Weekly chat 2/13 - 2/19

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  • Hello girls!

    I hope everybody is doing well...

    Well, yesterday wasn't the best eating day for me (bad bad Sacha). I'm blaming in on Valnetine's day so it makes it ok!!! Seriously, last night, we went out with friends. First, the restaurant and then a movie..The last time I had buttery greasy popcorn was a year and a half ago before this weight loss journey so I've decided to treat myself with some popcorn...with greasy yellowy butter...Sheeeeesh...I am sure that everyone knows how many calories and other crap is in movie theater popcorn...*Sigh* Well, I ate it and it was good!!! There, I admit it..IT WAS DELICIOUS!!!!

    Before eating the popcorn, I promised myself not to feel guilty about it after. I think that knowing and planning in advance that I was going to cheat made me feel OK about that decision...So today, I am back, stronger than ever!!

    There you go...an entire post about popcorn!! Hehe!!!Oh and by the way, how do you girls feel when you cheat on your diet??

    Have a good day!

    Pop -Sacha- Corn
  • Sacha: You are soooo normal! I think everyone feels a bit bad when they eat things that aren't really ideal for us health wise. Some times it's good to treat yourself though, just use in moderation!

    I'm online during commercials, watching the grammys! woo hoo!
  • hey guys.. last couple of weeks have been hellish at work, i havent really been able to post much. i will post more this week!!

    hey, i bought a new bikini! i couldnt help myself, last week i just got the urge to go to jcrew and try on bathing suits. i am one of those people who actually LIKES doing it. i can't BELIEVE how tiny the tops are at jcrew. i mean, i dont even have a big chest (i used to be a 36c, i'm now a 34b) but WHOA i tried on a medium top and it was tiny tiny. i dont know who they are making these things for. i am going to take a picture of myself in it whenever i get my digital camera back from my parents. it looks pretty ok -i still have some flub on the back of my hips that i've asked nicely to go away.

    ANYWAY, sasha: i dont believe in cheating, because guilt sucks and i dont need it. so i dont put anything "off limits" in my diet. of course, i dont really eat WHATEVER i want (then i'd be polishing off a pint of ben and jerrys every night) but i let myself have treats within reason as long as my other choices are healthy. its really the only way for me to stay sane.

    spill - how was the grammys, i didnt watch. any good performances? i caught a little of the jamie foxx, alicia keys thing, which was good.
  • Hey Megan: I missed you, you always make me smile when I read your posts. I'm glad you are doing good, and girl!!!!!! LOOK AT YOU, you are SOOOOOOOOO Close to your Mini Goal...you are kicking butt! Congrats on swim suit shopping, that is a major accomplisment, to go shopping for those!!! and having fun!!!!

    The grammys were awesome, one of my favorite awards shows to watch. My favorite was Usher because that boy can entertain the **** out of me! and also Alicia Keys can SANG...and she SANG her butt off last night.

    Just got done eating my blueberry and vanilla protein shake...my mouth is purple now! Ha! I will lose weight this week...this is my motto!

    Have a great week girls,

    oh, and Happy Valentines Day! Love ya'll!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Hope everyone had a great day! Mine was fantastic!! Bought tons of veggies and fruits for the week so eveything's just fine!!

    Talk to you all later!!

  • valentines was great... rob showed up at work with flowers and two teddy bears (boyds bears - i sort of collect them). he is really sweet! he had to work last night so we're going out to dinner tonight.

    uck its TOM and my workout last night sucked because i wasn't feeling good. i hate when that happens!!!

    spill - thanks, but i say "bleh" to the mini goal... i have been eating to maintain lately, i guess, before i psych myself up for the next phase of this thing.

    i am pretty happy with myself now, my size 8's are loose and i know i can go to a 6 soon, but i'd really like to get to about 135 (i dont know if 130 is doable for me). i know this last phase is going to be the hardest part. but i think i'm about ready - i decided that i'm switching back to weight loss mode today! yay!

    have a great day guys!!
  • Megan congrats u sound like your doing a great job!

    Anyways I was curious what are you meaning by "phases" are you doing a special diet or something?
  • Funny thing about Valentine's day...My hubby and I usually don't really celebrate it because for us Valentine's day should be an everyday thing...BUT!!!!!!!!!

    I got a gift!!...guess what was my gift??????

    The digital scale that I wanted for the past 6 months!! i know, I know...for some of you it's the most unromantic gift you've ever seen but for me it's the opposite!!! I am so thrilled!!! I've been complaining everyday about my old scale, I kept saying that I didn't need have money for a digital scale...And now I have one!

    It's funny, my hubby and I were saying that for people who do not know us, they would think that my hubby is a ******* and that he's trying to tell me something...Ohh honey, happy Valentine's day, here's a scale cuz i think your fat...*giggle*

    Anyway, just thought I'd share this..Have a great day!

