Week of~~February 6th~~

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  • Good Morning Everyone,

    I hope everyone is having a great weekend. Ours has been pretty good so far. Alex even slept in this morning! I can't believe that this time next week we will be in Florida! We've been waiting almost a year for this trip.

    Hello to everyone!
  • Hey guys!! I have been skimming the posts and I am sorry I was not able to post much last week. It was an incredibly busy week, but I was able to keep up with food, water, and exercise (mostly).

    I hope you all have a great Sunday with lots of rest and relaxation!

  • Hi there. I am new to this website and I am not sure if I am in the right chat room or not. i am 33 years old and am trying to lose about 40 more pounds. I lost 21 pounds on my own in the past couple of months and I am looking for some moral support. My hubby is an Atkins kind of guy. I just watch what I eat and try to exercise at least 30 minutes everyday -which is hard between working full time and raising 2 children. How do you manage to fit everything into a busy day? I am finally learning to try and make some time foe ME during the day. Before, all I ever worried abour was everyone else. Any tips for keeping focused and making exercise an inportant part of your day? Thanks for listening.
    Have a great Super Bowl Sunday!!
  • Hi All.

    Well it's monday morning here and I am busy getting the kids ready for school (obviously not to busy to post her lol ) Today will be my first day at home with no kids . Hannahs stitches are out so she can go back to preschool today and the other boys will be at school. I am really looking forward to getting stuck back into my exercise routine now. I am ecstatic about reaching my first goal (I can't believe I have already lost 10 pounds ) but now I am focusing on my next goal. Although I did buy myself a little reward for getting this far (not food based of course )

    Karen - wow a sleep in - what does that feel like again You must be busy packing etc for that florida trip. I hope you have a fantastic time

    midwife - Hi there - have a great day

    Ann - Hi and welcome. I don't work but I do have 4 children and am studying full time (or at least I will be again when uni goes back in 2 weeks) How do I fit everything into a day - well sometimes I don't lol especially in this last week. All i can say is exercise when you can. Lots of people who work say that the only way they exercise is to buy a pedometer and try to get their 10000 steps in a day. Others get up half an hour before the kids to exercise. While this week coming will be easy for me up until now with the kids home and everything the only time I could fit my workouts in was at night once they are in bed. I also make lunches etc of a night time ( but I am a bit of a night owl so I'm up late anyway might as well make use of it) I guess the big thing is to find a time that works for you and make it a habit. Good luck with it.

    Hi to everyone else
    Have a great week.
  • Hello and Happy Super Bowl Sunday to everyone. Amity, I am glad that things have settled down for you. I know how stress is.

    Hello to everyone else. I am used to posting later so I can respond to people, however I will be watching the commercials during the Super Bowl. I don't really care about either team this year.

    I have an interview on Tuesday of this week. My college is sending 2 -4 people to this institute in Illinois over the summer and I applied to be one of those people. I won't hear anything probably for several weeks, but I hope I get it. I am really nervous. The institute itself cost something like $1445, plus transportation, however the college is paying for all of it. No wonder tuition is so high.

    Well that is all my news for now. Have a safe and happy week. Hopefully there will be no more bird attacks.
  • OH I forgot. . . Hello and welcome Abowen. Just join in whenever you want to. We will encourage and support you, don't feel intimidated that we all know each other (even if it is just through typing), you will fit right in.
  • Welcome Ann!!
    I think we are all guilty of putting ourselves last..I know I forget about myself..WElcome to the group!! Good Luck on that last 4olbs.I have about 10 more to go for me to be satisfied...THat is what I am doing now..watching what I eat and excercising..Of course, today, it was just excercising by climbing up the slide and helping the little ones down to DH...

    Amity-I didnt realize U had 4..that is a full time job without pay!!!

    LP--Good luck with the interview..That would be soo nice to be chosen..I am glad I got my education done along time ago.things have gotten soooo expensive!!!

    Karen--K and I slept until 9!!! It felt great...
    WE hit some MardiGras parades Friday night and Sat..the weather is getting yucky soo that is it for us!!!What is geocaching again??

