Non Scale Victorys - November

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  • Good for you Shelly that is awsome. There are so many success storys on 3FC it's great.
  • What wonderful NSVs, everyone! Love the "bumps." When I first felt a hip bone, I thought I had a growth.

    I was looking back at some measurements, and I've lost 12 inches around my hips--an entire foot. I was pretty amazed.
  • i think there are so many success stories BECAUSE of 3fc.

    too funny about the wrist bumps and the hip bone growths! LOL

    i think sheila mentioned this one but i've been COLD!!!! usually in the past during fall i can get by with a sweat shirt but its just not cutting it this fall. i dont know if its colder outside or what but you'd think that if a sweat shirt was working for me in 20 degree temps before it would certainly work in 40 degree temps... NOPE!
  • Chinese anyone?
    I went to the Chinese buffet tonight and did really well. I had 90% vegetables with a little fried rice and some chicken. Well within my calories for the day. It was kind of funny. I went by myself and I'm a fast eater anyway. First thing that happened the girl came up to me at the buffet asking if I would need anymore food put out. It was late so they don't have a whole lot of quantity out. I told her no. So I got my plate sat down and ate and then went to pay my bill. I was probably only in there 20 minutes. I think they were surprised that I did not stay and eat 2 or 3 plates. I'm sure there used to seeing someone my size come in and pig out. The girl at the register said oh your done so soon. Kind of funny but it made me feel good. I ate like a normal person.
  • That's great, Howie! I think that's what we all crave-- to eat and feel like a "normal" person.

    For all of us who love Chinese food, I got a great tip from one of my skinny friends. When you order a dish they are going to prepare for you (I like chicken and veggies), ask them to leave out the cornstarch used for thickening the sauce. A little has a lot of calories and carbohydrates if you are concerned about those. The food still tastes great and you'll never miss it.
  • While out shopping today, I was hungry for a snack ~ before, I would have gotten some chips and candy bars or cookies. Today, I had one of those starkist tuna lunch things (tuna salad on crackers) and a little container of low sugar jello with fruit pieces.
  • great job everyone! i dont have anything as cool to report, but I had to laugh about the hipbone thing.
    That is starting to happen to me. A few weeks ago, i was laying on my side and was like,..what is this all about? what is this hard thing?" I had to have hubby come over and check it out. he said "dork, that is your hipbone!" I had to check the other side to be sure,.. and sure enough, there it was,.. i can never remember being able to do that before. i cant do it when im standing,..yet but i hope it will get there eventually.

    Also, I have been doing bicep curls and other things like that with my 5lb weight while i watch tv. I noticed yesterday that whereas usually my arm is all flabby,.. now it is still flabby, but there is a part in the middle where it is all drawn up,.. both of my arms look like fluffy W's... i never noticed that before,.. im hoping it is the beginning of new arm muscles,.. :-P I'm keeping my fingers crossed
  • I love reading these! Good job, everyone.

    I finally have one, and it's kind of silly. I usually avoid the free weight room at the gym because muscle men scare me, but tonight I went and did my reps and didn't let it intimidate me. It felt really good. I couldn't do all of the exercises I wanted to do because I was still a little intimidated, but maybe next time.
  • I don't think it's silly Dana, I know what you mean and I think it's great you just went for it.

  • great job everyone!!!

    today i took the kids for a drive around the park and saw a woman jogging... i sooooo badly want to be able to jog again!!! so i'm re-motivated and tomorrow is the start of my re-start. i've done much better the past 2 days but still not perfect... small changes, small changes. i will be back to where i was before i tripped this last time.
  • You can do it, Shelly! You show that invisible 20 pound mark that you are MUCH STRONGER than it is!!!
  • Great job everyone! I agree with you Howie - it feels amazing when you know you have eaten like a "normal" person. I love turning down second portions now. And I love that I don't crave chocolate cake and sugary sodas like I used to...

    I just realized that I can see my collarbone - it's no longer hidden behind a layer of fat!
  • Great job everyone. Healther that is great you can start to feel bones. That's always fun. Dana congrats on going to the gym. I that that stop me too. I still have not joined the Y. Shelly you can do it just take it one day at a time.
  • Well, I'm sure you all know mine.... I've quit sugar and coffee and wheat... this is a continious thing for me. But I figure at least I'm aware that I shouldn't be having those things, and make an effort to quit them every 6 months.. lol. I'm hoping this time will last longer, or at least long enough for my body to start to work normally. Congrats everyone on your NSV's
  • Great NSV's everybody!

    My jawbone is now completely visible, my forearms have visible muscles, and my shoulders are like ROCKS -- and so much smaller! My neck has really thinned out a lot too, and when I put my head back, it's like, you know......a THROAT! With visible tendons and muscles and everything! (It's been a long time since I've seen THAT on myself, I'll tell you.)

    I'm also now getting that "hungry for exercise" feeling that Jen (teapotdynamo) was talking about on the exercise thread -- now certainly the sky will fall down upon us.

    Pretty cool!