Strugglers Lalapalooza Starts NOW!

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  • YAY! So, today was a complete success! Totally OP for food (about 300 calories under actually), had all my water and went to the gym! Yipee!

    And also.... I LOST 3 LBS this week despite my couple mishaps! I'm thrilled... Alright, so now I'm back out of the 250's! So long...
  • Well just though I'd check one last time to see if anyone had updated on how their Day #5 went - I'm really rootin' for you ladies (and Howie) and would love an update!!!

    C'mon... you know you wanna check in...... we're here to support each other!!!

    Alright, well I'm sleep deprived and am heading to bed.. Hopefully there'll be some updates for mornin'!

    Wishing you the best for Day #6! Together - we CAN do this! :
  • I'm doing good these last 2 days after my big mess up Sunday. I decided when I started my journal that I would always be honest to myself. So I added up my best guess at Sundays binge. Boy that's and eye opener. 4900 calories and 280 grams of fat. I once read someone say that he would allow a treat day and sometimes push 10,000 calories. I don't know how you could do that. I mean I really packed it away sunday and almost hit 5000. I just don't think I could do 10,000 even if I tried.

    I'm doing good now though and I'm going to end January with the resolve to get this weight off.
  • Hi people, hows it going?

    Celina - you go girl!!!!!!!!!! Congrats on being 3lbs down, and on being totally on plan......sounds like you are doing great...

    Howie - that was brave.....adding it all up like that....very brave...and here you are, ploughing on.....its good to hear the note of resolution in your typing!

    As for me. I am doing well on the healthy eating front. Had a pretty demanding day yesterday, and I sailed through......I am grimly determined to shift this weight, no matter what the world throws at me! But I wish wish wish wish I could exercise....still got the Horrible Cold....seems to have bonded with me for life!!! Until I get back to the exercising I know I ain't gonna shift those pounds, so I think I will ignore the scale for a while, since it might just demotivate/sabotage me...
  • Yay Celina. You are doing so well. Keep up the good work.

    Howie--that is great that you made yourself accountable for your treat day. I too have been journalling all my eats, and some of my weekend days have been easily 3000-3500 calories. I'm scaling those back now.

    Claire--I don't blame you for ignoring the scale. You are doing everything right for staying OP and if you can't exercise then I wouldn't worry about it either.

    I was so OP yesterday, it was awesome. I exercised at work, got all my water in and even had calories to spare at the end of the day. Today I've already got in my 30 minute walk this morning and have been planning my meals to try and get in all my food groups.
  • Howie - That's great! Its important to "be real" with yourself. Living in denial will never help you lose weight.. and seing how many calories/fat a binge can add up to, I think helps prevent it a little for next time. I as well, journalled everything for the past week... my highest day was at 2500 calories... and about 90 grams of fat. It really puts things in perspective I think...

    Dawnyal & Claire - Great job!!! I knew you could do it!!!! Here's to Day #6 ladies
  • Celina, 3 lbs is fantastic, congrats.

    Howie, I'm really impressed with how much you've lost.

    I admire you keeping track of your eating. I've been pretty faithful entering what I eat in fitday, including the carrot cake and chocolate that passes these lips. That way I feel like I'm taking responsibility for what I eat, good and bad, and for once, really keeping the eating thoughtful instead of mindless, which I'm very good at doing. So, congrats on that.

    Friday is my weigh in day. I want to make it 4 weeks in a row. Braved the snow and slush and took my walk yesterday, kept on the eating program well except for a couple of pieces of chocolate (ah.... ).

    Have a good one,
  • Congrats to everyone for doing great! You should all be very proud of yourselves.

    Ok, I'm a loser! And not in a good way.

    I stayed OP food wise on Monday and Tues (although I didn't walk on the treadmill) but today I've been terrible! I did my usual, made a bad choice for lunch and then said screw it and ate about a million mini peanut butter cups. Why do I do that? Was lunch not bad enough? Plus I haven't walked on the treadmill since Sunday. I have a million excuses why not (sick son, been getting 3-4 hours sleep a night, blah, blah, blah) but other people go through the same things and stick with it. Why was I so determined and so persistant last year and now I can't even go a full week?? I told myself on the way home again I'll start next week but I will end up doing the same thing. I think I need some mental help. lol. I have 90 lbs to go. DO I really think they are magically going to disappear?

    Sorry to vent but I just don't get what my problem is.

