2005 Exercise Diet and Support #1

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  • Hey Lisa...I can totally understand the frustration you feel when you self sabotage..I did the same thing this week..I got to an all time low of 155 pounds and all week I have been eating like a pig..I am so afraid to weigh myself..plus its my time of the month...so I will weigh in this saturday. I also have been keeping up with our cycling challenges..I did 10 ks on monday...5.6km yesterday and I plan on cycling again this week. take care

    I cant believe that it is mid week already! I went to see my Mom last night and she was DRY!!! woohoo...and she went to the bathroom on her own and told me she needed to go...I was so happy..yes I wanted to do back flips. It was very cold last night...I just about froze my butt ..and once again it is very cold...I have my trusty heater beside me..and ocaisionally I lean over and heat up my hands.

    I cycled last night but only managed 20 minutes...man was it hard..the legs just didnt have it yesterday. I did some floor exercises..mainly crunches on my ball. those are always good.

    I cant wait to finish this period...I am gonna weigh this weekend ...Sunday or Saturday and see what the dredged scale will tell me...but I have been so bad this past weekend with the food...and tons of chocolate..too..I always crave sweets during my period. I am hoping just to maintain..I know there is no way I have lost a pound.

    Meal Plan for today
    breakfast: peanut butter light on whole wheat
    lunch: crab wrap ( light mayo, turmeric, boston lettuce and whole wheat tortilla)
    dinner: smoked meat with portabello mushrooms and onion (mustard on the side with dill pickle)
    snacks: 5 pieces of candy..yes I know BAD BAD BAD, 8oz fruit smoothie (no sugar added)
    beverages: water, tea and diet cola

    exercise: pilates and cycling

    have a great day

  • Tonight is my first flash course at the university. Its cold and miserable out there so I am dreading having to go cause I know getting home at 8pm will be hard for me...it is supposed to be -27C and with wind chill -39C These temperatures are illegal..no one should be outside with these temperatures.

    I cycled last night for 20 minutes and then I did my pilates abs workout...man that one is tough for me. I think my bike is stuck at a harder tension level and it is making it harder for me to cylce. I am keeping it there to challenge myself or else I will never improve.

    Food wise was not so good..I had about 5 pieces of chocolate and the rest of the lemon pie...a small piece but none the less...down the hatch it went. I am so bad with the food when I have my period...yeesh...I lose total control and I just eat eat eat.

    I am so not looking forward to weighing myself...but I will wait till after my period..so this weekend ..Saturday or Sunday..depending on my courage. LOL

    Anyway, food plan for today
    breakfast: peanut butter sandwich
    lunch: chicken caesar salad (buying it from downstairs restaurant) chicken breast is broiled and dressing in on the side
    dinner: sushi buying it on my way to school
    snack: orange
    beverages: water, tea and diet cola

    exercise: cycling or pilates

    Have a great day

  • Back to Reality...
    Hey Gang,

    Back from vacation and back to the reality of long working days. I have a long commute in when the weather is bad and this week I had a few 2.5 hour one-way commutes to work--yuck!! By the time I get home from one of those blasted days it is bedtime and time to do it all over again.

    Getting used to my new job and its responsibilities. Taking a Health and Wellness course starting in Feb. that focusses on meditation, yoga, pilates and tai chi over an eight week period where each topic lasts 2 weeks. It is held at a local high school and only costs $90.00 for eight weeks---I think its because they have 4 different instructors who represent their own businesses and hope to get you hooked on coming as a permanent student to their place. I figure it doesn't hurt to try them out.

    Lisa and Cyan---it sounds like you guys are a great support team for one another and it is nice to read your posts and hear how helpful you are to each other. I need to learn to stop continuous eating when I get a bit bored. So I decided to try and do more things with my spare time where food is not involved (like the course). The more I am at home sitting around at night the more I eat constantly from home time to bed time. Any tips?? I tried exercise equipment at home but it ends up being a laundry drying rack and then I just sit and eat....no motivation to do it.

    Talk to you soon,

  • heya, I'm just getting started but so far so good. I'm doing slim fast and walking 2 miles 3 times a week...I'm on a 1500 cal diet and so far so good!
  • Welcome Lottie63...tell us a bit about yourself.

