I just started WW and I have an embarrassing question.

  • I starred WW Tuesday and I am having a lot diarrhea is that normal? I thought maybe I have the stomach flu, but I do not feel sick besides this so I am just wondering if it has to do with changing my diet?
  • It may well be. It's hard to say. A lot would depend on how drastic your diet has changed. If you've added a lot more fruits and vegetables, fiber, water etc it's not a totally unusual thing. Usually most people have gas issues more than anything. I would give it a few more days and if it hasn't cleared up, I'd call your doctor.
  • Could be. Alot of people complain of gas too.
  • This is my second go at WW...yes the first time worked and I screwed it up so im at it again! Each time I have had this problem, do not be alarmed!
  • Thanks for the replies! I have IBS but I never have a problem unless I eat something really fatty or I am close to my period. So I was starting to think that I had a stomach bug. I do not feel sick besides the main problem, so I am glad to see that I am not the only one that has the problem.