    Talk to you all soon and I promise I won't be such a downer next time. lol.
  • Awwww Ingrid {{{{{HUGS}}}}} - We all have those days, trust me. It wouldn't be normal if we didn't. You have to focus on the good that you've done and not the negative.. Like, you did eat on plan for Mon/Tues - Yes, you made some bad choices today, however you don't have to wait until Monday to get back on plan. DO IT NOW! The sooner you get back on plan after a binge, the better! We are all human and we all make mistakes... If you don't feel up to exercise right now, try and focus on getting the eating under control first and then slowly ease back into things. You have to do what works best for you, and what makes you happy! No, those lbs. won't magically disappear (god I wish they would sometimes) but they will start coming off if you make the right choices 90% of the time. Go Get 'Em!!! If you need to talk or need anything at all, just let me know! I'm rootin' for ya!

    As for me, today was another success - ate within plan, got in all my water, and went to the gym (even though I came really close to not going at all as I wasn't feeling the best). YAY!

    Here's to tomorrow folks
  • Hey Ingrid....what can I say? We have all been there, and it is really tough. I agree with Celina - get right back on plan now, don't wait for tomorrow, next week etc etc. I guess I would also say why don't you take a look at your motivation - why do you really want to do this, how important is it to you? And if it is really important to you, what can you do to set yourself up for success - you have the answers to that, since you've done so well already!

    Yay Celina, you are doing great girl!!!!!!!!!!!

    As for me.....well I am ploughing on with the healthy eating, making good choices all the way.....need to drink more water, so I will start focusing on that now. Still too sick to exercise......grrrrrrrrrrr. Sometimes I think this cold has come to live with me forever.....

    Hows everyone else doing?
  • I'm feeling positive today ~ we had a kind of employee appreciation dinner at work last night. Previously, when we had those, I would partake, then I would kind of feel like ~ well, I'm off plan....... and I would proceed to eat stuff I shouldn't and it would take me a while to get back on track. This is the first time I have eaten off plan since Jan. 3rd. And by some miracle, I don't have any desire to stretch the off plan meal into more. I am so thankful to be feeling this way. Maybe I am finally on the road to making it.

    Also, I have been trying a different routine for getting ready for work ~ have come up with a plan to get in a 20 minute walk. I am really excited about that because until I figured out how to fit that in, I was only able to get some exercise on my days off, so I was missing 7 out of every 14 days. Hopefully, I will be able to do more on my days off and finally be able to make some progress toward my goal.
  • I agree with the others Ingrid. We have to quit telling ourselves I will start tomorrow or the firist of the week. There is nothing magic about the first of the week except that we have used it as an excuse to pig out for the weekend. I'm not pointing fingers here because I don't know how many times I've done it. Now I've changed and I get right back at it the next meal. And you know what? One day back on plan gives me that same feeling of acomplishment that I had before my binge. Plus I find that the one meal or day that I screwed up did not amount to all the weight that I made myself feel like it would. So come on back and start TODAY!

    Gayle I'm happy that you are having some success. That is great that you were able to enjoy a dinner out and then get right back on plan.
  • Quote: I did my usual, made a bad choice for lunch and then said screw it and ate about a million mini peanut butter cups. Why do I do that? Was lunch not bad enough? Plus I haven't walked on the treadmill since Sunday. I have a million excuses why not (sick son, been getting 3-4 hours sleep a night, blah, blah, blah) but other people go through the same things and stick with it. Why was I so determined and so persistant last year and now I can't even go a full week??
    I can completely relate to this. I wonder why I've done/do the same thing, even when I *know* how bad I want to be successful. I'm sure there are mental reasons, and I could psychoanalyze myself forever (gulp at that thought!). I came to the conclusion last night that I have to make sure my environment fits my neeeds, since I know it's not will power that will keep my going in the long run (ie right foods there, wrong foods banished). If I'm set up ahead of time to do the stuff I need to do, it will a lot harder to fail.

    Another thing that helps me (besides whining to bf), is to let go of the mistakes and not beat myself up about it. The mistakes are there to help me figure out how to progress. Period. End of sentence. I'm not going to use them as a Marge club.

    I hope my sharing these thoughts helps.
  • Hi all!! Have to make this quick!!

    I am having a good week. I have been OP every day and have even worked out twice. It feels good to be back on. I am Cautious because I know just one bad choice will send me back into my old habits.
  • WTG Everyone.
    Sandi--that is awesome. I'm so with you on worrying about one meal causing me to spiral in the wrong direction. You are doing so great. I just know you are going to succeed!!!!

    Ingrid--Look how far you have come in such a short amount of time. We have all been there. Heck I've been stuck at around 260 since August. My heart just wasn't into wanting to lose weight or really eat healthy. Even though I pretty much stuck to the amount of calories I wanted to consume, I didn't really exercise nor did I make the healthiest of choices. Now I'm actually wanting to eat healthier and make sure I get in my exercise. I'm confident my scale will move down to the 250s soon and keep going lower. My focus now is more on actually eating healthy and not just eating less.

    Still OP here and still exercising. Life is good today!!