    Hey Cjunk...good to have you back with us. How is your diet going? What weight are you at now? I have been on a bit of a rollercoaster ride..I need to get down to 150 soon..I am tired of this mid 50's range...time to move on down.

    My weekend went by way too quickly..but what else is new. I did so so with the food...I had a big breakfast on saturday...3egg whites (one of those eggs is whole) two whole wheat toast, provolone cheese and chilisauce..washed down with a diet cola. Lunch was green soup..very nutritious..made with brocolli rapini, coriander, menthi leaves ... the broth is 3 small potatoes, onion, garlic powder, chicken broth, one can of chick peas, turmeric, salt and a generous amount of pure virgin olive oil. I do the broth first then I blend it all up so that it is smooth with no chunks. Then I add the green vegetables and cook that all up. It is so good..I made it cause my Dad needs some serious immune boosting food..actually so do I...and that soup sure does do that. Anyway, that was lunch...dinner was sushi..hmmm gotta love it. I also had belgian chocolate cookies ..about 4 or 5

    Sunday breakfast was two whole wheat toast with cream cheese and a diet cola....I was out all day so I missed lunch but dinner..we went to a chinese buffet...I had general tao, ribs, calimare, mussels, shrimp, crab legs, won ton soup, and sushi and for desert..two pieces of cake. Yes I ate all that...each was a bit but it adds up to two big plates of food. So back to being good this week. I cant skip meals..I get way too hungry and cannot control myself afterwards.

    So todays Meal Plan
    breakfast: instant carnation breakfast with skim milk
    lunch: beef madras on one cup of pasta
    dinner: chicken breast with portobello mushrooms, one cup of greens soup
    snack: berry fruit smoothie, yogurt
    beverages: water, tea and diet cola

    exercise: cycling and pilates

    Have a great monday

  • Welcome Lottie! Glad to have you!!

    Cjunk, you are so funny about the weight equipment. But, I totally can relate. As for advice on what to do to keep you from eating...Well, I can't just leave the house so it's definitely hard for me with the kids and all. I find that no matter what I"m doing, I like to have something to munch...so, I would first surround yourself with healthy munchies. Then, try doing things that keep both hands busy...like...crochetting....(maybe that's a little corny) or painting....or .....oh heck...just tie your hands behind your back....I can't think of anything else. However....you might try drinking water or healthy drinks to quench your desires to eat.

    Cyan....you are amazing. I was just remembering when I first met you and you were trying to get into the 160's....now you're trying to get out of the mid 150's. You inspire me with your stick-to-itiveness!!! You never give up!!!

    Well, I went to the gym today and I did 30 minutes on the ARC machine, going 1.18 miles and burning 211 calories. I had a total protein breakfast, so I was burning only fat! YIPPEE!!

    Well, that's all for me today...so much to do...so little time!

  • Hmmm, well I'm 25 and I don't work cuz I'm on disability which means I either have lots of time to watch what i eat and excersize or too much time on my hands to eat when I'm bored!!!! lately have been doing very well...I had previously lost 70 lbs but gained it back due to medication so now am off that med and starting over. I am sure, THIS WILL BE IT. Once I get down to 175 or so I'm going to try and be a plus size model. Mia tyler is my goddess!!!

    I suppose then I would have to dye my hair all black again
  • Well I am working very hard this week and I sure do hope to see 154 by friday...that is my goal...I will be 154 pounds. I am tired of this mid 50’s platueau..I have dilly dallied here long enough..I am movin on down.

    I cycled last night...I managed 6km before I fell off of my bike. Working out is so much harder in the winter...its always harder for me to warm up and feel good doing cardio.

    Food was good last night although I did eat 5 belgian cookies...but I was below 1500 cals but tonight I will challenge myself and not have the belgian cookies.

