your packing - I always seem to pack my dishes and then eat on paper plates for the last two weeks. . .How is DGB? Loved the story about your DS calling you and DH by first names. Haven't thought about weekend hippies in quite awhile. When is your garage sale?

    Fiona - there are several times I force myself to go to the center, and have been rewarded with a loss, even when my morning WI doesn't show one. (Or maybe we are building character, which weighs less?)
  • Also, Jen, one thing that was a new concept to me, but I've seen on the BB boards, is the concept of a rest week - every six weeks you take a slower week in exercise, not so high in intensity. . . But, since your metabolism is already used to the higher exercise, it continues to click along, so you really don't have to change your calories that much. Does that make sense? Star, have you ever heard this?
  • I am invited to my cousins openhouse/birthday party on Easter and this is terrible, but i think i'm going to skip it. It's just setting myself up for disaster and i think i'm going to be selfish and just not go. I miss my parents and brother a lot during this holiday too and it's my mom's bday so i'm going to have my own personal celebration. I'm awful, huh?
  • Julie-Oh, I sent it back (and they took it off the bill), but had really lost my appetite for it by then...we took it home and DH ate it for lunch the next day.
  • Michelle - be good to yourself-when I'm most rebelling with me eating is when I'm doing to much for other people. . .

    I'm sorry if I missed something, but does your family live someplace else?

    Jen - good for you about sending it back. . . And recognizing that you really didn't want it. That is a victory in itself, for me.
  • Julie - Yes, I have heard that too. That is why when I miss exercise for a day or two (for whatever reason) I don't worry, I know there is no harm done. Also if you are on a reugular exercise program you don't lose your level of strength. Like I always say - it's all good..........
  • Michelle - (I'm going to post back over here, so I don't get to confused as to which month I'm in) - I hope you get to see your parents often - I can't imagine living far away from my family for any length of time. It would take a real commitment for me to move away.