* ~ *New Year, New Focus, New Habits* ~ *

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  • It's only me
  • quick peek in- I will post from home. When I check the first page, it tells me Mary posted, but I don't see it. What's up with that?!?!?!
  • oh sure, it made a liar out of me. NOW I can see the darned thing. Sheesh. I must be losing my mind in my advancing age. Back to work I go!
  • Me too, Jennifer
    I posted a smiley, just so I'd be posting, but I didn't find it either. That is, until you posted too. Weird. Mystery post.
  • ok, that WAS freaky!

    Today, the Mad Cow must have decided she needed a mental health day, because she didn't come in to the office. Waaah. She did, however, bring the box of stuff we prepared for Debbie, but put it on her daughter's desk. Granted, veal still isn't hired, and it's her own fault- don't you think having your resume would be a pretty important part of your interview? She didn't think so. Whatever.

    Laid low, and at lunch went over to Target to complete the last minute, unplanned, drop everything & speed out to Target run.

    THANK YOU JULIE!!!!! Julie, in passing, made mention of the Zone bars being on sale at Target. The 10 pack, which doesn't exist at any other store. And get this- bonus 4 bars per box. Ok, 14 bars for 10.00 is a steal, and with it being Thursday & already mostly through the sale week, of course, time was of the essence. I told hubby, he said "get dressed" and we threw clothes back on & drove like a bat out of **** to target to get there @ 18 minutes before they closed.

    Ooooh, bonus time! Each of these boxes has a coupon stuck to the front. A coupon for 1 free Zone bar. Now, that also lets me stock up on the ones that you can only get loose & not in these multi packs. Yeah!!! We cleared them out of excess coupons, and bought a grand total of 16 of the 14 bar boxes. Then we had to get 6 boxes of the 5 pack of strawberry yogurt, and we got 4 single bars to try different flavors. Their new chocolate almond raisin is super yummy & tastes like chocolate rum raisin ice cream, but in a crunchy bar.

    We now don't need Zone bars until, oh, 4th of July, or later. LOL. Good thing the expiration date is Dec 2005.

    I am hoping that today is the last of the miserable man-voice and throaty congestion. I skipped the WATP this morning in favor of sleeping in, and hot tea. I'll be getting on the bike, or doing WATP tonight, for sure. This weekend, I'll exercise before I work on school classes.

    Food today:

    1 chocolate mint zone bar
    1 chocolate raspberry zone bar

    taco rollup (yeah, you all know the recipe now)
    fresh honeydew & cantelope chunks

    pre-workout snack
    will be 1 chocolate almond raisin Zone bar

    TBD, still.

    All rightie chickies. Happy Friday. Hope the first week of the new year went well for us all! Have a great night!
  • Friday PM
    Alright chickies...you will be happy to know that I made it through the whole day without getting sick. I think I'm back to being myself again and I feel great! Just wanted you all to know...and thank you for your well wishes! This weekend will be spent figuring out my plan for the next week or two!

    But I feel like a new woman today!

    Have a great Friday and I hope some of you will check in this weekend! I miss my chickies on the weekend and I need all of you especially Sat & Sunday when I have no structure to my day!!!

  • Ok- just coming to report the rest of my activity.

    8.85 miles on the stationary bike in 30 minutes with the iPod a cranking. And man, do my legs feel it! I'm all drippy, but it feels soooo good to be active!

    When I get up, 1 mile WATP before I can even go down to see hubby. I'll report in with the details in the morning.

    Have a great night, chickies!
  • Evening chicks!

    Yes, I am still alive! But dead tired! Oy!

    What can I say... the past few days have been calorically atrocious, and there was no exercise to be found. But at least I'm feeling better, right?

    I promise I'll check in in the morning. I hope you all had a better week than I did.
  • Just needing to chat a bit...
    Well...here it is Fri. evening! I had a good day overall. Had decent food choices. We didn't get to eat until like 8:15 tonight...DS had a basketball game..anyway - we went to a Mexican place. I only had 4 points left for the day, and I think I ate those in chips. I then got a salad with grilled stuff on it. Truly, the salad was good, and not high in points..but I still went over. I was so hungry by the time we ate that I was beyond ravenous..just sick with being so darn hungry!!! I know better than to get hungry like that, but sometimes things just get crazy. I did exercise today - another 30 min. ride. Yes!!! I think I am a bit anemic, because I am so very tired and quite weepy. I absolutely DO NOT like feeling this way. I just took some vitamins with iron in them.

    Hmmmm.....just lonely here. It feels nice to journal like this. I need to get to bed, but despite the fact that I feel tired..I feel kind of wired! I am really thinking about setting up a toning routine for myself next week. My arms are bothering me...I sure would like to be wearing some sleeveless things by Spring!!

    Like Julie..I really need the extra support on the weekends!! Maybe some of us can at least give a quick update this weekend. Donna???? Where are you??? I miss reading your posts!! You were another one that posted on the weekends.

    Well..I have a new book calling my name!! Good night everyone!

  • Hey! Anybody awake?

    Happy Saturday! Tiptoed over to the scale this morning and slid myself gently on.....same number as last week. I'll take it! I have been less than stellar with the plan this week....plus my ankles are a little puffy, so maaaaybee I am retaining a little fluid.....and maaaaybee I am actually down a pound, but it just doesn't show.......and yes, I do love living in this fantasy world. LOL

    Jenn.....the Cow's antic are pathetically laughable. Folks are seeing right thru her. Doesn't she understand that so obviously undermining your presentation could be detrimental to her career.....but she would probably fall back on her "black" card as an excuse. But, through it all, you are eating great, exercising great.....it is amazing the effect lack of stress plays in all of this!