    Meal Plan for today
    breakfast: carnation breakfast with skim milk
    lunch: chicken wrap sandwich with side salad
    dinner: pork ribs with green soup
    snack: fruit smoothie
    beverages: water, tea and diet cola

    exercise: cycling

    Have a great day ladies

  • Well, michellinas *sp* has a new line of lean gourmet food and since it's new (as far as I know) it's on SALE... I bought some of those, along with some lean pockets and some lean quisine, 9 boxes in all for lunch....I know, I know, they are loaded with salt, but I am on a high sodium diet due to my medication....so it's all good.

    giant eagle! woot!
  • Hi Ladies!

    I have 5 min before I have to hit the shower and get ready for work so wanted to come here and check in. I have missed everybody!! I have had so much going on it would take forever to go into so I wont. Mainly wanted to let you all know I'm still alive..lol

    I have been AWFUL with the weightloss for the past several months. The scale keeps creeping up and I am panicking!! I just have to get motivated and I know this is the place for that to happen. I will always believe that coming here was the biggest help for the 60 I lost almost 2 yrs ago. I kept it off until this past July which I was really proud of but then I just blew it and cant seem to get it back under control. I have gained back almost 20 of the 60!! HELP!!!!!!!!

    Cyan, sorry to hear your mom is having so much trouble. She is lucky to have such a caring daughter who is willing and able to keep a check on her. I know around here, many elderly people in homes are just put there and left with nobody even visiting. Very sad.

    Lisa, sounds like you are really on track with the exercise. Keep it up..maybe I'll get re-inspired from you!

    Cjunk, I'm envious of that wonderful sounding vacation. I have never tried skiing, but I bet it's a great workout.

    Lottie, welcome to the group. These ladies are the BEST. They'll encourage, inspire, motivate and yes..even give a little "cyber kick" when it's needed.

    Where is everyone else?? I'd love to hear from the rest of the group.

    Well, Ive been on here a little more than 5 min so I better run. I'm going to try really hard to find more time to post. I really need ya'll's help!

    Have a good day everyone.

  • I have been asked out on a date!!! I mentioned awhile ago on here that there was this cute guy here at work...well he doesnt work here exactly..he is doing rennovation work on our offices...He is a welder by trade but in the evening..he comes here and does carpentry ... building walls..plumbing. Anway..he is about 6feet...full set of hair (dark thick hair), in great shape and beautiful green eyes...tall dark and handsome. He is a smoker though...not to keen on that. He seems very bright and over the past few weeks we have had nice chats..however short but long enough for me to realize that he can hold a conversation. He doesn’t seem bothered that I am a computer geek...doesnt seem turned off by that.
    He is about a year older than me..not married...no kids...YAY!!! Overall, he seems very promising...Nice rugged looking type but I have only seen him in his work clothes so I dont know what sense of style he has. He likes to ski..like me...he is spanish...from europe origin...I am portuguese origin...so we are both first generation canadian. And he has been listening to me when I talk cause he invited me to go for sushi this saturday...and when he asked he wasnt nervous...just right...nice smile...his demeaner is very sexy, quietly confident and laid back...I like that.

    So we will see how this saturday goes..hopefully well. Hopefully he wont turn into a different person..ya never know but I am cautiously optimistic..he had been working here in the evenings for the last 8 months so he is not a total stranger.

    I saw my Mom last night...she was ok but always wants to go home...I wish I could take her home...I found dirty diapers in her clothes hamper so I brought it to the nurse’s attention that they have to check there. Her room spelled of urine because of the dirty diaper. Oh...Mario...his name..he knows that my Mom has alzheimers and that I spend a lot of time with her and that I took care of her for many years and he seemed genuinely touched by that...so that was a positive. Anyway, I took home her clothes to wash and my Dad is bringing it back today.

    Meal Plan for today
    breakfast: carnation breakfast with skim milk
    lunch: frozen meal lasagna
    dinner: oven baked trout with salad(boston lettuce, palm hearts and onion, olive oil, white balsamic vinegar, sea salt, herbs, pepper)
    snack: fruit smoothie, yogurt
    beverages: water, tea and diet cola

    exercise: cycling and pilates

    Have a great day

  • MIki!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So glad to see you. I've been missing you and thinking about you!!! I hope you have more time soon to post and update us on how you're doing. Hang in there. We all go through tough or stressfull times in our life when we just eat and then get into the habit of eating all the wrong things and then we have to start over....BUT WE DO START OVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You'll get back into things and the weight will come off. We're here for you!!

