Love yourself Valentine's Day Challenge

  • Hi All,

    The challenge is simple, make a few goals that add to a healthy mind and a healthy lifestyle and see where you are with them on Valentine's Day.

    Mine are:

    1- Express and don't repress my feelings.
    2. Eat in a way that is loving to my body
    3. Slowly get back into exercise (running and slowly integrate some weight training).
    4. Relax and do some nice things for myself.

    I am going back to counting points, and for now I'll have to stick to the lower end of the spectrum due to a lack of exercise. I will try to eat as many non-processed foods as possible (asides from my grilled cheese sandwiches).

    Remember, the better you love yourself, the more positive energy you show to the world


  • Hey Ali Can I steal your goals?
    I like those! except for the running which would kill my knees
    1- Express and don't repress my feelings.
    2. Eat in a way that is loving to my body
    3. Exercise walking, aerobics and toning videos and perhaps Ballys if i can find one around here
    4. Relax and do some nice things for myself
  • Hey Ali! Great idea, I will join you in the challenge

    1. Make time for ME (I'm working full time and taking 2 grad classes this semester). Basically I'm on the 9th book of a series, and it took me ALL of last year to read the 8th book. I love reading but after work and school, it seems I never have time.

    2. Don't get down on myself if I go off-program for a day

    3. Try to get back into jogging/running again. In October I ran a 5K (my first ever!) in 47 minutes. I was the last one in, but I still made it. Huffing and puffing and carrying my inhaler the whole way (I have pretty bad asthma). I started jogging/running after that really seriously until I had a viral infection for 6 weeks and then had my tonsils out. I've just been lazy since then.