Where did you go wrong in the past?

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  • My biggest problem has been self pity. The times I have gained the most weight have been times of crisis, like many people. I always felt that I had things worse than most people, and made excuses for my eating patterns. And exercise, I have always had a million excuses not to move my ever-fattening butt. Everyone has chapters in their lives they would like to rip out and tear up, it's the response to those times that matters.

    This time things are different. Firstly I am taking it slow, one pound at a time. Secondly EVERYONE knows I am on a healthy eating plan, my workmates, my manager, my partner, my friends, the landlady at the pub (who has my diet coke ready the minute I walk in the door) the lady at the fruit and veg shop.....I have so much support this time. (Not forgetting you good people either)

    I am being positive and concentrating on the foods I can eat, and am enjoying my meals and all the good things in life, fruit, vegetables etc. And I am concentrating on what I can do exercise wize, I am walking, swimming, and doing gentle resistance work.

    Keeping a positive attitude, and loving myself at all times, regardless of whether I am doing well, or not so well, is my new approach.
  • Hi All,

    I think I have to agree with kykaree, In the past year I've lost 55 pounds and when I look back at it now, plateauing currently, it seems like it was so easy. My biggest problem is and has always been a negative attitude. Im learning to look at weight loss as an incentive, to look better, feel better physically and emotionally about myself. Up til this point, if I had stepped on a scale after working hard all week and seen no loss, I would have gone to taco bell or mcdonalds and ate like a pig, just not cared!! NOW, I look at the scale, and say maybe next week!!! Because if I go pig out, it'll be twice as worse next time!!! Its hard, but that positive attitude is the only thing that will keep you going!!!!
  • I have made so many mistakes in 35 years of dieting that I could write the 3FC book myself. But I'll concentrate on the one that I regret most: Several years ago I joined Diet Center, a program that cost a great deal of $$$ (I don't think they are in business anymore??) with the recommendation of my doctor who thought it would work well for me. She was right. I lost about 40 pounds in about two months, and was feeling good, with maybe 60 more to go. At this point in the process I started listening to other people (dare I mention Dean Ornish, Susan Powter, some others?) who were preaching against animal products and fat. Perhaps I was mentally ill, I don't quite remember, but for some reason I listened to them despite the fact of my success. So I jumped on the low fat/no fat bandwagon and promptly gained back all I had lost, plus 120 more. (I still can't believe it, and it's in the mirror every day.) The lesson in a nutshell is for everyone to do what is right for their own body, and not follow the crowd or some guru who doesn't know you from the fat lady in the circus.
  • My biggest problem was that I never stuck with any sort of lifestyle change past 2 weeks. Now I've been eating healthy (more or less) for about 2 months, and even though I had a plateau for about 3 weeks, I'm starting to lose more! I just have to keep going and not stop.
  • I just let go
    Many people have the problem that happened to me. I had always been overweight, I had breast reduction surgery and a new confidence took over me. I went from a size 36DDD to a 36C, I was a 36c in the 8th grade. So with my new boobs I needed a new body. I was 5'3 180 lbs. I worked out, counted my calories, ate salads. I lost around 30 pounds. I thought I was the best thing since baked bread. I began to where more provocative clothing, eat whatever, thinking that I'd never be stupid enough to gain the weight back. Meanwhile, I ate mcdonalds every single day. Salads? Gone. Fruits? Gone. Once I actually saw myself in the mirror, it was who I wanted to be in high school and all of the healthy eating went out the window. It took a whole year to gain the weight back which is insane because I thought I'd notice somewhere during that year that I was gaining consistently.

    Now with that knowledge, i can successfully get on another diet as well as go to the gym knowing this is a lifestyle change, not just a change until I look good again.