    Lottie, you are so cute! I like your hair! Now, you're going to be celebrating your 10 year anniversary...is this a wedding anniversary...you're only 25...so I'm really just being nosy!! Anyway....just wondering...can't wait to hear more about you and get to know you better!!! I think being a plus size model is a great goal!!!! I get so mad at magazines with nothing but skinny sticks in them!!! You go girl!!!

    CYAN!!!! WOOOOOOOOOOOOHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!! I am so excited for you! I cannot wait to hear about your date. I am going to be living vicariously through you. Where are you going to go? Is he picking you up? What are you going to wear? Do you think you'll kiss him??? HOw old is he??? Does he speak Spanish??? hmmmmmmmmmmm yummy!!! TELL ME MORE MORE MORE!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Okay, enough enough. I did 20 minutes on the ARC machine today and then they paiged me to get my son from the nursery. Poor baby. He just doesn't like it in there. He is such a momma's boy. OH well, yesterday, he only lasted 5 minutes. We'll try again tomorrow!! Here's to 3 days in a row OP. I will do this.

  • Happy Thursday
    Hey Lisa...Well...He asked me out tuesday evening. He normally gets to my work as I am getting ready to leave to go home. We usually chat for 15 or so minutes at a time. Some days not at all if I am too busy or him. Anyway, I went over to say hello and we were talking...dont remember much cause I was trying to get a better look at his eyes...very pretty eyes he has...then we somehow got on the subject of Skiing and I said I would like to go skiing since I havent been in a long time. Then as I was getting ready to leave, he said...would you like to go out for sushi...this saturday...and I said yes I was available and would like to. He then asked for my number...and he didnt have a piece of paper so he gave me a block of wood to write my name and number on it. So we left it at that...we are going out this saturday. So I didnt see him yesterday...I am not sure I will see him today cause I have to rush off to school tonight so that leaves friday to see him if he will be there or else I am thinking he will call me soon to fix a meeting point.

    Either way, I am cool with it...I have been chatting with him for about 8 months. He is 36 years old...fantastic shape...nice shoulders, thin waist and long legs...nice arms too. What I dont like about him is that he smokes..he said he is gonna give it up..I must ask him about that. I am also curious to know if he is a big drinker..that wouldnt work for me either. I dont like big drinkers and smokers.

    So we shall see what happens but I will keep you posted and hopefully it will be good news. I am not sure if I will kiss him...I guess it depends if the date goes well and that I want to kiss him...sometimes you look forward to a date and then...you are on it...and its..oh my lord...I need to get out of here fast..ack!!

    At least its not a blind date.

    Have a great day

  • oH ..he does speak spanish..his family is from the madrid area in spain..I think..I will ask again.
  • Oh I am so glad that it is friday!! I am looking forward to my weekend ritual...sleeping in...talking in bed..on the phone!! Then I go downstairs and make myself a huge breakfast...eggs...hmmmm...I think I will also have baked beans...whole wheat toast with chili sauce.

    I havent seen the cute guy since tuesday...so hopefully today I will get to see him as I am leaving to go home. I guess he will call me tonight or tomorrow for our date...unless of course he has forgotten or doesnt want to anymore...I guess I will find out but I will most definitely keep you gals posted.

    I went to school last night so I am tired today...very hard getting up I reeeeeeally wanted to sleep in...just take it easy...its so cold here..I think its finally going to warm up for the weekend...like a high of -6C...better than the -24C it is right now.

    I stuck to my meal plan yesterday..and YAY....no belgian cookies. I am looking forward to lunch..I brought a frozen pizza..individual size
    stone baked thin crust..its all good...610 calories for the whole pizza...hmmm cant wait but its only 10.35am. How sad...I am drooling for lunch...you know you gotta get out more when lunch really turns you on :-/

    Meal Plan for today
    breakfast: peanut butter sandwich on whole wheat (light pb) and 2oz fruit smoothie
    lunch: president's choice pizza
    dinner: chicken breast with corn
    snack: fruit smoothie
    beverages: water , tea and diet cola

    exercise: cycling
