Housewives Losing Weight #25

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  • Just wanted to pop in and say that I calculated my calories and I need to consume 1386 to lose weight. I haven't been counting them at all so I have no idea. I'm losing though so I am guessing I am in that range. I suggestion for those of you that said you can eat more calories according to the website, I would eat more if I were you and just make sure they were vegetables, lean protein, whole foods etc. that way your body knows it's getting enough, you feel full and your body can start letting go of the excess. Just my opinion, well and that of a lot of books I have read! lol Probably something you all know anyway but I still like to share since that is the way I finally got a bulk of my weight off a few years back. Anyway speaking of eating, I need to go make dinner. I'll be back later to get personal. TTYL
  • Jill you are absolutely right. It's ok to get those calories as long as they are good foods. sometimes when you arent getting enough, you dont' lose either. As I know all to well.
  • Hi Ladies...

    I just got home, getting hubby's bookwork done for errands tomorrow and off to an early bed for me...

    I am not sure why I am so fatigued lately... I am thinking maybe the added exercise ... I dunno...

    I'll calculate my cal's tomorrow and QOTD: I have never counted my cals so I have no

    I am thinking of those who are going through hard times right now... (hugs)
  • I had a huge post...
    someone came along and I won't mention names(Jared) and left my page and lost it all!!!

    I did get a migraine today from all the crying. I got a new baby and he missed his mommy. Poor guy!! I got him quiet about the time his mom got back!! He's a doll...I love the challenging ones the best!

    Michelle...all those paps!! yuck!! But what's the alternative? It's worth it to know everything is okay.

    Gretchen...glad the ears are okay...I have 4 with tubes...2 of them are about to have their 4th set!!!

    I sure am glad you all are here. I am having some difficulty with emotional eating, so I keep coming back so you can keep me on track. I have been off plan for so long, and I know it's because I eat with stress. I also know I need to take my thyroid meds, but the thyroid condition keeps me from remembering to take it!! Isn't that special?? Does anyone else have a brain disorder that keeps their body from ever feeling full or is it just me? Seems I can eat quite alot and it never seems to satisfy me. I have to eat well, I haven't got what it takes to do much exercise these days, but I want to!!!!

    I am sorry girls, but my throat hurts alot now!!!Just started about an hour ago and is getting worse rapidly. Just what I needed this week. WOnder if it'll get me a day off...I doubt it!!!

    I will catch up and post something personal to everyone eventually...just in tiny fly bys I guess!!

    Hope everyone is having a great evening!!! GO CHALLENGERS!!!!! You can do it!!!!!

    Love to ALLLLL!!!


  • I did that weight maintenance thing, for all four settings. For sedentary, I would need to eat 2363.75 a day to maintain. For heavey activity, 3215.7. That's between 1800 and 2700 a day to lose. Hmmm. That seems like a lot. If I can manage to get rid of the soda altogether, I would be taking in a lot less calories a day, just with that one little change. That is going to be my short term goal. In two weeks, I my goal is to drink no more soda.

    As far as food, I don't really know where all the calories come from, I don't eat as much as I used to, but I couldn't tell you what I have had to eat in the past 3 days, if you held a gun to my head. So, for the next two weeks, while I am working on giving up soda, I am just going to write down everything that I eat. Then take a look at what I have been eating. Brutal honesty here, everything, chocolate, everything!

    Hey, I do have a question, has anyone tried that Brummel & Brown yogurt spread? I've been using that instead of butter and it's supposed to healthier than butter.

    Goodnight all!
  • Me Again
    Hey ladies. I had a really OP dinner but forgot the faux mashed potatoes (made out of cauliflower) and left the table still hungry and wondering what I could eat. I'm a bad night snacker anyway so I was looking over the SBD thread on here and found a recipe for chocolate peanut butter cookies and am baking them right now. I'll let you know how they turn out and post the recipe if they were any good. Anyway busy school day for me and I still have homework so I am going to keep this short, if that's possible lol!

    Tabitha my bil just cut out soda and lost like 15 pounds in 2 weeks! I know it's slower for women but just think of that alone!! I know you can do it!!

    Cindi sorry things are kind of rough for you right now. Keep your head up and things will get better!! I'm praying for you!

    Hi Penny! Have fun with the bookwork. Hmmmmmm tired? pregnant? J/K hopefully lmao!!

    Mel thanks for that site, it was cool. It's good to have some sort of gauge in my mind so that I don't go too overboard since SBD doesnt limit calories, just certain foods, you can still go overboard though especially if you are vertically challenged like me! lol

    Michelle scary about the passing out! I'm glad you are ok though. Try to eat more often during the day. I know I have told you this before but I am just a worry wart sometimes! Sorry about the paps but better safe then sorry right?

    Hi Chris!!!

    Ok sorry if I missed anyone but I really need to get going on the homework since I am already tired! lol I'll be back in the morn and tell you all how the cookies were! TTYL
  • One word for those cookies NASTY, enough said
  • starting a new thread, but I must say Jill. I laughed about those NASTy cookies....