    Hello Jen!!! Have a great one!!
    Lauren--Hope the boys are good!!
    Hello Jackie!!!Hope U are having a great weekend!!!

    Hello to all..Time to read Cliffords Furry Friends before the meltdown!!
  • Hi All!

    RR, Glad you popped in! Lucky you...and Karen, getting kids that sleep in! Not me.

    Lisa, Good luck on the interview! Have a safe week at school!

    Amity, OK, I'm still trying to get this time thing... you posted at 3:38pm Eastern Standard Time on Sunday. What time was it by you?! I should put a sticky by my PC so I remember! Enjoy your first day alone...or I guess I should say, hope you are enjoying your day!

    Ann, Welcome! You're doing just fine! We look forward to getting to know you! Congrats on losing the first 20 lbs. yourself! Everyone here is very nice and supportive, so hop right in!

    Jen, glad you could pop in! Good for you staying on track with such a busy schedule! Hey, btw, how did the meeting go last week.

    Karen, on geocaching in Keds in the snow. D'oh!
  • Hello Everyone!

    Welcome to the board Ann. I'm a little new too and I just jumped right in. These ladies are terrific. I have 3 kids and still don't know how I make time for myself. You can do it though. Look how far you've some.

    My weekend has been one of the best so far. I was having issues with DH but he seems to have gotten the bug outta his butt. I'm so glad. We went to his Mom's Saturday night and she fed us and watched the kids while we went to get groceries and a little extra curricular activity. The flu has all the counties around us closing the schools but not here. Half the class was out sick Friday in DD's class. So I didn't want to take them to Walmart. My four year old is sick. It seems to be a cold but her nose is raw. Add this to her whiner/drama queen attitude and it ain't pretty. I feel so bad for her. She was to get pictures done at school tomorrow but her nose is raw and swollen so I have to reschedule. She is so sad. I can't wait for summer. We got jipped out of snow so bring on the warm weather. I'm over it!!

    I got the best magazine at Walmart. It's called Looking Good Now! and it is from the makers of Shape & Men's Fitness. It is about real people losing weight. This is the premiere of this mag and it has awesome recipes and stories. The cost was just $1.99 and Walmart has it 10% off that. There quite alot of exercises and motivational stuff. I did the exercise plan and it knocked me out. I totally dig this mag. There is a recipe I am going to try this week too. I'm going to post it here:

    Spicy Tuna Burgers

    serves 4
    prep time 10 minutes
    cook time 10 minutes

    4 6oz cans light tune in water drained (I'll use the pouches)
    6 tablespoons seasoned dry bread crumbs
    1/4cup diced sun dried tomatoes (dry not oil packed)
    2 tablespoons light mayo
    2 teaspoons Old Bay seasoning
    1 teaspoon hot sauce or more to taste
    nonstick cooking spray

    4 whole wheat buns

    Combine first six ingredients in a large bowl. Shape into four equal one inch thick patties. Coat a nonstick pan with cooking spray. Set over medium high heat. When pan is hot add burgers. Serve on whole wheat buns.

    per serving 309 calories
    34g protein
    27g carbs
    6.5g fat
    1g sat fat
    2 g fiber
    1,246 mg sodium

    I think it sounds great. And a friend said it was only 6 WW points. I don't know though.

    That's about it for my book tonight. We watched the Stupid Bowl but hated both teams so I worked out while Hubby wrestled the kidlets.
  • Hello everyone,

    Lauren, you are so funny. I laughed out loud when I read your posting. I will try and stay safe at work. I don't think that I will live that down, will I?