    Digital Sacha
  • sacha...I swear your post make me smile..there so much fun and I love how everytime u post u throw the topic into your name at the end =)

    My valentines was great I received a brand new fossil watch, and La Tigre hoodie..
    We went out to the movies saw "HITCH" really good movie I recommend it. Had some of that buttery popcorn sacha was talkin about..only a handfull which god only knows how many cal's in that..then we went out to bennigans for dinner I did good kept my portion control had steamed veggies instead of fries...then I woke up me and the fiance went to the gym and i even signed up so i'm excited it's time for me to turn the life around and next year i'll be getting married so I must look my best.. =)

    love to all...goodluck with everything ladies
  • mellbell - no special diet... my diet is really as un-special as it gets, actually. i just say phase because i've taken a very slow approach to this weight loss thing... so i've lost weight, maintained for awhile, lost again... etc. Now, I'm really on the last phase of it, i want to lose seven pounds to get to 135. i dont know if 130 is doable for me.

    oh and hey - if anyone knows any beauty editors at magazines and/or newspapers, let me know... we're doing PR for a new lip gloss and i am having the darnest time getting any interest out of these chicks. it's a pretty cool lip gloss - its really sheer and minty and called Lipmints.
  • Hello everyone

    I haven't been to these forums in a long time, but I really need to get back on the wagon. I've fallen and gained about 10lbs (since my lowest weight -- which took about 8 months so thats not tooooo bad theoretically lol...) Anyway it does matter and I want to get back to things. And I WILL DO IT this time.

    And... I'm in love. *blush* I've never felt this way about a guy before. I know he really likes me as well... this is the first valentine's i've ever actually been dating a guy. He says he thinks im beautiful, I just find it hard to believe -- he's thin and handsome and has such a charismic personality it's hard for anyone not to love him.

    I want to feel like he deserves me, and not in disbelief that this amazing guy I like actually likes me back.

    Thanks for listening *hug*

  • Congrats Alexisa, and good luck to you...Enjoy this!!!!!

    I am going to get back to doing better, I almost talked myself out of going to the gym today...made it there with an hour to spare. I'm glad I went...some days it is just a struggle with my mind. It's like I have the brain of a two year old and I am throwing tantrums....ok, weird analogy...but you get the idea....maybe it's PMS...HA!
  • I meet with a trainer today at 11, I'm excited! Instead of listening to my fiance who is just a BIG guy-lifts weights and stuff here he is wanting to get bigger and myself wanting to shrink!

    He told me I have to go to the gym with a game plan-figure out what i'm going to work out that day so I guess I have to figure all this out. I'm just soo determined this time. I really want to do this for myself!

    i need to stop eating past what is it 6 or 7?!? My fiance says 7 I use to do 6. I've been looking up healthy snacks and dinners to prepare yesterday i made a veggie quesdilla (sp) with spinich, squash zucchinni, mushrooms..it was good no cheese or anything horrible except the tortilla i guess.

    Does anyone know what i could do with spaghetti squash?? I bought it i saw some cookin show on tv he made like a really thick low carb sauce for it, but i mean i dont like all the oils and stuff he was using, any ideas??!?!
  • Hello girlies!

    How are you all doing? I'm doing great! The Easter Bunny challenge is keeping me very focused which is good...I plan on losing all th weight I need to lose before Easter.

    Mellbell; I'm glad I make you laugh...Weightloss shouldn't be that serious anyway!
    I cooked spaghetti squash last week and it was delicious. It's a good substitute to pasta (I can't eat pasta because I'll eat 7 bowls or something...) What I did was simple; I cut the squash in half, put a bit of olive oil and pepper and cooked it for 20 minutes. Then I scraped the squash and served a simple tomato sauce with tons of veggies in it. I also added a bit of cottage cheese. It was really good! My gosh...who needs Martha Stewart uh?? hehe..Sacha Stewart..Nah..don't really want to be related to her!!

    Alexisa: Good for you! I'm really glad you are in love! Good luck to you!

    Spill: When you talked about having the brain of a 2 year old, it feels like your talking about me when I am PMSing!! So join the club!!

    Have a great evening!

    Food network Sacha
  • Alexisa's in love! Alexisa's in love! Alexisa's in love!

    I haven't been posting much but trust me, I've been lurking around. Been going strong since Monday. I think my motivation is back! Yea! I've started my weight training up again as of Saturday (20 min. per day, every day, alternating upper and lower body) and have also ran everyday this week. IN FACT, I impulsively signed up for a 5k race this Saturday!!! I've never ran in one before, and I don't run much on the road, so it will be a challenge. I did 5k on the treadmill today in 29:28, which is just under 10 min. miles, about 9:51 miles - not too bad, when you consider I started jogging at 4.5 mph at about this time last year! I'd really like to finish the race in under 35 minutes, but I guess we'll see. Maybe I'll get hooked!

    How's everyone's HUMP day going? I know Wednesday is EVERYONE's favorite day!