    Betty......Sorry about your hectic day....but thru it all you stayed on plan! Good for you! Glad you went to the gym....you needed is physically and mentally!

    Lisa...your scale shows downward momentum! Yay! I have cut my diet coke habit from 2-3 per day down to just weekends (well, the boss took the coke machine out at work, so that was a help)......and keeping the weekends down to a minimum. Our dog is a very spoiled Siberian Husky....hopefully the both of us will get out for a run today to work off those butter cookies.

    JavaTurtle.....thank you for the smiley!

    Julie.....so glad you are feeling better! The news last night said the flu was spreading nationwide.....so keep doing all those 'precautionary' things!

    Elisha.....another sickie on the mend! Those UTI can be nasty, so I am glad you are better!

    DH and I are going to spend the day working on the basement. We have lived here 15 years, and have finally gotten around to finishing it. We had studded in the rooms.....another bedroom, big "playroom" as the grandkids call it, a bathroom, and a small kitchenette. It is a big project, but we don't plan on getting it all done this winter.....probably the bedroom and playroom area only. The wiring is done.....insulation is done.....today we will be hanging drywall. Gotta finish my tea and get that vitamin!

    Have a great day!
  • Morning ladies!

    Well, the scale today shows I'm up to 205.2, but that's not surprising at all. I know I can do better than this, I KNOW I can. I'm going to the grocery store after work to stock up on some good healthy lunch options. I've got to get myself under control.

    I'm just feeling a little depressed these past few days, and that always makes me eat. Luckily Steve was more in control than I was last night--I wanted to go out, but he made me something semi-healthy instead, saying that it would be better for both of our wallets and calorie-intakes. He's a good boy.

    I'm just sick of everything again. I go through cycles--I'll be fine for a while and everything goes great, then my mind latches on to one thing that's not going perfectly and I start thinking about everything that's not perfect in my life and I just spiral downward. It's not pretty. And I know I'll be here until I pick myself up and start improving things myself. That could be a day or two, or it could be a week or two, I can never really tell, and conscious effort usually isn't that effective.

    Hmm.... I feel a journal entry coming on. This evening. I don't have time for it now.
    Stupid work.

    Sorry to be such a downer this morning. I hope you are all in a better mood than I am!
  • Morning, chickies. Thankfully, it's the weekend. I was tired last night & fell asleep while hubby was watching TV, eating beef jerky, and playing Tetris in bed. What a combo, huh?

    I love my new Champion sports bra! On the bike, and during the kick backs in WATP, the girls stay where they belong & aren't swishing from one side to the other. It's soooo comfy, too. This is the bra, here. The straps are adjustable, and have velcro, so no trying to deal with those stupid metal slides on wider straps.

    I did get up & do my 1 mile WATP, and just finished breakfast, which was oatmeal with cinnamon & splenda. Hubby made it before he ran out to take care of his appointments. He's such a good guy. Anyhow, I'll be working on a class lesson for a while, and when I find myself getting bored, I'm planning on more WATP, or a bike ride.

    Elisha- glad you are feeling better. That weight is most likely from inflammation and water retention. You've had a lot of juice & stuff- don't let it get to you. I know, easier said than done, but you will be back under 200 before you know it.

    Lisa- if you don't catch me here, find me on IM this weekend, especially while I am doing this classwork. What's the book?

    MsRD- Can I live in that fantasy world, too? I seriously don't know what's up in the mind of the Cow, but she's only making this more difficult for herself. And to top it all off, she's aggravating our manager who is out for 3 weeks after having breast cancer surgery & radiation. That's always a good move, huh? Wow, what a project you are tackling! Can we all come to visit when it's done?
  • Hi Everyone

    Just a quick post..... I've gotta get some stuff done today. Hope all the "sickies" are feeling better. Here's how the later part of my week went....

    Went to WW on Wednesday and was down 2.2 pounds - which recovers the 2 pound gain from last week and makes me down .2. I'll take it!

    I haven't done any exercise since Tuesday - I don't know why......... busy-ness, January post Christmas doledrums (sp?) attitude problem.....

    DH came home with some "free" chocolate from work on Wednesday, and I have been using that as an excuse to over indulge in it and everything else in site.

    We are having a snow storm - fairly unusual for us here. We got about 12" inches of snow the last couple of days.... It's supposed to stay cold and another storm is coming in on Monday..... Looks like we'll be white for a while.
  • Just checking in too
    Howdy y'all! It may be Saturday to you, but it's my FRIDAY I'm going to leave a smidgen early and go rent myself some "chick flicks". Movies I'd not watch with Pooh Bear. Our video store is closed on Sundays (isn't that dumbest thing you've ever heard?) so I get to keep them until Monday. I watched Raising Helen last night and Resident Evil. I don't know what I'll get today. Something funny and maybe something scary. I've got the life, no? I got a great new job with a kick-*** raise and I get to watch movies all night if I want. Thank your lucky stars, Turtle. Hey, do you even deserve this? Well, maybe not. But I've GOT IT! Just be thankful and remember that when you start your constant whining! Now get your house work finished before it's time to shower. Where's your shoes? Where's your lunch? Uhhhh where's your PANTS?
  • Sorry I have been away for a couple of days... Hubby, me and the dog have all been under the weather, so it has been difficult to catch a moment for myself. I promise I will find the time to get caught up and post to you all tommorow, though!

    Keep it up everyone!