    ChickNextDoor, I love Wal~Mart! There is another magazine that I usually buy there called All You. It is a fashion mag. that has practical advice and inexpensive ideas. I will look for that other magazine. That store is like my third home (1. home 2. school 3. Wal~Mart)

    To everyone else, hello and enjoy.
  • Morning all

    I had a great day yesterday lol. I walked the kids to school, then jogged (yes me jog - I would have laughed myself silly if you told me I would be doing that 6 months ago ) back home. Did some toning exercises for 30 minutes and then went for a one hour bike ride. I got home absolutely knackered but after a 10 minute rest I felt so full of energy I actually did my ironing (which is very rare I have to say lol). Then I walked back up to pick the kids up from school/preschool. A very productive day. My son come home and told me he had been voted on to the student council. Yep a good all round day I think I'm going to go for a swim today for my exercise - shake things up a bit lol.

    Lisa - Good luck with the interview, I have everything crossed for you. And stay away from those birds......

    Roadrunner - yep 4 - 3 boys and a girl. I wouldn't have it any other way Although there are days when I would trade them for half a kitkat

    Lauren - when i posted yesterday it was 7:38am Monday morning here. Right now it is tuesday morning at 7:29. lol I think that would make me about 16 hrs ahead of you guys. At least that explains the 3am phone calls I used to get from my inlaws when they were holidaying in the states - they never seemed to get the time zones right either

    chick - sounds like a great mag, we will probably get it over here around the turn of the century if we're lucky lol. I hope your daughter is feeling better. I have a drama queen too so I know what thats like lol She told me this morning hand on hips "I do not throw hissy fits, I just get upset thats all!" What are you going to do. It's summer here now and last August/september I was praying for it to get here now I'm wishing it would go away, I am so over it lol.

    Good morning to everyone else.

    have a great day
  • Hello Everyone, it has been a long rough day here. My little girl kept me up till 5:15am this morning. She was sick like a cold but started running a temp of 103.7. So I gave her Motrin and she just ached and ached. We went to the doctor about 1:00. I had to get some sleep and so did she, plus her favorite doctor didn't come in till 12. Anyway, she tested positive for the flu. The flu has hit hard here. They have closed schools for the rest of the week. Then Walmart waited till I had been in the store for 15minutes to inform me that they no longer take our insurance card. Went to another pharmacy and they were out of the meds. Then went to the pharmacy I hate where they made me wait 2 hours and then didn't even mix the meds. I had to go back. Then went to give her a dose and thought it seemed like to much. So I pulled the paper the pharmacist was to keep and they had written the prescription wrong on the bottle. They had prescribed triple the dose!!! I'm just waiting to go to bed. This day has got to end soon.

    Oh I ate well and did workout tonight though. So I guess that's a plus.

    Sorry not to speak to each of you but I'm exhausted.
  • Hi. I'm new here, too.

    I'm a SAHM of 5 in Ohio and I have over 60 lbs to lose. (How did that happen? I have a not-so-small child worth of weight that I don't need!)

    I just officially started yesterday, but I've been thinking about it for months.
  • hi all, typing one-handed, forgive me! (have cling-on!)

    Angie, welcome!! So nice to see all the newbies!

    Chick, oh hope you're getting some extra sleep! My pharmacy did that with peter's Zyrtec Rx the first time...put 1/4 t. q4, instead of qid! luckily i had just come from trhe Dr., and i called them and ? it. Then reamed them for the mistake and for putting the label on the box instead of the bottle! morons... hope DD isfeeling better quickly! btw, did you all get a flu shot this year?

    Amity, awesome on the jog!! 16 hrs...got it! great for DS!! what grade is he in?
    Although there are days when I would trade them for half a kitkat
    too funny!!!

    have a great day all!
  • No we didn't get flu shots here. I had to drive out to the boonies in a neighboring county just to get my son's flu shot. He is high risk. But nobody else was in the catagory. Don't ask though. I could write a book on this subject. We have TennCare issues here that keep those of us with private insurance in a limited catagory for the proper medical care b/c insurance won't pay for shots, and you have to 'qualify'. I think I've written letters to every higher up from Tennesse in Congress and the House.

    I've got kids home today but it's all good. Even with the added distractions, it's nice having them here so I know they aren't getting sick. Now if I can just get Mikayla better, we will be flying.

    I did get to workout a little longer today b/c my oldest helped watch the littles. Time to fix them snacks. Have a great day everyone.