Weekend Chat, 10/16 & 10/17

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  • Good Morning Gang!

    I'm drinking my and then I have to get dressed so I can go watch our band perform at the band festival this morning.

    Homecoming events were good last night, but there was some extra excitement on the field during half time. One of our younger band members must have locked up his knees while the Homecoming Court was walking because he passed out cold and hit the ground. Poor guy! Broke his trumpet in half when he hit the ground but thankfully he did not hurt himself when he feel. I have heard the band director remind them a 1000 times not to lock their knees but I do believe that is the first time I've ever seen that actually happen.

    Ok well I'm gonna grab another cup of coffee and hit the showers.

    What's everybody up to today?

  • Hey Cathy !!

    Good to see some one else start the thread

    Oh that poor kid. I've never heard of that (locking knees) and I used to be in a band too....I played the trumpet for a short while (eeeeeeegads) and then I went to the flag section LOL!!!

    I just got up myself, finally I had a good nights sleep

    My house is a mess, a disaster area for sure, so thats what I'll be doing this morning.
    Laundry is almost done, I just need to fold and put it away.

    How's everyone this beautiful Saturday Morning ?

    Liz (who posted below lol), Lynnie, Joanne, Judo, Cin, Clarrie, Zannie, Tippy, Cheryn, Babycakes, April, TMK (Tiffanie), Kem, Flower, LindaT, Sweetpea, Alteaon, Stephanie, Beth Anne, Arenee, hope to see you all this weekend.
  • Snow and -2 degrees C.....I just got home from work and am off to bed!

    Back later!


    Have a good snooze Liz
  • What does it mean to lock his knees?
  • just got back - I'm hot and tired - but the band looked good - course they were hot and tired too LOl

    lock his knees means while you are standing perfectly straight, like at attention, you are not suppose to lock your knees, straight, tight, you are suppose to slightly bend your knees. I don't know what the deal is, if it cuts off circulation to your head or makes your blood pressure drop low or what, but it must do something because you are always hearing people tell you not to lock your knees for long periods of time.

    maybe our nurse liz could explain why that happens
  • hey gang - it's 8:10 pm in Louisiana
    anybody wanna meet me in the chatroom?
    I'll wait awhile and see if anybody shows up.
  • Hi everyone.....just dropping in to say hello.

  • Hi, I finally registerd on this site. I always come and read what everyone posts and I figured it was time to get involved. I could use some help and I think I need to talk to people, especially people who understand. Since I am new I'm not really sure what to do, or what to expect.
  • Hi Smile, glad you joined us. I couldn't tell you what to expect here, it gets crazy, fun, sad, happy, quiet, chatty....you get the picture lol. It is a loving small group and thats what I like, you don't feel like you get lost in the #'s if you know what I mean.

    The first thing you could do is go to the top of the board and where it says Bio's fill one out, this will tell us about you and you can read about us. Then just jump in the daily's and anything else you like. I only ask that you'd be patient with responses from others. Some days things are slow and some days they are really busy. But thats the norm with any board.

    The main this is to have fun and we are all here to receive help but also to give help.

    Welcome !!!!!

  • Ohh good morning LOLOL !!!!

    I gotta go food shopping WAAAAAAAH!!!!!!!!!!! I hate it! people act like they are giving stuff away...insane. Got an extra load of laundry to do since DD decided to puke on her bed last night. She's such a twit, DH was going to change her diaper and she didn't want him to, so she started crying to the point where it made her puke

    I got a pot roast cooking and I have to figure out one more dish for the week. Ewww mentioning pot roast after puking didn't sound good lol.

    Its beautiful out so we will be outside today for most of the day.

    Tomorrow I'll be home from work. I got alergy testing in the morning so there's no sense in going to work for 3 hours (by the time I get DD to my mom's drive to work, etc).

    Okay time to get dressed.................TOODLES
  • Good Morning. it is a cold 27F here today! But that is ok, I love fall. My dh is working this morning. When he gets back and we all have lunch we are going out to look for a winter coat for me. Mine is HUGE. Then off to my mums to show of my new car.

    Have a wonderful day.
  • Good morning everyone

    It is a beautiful fall day here....chilly when I got up.....but it is warming up a bit.....up to +9C now.

    Dh & I went for a walk with the dog earlier......it was cold on the ears.

    I had a flu shot yesterday....almost forgot to go.....a group of doctors get together.....it was from 8 to 2.....I remembered at 1:30 P.M.....so I went there....just in case they were open....they were. It was free because I have asthma.

    I am feeling better these days.....have more energy....doing more cleaning....but not too much...lol....getting out more with friends.....my DH does notice that I am feeling better.....now I have a smile on my face....more.....am more agreeable....things aren't bothering me as much.....the true test will come in the next 3 months. I even did well with eating yesterday.

    Hi Smile & Dee.....welcome.

    Leenie......the roast sounds good.....I can almost smell it here in the west....lol.

  • Hello Ladies
    Liz: SNOW! In October! That Alberta Clipper is showing up early.

    Leenie: We're having pot roast too . I put it in the crock pot last night. Sunday afternoon is usually eat & run (DH works 2-9, so he has to leave church, stop home & go to work), so I made us a couple of sandwiches. Enjoy your beautiful day!

    Dee: Glad you're here! Sounds like good coat-shopping weather

    Smile: Welcome!

    Cathy: Homecoming sounded like fun. I'm glad that young man is alright.

    April: Hope you're doing well & staying warm up there.

    Tippy: What's up?

    Same old same old here. Not doing much. Church was good as usual . Unfortunately, there is no joy in Red Sox Nation Those YANKEES are at it again . I hope that the Sox can at least hold on until the series goes back to NYC-I don't want to see it end at Fenway.

    Hope everyone is having a great weekend!
  • Leens you would be amazed what nurses talk about while they are eating!

    Just woke up...gonna try to wake up and then off to 6 pm youth mass. Teaching CPR tomorrow.

    Have a good sunday evening.
